Being A Nurse Must

Being A Nurse Must


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Занятие по английскому языку на тему: The Work of a Nurse

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Воспользуйтесь помощью онлайн-репетиторов проекта «Инфоурок»:
Exercise 1 . Прочитайте и запомните значения следующих английских слов
change [ t ʃ e ɪ nd ʒ] - изменение, смена, замена
department [ d ɪˈ p ɑː rtm ə nt ] - отделение
disease [ dɪˈziːz] - болезнь, заболевание
infectious [ ɪ n ˈ fek ʃə s ] - инфекционный, заразный
injection [ ɪ n ˈ d ʒɛ k ʃə n ] - инъекция
medicine [ ˈ m ɛ ds ə n ] - медицина, лекарство
mortal [ ˈ m ɔː t ə l ] - смертельный, летальный
observation [ ɒ bz əˈ ve ɪʃə n ] - наблюдение
patient [ ˈ pe ɪʃə nt ] - пациент, больной
to diagnose [ ˈdʌɪəɡnəʊz] - диагностировать, ставить диагноз
Exercise Прочитайте текст, переведите его на русский язык.
During our school life we begin to think about our future life, our job. I am a first year student now. My future profession is nursing. The work of nurses is very important and necessary . The nursing process is the implementation of care. The duties of nurses depend on the type of the medical institution where she/he works, her/his position and character of the work.
The ethical basis of the professional activities of nurses are humanity and compassion. The main principles of nursing ethics are based in Florence Naytingeyl's oath.
The code of ethics of nurses of Russia
Humane attitude to the patient, respect for his legal rights.
Respect for the human dignity of the patient.
Every nurse must remember that there are no two identical people and that every patient will react to diseases in his own way. That's why each patient needs special care.
Observations of a nurse are also very important. The nurse can see any changes in the health of her patients. Her observations will help doctors to diagnose and treat the patients. In a hospital the nurse has a lot of duties and she works in many areas: in wards, laboratories, emergency department, etc.
In wards the nurse gives medicines, makes injections, and applies cups and mustard plasters. She carries out all orders of doctors.
Every nurse must have enough knowledge of her work, because she must help people any hour of the day and night. She must take care of patients even if they have mortal infectious diseases.
The fact is that research work goes on not only in laboratories but also in hospital wards. Every nurse must be a member of the clinical research team.
The life of nurses is devoted to people; they are always responsible for what they do.
Exercise 2 . Предметы ухода за больными. Выучите новую лексику по теме.
Exercise 3 . Выучите следующие глаголы:
to apply mustard plasters - ставить горчичники
to assemble a syringe – собирать шприц
to carry out the doctor’s prescription – выполнять указания доктора
to change ice in the ice bag – менять лёд в пузыре для льда
to disassemble a syringe – разбирать шприц
to examine the patient – обследовать , осматривать пациента
to fill a hot – water bag with …- наполнять грелку …
t о fill an ice-bag with … – наполнять пузырь для льда …
to give a feeding cup – давать поильник
to give an air-ring to a bed-patient – подавать надувной круг лежачему больному
to give medicine – давать лекарство
to give а bed-pan to a bed-patient – подавать судно лежачему больному
to make injections – делать инъекцию
to make transfusions – делать переливания
to measure blood pressure- измерять давление
to put a compress – ставить компресс
to put a hot water bag on… - ставить грелку на …
to put a sticking plaster – наклеить пластырь
to put a thermometer – поставить градусник
to put an ice - bag on … - ставить пузырь со льдом на …
to read a thermometer – прочитать показания на градуснике
to take a patient in a wheel chair – перемещать пациента на кресле - каталке
to take a thermometer out – забрать градусник
to take away a bad-pan from a bed-patient – убирать судно
to take the patients’ temperature – измерять температуру пациента
to wash a patient with a sponge – помыть пациента с губкой
Exercise 4 . Рассмотрите картинки и подпишите названия предметов ухода за больными
Exercise 5 . Вставьте необходимые по смыслу слова .
The work of a nurse is ... to people (presented, devoted).
The nurse ... for patients (cares, looks).
She must apply ... and ... (medicines, cups, mustard plasters, injections).
The nurse must have enough ... (books, magazines, knowledge).
The nurse … the doctor’s prescriptions every day(carry out, does).
Exercise 6 . Выберите 1 слово не подходящее по смыслу:
mustard plasters, feeding cup, compress
Exercise 7 . В правой колонке найдите действие, совершаемое при помощи предмета из левой колонки:
Exercise 8 . Переведите и подпишите слова, используя словарь:
Exercise 9 . Переведите предложения на английский язык.
1. Дайте лекарство этому пациенту. 2. Поставьте градусник лежачему больному. 3. Отвезите больного в операционную. 4. Напоите больного теплым чаем через поильник. 5. Разрежьте повязку ножницами. 6. Измерьте давление тому пациенту. 7. Дайте судно лежачему больному. 8. Поставьте банки двум пациентам. 9. Сделайте переливание крови.
Exercise 10 . Составьте рассписание процедур на рабочем месте.
Exercise 11 . Прочитайте диалог по ролям и составьте свои собственные диалоги.
Nurse: Good, morning, Mrs. Smith. Let me take your temperature and measure your blood pressure.
Nurse: Well, your temperature is little high, but your blood pressure is normal for your age.
Nurse: The doctor will be here in a few minutes.
Health assessment is an important component in health care for proper diagnosis and effective treatment.
Health assessment includes the following:
Techniques in physical assessment are:
1. Inspection – It means looking with eyes. It reveals any rash scar, colour, size shape, contour and symmetry of the body parts
2. Palpation - It means feeling using sense of touch. It reveals any swelling, coldness, hotness, stiffness, hardness, smoothness, roughness, pain, vibration, firmness and flaccidity
3. Percussion – It means striking or tapping with fingers. It elicits sounds which indicate whether the underlined tissues are solid or filled with fluid.
4. Auscultation – It means listen with stethoscope or placing the ear against the body. It reveals sounds produced within the body and the blood vessels such as heart beat, bowel sounds.
5. Manipulation : It means moving with the body parts. It reveals rigidity, difficulty or discomfort in moving the body parts.
6. Reflex testing : Means automatic response to a given stimulus. It reveals reflex is present, or not present, strength and movements of hands and legs.
7. Olfaction – It means sense of smell (odour). It reveals the nature of disease condition of the patient.
The importance of vital sign in health sciences
Vital signs include the physiological measurements of temperature, Pulse, BP and respirations. Vital signs are a quick and efficient way of monitoring a patient’ s condition or identifying problems and evaluating the patient’ s response to intervening changes. One vital sign can influence characteristics of other vital signs.
The basic techniques of inspection, palpation and auscultation are used to determine vital signs. Assessment of vital signs allows the nurse to identify nursing diagnoses, to implement planned intervention and to evaluate success. When the nurse learns the physiological variables influencing vital signs and recognizes the relationship of vital sign changes to other physiological assessment findings, precise determination of the client’ s health problems can be made.
Vital signs and normal ranges for adults
1. Temperature 36º to 38º C (96.4 to 98.6 F)
3. Respiration 12 – 20 breaths / mt
4. Blood pressure Average 110-130 / 60-80 mmHg
Урок 8. Методичка по английскому языку для 1 курса медицинских техникумов.
During our school life we begin to think about our future life, our job. I am a first year student now. My future profession is nursing. The work of nurses is very important and necessary. The nursing process is the implementation of care. The duties of nurses depend on the type of the medical institution where she/he works, her/his position and character of the work.
The ethical basis of the professional activities of nurses are humanity and compassion. The main principles of nursing ethics are based in Florence Naytingeyl's oath.

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Get your high school diploma or GED. In order to complete the path to becoming any type of nurse (be it an LPN, an RN, or anything else), you need to complete high school. To get into a good nursing school, you need decent grades as well.
Many nursing schools require a pre-entrance exam to be accepted into the nursing program as well. Many schools offer different programs, but know that all require prerequisite courses. Typical prerequisite courses have up to four years required from high school and college of English, math, science, social studies, and possibly even a couple years of a foreign language. [2]
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Get an entry-level job in the healthcare arena. While not always mandatory, some schools do require previous healthcare experience in order to be accepted to their program. [3]
Research source

If you have the time and desire to become a CNA (a Certified Nursing Assistant), that's a great first step. Not only will you start getting experience, but it proves you're serious.

When you are CNA before a nurse, it gives you a good stepping stone
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