Beginner’s guide to Recruitment Marketing 

Beginner’s guide to Recruitment Marketing 


The simple recruitment process,where in a job opening is posted, interested applicants put in their applications, the HR team scans and interviews the potential candidates and someone then in turn is finally hired, is no more considered feasible by the businesses. More modern and newer hiring techniques such as recruitment marketing are being intensively adopted by the organisations.

 First thing that comes up into anyone’s mind when they hear this term is that increasing one’s budget, posting jobs more often and at various other portals, is what the process is all about.But that perception is where the recruiters go wrong.

 Recruitment Marketing process is not like any other marketing process, where any particular product is being sold to the consumers, here, you are selling your brand to the potential and desired candidates. You let them know about your organisation’s goals, objectives, culture, missions, employee welfare policies, creating confidence amongst the people.

 It enables you to maintain the reputation of your business as well as helps you to be transparent in front of the stakeholders. Transparency helps you boost up your brand image in public.

 Getting into the shoes of a marketer

In order to provide recruitment marketing services, the recruiters will have to get into the shoes of the marketers and see things from their point of view. Making a shift from being a simple recruiter to adopting strategies like that of a recruitment Marketing is not an easy task. Hence, recruitment marketing agencies step in here.

Simply looking at the resumes and considering them as mere applicants will not help, instead the right talent will not be impressed, wooed and approached, like any marketer would do to sell his products.

 The way before marketing a product, the targeted audience is set, keeping in mind the demographics and various other features, similarly before the right candidate is recruited and for good talent to be recognized, the HR team needs to know it’s target audience. The kind of people it wants to apply to their opening. A proper goal needs to be defined before you go out in search of a potential applicant.

The advertisements about your job openings will then be displayed only to that set of audience, which you’ve selected. This helps you cut short the entire process of recruitment, removing the unwanted applications.

 Recruitment Marketing by the face of it might seem a little complicated, but when a proper procedure is in place, it is a simple step by step task that needs to be performed. Once the process is implemented successfully, it won’t take much time to show its results.

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