Beautifully Awake

Beautifully Awake


Beautifully Awake

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Beautifully Awake Paperback – September 26, 2013
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4.5 out of 5 stars

205 ratings

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Diagnosis: Sleep-running Treatment: Truth Prognosis: Beautifully Awake Lili Porter hates the rain. Bad things happen in the rain. As a small town social worker dedicated to protecting children, she is forced to start over to escape her rural disaster. Determined to follow her father’s advice—head up and chin high—Lili finds herself in a new city, taking on a new system, this time healthcare. In doing so, she gets something she never expected, an intimate behind-the-scenes look at life in the hospital. Lili learns that a surgeon’s hands have the power to heal more than physical wounds. And a prescription for truth can cure three years of sleep running and leave you beautifully awake.
Riley Mackenzie Authors Yep. That's an "s." There are two of us! We're East coast girls separated by Long Island Sound who met in Physician Assistant School and have been besties ever since. And we can safely say that thirteen miles of water does not get in the way because we talk or text, no exaggeration, at least 150 times a day (no really, we do) about everything and nothing. Shockingly, we never (we mean never) run out of things to say. Umm, ever. We definitely laugh A LOT and we're a tad sarcastic. And if we're being totally honest, one or two people might have, on occasion, used our names and 'dramatic' in the same sentence. But it's hard to trust the sources since they married us. It only took twelve years, two husbands, five kids, two dogs, and a two week vacation in Cape Cod later to decide the romance world needed a splash of medicine. Write what you know. So you can easily find us at 4 o'clock on Bank Street beach with a glass of cold prosecco brainstorming. And guaranteed if we bump into you, literally, it's only because our iPhones are glued to our hands (totally out of our control) either writing or editing our next novel (and yes it is possible to do from your iPhone, we mastered it... damn those straight quotations). When we are not working on our book or reading the latest angsty romance on our kindles, you basically name it and we have it going on. Soccer, lacrosse, golf, swimming, dance, gymnastics, football, chess, baseball, basketball, skiing, ice skating, school, homework, and more school. Oh yeah, did we forget to mention our careers in medicine? Needless to say, we realized fast that something had to go, so we opted for sleep. It's completely overrated (yet so AMAZING) and delirium makes everything funnier. Good thing we share a brain and can pretty much complete each others sentences (definitely weird, we know), otherwise it might have taken us two years to write Beautifully Awake rather than one. So that's our story, who we are...just add AUTHORS to the list!



CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform; 1st edition (September 26, 2013) Language


English Paperback


370 pages ISBN-10


1492350915 ISBN-13


978-1492350910 Item Weight


1.09 pounds Dimensions


6 x 0.84 x 9 inches

4.5 out of 5 stars

205 ratings

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Wow...okay I did not see what started out as a really good book taking the massive header that it decidedly did. After reading "Abruption" by this same author (which was incredible) I was eager to get my hands on Beautifully Awake and was instantly intrigued by the premise. The first 30-40% of the book was very captivating, sexy, and well written. Chase and Lili's relationship had a nice build up and there was a nice mix of outside characters that mixed things up nicely with the story. Sadly, by the time I reached the 50% mark I was quickly loosing interest and felt like I had already read an entire book to find out that we had really not even scratched the surface. Finding information out about these characters was painfully slow and drawn out. The amount of time spent on Lili's inner monologue of how Chase had healed her, broken down her walls, and made her see the world in color again was to a nauseating degree. Small things would happen in the story and I would get excited that we were making our way back to some action and more dynamic story line but then again it would just be a nugget and then we were back to more inner monologue and redundant sex scenes. By about the 75% mark I was fighting a huge internal battle with myself on pushing through and finding out what happens or to put an end to the agony. I finally had to surrender and call it quits. This was such a disappointment as I really loved this authors previous book and her writing holds promise but this was about 100 pages to long and drawn out with characters that needed a jolt of personality to hold this readers attention.

I would give this 10+ stars if I could. Before I begin this review please let me first apologize to those reading this review. I read this book some time ago and thought that I had written a review, but apparently I had not. So please note that I have read this book several more times since I read it the first time. I can honestly say that it gets better and better. It has become one of my favorite books. Hopefully it will become one of your favorites too. Lili Porter is a social worker who works at the hospital where Chase Colton has just become Chief of Neurology. There is an immediate attraction between the two of them but they have a little bit of trouble getting together. When they finally do things are good for a while and then things from Lili's past and subsequently things from Chase's past interfere with their relationship. He calls her Blue for her eyes but there is even more to it then just the color of her eyes. Honestly Chase just makes me swoon. I am not going to go into to many details because I do not want to spoil it for anyone who does not like spoilers in reviews. I will say that this story is emotional and at times gutwrenching, but always beautiful. Make sure that you have plenty of tissues at the ready. As I mentioned before this is one of my favorite books ever. Chase is a hot alpha male who I fell head over heals for and Lili has spunk, sass and a beautiful heart and is so easy to love. I love them together. The sex scenes are hot, the romance is high, and character development fantastic. I just cannot say enough good things about this book. You will never want it to end. As you read it though you yourself will become Beautifully Awake and be so much happier that you are.

I don't think I can put into words how beautiful this story is. It touched me in a profound way that I can't even begin to describe. I've had it sitting on my device for almost a year and I beside myself that I took so long to read it. For a debut novel Riley Mackenzie's work is near flawless. The story itself is beautifully written and heartbreaking. I love the prologue. It pulled me in and made me what to know what was going on. But it gave absolutely nothing away- I didn't even know until more than halfway through the book just which character those pages were for. Beautifully Awake follows the story of Lili. She is struggling to get through her day to day after some traumatic experience in the not too distant past. I really liked her character. She was a good mix of strong and selfless yet also shy and vulnerable. She dedicated her life to her job and friends and family. Her only outlet for herself was running. And did she run- from everything, her fears and her dreams. That is until she meets Dr. Chase Colton. When they meet for the first time it is as if both of their worlds are thrown back into orbit. I love that they were both stunned stupid with just one look. Chase is a great character, what book boyfriends are made of. He is insanely smart and sexy, dedicated to his work and generous. He is also extremely tormented. They're both hiding things that are holding them back from really giving all of themselves in the relationship. I loved how Chase and Lili were able to show the softer, lighter side of themselves with the other. There was such an ease to their relationship that it was easy to root for them. Gone was Dr. Intensity and in his place came Dr. Playful (you'll understand those names as you read). The chemistry between them is off the charts. When they get together it is hot! However, all it took was one unfortunate circumstance to send them on a downward spiral. Thankfully, this was also the push they needed to get it together and FINALLY talk to one another. Holy heartbreak! I had tears pouring from my eyes as they both opened up about the tragedies of their past. The mess that they had both lived through and somehow found a way to keep going was inspiring. I loved the cast of secondary characters in this book- almost as much as the main two. Sierra was beyond amazing as a best friend to Lili. Some of the things that came out her mouth had me laughing my head off. Chase had Asher in his corner to keep him sane and grounded. There was also the rest of the clan from the hospital, Guy, Jack, Kate and Leanne. These characters provided a much needed touch of humor to the heaviness of the story surrounding Chase and Lili. There was that one moment right towards the end that stopped my heart. I was holding my breath and shaking my head, thinking no, no, no this is not how their story ends. Overall, Beautifully Awake is a captivating tale of redemption and hope. It is equal parts heartbreaking and heartwarming. It had all the elements I enjoy in a book; everything from drama to steam to humor. Riley Mackenzie wove a beautiful tale of loss and love. There were some harsh situations that were handled with the delicacy and care that they deserved. I honestly had no idea what was in store for me when I opened this book but I was truly blown away and glad that I finally did. My emotions were all over the place. I laughed, cried and smiled in equal measures. I was so excited when I got to the end, not that Chase and Lili's story was over, but to see that there will be another book in the series, Asher's story.

5.0 out of 5 stars

fantastic story

This was a really good story, Ooh Dr Sexy Chase Colton, he was the epitome of sex on legs! Lili was existing, 'sleep running' away from a past, that she thought she had left behind in her sleepy home town, she had a great job at the local hospital, and every month she rotated around the various departments, we meet her just as she is about to meet the new but very demanding doctor! Things don't start smoothly, she turns up late for her first shift! The team at the hospital were great, they worked really well together. You felt the electricity between Chase and Lili immediately, but it takes a while before they act on it, and when they do wow! Even though they are both hiding secrets! They both do their jobs very well, both are professional! I loved the hospital scenes, they had humour, and serious work ethics! Everyone Lili worked with thought the world of her, she got on so well with them all, the relationship between Lili and Guy was very one sided, unfortunately Lili thought it was friendship, Guy wanted something more, this caused Chase to have a different opinion of Guy, and worked him ragged! Once Lili and Chase got together, they fell for each other hard, but still kept their secrets! Chase takes Lili to NYC where they have a great time, we meet Asher who gives us more insight to Chase's background, we also meet Chase's parents although not understanding why they are dreadful people! We slowly get to see the secrets unraveling, but it's not plain sailing, when Lili gets called back to her home town to appears in court, Chase goes with her, where in a shocking turn of events we learn the dreadful details of Lili's big secret, not understanding why Chase reacts the way he does! They spend the next few weeks apart, with Lili at rock bottom, avoiding all social interactions! She eventually gives into Sierra and joins them for drinks. her every waking thought is Chase and she has a hard time of shaking him from her mind, he then finds her in Guys arms, oh dear! They eventually talk out some of their issues, their relationship gets stronger as they learn more about each other, their love deepens, still remaining professional at work! We get to share in her birthday surprise, all the effort Chase goods through, and when you think things are moving as long nicely, life throws a huge curveball , we get to experience not only the heartache a loved one has to go through, but also the professional decisions that need to be made! The situation, was tense, heart breaking, loving, and very sad! So pleased things eventually worked out, the epilogue was beautifully done! couldn't have asked for any more! Sierra and Dodd, great together in the very small snippets we got, but she was the bestest friend ever! she knew the right things to say just when Lili needed to hear it. looking forward to Asher's story!

4.0 out of 5 stars

Loved this book!!

A really enjoyable read about Chase a Neurosurgeon and Lilli a Case Manager at a Philadelphia Hospital. I liked the way the secrets they both held gradually unfolded as they learned about each other and fell in love in the hospital setting. Chase recruits Lilli to talk to the his patients when he wakes them up halfway through their brain surgery to make sure their speech functions are ok. The story seemed really well researched. I loved all the other supporting characters, and although there was some angst involved it was short and not over the top like lots of romances. I felt the story lost its way for a short while in the middle but it came back with a bang towards the end, and then it ended quickly! I do believe we hear more of Chase and Lilli in the next book Beautifully Done fingers crossed so can't wait. Highly recommended.

5.0 out of 5 stars

The best book I have read this year

Wow I just loved this book so much, great story and characters, would of loved a story on guy, Chase is my new best book hunk, I just loved how he was with her, so hot, would highly recommend this to everyone you won't be disappointed, if you love a hot hunky bossy alpha male u need to read this

5.0 out of 5 stars


Omg I loved this book! Already a chapter in on the 2nd book!!! Can't wait to read, don't want it to end :(

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Yep. That's an “s.” There are two of us!
We’re East coast girls separated by Long Island Sound who met in Physician Assistant School and have been besties ever since. And we can safely say that thirteen miles of water does not get in the way because we talk or text, no exaggeration, at least 150 times a day (no really, we do) about everything and nothing. Shockingly, we never (we mean never) run out of things to say. Umm, ever. We definitely laugh A LOT and we’re a tad sarcastic. And if we’re being totally honest, one or two people might have, on occasion, used our names and ‘dramatic’ in the same sentence. But it’s hard to trust the sources since they married us.
It only took twelve years, two husbands, five kids, two dogs, and a two week vacation in Cape Cod later to decide the romance world needed a splash of medicine. Write what you know.
So you can easily find us at 4 o'clock on Bank Street beach with a glass of cold prosecco brainstorming. And guaranteed if we
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