Being An Asshole

Being An Asshole


Being An Asshole
A contempt “human” who goes around doing cruel and intentional shit simply to piss other people off. These individuals get off on this and are obviously deeply insecure and have nothing better to do.. It’s all fun and games , until the Asshole says the wrong thing to the wrong person.
-“That Asshole was making fun of that bloke in the wheelchair who had no legs..” -“Yeah, did you see Barry kick his head off his shoulders after?”
by Lucifer is my bitch December 2, 2021
A person who is intentionally cruel, obnoxious and heartless. Assholes are most often male. A female who follows these traits is referred to as a bitch . Assholes can take any form. Knowing this allows you to spot assholes at any time or place. Be warned that an asshole is not synonymous for douchebag. A genuine asshole is the lethal combination of intelligence and arrogance . Assholes will attempt to humiliate you, and unfortunately, they generally succeed due to their intelligence. Douchebags , on the other hand, consist of only arrogance. They only think they are smart. Douchebags do not know they are douchebags because of their extreme egotistic tendencies. However, the asshole will always know they are an asshole. Though the appearance of assholes does not follow a stereotype, behavior does. Assholes tend to:
-Smirk. A lot.
-Argue for the sake of arguing.
-Laugh when they win an argument.
-Never let you hear the end of the argument they won.
-Participate in arguments they know they are not going to win.
-Not stop arguing until you give up because there's no point in arguing anymore even though you know you won .
-Associate your giving up with their victory.
-Point out every flaw your argument has, regardless of the subject. All the asshole cares about is making people look stupid.
-Physically push you around to get under your skin.
-Ambiguously answer your questions.
-Deny that they are assholes out loud.
"Wow. Max just argued unintelligently with me for an hour and a half and he thinks he won."
" Jeez , what an asshole ."
Somebody who is rude and arrogant for absolutely no reason. A sociopath who wasn’t raised properly
Person 1: * throws shoe at Mary * Mary: WTF?!?! Asshole!
by ILoveRaspberries December 1, 2021
A genuine asshole are some of the worst people you can encounter. They make you recoil by how terrible they are. They are unfortunately in all walks of life . Highest stage of being a dick 1. Jerk 2. Douche 3. Asshole Different from a douche as assholes don't have the arrogance A douche can be asshole however A HUGE very contemptible jerk who does cruel, mean, and obnoxious things because: they like it, think its funny, are bored, or they like being that way. They get off on pissing other people off. Usually used towards males a female asshole is seen as a bitch. A dude who you think alarm clock to get up in the morning needs to be getting punched in face about 50 times. Signs of an asshole:
-rude -mean -obnoxious, spiteful, cruel -smirks - talks shit about people -could be racist -selfish as FUCK, they don't consider anyone who doesn't benefit them -heartless and cold
-loves to make fun of ANYONE, no matter who they are (autism, disabled, blind, kids etc.) -bullies -can be physical or verbal
That asshole went by the kept making mocking noises and laughing at those mentally disabled kids. Someone needs to kick that guys ass.
An asshole is a person who doesn't treat people with respect. There is nothing good about such a person.
Sean , the asshole, gave shit to the people around him. "I'm surrounded by assholes !"
1.When someone does something to purposely piss you off
2.Someone who messes up what you have planned for either no reason or to get back at you

1.You drank the last pepsi you asshole
2.You got drunk and ruined the evening you asshole
by Jerrell butler February 17, 2009
A male human being who does not care about you and cares only about himself. He is the kind of guy who tries not to care about a woman's emotions when it doesn't get him laid. He may feign feelings when a woman is on top of him however he is just using a practiced act. He is the kind of individual who asks you to text him and never texts back causing ridiculous amounts of frustration and confusion. Assholes are often good looking and popular. This allows them to act as if the know the definition of cool and sexy and decide wether others fit this definition or not. Deep down an asshole may be a sweet and good person but he is shallow, selfish and outwardly sexual which blocks off his good qualities. He remains however completely irresistible to a few people who foolishly forgive his behaviours and choose to see past them. Similar to jerk
Girl 1: Why arn't you meeting up with Jake?
Girl 2: Because he asked me to hook up with him and then when I tried to set up a date he ignored me. In short he is an Asshole.
Girl 1: But you still like him?
Girl 2: Of course I do.

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What is the precise difference between the asshole and the mere jerk, boor, cad, schmuck, prick, douchebag, twit, ass, or ass-clown?
Professor of philosophy and author of 'Assholes: A Theory'
May 6, 2014, 01:20 PM EDT | Updated Jul 6, 2014
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Professor of philosophy and author of 'Assholes: A Theory'
Is Donald Sterling an asshole? He's a racist, and a sexist to boot. But is the Clippers' current owner an asshole as well?
The answer depends on what an asshole is. But what is the precise difference between the asshole and the mere jerk, boor, cad, schmuck, prick, douchebag, twit, ass, or ass-clown? If former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi is an asshole (is he not?), what distinctive moral vice might he have in common with Donald Trump , or Kanye West, or Newt Gingrich, or Steve Jobs?
Here's my suggestion: the asshole is the guy who systematically helps himself to special advantages in cooperative life, out an entrenched sense of entitlement that immunizes him against the complaints of other people.
So, first, the asshole is the guy -- yes, assholes are mainly, but not only, men -- who helps himself to special advantages in cooperative life. Maybe he cuts in line without an emergency. He also does such things systematically, across many areas of social life, say, by parking his car in handicap spaces, talking too loudly in public on his cell phone, and berating the referee at his child's little league game.
Second, he does such things from an entrenched sense of entitlement. Maybe he styles himself as especially smart, or rich, in which case he certainly should not be expected to wait in line like everyone else.
Third, he is entrenched in this sensibility so to be immunized against the complaints of other people. When the guy cuts in line and someone complains, saying "hey asshole, there's a line here, get to the back of it, asshole," he might brazenly retort, "Piss off!" He might be genuinely angry and indignant. After all, he is not to be questioned, and so he is the one chiefly wronged.
So the term "asshole" isn't simply a term of abuse, or a way of venting disapproval (though it can be that as well). It isn't like saying of someone, "you're a cow," which cannot strictly speaking be true. (A human person can't also be a four-legged, hoofed member of the biological family bovinae .) And if you mean to (rudely) suggest that some woman is fat (which may or may not be true), you're at best using "cow" metaphorically, with no claim to literal truth.
But it can be true, literally, to say of Berlusconi that he's an asshole. Not in any biological sense, of course: he, the man, isn't and can't be one and the same thing as the fleshy end of the human digestive tract. But speaking morally , the term "asshole" can correctly apply, to Berlusconi, or to Trump, West, Gingrich, or Jobs.
Yes, yes, Jobs was a World Historical Game Changer, a genius in his own way. And, boy, you gotta love those gadgets! But surely he didn't therefore have the right to park in handicap spaces, or savage his associates with cruel insults (both of which he in fact did, among other misdeeds). Likewise, the guy in a new Tesla, who blazes by your bumper on the road, swerving through three lanes of traffic, is driving too damn fast. No matter how rich he is. No matter how beautiful or environmentally friendly his car.
But take a simpler example: Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy, whose plain racism yearns for halcyon days of slavery. While the man is simply vile, hold back your feelings of disgust for the moment, and consider his property argument.
Bundy says he's entitled not to pay taxes for letting his cattle craze on government land, to the tune now of millions of dollars. The land, he says, is really his, for having been acquired before the founding of the United States. In which case, a philosopher can't help wonder: Is he, per chance, thinking of John Locke?
For Locke, you can take land as your own from the commons, and justly defend it by force, when you mix your labor with it, leave enough and as good for others, and don't take so much as to let it spoil. In that case, Bundy's forbearers could have gained natural rights over the land, even against government usurpation. In which case Bundy, now having inherited title, actually wouldn't owe tax for its use.
Yet, even by these standards, if there was an original owner, it was probably them Native Americans. When Locke mentioned them, though, he nullified their claim in a rather convenient way: the natives, he said, were letting the land spoil, or "lay waste," simply by not improving it with European farming techniques. In which case, you know, it is fine for colonists with guns to carve up plots and finally drive the natives into the sea or wherever.
And if the common land should have been shared, with no one acquiring a permanent ownership stake, then Bundy never inherited title from his forbearers, and now has to the pay the taxes (if only to descendants of the natives long ago displaced).
Which brings us back to Donald Sterling. Perhaps his plain racism itself makes him asshole. But he can also be an asshole just for this gem of a thought about his winning team: "I... give them food, and clothes, and cars, and houses. Who makes the game? Do I make the game, or do they make the game?"
Sterling takes the lion's share of the credit for the team and its wins, suggesting that he's entitled to it. That's despite the obvious fact that he'd be nowhere without the players. (Sterling can't dunk, I presume.) He needs the players to play and couldn't easily replace them. A winning team dynamic generally can't be bought. And yet, Sterling, or any particular team owner, is readily dispensed with. Buyers are lining up, as we speak.
I assume Sterling won't get the point. But, thankfully, social protest, an effective player strike, and cruel market logic are ejecting the foul man from the game.
Aaron James is the author of Assholes: A Theory .
Professor of philosophy and author of 'Assholes: A Theory'

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