Becoming A Cam Girl

Becoming A Cam Girl


The allure of becoming a cam model understandable. Especially when you log into MyFreeCams or Chaturbate and see models being showered with ridiculous amounts of tips.
You can’t help but think, “I could totally do that!”
Sorry, it’s not as easy as you think.
This guide will share the pitfalls and useful suggestions to help you on your way to becoming a successful cam girl/guy.
We don’t always have the luxury of working at what we adore. However, like any job, if there’s not at least a spark of interest, it will become … a job – the soul-sucking kind.
Considering how many hours you’re going to have to spend on your cam model career, make sure you like what you’re doing.
Your major income is a long-term goal, not a short one (and this means upwards of years, not weeks).
You are entering the adult industry.
And while you might be completely comfortable with it, not everyone will share the same opinion. 
First, before you even buy a webcam, make 100% sure you are prepared for the risk of being outed to your friends, family, or employer. Make sure your spouse or partner knows about it, is comfortable with it, and also accepts the risks. After all, it will affect them too.
It’s not a certainty that the two halves of your life will collide, but treat it like the inevitable (even if it’s not).
There are studios that you can go to. They are connected to many streaming sites, have premade sets you can work from, and have people there who have been in the industry for years.
More often than not, the studio scene is FULL of scams. I’d honestly recommend signing up to the sites independently and doing the whole thing on you own (while using cam girl forums as support).
Here’s an excellent article about scams.
There are plenty to choose from, so it’s going to take a fair amount of research to find the one that’s best for you. You should also be asking yourself these questions as your deciding…
For example, many sites can take upwards of 60% of your tips. But before you freak out, remember, they have to make money too, and they are providing a platform for you to perform.
Here are some site examples via
I would suggest visiting them directly because there’s way more information to be found.
There is nothing more valuable than someone who’s been in the industry a while.
Join a few cam communities – these are forums or groups for JUST cam girls/guys to share ideas, rant, offer support, or give advice. And, if you happen to find someone who’s willing to personally mentor you, congrats! They are worth their weight in gold.
Don’t go around begging for one-on-one time to everyone you come across. These people are (or should be) busy too and they will get annoyed if you’re asking questions that have been asked a million times before and are already posted on a hundred discussions.
“Eg. What equipment do I need?” or “How do I get paid?” will be answered with a sigh and “Google it.”
Show initiative and gain as much knowledge as you can on your own first.
It’s NOT a “build it and they will come” situation where you open your site and piles money falls into your lap.
Like any business, it will take TIME (both long-term and in daily hours) and you will have to put in the work – you’ll hear about “paying your dues”, and it’s 100% true. Be prepared for ups and downs – lots of money one day and nearly nothing the next, or worse, weeks of nothing.
It doesn’t matter how hot, talented, or inventive you are, there are literally millions of bodies out there with a webcam.
How do you handle this and set yourself apart?
NOTE: It’s also important to be fluid and adaptable, maybe your current ideas aren’t working. It’s okay to change your style or approach. Remember, there will be a lot of trial and error.
Example, one really successful cam model on MFC was a mime. Viewers absolutely loved her.
I’m sorry to say that, sometimes, cam models can have the reputation for being flakes or untrustworthy in their services.
Some clients don’t care and are just interested in the fantasy and show, but others DO care.
It’s not to say that you have to love every masturbation, and will need to fake the Big O more than once, but if a guy is paying to control your sex toy, and you don’t actually have it on … well …
Should you choose to walk down the slippery slope, remember, clients talk about cam models as much as models gossip about clients.
You don’t have to chat with viewers, but, in my opinion, it goes a long way to connecting with your audience and building your brand. Some people honestly want a human connection and that alternate avenue of interaction.
Whether it’s 5 minutes or 1 hour, set aside a bit of time to chat.
Just like any business, have everything set up BEFORE you open the doors. Also, put up a banner advertising you’re a new model. This should help generate some initial traffic.
There will be time wasters, trolls, and aggressors that just want to be terrible. Learn to grow some thick skin, brush off their comments, a ban whoever is ruining the environment.
Also, be prepared for some over-the-top perverse comments that might not land within your comfort zone.  It’s best to just brush them off with a smile.
Most of your income will come from regulars – and it’s a lot of work to get them.
Also, don’t just jump on Twitter just before your show. Build anticipation throughout the day to get customers riled up.
Don’t buy a cheap webcam right off the bat. Wait until you can afford to invest $100-$200 in a good Logitech. The same goes for clothes or a background.
If you’re going to use sex toys, DON’T BUY CHEAP ONES. Very often they can contain toxic chemicals (especially jelly). Stick to medical great silicone or other body-safe materials.
There are also long-distance sex toys that you can set up to be controlled by your clients in exchange for tips.
Want to add interactive sex toys to your cam show? Visit:
Remember when I mentioned clips and a storefront?
These could bring additional sources of income:
It doesn’t have to be cash that helps sustain you. You can take the strain off your income buy getting gifts from clients and fans.
Don’t only put on high ticket items, like televisions and luggage set, but also include smaller things like panties or a new pair of affordable stilettos. And, with all items, make sure they are sexy - even things you might wear in a future video. No one wants to pay for your toilet paper.
How to get traffic to your Wishlist?
Mention it on your Instagram, webpage, camming page, Twitter etc. But only the link and don’t do it too much – otherwise, it looks like your begging, and that’s not sexy.
If you think cam models don’t have to pay taxes, you’re wrong. Follow your income down to the cent and make sure have a way to file your taxes at the end of the year.
I would also encourage you to browse the rest of the blog. There might be more useful links or inspiration.
 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
If you want to add your own advice to aspiring cam models, share in the comments!
Amazing and very true. Thanks for the article
Good initial advise. Thanks for taking the time to post it
Unbelievably well written. This is what my brain has been struggling to grasp for years!
You enter fact a superb webmaster. The website running velocity is actually remarkable. It would appear that you will be performing just about any exclusive tip. Also, A articles are generally masterwork. you must have done a wonderful task on this topic!
I've tried to look up "vuler" with no success. Even looking it up with the words "cam site" in the search.
What exactly are you searching for? Something in relation to this article or a general webcam model term etc?
Where are some ideas to follow and chat with other models?
Ive just started doing the web cam thing and It seems like no one is following me
Kay, have you set up social media, and actually use it? gaining followers as said in the artical does not just happen immediately. you need to make it happen, on your social media, you want to replay to things said by others(your tarket audience). you want to join groups of similar taste.
Hello IIm thinking about becoming camgirl and was wondering which site would be a good starting site.
Thank you for your article. Its been very useful. Any idea which site would be best for beginners?
Thank you for the tips!! My first week camming has been ok so far - I’ve not made a huge amount of money but I didn’t expect to so soon! Hoping it’ll build up :) thanks for the advice!

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The Insanely Large Guide on How to Become a Successful Cam Girl
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