Beast Boy Teen Titans

Beast Boy Teen Titans

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"Go" (prequel episode)

"Divide and Conquer" (written)

"Final Exam" (aired)
Greg Cipes
Dee Bradley Baker (Animal forms)
Leszek ZduΕ„ (Polish)
Deniz Salman (Turkish)
Beastie Boo (by Mother Mae-Eye and Raven's Passionate Emoticlone)
Little Green One (by The Brain)
Green One (by Mad Mod)
Green Machine
Beast Man; Beast Dude
(as suggestions to Raven)
Grass Stain; Brit Boy
(by Cyborg)
Beast Boy Wonder
Champ (by Val-Yor)
Clorbag Varblernelk (by Starfire when she was mad and ignored Beast Boy)
Milnip Wooserloop (by Starfire when she forgave Beast Boy)
Booger Boy
Boy Beast; Bass Boot (by himself when introducing himself to Terra)
Shape-shifter Supreme (by Control Freak)
Blob Boy (by Gizmo)
Brat Boy (by Dionne in "Things Change")
The Doom Patrol (surrogate family)
Mark Logan (father; deceased)
Marie Logan (mother; deceased)
Eating tofu
Listening to music
Making jokes
Playing practical jokes
Video games
Watching TV
Mad Mod
The Brain
Brotherhood of Evil
Kinds of dairy meat
Having to put up with Mento's nasty attitude
People saying his jokes aren't funny
Being betrayed and underestimated
Animal morphing
Advanced martial arts ability
Superhuman endurance
Leadership skills
Above-average quick thinker
Whatever his current form provides him (teeth, claws, horns, tusks etc.)
I may not be smart enough to do everything, but I'm dumb enough to try anything.Beast Boy
Beast Boy (sometimes "B.B.") is one of the main characters of the Teen Titans series. He is a former member of the Doom Patrol and one of the five founding members of the Teen Titans.
Beast Boy was bitten by one of the monkeys and contracted a serious illness called Sakutia. To save him, his parents attempted to cure him with a new serum, which bestowed him with his shape-changing abilities. As a side effect, his skin, hair, and eyes turned green. Later in his life, Beast Boy's parents died in a boating accident. After they died, Beast Boy was interested in a superhero team called the Doom Patrol and was determined to join them. He broke into their headquarters and was treated as an intruder, but his efforts to escape capture impressed them, thus earning his membership on the team.
Beast Boy was originally the youngest member of the Doom Patrol. However, revealed in "Homecoming", Mento's harsh discipline and less-than-encouraging attitude finally alienated him from his surrogate family, and he struck out on his own. "Go!": Looking for a new place to live, he came to Jump City, where he encountered Robin, Starfire, Raven, and Cyborg and aided them in liberating Starfire from her Gordanian captors. Afterward, the five formed a new team on their own, the Teen Titans.
Throughout his career with the Titans, revealed in "Forces of Nature", Beast Boy keeps exhibiting a very carefree jokester attitude which often causes a great deal of trouble, but he does have a strong sense for responsibility, which he rarely exhibits, though.
In "Deep Six", Beast Boy wants prove he is the best
In "Every Dog Has His Day", a dejected Beast Boy takes a lone trip around the city, only to be seized by Soto in a mistaken identity with the latter's own alien dog.
Since the episode "Terra", Beast Boy fell in love with Terra and began a relationship in "Betrayal". Beast Boy had a lot of support for Terra when she didn't feel welcome and she confided in him that she can't fully control her powers and made him swear not to tell revealed in "Terra". Slade tried to convince Terra to turn to evil and she wouldn't listen, ultimately bringing her powers to go out of control. After defeating him, Robin by observation told her they know she couldn't control her powers. She felt betrayed by Beast Boy and ran off.
In "Titan Rising", In "Titan Rising", Terra returned and wanted to be a Teen Titan. When Terra returned, Beast Boy was elated to see her again and she was equally eager to rekindle their relationship.
In "Aftershock - Part 1" and "Part 2", all the other Titans regarded Terra as evil when Beast Boy still saw good in Terra. Beast Boy brought up that they never gave up on Robin referencing to the episode when he was Slade's apprentice. So Robin battled Terra for a second chance, but she refused. Beast Boy with the rest of Titans all fought back with no mercy against Terra in their next conformation. While the rest of the Titans were fighting Slade minions, Beast Boy slipped away from them to confront Terra personality. After fining Slades hideout, Beast Boy hears Terra crying then was surprised when she begged him to destroy her quick. However, Beast Boy surprised expression towards Terra turned into shock when he sees that Slade was not only torturing her but was also totally controlling her action. Realizing that she seen the error of her ways and deep down knew she was still his friend, Beast Boy gave Terra the confidences she needed to fight against Slade and she kicked him into the lava. Beast Boy and Terra shared one last embrace then told him he’s the best friend she ever had before she stopped the volcano and was petrified.
In "Crash", he accidentally caused Cyborg to download a malevolent computer virus from a bootleg copy of his favorite computer game (Mega Monkeys 4) into the latter's systems, causing him to rampage across the city, consuming everything in sight. Feeling guilty about what he had done, Beast Boy, together with Gizmo, who was press-ganged into assisting (since he and Cyborg share a mutual dislike), entered Cyborg's body in the form of an amoeba and finally managed to defeat the virus on his own.
During his first confrontation with Adonis in "The Beast Within", Beast Boy and his opponent were doused with experimental chemicals which triggered the emergence of a more feral side and the eventual transformation into a type of super-werewolf. In this form, Beast Boy battled Adonis for Raven's life and managed to defeat him. However, when Robin, Starfire, and Cyborg found Beast Boy in that form and saw him holding the unconscious Raven in his teeth, they concluded that he was the main culprit who attacked her, unaware that he was actually saving her and that Adonis framed him for his crimes. After defeating Adonis, Cyborg administered an antidote for them. Adonis was later taken by the authorities while Beast Boy's name was cleared and declared innocent.
In "Titans East - Part 2", Beast Boy, along with the rest of the Teen Titans responded to Cyborg's call for help in the Titans East tower and fought MΓ‘s y Menos with Raven.
In "The End", The werewolf form seen in "The Beast Within" was used once again in "The End - Part 1", when Slade, as a minion in the service of Trigon, attacked Titans Tower with an army of fire demons. He never used it after then, suggesting that even with the strength and abilities it gave him, he considered only using it as a last resort.
Season 5 of Teen Titans focuses on Beast Boy a great deal, as it deals with his history as a member of the animated series' incarnation of the Doom Patrol. In this season, Beast Boy exhibits a surprising amount of inherent leadership skills; he finally convinces Mento to think his way through a tough situation instead of muscling it, and when the Brotherhood of Evil attacks young superheroes all around the world revealed on "Calling All Titans!".
In "Titans Together", he leads Herald, Jericho, Pantha, and MΓ‘s on an assault against the Brotherhood's headquarters. He remains leader even after Cyborg, Starfire, Raven, and several other Titans join the fight, only standing down after Robin is thawed.
It's your life, Terra. Your choice. It's never too late to change.Beast Boy
During Season 5, when the Titans clash with the old enemies of the Doom Patrol, the Brotherhood of Evil, Beast Boy begins to focus a lot more on the mission at hand and displays a new sincere side of himself throughout the season. Some people believe that Beast Boy wears a mask of laughter and happiness to disguise his sadness at what has happened in the past. This would likely mean his interactions with his teammates are due to being around people his age where he can act carefree. This was likely true as his friends were surprised at his stern refusal to talk of his past at his serious nature towards the enemy. There are few instances in the show that he shows his true self. For example, in the episode "The Beast Within", he becomes depressed and saddened when he believes that he has hurt Raven and the other Titans. During the events of "Homecoming - Part 1" and "2", he showed a resolve to not let down his old team and allow his new team to get hurt because of him.
Although Beast Boy is a very vivacious social being, in the episode "Go!" when the Titans first meet, Beast Boy wants to hang out with the other Titans and befriend them mentioning that he hadn't hung out with anybody since the Doom Patrol. This implies that he has been a bit of a loner for a while and likes making friends. In the episode, "Every Dog Has His Day", Beast Boy felt lonely when nobody wanted to hang out with him.
He wears his old black and purple Doom Patrol uniform, complete with gray gloves and purple sneakers with seemingly Velcro straps. The costume also had a mask, but he discarded it after Cyborg told him it was goofy, and Raven pointed out that the mask would not hide his secret identity anyway as, since his skin is green, he does not really have one. Beast Boy also has pointy ears, which he finds to be an attractive quality of himself. He exhibits very feral habits as well, such as sitting with his feet on his chair and moving his ears up and down. He wears boxers. One pair may be his official fan merchandise pair, it is covered in small pictures of his many green transformations.
Having transformed into most of the meat-producing animals, Beast Boy has lost his taste for meat and is now a vegetarian, which often gets him arguing with the others (especially Cyborg) because he constantly attempts to have the others adopt his culinary taste as well. He is also prone to causing much of the mischief around Titans Tower, such as the time he kept a large mutant moth larva hidden in his bedroom, whom he named Silkie. In "Can I Keep Him?", the larva devours much of the Tower while the team is on a mission fighting Johnny Rancid. While trying to hide him from the others, Beast Boy entrusts Silkie to Starfire to hide, who ends up adopting the creature.
In "Betrayal", when the other Titans lost faith in Terra, Beast Boy knew there was still good left in her because he knew her better than anybody. Beast Boy pointed out that they never gave up on Robin when he was Slade's apprentice. Robin battled Terra for a second chance but she claimed she was "not some sad little girl," expressing a vast and deep-rooted anger that was not entirely directed towards him.
Beast Boy also has an obsession with owning a vehicle of his own, more specifically, a moped. In one episode, he acquires one and affectionately calls it the "B-Ped". Ironically, after using it to save the world from an alien tofu-like species, it falls to pieces.
Beast Boy loves women, is also a bit of romance with flirtatious fantasies, as shown during his relationship with Terra and in his fantasies, such as those involving the B-Ped which he hoped to own to become popular with women, or when he states that women dig his pointed ears, as he considers himself a ladies' man.
Robin is always saying we gotta to work smarter, not harderBeast Boy
Beast Boy and Robin have a brotherly like friendship, although one that is somewhat difficult due to their personality differences. Robin is much more serious and intense than Beast Boy, who is playful, energetic, and often immature; this has lead to clashes on missions. Robin, in turn, can get frustrated with Beast Boy shown in "Apprentice - Part 1". Despite the incongruity of their personalities, Robin and Beast Boy overall are good friends as they can get along well enough to function as team members. "Terra": When Terra left Titans Tower without saying goodbye, Robin was the one who comforted Beast Boy. Robin also understood Beast Boy in "Homecoming - Part 1" as he told the other Titans that Beast Boy had his reasons on not talking about his past, most likely because he could relate. Beast Boy returns this respect by bringing up Robin's capable leadership.
Of the five, the two are also the veteran superheroes of the team, and the most experienced.
Examples of Robin acting like a big brother to Beast Boy are shown when:
I believe you are more of a Milnip WooserloopStarfire
Starfire gets along well with Beast Boy, mainly because she is the only Titan who laughs at his jokes revealed in "Aftershock - Part 1" andHomecoming - Part 1" (usually because she does not understand them). They are both cheerful, fun-loving people, although Starfire is seemingly more mature and is more focused than Beast Boy. Starfire and Beast Boy are family to each other, and seem to have a solid bond of trust between them. He often looks to Starfire for comfort. He seems to trust her the most, as seen in "Can I Keep Him?", in which he told Starfire who destroyed the tower. Shown in "Forces of Nature", Beast Boy looks up to Starfire because she's like a big sister to him.
Cyborg, what happened to you? I'm going to miss you, buddy. I know I never told you this, but you were my best friend.Beast Boy when he found Cyborg's leg
Cyborg is not only Beast Boy's best friend, but his surrogate older brother as well. Cyborg is never hesitant to put Beast Boy in his place, especially if he feels that the younger hero is being rude or inconsiderate, however, he is just as often seen at his friend's side causing mischief with him revealed in "Titans East - Part 2". Cyborg and Beast Boy have a lot in common, including a fondness for breakfast food shown in "Apprentice - Part 2":, "Sisters" playing video games, watching movies, and playing practical jokes on each other. Throughout the series, Cyborg is shown to have a tough love relationship with Beast Boy. The two are close, but Cyborg feels the need to keep Beast Boy in line and maybe instill a little more consideration and maturity in him. This can sometimes frustrate Beast Boy, who wishes Cyborg was a little less authoritarian or uptight at times.
In "Homecoming - Part 1", Cyborg was curious as to why Beast Boy never talked about the Doom Patrol but is very surprised at Beast boy adopting a more serious attitude. During the final battle against the Brotherhood of Evil, Cyborg had no problem following Beast Boy's commands until Robin took back control. These events would show him that Beast Boy merely puts up an act and does possess a stern mindset when the situation comes to it.
Despite their occasional difference, shown in "Spellbound", the two enjoy playing their favorite game they made up, "Stank Ball".
Having that thing inside you doesn't make you an animal. Knowing when to let it out is what makes you a man.Raven
Raven is the Titan who is least similar to Beast Boy. While he is cheerful, energetic, and sometimes childish, Raven is calm, composed, and often spouts dry, deadpan snark. In the beginning, she and Beast Boy have a very rough relationship. Raven's depressed air and "creepiness" annoy Beast Boy as shown in "Spellbound", while she is constantly heckled by his bad jokes and immaturity. In "Nevermore", however, both Cyborg and Beast Boy are transported into Raven's mind via a "magic mirror". Inside Raven's mind, they meet her Emoticlones, each representing a different side of the real Raven's personality. The happy Raven thinks Beast Boy is funny, while the timid Raven regrets being mean to him so much. Both the timid and real Raven confessed that she thought that Beast Boy did not like her, and in the end, Raven is surprised when Beast Boy and Cyborg stay to help her fight Trigon. From this point on, she and Beast Boy begin a real friendship.
In the course of the series, several episodes focus on Raven and Beast Boy's growing relationship and how they play off each other. Though Raven constantly mocks him and Beast Boy constantly riles her, the two care deeply for each other and lay aside their differences when necessary. Beast Boy always tries to include Raven and do nice things for her, such as throwing her a surprise party in "Birthmark". However, even when he bugs her, Raven can be shown to take a lot of comfort from Beast Boy. After Raven's heart was broken by Malchior, Beast Boy told Raven that although she thinks she's alone, she's really not. Raven then hugged Beast Boy, but their tender moment was ruined by Cyborg and the Stank Ball.
"The Beast Within": When Raven's life is put in danger by a transformed Adonis, Beast Boy experiences a similar transformation and while it seemed as though he was trying to attack Raven, he was actually saving her. Beast Boy also said that even though he and Raven fight, he could never hurt her. In the end, he is emotionally taxed by this new feral form he has gained, but she lifts his spirits by telling him that the form does not make him bad: rather, knowing when to unleash it makes him a mature and valuable member to the team and to her. The only occasions where Beast Boy has used this form have been when Raven is in mortal danger. This could suggest that threats against Raven's life seem to push Beast Boy to higher levels, signaling his affectionate tie with her. In the episode, "The End - Part 1", Beast Boy found a one cent coin and gave it to Raven, saying "For luck". Raven holds on to it until she chanted the spell to open the portal. In "Homecoming - Part 1", Raven seemed surprised at Beast Boy's serious behavior and likely saw that most of his personality stems from his past.
From an outward appearance, it would seem Beast Boy is closer to Terra, but as it has been shown throughout the series, it is clear that Beast Boy has a tighter affectionate tie to Raven than he has for Terra. Even though her depressing air and sarcasm gets the best of him occasionally, Beast Boy shows Raven that he cares about her a lot when it matters most, and still proves to her that he likes being her friend no matter what. Beast Boy does not like it whenever Raven is hurt or upset, as he quickly softens up when she feels down. On the other hand, Raven is also not very excited when Beast Boy is injured or depressed. She has, time and time again, been the one who has come to his defense in battle when he's been knocked out of the fight, and as such, Beast Boy does the same, though he can occasionally get a bit ahead of himself, as seen in "Masks".
Even though Beast Boy constantly riles her with his immaturity and jokes (even going a bit too far at times), at the core, he is only trying to get Raven to open up more and have fun, possibly implying he does not want her to feel so alone all the time. More often than not, Cyborg is the one who keeps him in check to
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Beast Boy Teen Titans

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