Beer Model Girl Naked

Beer Model Girl Naked


Beer Model Girl Naked
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Limited Edition Vodka, Rum And Whiskey Bottles Made From Liquor Poured Over Models, Playmates
Oct 3, 2012, 11:34 AM EDT | Updated Oct 4, 2012
Worst Liquor Flavors Of All Time See Gallery
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A German liquor company is turning heads this week due to its limited-edition line of spirits, which the brand promises were all poured over a model's naked breasts before being bottled , the New York Daily News reports.
The G-Spirits company , started by a pair of former bartenders, was founded on the principle that liquor is about both taste and that "special feeling" one gets when drinking.
"For us there is nothing more than the erotism of a beautiful woman," the website states. "To create the perfect taste we let every single drop of our spirits run over the breasts of a special type of woman, a type we recognize in this liquor.'
To that end, G-Spirits is offering rums, whiskeys and vodkas, every drop of which has been poured over a woman's chest.
G. Rum No. 1 is described as an old sort of tropical rum, which is stored in a cask of French oak for 10 years before being poured willingly over 23-year-old Amina Malakona's breasts. G. Rum costs 129,00 € (about $166) a bottle.
Fans of whiskey may be more interested in G. Whiskey No. 1, a 12-year-old single malt from Scotland, matured in barrels of sherry and poured over Alexa Varga, the 2012 Hungary Playmate of the Year . "A singlemalt which is unrivalled in its class, just as its representative Alexa," the website proclaims. These bottles will set buyers back 139,00 € (about $179) plus shipping.
The cheapest offering from G-Spirits, however, is the G. Vodka, which has been poured over Evelin Aubert, a "successful playmate and finalist of the Miss International Hungary" contest. The bottle is priced at a cool 119,00 € (about $153).
All of the liquors are delivered in custom-made bottles adorned with their model's image and come with a signed certificate of authenticity.
KTLA's anchors were unable to keep a straight face when reporting in Los Angeles.
"This is what really gives us men a bad name," one of them comments, "Because there will be guys out there buying this stuff!"
Seeming to anticipate the inevitable questions about hygiene involved when liquid comes in contact with bare skin, the website assures naysayers that "We pay high attention to a hygienic filling process, furthermore medical personnel is present to check it." It's a little unclear what "checking it" entails, however.
Perhaps surprisingly, G-Spirits' products are not the most bizarre alcoholic beverages ever marketed. From wines filled with baby mice and snakes to these jaw-droppingly expensive bottles of tequila , people will pay a lot of money for that ultimate alcoholic experience.

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Inside the NSFW Subreddit that Combines Nudes and Craft Beer Nerdery
r/ShowerBeersGoneWild's nearly 8,000 members run the gamut between men and women, microbrew aficionados and Bud Light Lime lovers.
Photo: Getty Images / Jose A. Bernat Bacete
That whole " beer in a shower " thing really is as therapeutic as advertised.
I know it's become the ultimate cliche at this point, but seriously, give it a try; you don't have to worry about the foam or the stickiness, and the post-brew bloat is immediately neutralized by the hot steam. Best of all, it catapults you into a rare moment of pure ego death. When you're buzzed and mid-bathe, you truly don't worry about what you look like, or what you're going to wear later on in the evening.
That is, of course, unless you're a member of the subreddit r/ShowerBeerGoneWild , where people post nude photos of their shower beer binges for legions of fans all over the world. Shower drinking might be sanctified “me time” for most of us, but for others, it’s apparently the best way of feeling yourself.
r/ShowerBeerGoneWild has just under 8,000 subscribers, and posters and members run the gamut between men and women, microbrew aficionados and Bud Light Lime adherents. The format is what you'd expect from the other softcore-oriented GoneWild coteries on Reddit: a proudly naked selfie or belfie snapped from behind a shower curtain… with a can of beer sitting prominently in frame.
Redditor SaveTheOx, who proudly shares his six-pack and shapely rear end in the group, tells me that ShowerBeersGoneWild is the only GoneWild subreddit he posts on. (He's been doing so for about a month, and, understandably, asks me to keep any identifying personal details out of this story.) He was a proud, routine shower drinker before he discovered its corresponding kink scene, and now that he's integrating himself fully, it's only encouraged the practice more. His go-to beer choice for bathing is a light, pineapple-infused local brew called Henderson's Food Truck , but occasionally he mixes things up with a cider instead—usually a bottle of Savanna Dry.
"I'm not so worried about showing the world I have good taste, but I do think it would be boring to post the same few beers over and over, so I've been exploring a little more and trying different beers each time," says SaveTheOx, when I ask how much thought he puts into selecting the melange for his photoshoots. "My reasons for choosing certain beers varies. Sometimes I choose a beer because I haven't seen it posted before. Other times I choose a beer because its name gives me an idea for a funny photo or title for my post."
(The most recent example of this is a post from last week, featuring a bottle of Tiger beer. Naturally SaveTheOx titled that shoot, simply, 'rawr.' ")
MomOfADragon, one of the most prolific posters on r/ShowerBeerGoneWild, took a slightly different path. Like SaveTheOx, she's only been posting her nudes to the internet for a short amount of time, but unlike him, she contributes to a litany of other amateur porn commonwealths. (As evidenced by her username, she's a star on those that fetishize mothers and fathers getting up to no good after the kids are in bed.) Additionally, while always an avid, exploratory beer nerd, MomOfADragon hadn't actually sampled the shower-beer lifestyle until she stumbled upon the Reddit community. "While I'm new to neither showers nor drinking, I rarely combined the two," she says. "Drinking in the shower is refreshing, and I highly recommend it!"
I asked MomOfADragon if there's an authentic fetish fixated on people drinking in the shower, or if r/ShowerBeerGoneWild is more of a meme, or a dare, that's not meant to be taken seriously. As it turns out, it's a mixture of both. She pointed me in the direction of a sister subreddit named simply, r/ShowerBeer . It's still dedicated to people taking photos of themselves swilling brews in the bathroom, but people are "discouraged from commenting on others' bodies, and the discussion is generally limited to beverages." MomOfADragon, on the other hand, enjoys debating beer, and also enjoys exhibtionism, so she's found that r/ShowerBeerGoneWild "is a great hybrid" between the two communities. Frankly, there is something endearing about MomOfADragon composing a perfectly balanced shot of both her butt and a bottle of Doggie Style Pale Ale, alongside her short review in the comments (hops ratio is off, too malty for a pale, 3.5 out of 5.)
Personally, I'm not sure I’ll ever bring a camera with me when drinking in the shower, but I'm overjoyed to know that if I ever do, I'll be met by a group of people that will supportively ogle me while also debating the ideal acidic levels for a Belgian Wit. Maybe, the internet is still good sometimes?
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Former pro surfer Holly-Daze Coffey is enjoying her time away from the sport.
The Australian got out of the water and turned her attention to the camera last September, launching a subscription-based adult website alongside her sister Ellie-Jean Coffey that is too sexy for Instagram.
The 23-year-old adult model uses her social media account — which has more than one million followers — to drive traffic to her new venture.
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