


An educational blog for online creatives
Becca Luna’s Winning Design Strategy
Make the perfect investment for you.
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A podcast for millennial entrepreneurs who want to get shit done and make more money while hustling less. Hosted by Becca Luna and Willow Kaii, the powerhouse couple behind their very own 6-figure online empires specializing in Pinterest, website design, and business coaching.
I'm Becca Luna . Weekend adventure-seeker, 24/7 dog-mum, and lifelong creative. When I'm not crafting soulful designs or dropping education through mentorship for my ladies wanting to make more money than a shitty-ass corporate job, you can catch me in a pair of biker shorts, sipping a spicy marg, and talking 'big' dreams with my man, Willow Kaii. making more bank than most corporate jobs.
A custom branding & website experience steeped in complete luxury, strategy & unforgettable 'this-is-it' moments from first call to final handover. 

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After building a multiple-six-figure design business, I know a thing or two about creating brands and websites that stop dream clients in their tracks and take their founders from beginner to booked-out. 
Learn my unique design strategy so you can start delivering the same for your clients as a designer.
Brand and website design is more than slapping a canva font in a circle and calling it a day. 
Successful designers are the ones who can align creativity and design talent with a strategic eye for conversional detail. 
So if you want to stand out in the web design industry, you’ve come to the right place…
→ Design conversional websites with confidence
→ Justify every design decision to your clients
→ Deliver a strong return on investment for your clients
→ Start charging more for your work
Design strategy begins before you open your laptop, or click a new project in Showit . It’s the act of understanding how to achieve your clients’ goals through the website you design. It encompasses the elements, structure, SEO, copy, and conversion methods you’ll implement to achieve that plan while aligning with the client’s big-picture vision for their business. 
Design strategy is an essential step in the website construction process, and there are a few things you’ll want to keep in mind every time you customize a plan for each client. 
When your client’s audience lands on their website, how do they want them to feel? 
Ask them this in your initial questionnaire or kick-off call. It could be any, or all of the above, or another feeling entirely. The important thing is you center on a word or two that encapsulates the feeling you want to evoke in your website visitors, then design in a way that delivers it. 
There’s even strong evidence suggesting conversions are driven by emotion, rather than logic. Dubbed ‘emotional motivators’, a study in Harvard Business Review revealed hundreds of reasons for purchase intent, such as a desire to stand out, enjoy wellbeing, or feel a sense of freedom. Which emotional motivator can your design tap into?
After that crucial emotion is captured, for me, design strategy kicks off with a branding session between my client and me. We discuss their entire business in an hour-long powerful virtual call, covering:
And most importantly, I say, “On the last call I said how do you want them to feel? Now, what do you want them to do?”. I get them to go beyond emotion to consider the one thing they’d be so excited to see their website visitor doing. 
The strategy call is your opportunity to go deep into how the website design can be more strategic, conversional, and goal-aligned. Further questions to ask include:
The answers to this question help me strategically and intentionally design a layout that aligns with that primary action goal. 
This design strategy gives the buyer control and showcases the middle option as the most desirable by positioning option one as ‘too cheap’ and option two as ‘too expensive. Similarly, this strategy extends to pricing strategy, such as ‘$397’ sounding more appealing than ‘$367’ despite being more expensive. 
So if you remember one thing from this piece?
Let it be that strategy comes before the design, questions come before aesthetics and conversions come before creativity.  
There’s something out there to help aspiring and established designers turn their big dreams into six-figure reality. The kind of all-in-one, expertly-curated resource with guidance, proven strategies, and no BS-reality checks from someone who’s walked their journey before. 
It’s The Wealthy Web Designer course, and it’s your ticket to web design success. 
We’ll not only cover design strategy in greater depth, but we’ll also touch on every crucial element of a successful design business, spanning four must-watch modules:
Short and sharp video trainings, templates, and support: this is no ordinary course because you are no ordinary web designer.
legal | site design by yours truly | contact

With students from around the world hitting $8k, $12k, $15k, $20k+ months, there’s no better time to learn the skills that could change your life forever.
A schedule that is on nobody elses time but yours.
A business that not only pays the bills but builds you a net-worth.
A creative outlet that allows you to be bold and oh so beautifully yourself.
01. CHOOSING YOUR NAME 02. Purchasing your domain 03. Business legality 04. Choosing Your Niche 05. Packages & pricing 06. Brand Strategy Blueprint 07. Building your website
01. Your Unique Style 02. Choosing Fonts 03. Branding Strategy 04. Design strategy 05. Website Layouts 06. what not to do 07. Drawing inspiration 08. DESIGNING A CUSTOM SITE
01. applications that convert 02. the sales process 03. onboarding clients 04. Design process 05. streamline deliverables 06. project tracking 07. time-blocking training 08. offboarding clients
01. BRAND CREATION WITH MELO 02. scale with willow kaii
"I am now booked out with web designs for over three months, after just one month of launching."
"I'm so happy I invested in myself. I'm so much more confident, I could not thank Becca enough."
"She changed my life and can do the same for you. She literally is a godsend."
"I'm super grateful for the Wealthy Web Designer Course and definitely recommend it."
"This helped fast-track the process and I now have a full-time business that I really get to enjoy."
With quick actionable lessons & advice
select the plan that works for you:
You want to be obsessed with what you do and even more obsessed with who you do it for. 
dreamer by day, world wanderer by nature, and money maker by passion
Meet your design bestie and business mentor, Becca Luna
It wasn't always $30k+ months & loads of clients. though..
This course is different than everything else out there because...
You do not need to have a masters in design.
You don't need to know adobe softwares
It’s action-first, theory-free and so engaging you’ll never be tempted to play on x2 speed:
select the plan that works for you:
Will this help me get paying clients?
Jade went from no idea to a thriving business
Morgan went from assistant to full-time designer
Create a web design business that gives you the ultimate freedom , lifestyle , and wealth that you desire.
Carving out a path to multiple six figures as a web designer ain't easy my friend... however, it's absolutely possible, and you already know that or you wouldn't be here reading this. You know the 9 to 5 corporate soul sucking job isn't for you and that's obvious. You crave a life of creativity, purpose, passion and freedom. And that life is ringing at your doorbell, all you have to do is answer. You ready?
Launch an online business that fuels your creativity.
Being in the beginning stages can be challenging.
Struggling with knowing where to even start. I would spend hours binging youtube videos & all the "best" biz podcasts and still be like da fuck?
Lacking confidence in my own design ability. I'd be questioning myself on the daily, feeling like I was a total imposter since I didn't have all the "things" a typical graphic designer had.
Confused on how to book clients at a premium price, while watching other designers talk about charging an arm and a leg while I was charging barely a toe nail.
Creating so much internal chaos because I lacked systems, structures and boundaries. I knew I was creating a business for freedom, yet my business felt like it was eating my alive.
It feels like just yesterday I was...
Others that chose to go all in on their dreams...
Craving a life where you can work beachside in Bali? In a Villa in Tulum? The freedom life is all you want and it wants you.
Living paycheck to paycheck is nobody's dream life. You desire not only freedom, but a bank account that can fuel your dreams.
You're too creative for a 9-5. You want your daily grind to become an abundance of creativity, especially when it can make you more than any crappy corporate job.
This course is for those who want to dream, and do, and dare and disrupt. To seek freedom and wealth and abundance. To be obsessed with what they do and even more obsessed with who they do it for.
Now Available. Master brand creation for both your clients and yourself, along with the power of personal brand shoots.
You want to make bank and embrace it. You want to be the wealthy creative you were always meant to be, all while spreading light into the world and helping other entrepreneurs achieve their dreams, too.
You want to harness your unmatched creativity and infuse it into your every day.
You were made to make waves and build empires. 
I'm a 25-year old web designer, podcaster, educator, and spicy-marg drinker with big ass dreams. Starting all from a Macbook air and a 560 sqft apartment, I've turned a small one woman show into a multiple six-figure design studio.
The truth? Two years ago I had no idea what I was doing.
I started with a passion, as do most businesses. I knew I wanted every day to feel as effortless as a Sunday. Every Monday to become my favorite day of the week. Every Friday to be a celebration of a new milestone. Every second to give me a full-body ‘yes’.  I had no blueprint to follow. There was no course to give me the answers I desperately needed.
The old Becca craved a course that would teach everything there is to know when growing an impactful & profitable design business. I wanted to know the ins and the outs. The bad and the good. The Wealthy Web Designer was born out of the mere feeling of responsibility to share my knowledge and expand the industry of creatives like you, that feel as passionate about creating intentional design businesses as I do. 
You just need to have a naturally creative soul that is overflowing with ambition. Your ability to believe in yourself will be the catalyst and your desire to grow will be the fire that propels you toward your dream life. 
The Wealthy Web Designer is the first step toward your future self.
This course is designed for maximum engagement and practical impact, even with your lifetime access, you’ll be binging the entire course in a day. Because this isn’t some heard-it-before, lengthy, drawn-out, theory-based course. It’s about action-taking and magic-making, setting strategies and procedures, processes and visions in place, and then helping you immediately take steps toward your next chapter.
Instant access to the course portal where you'll find 30+ training videos covering business, client, design & marketing.
Downloadable CSV files for Asana to automate & streamline your client processes.
Application & email templates to 1. save time and 2. perfect the way you do business moving forward.
Easy-to-use Canva templates for Instagram & Pinterest to start attracting your dream clients ASAP.
guest trainings on creating personal branding, photoshoots, notion, and pinterest.
Absolutely! I created this course for entrepreneurs at all stages of design! If you have a creative eye, and you’re wanting to start a career out of your abilities, or if you’ve been in the game and are looking to get way more lucrative, this course is for you. From my how-to educational materials, jaw-dropping creative templates, and in demand and on-trend design resources, you’ll love every part of the Wealthy Web Designer.
Get instantaneous access to me and my creative, and money-making abilities at a click of a button - or wait, do iPhones even have buttons anymore? All jokes aside, if you join the Wealthy Creative Membership , you’ll get way more than just access to me! You’ll get access to the entire creative world — with everything from in-depth course questions and conversations to networking and live cowering sessions with yours truly. The Wealthy Creative Membership is what you’ve always been looking for, and more.
Plain and simple, the strategies and resources that you’re about to get access to are going to change your life, your career, and likely, you. This program will give you the tools and resources to harness your creative abilities, and turn them into gold. Well, really, green. All, for less than a new clutch from Louis Vuitton. I’m confident that you, and the hundreds of other entrepreneurs from around the world that have embarked upon this journey will be pleased with your investment from the minute you start to the second you finish.
By immediate, I assume you’re talking about instantaneously dropped into your inbox by your fairy design mother? If so, then absa-freakin-lutely. In the time you enroll, your new, life-changing program will be delivered safely and securely to your emails inbox where you’ll be given the opportunity to create a user profile, and secure password for your new, and unlimited access to the Wealthy Web Designer.
The information behind these doors has quite literally changed peoples lives. Taking creatives from being completely broke to completely booked out in just a few short months, this course has radically changed the way creatives are able to create highly lucrative web design businesses. Entrepreneurs have started from complete scratch and hit $5000, $10,000 and even $15,000 months with the secrets and strategies you’re about to learn.
Plain and simple, the strategies and resources that you’re about to get access too are going to change your life, your career, and likely, you. This program will give you the tools and resources to harness your creative abilities, and turn them into gold. Well, really, green. All, for less than a new clutch from Louis Vuitton. I’m confident that you, and the hundreds of other entrepreneurs from around the world that have embarked upon this journey will be pleased with your investment from the minute you start to the second you finish.
You sure do! Once you enroll, you’ll be in the club forever. You’ll be part of an impressively creative bunch of entrepreneurs from around the globe doing everything from inspiring to empowering you along your journey to become the wealthy, and wildly-successful creative talent you were born to be. Whether you take this information and absolutely run with it, or stick around for a bit and really let it really circulate through your soul, the information and strategies you learn in the Wealthy Web Designer are yours to keep forever and ever. 
Due to the years of work that’ve gone into creating this course and all of the game-changing templates and resources you’re about to get your hands on, there are no refunds. You’ll have access to everything for the rest of your life, and I hope you thoroughly enjoy it!
One hundred percent, and actually, pretty damn quickly. Take this, run with it, and turn this business into the money-making, and impact-creating empire of your dreams. $10,000 months? You’ve got this. Hiring a team under you so that you can carry out the high-level creative execution? You go girl. Clients will be lining up around the block for your special sauce and soulful creations.
"She literally changed my life and can do the same for you."
"She literally holds your hand through it all. Any questions. Any fears. Becca took me from having no knowledge to where now I am killing it with a new business. If you're thinking about it, do it." - Jade 
"I know so much more about Showit and feel more confident than ever."
"I can not thank Becca enough because she is amazing and will walk you through every process. If you want to expand your business, I highly recommend it!."
"It was absolutely incredible in regards to the resources and knowledge."
"I got the confidence to really go for it in my business and take the leap of faith that I needed to take in order to quit my full time job. It is so amazing and I'm forever grateful!" - Brooke
Step into your freedom filled dream life.
You want to be obsessed with what you do and even more obsessed with who you do it for. You want to make bank and embrace it. You want to be the wealthy creative you were always meant to be, all while spreading light into the world and helping other entrepreneurs achieve their dreams, too.

An educational blog for online creatives
I'm Becca Luna . Weekend adventure-seeker, 24/7 dog-mum, and lifelong creative. When I'm not crafting soulful designs or dropping education through mentorship for my ladies wanting to make more money than a shitty-ass corporate job, you can catch me in a pair of biker shorts, sipping a spicy marg, and talking 'big' dreams with my man, Willow Kaii. making more bank than most corporate jobs.
A podcast for millennial entrepreneurs who want to get shit done and make more money while hustling less. Hosted by Becca Luna and Willow Kaii, the powerhouse couple behind their very own 6-figure online empires specializing in Pinterest, website design, and business coaching.
Make the perfect investment for you.
Bundle our Signature Programs & Save
A custom branding & website experience steeped in complete luxury, strategy & unforgettable 'this-is-it' moments from first call to final handover. 
No cringey trends or dances (okay...maybe a little dancing) here. Just straight fire bitesize tips and advice you can apply to your online business straight away (for free)!
Access magical business inspiration and passion-filled advice to help you launch, improve, and scale your online business. Short videos to get you inspired, get you smiling, and get your momentum flowing. Videos dropping every week! 
From design advice, business tips and all the knowledge aired on our podcast, this blog is not shy to put everything out on the table so you create the business of your dreams.

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Time blocking revolutionized the way I approach my weeks, killed burnout, and, took my profitability to a whole new level. Now I’m teaching you how to implement time blocking into your business to achieve the same results. Real-talk coming up in 3-2-1… ‘Busy’ isn’t an excuse. It’s not an excuse to: Miss deadlines Leave […]
The four steps you need to master in your content marketing strategy to see results, get in-demand, and stay booked out as an online creative or web designer. M
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