Being A Housewife

Being A Housewife


Перевести · 06.04.2020 · Advantages of being a housewife 1. Keeping an eye on children and taking care of home. If both the partners are busy in their …
Housewives in The 21st Century Are Not ‘Typical’
We Are Not Bored – Or Boring – Nor Are We Uneducated
We Are Not Anti-Feminist
We Are Not All Submissive
We Are Not Looking Down on Women Who Work Outside The Home
We Are Not All Housewives ‘Because We Can Afford to Be’
We Are Not All Kept Women
We Are Not ‘Ladies of Leisure’ Or ‘Ladies Who Lunch’
What Is Being A Housewife in The 21st Century – Really?
There are no ‘typical’ housewives or stay at home moms anymore. We are all different, with different lifestyles and circumstances. Some of us have never worked outside the home, man…
Live joyfully. Make sure that you create a routine and role for yourself that brings you and your family joy. Being a good housewife is about doing the best you can for the welfare of the entire household, so make it work for you, your partner, and everyone else in the family. Thanks! Helpful 1 Not H…
Don't gossip. Gossiping is in bad tast…
Housewives are NOT Oppressed | 5 Myths About Being a Housewife
I hate cleaning | being a housewife is too much hard work! #rant
Why Am I A Housewife??? WHY NOT! | Being A Housewife is Boring | Homemaker
Being a Japanese Housewife in Japan
Перевести · 12.07.2018 · 4 Surprising Benefits Of Being A Housewife 1. Our Weight. Basic items like lentils, white beans, bulgur, rice, and …
Перевести · Being a housewife and mum of two young children, Oakley asked herself the question as to why housework is not being sociologically recognised nor as a paid work. Hence the research being done and the book Housewife …
Перевести · 16.10.2015 · Being a Housewife is the Hardest Job in the World – NOT I’ve been a housewife for 28 years and still am, even though my sons are mostly never around, living elsewhere. And by housewife I mean SAHM (‘stay at home mom’ in American) – although I barely qualify as an SAHM anymore, now the kids, as I said, have flown the nest.
Перевести · 02.03.2015 · Being a housewife is now seen as a frippery of the rich or an inevitable consequence of the drudgery of poverty. Only 2.04 …
Перевести · 27.07.2018 · Being a housewife is a dull job, who many women who never receive the recognition they should, do. This feeling of being unimportant often acts as a catalyst for stress, triggering the feeling of loneliness and isolation between the walls of the housewife…
Перевести · If you are educated, have an existing career and give that up to be a housewife, there is nothing wrong in that. But if you are being forced to leave your job and being …
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Last Updated: August 13, 2020 References
Are you a new housewife or are you just looking to really step up your game? Either way, this article will give you some great ideas for creating the perfect home and maintaining a healthy relationship with your family, whether that's just your partner or your partner and your children.
Cook (healthy) meals. Try to make healthy meals, to keep your whole family feeling their best, as well as keeping yourself healthy and strong (so you can deal with all the challenges in your day!). If you don't know how to cook, try to learn!
Plan ahead, with the aim to have a delicious meal on the table when anyone who needs a meal gets home. It is often said that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach, and it is absolutely true in many cases. Microwave meals are not always suitable cuisine, so find a recipe book you like and start experimenting.[1]
Having a great meal ready is a good way to let anyone know that you have been thinking about him and are concerned about their welfare. A good meal can be an expression of love and a warm welcome for the returning household.
Keep the house as clean as you can. Do your best to make your home a clean and pleasant place to live in. Having a clean house can reduce everybody's stress and make things run much smoother. Prevent the constant search for the misplaced keys and the annoying dirty-dish odor by staying on top of the household chores.
Do the laundry. Laundry is stressful and time consuming, plus leaving it around can make your home stinky! If you want to reduce your household's stress, help out by keeping the whole family's clothing clean. With some careful planning, you can easily fit it into your day. You can even get the kids to help you fold!
Have a schedule. You are like a general and your family are your troops. You have to keep everything running smoothly! Create schedules for cleaning and how you'll get through your days, in order to help everything run better.[2] Scheduling time is a great way to make sure more gets done in your day, since you'll find yourself wasting much less time!
Wake up early. Get a head start on your day to make everything go more smoothly. Oversleeping will only make you more tired anyway. Getting up earlier will make sure you get everyone's lunches made and everyone dressed and ready to go without all the stress and scrambling to find that missing backpack.
Create a healthy environment. Everyone in your family should come home to a healthy, empowering, uplifting environment. Do your best to make sure that everyone's spiritual and emotional needs are being met, including your own, to make your home the best home it can be.[3]
Discuss expectations with your partner. Discuss realistic expectations, and how to meet them as best as you can. Do not presume that you have the same expectations because you may find out the hard way (through arguments) that you don't. Sit down and talk it over.[4]
The definition of a good housewife depends on which house you live in. It is also very culture-dependent.
What are the things your partner is hoping you will keep up with in the home? What are their responsibilities in the home? If you are primarily responsible for keeping the house clean, your partner may take responsibility for cleaning up after him or herself: putting dirty laundry in the hamper, putting dishes in the dishwasher, etc.
If you are also caring for young children or special needs children or adults during the day, you may be surprised by how difficult it is to also keep up with household tasks. Your partner may need to help significantly with the cooking and cleaning, if possible.
Maintain a respectable appearance. It is all too easy to stop paying attention to your appearance when you have are a busy housewife but maintaining attraction is a key element of a long-term relationship. While it was important to keep a good appearance during dating/courtship, it is even more important in a married relationship, or any committed relationship. Make sure you're bathing regularly and wearing clean clothes. This is really about showing your partner that you still respect yourself....and you should respect yourself enough to take care of yourself!
If your partner often tells you they like it when you wear a certain garment or outfit, by all means, take the hint.
Treat your partner as a partner, like an adult, not a child. It is important for your partner to still have control over their personal situations, like choosing their hobbies, their meals, their clothes, etc. When you are home a lot, it can be easy to want to take control of everything your partner does in the home, but this may not be their preference. It's all right if you want to give your input in a polite way, and of course fine if they asked you. Otherwise, let them have space, just as you want yours. You are two separate human beings, always remember that.[5]
Listen. A good partner listens to what her spouse has to say without interrupting. Show empathy and learn how to have great conversations. The key idea is that to be a good conversationalist, you should strive to listen more and talk less, by engaging the other person to talk more about his interests. That is the mark of humility, respect, selflessness, and generosity.
This will also set a good example and they should also listen to you more!
Find a balance in arguments, but avoid them if possible. Nagging never works, and will only serve to irritate your spouse. Not speaking your mind is just as bad. Husbands are not tyrannic creatures: if you find a balance in arguments, and take turns to speak, things will surely improve. Just remember to respect each other, and things will go much better.
Some arguing is normal. Don't worry if this happens. You are different people and you will disagree sometimes! Just handle the arguments in a healthy way and everything will be okay.[6]
Love your spouse for who he is. Don't criticize him in an nonconstructive, cruel, or nagging way. Whatever your image of the 'ideal' man may be, everyone is unique in his own ways, so try to respect that. Before you try to improve others, try to improve yourself first. If you find things disagreeable about him, let him know in a mature, sensible and loving way: chances are that he will agree on some things and/or explain others, plus it will build trust between both of you and save unnecessary conflicts.
Make intimacy a priority. A healthy sexual relationship is extremely important for relationships to succeed long term. This does not necessarily mean having a lot of sex, but instead means that both partners should be satisfied with the amount and quality. Talk out your expectations and become a better lover if you can. It never hurts, and will only help to learn more about the sexual side of marriage.
Be considerate of your spouse's needs. People need space and alone time every now and again. While you have time to yourself during the day (while the kids are at school or asleep), your husband doesn't have that and may need some alone time to unwind when he come home from a hard day at work. Be available to spend time with him and comfort him, but if he wants to spend time alone or with his friends and not you, take a step back and let him have his way.
Help him unwind more by welcoming him home with a big smile and allowing him to relax. Have his favorite meal and drink ready, and let him relax after a tough day of work.
Set up activities for your kids. Set up fun, educational activities for your kids or for the whole family. You can do some research and then do a guided tour of a museum, or you can go on a hike and teach everyone about the natural features you encounter.
Be a great hostess. Show everyone you know all of the hard work you do by hosting block parties or holiday parties every now and again. Make some great food, decorate your home, and set up fun activities. This will let everyone bond and have a great time!
Create the perfect atmosphere. If you really want to go above and beyond, take your home decorating skills up a notch and try to get that magazine look in your own home. This will give you and your husband something to be proud of, as well as creating a great environment for your kids.
Get your husband out of the house. Help your husband arrange activities for himself, like a fantasy football group or a bowling night. This will help him unwind. A happy husband makes for a much less stressed wife. Let him choose his own activities, of course, but make sure he knows that you think it's healthy for him to get out of the house sometimes. Not everything is about work!
Get out of the house regularly. It is easy to get caught up in your work and barely leave the house all day. This is a good recipe for the blues. Find some weekly activities (local libraries are a good place to look) that will get you out of the house at least once a day. If the afternoon rolls around and you realize you have not been out, go for a stroll, hang out at a bookstore or coffee shop for a half hour, or call a buddy and meet for tea.
Have friends. It seems pretty basic, right? But housewives can often get so busy that they forget to make time for their friends and maintain those social relationships. But if you create an environment where your husband is your only friend, you'll find yourself talking his ear off! Spend time with your own friends (by having lunch dates or weekly meetings) to keep everyone happy.
Take up a hobby. You need to do things that make you happy too. Have something that is just yours and that gives you the opportunity to do something productive or creative that doesn't involve your home. This will give you an important emotional outlet. Try taking up productive hobbies, like sewing or cooking.
Consider getting more education. Just because you may not need a degree for your job doesn't mean that you can't get better educated! Learning is fun and will make you feel more productive and self-confident. You don't even have to go to an actual school. You can read a lot of books (find them at your local library!) or you can take online classes for free through websites like Coursera or MIT Opencourseware.
Consider taking a side job. There are lots of jobs that you can work from home if you have some extra time. This will give you a way to contribute to the household and will also give you something to be proud of! You can open a home daycare or petsit, or even do things like data entry or run a travel agency. There are lots of options!
Let your family take care of you sometimes. You work hard and your family should occasionally help by bearing some of the load. They will probably want to do this naturally, but you can also have a set-aside one day a month where they do all of the things you do. This will have the added effect of making them appreciate the things you do more.
I am a housewife with a baby girl. I think I do a lot, but the house still doesn't look clean, and the administrative things are not always done. How can I manage this better to get everything done and looking good?
Try making a schedule before bed. It can be difficult to balance between housework and parenting, so you may need to adjust your expectations for yourself, especially while your little girl is so young.
How can I be fulfilled as a housewife?
Being a housewife IS fulfilling! If you don't WANT to be a housewife, then don't. However, there are those who find great happiness and fulfillment from creating a household schedule, making balanced healthy meals, shopping cheaply, cleaning frequently, and caring for children. This list is meant for those who WANT to do those things. Getting out of the house, being active in the community, and making friends helps for happiness and balance in your own life, but if that alone is not fulfilling to you, maybe you shouldn't be a housewife.
Marry someone who is willing to support you financially as a housewife.
How do I be a good housewife if my husband abuses me?
Being a good housewife should not be your concern in this situation - it should be getting out of this relationship as soon as you can. If your husband abuses you, leave him. You should never have to deal with that from your spouse.
What do I do if my husband speaks with other women?
If you have trust, then he should be able to speak with other women, just as you should be able to speak with men without an angry reaction. Excessive flirting, on the other hand, isn't really okay, as his eyes should be for you. You need to find your own boundaries with what you are comfortable with each other doing.
I am a teenager and just had a baby couple months ago and I live with my baby father but he just finds things to make arguments about, and pushes me around physically, abuses me verbally all the time, so what do I do then?
You say he is your baby father but not your husband. Regardless of your relationship status, he has no right to make your life a difficult one or to abuse you. Tell him to help you with the child but to move out unless he is willing to be polite and considerate toward you. Rudeness, shaming and abuse are unacceptable in any relationship and you can do better. Make arrangements to live alone with your baby but to give him access to help with the child as appropriate. If he continues to abuse you, get help from your family and/or authorities to prevent this from happening again. Your child comes before the baby father's immaturity.
What can I do if my husband is always on his phone?
He might not realize this bothers you. Communication is important in any relationship and you might be surprised that just calling his attention to the problem is enough to solve things.
Does a side job have to be an online job?
A side job does not have to be an online job. It can just be something you do in your spare time.
How do I get a job from home as a housewife?
Check out the website The Penny Hoarder. They post whenever a company is looking for stay-at-home workers.
I'm a housewife and have two young children. I don't always manage all the chores and my husband complains that I don't do anything. How can I show him I still work hard?
Ask him what he means by what you "don't" do. More importantly, ask him about the chores he is responsible for. Do they get finished? Does he have any, or does he think because you're a housewife you should do it all? If it's the latter, you need to remind him that marriage is an equal partnership and just because he goes to work doesn't mean all the responsibility of the kids and house automatically falls on you.
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