Bearded Dragon Lizards Are Now the Most Popular Exotic Pet

Bearded Dragon Lizards Are Now the Most Popular Exotic Pet

Bearded dragon lizards make great pets for both first-time owners and children. As their name suggests, they have a distinctive look that sets them apart. These lizards are easy to handle and can be moved around without any fuss. They can live a healthy and active life in captivity and are often healthier than those caught in the wild due to the lack of exposure to pesticides.

Bearded dragons are diurnal creatures and become inactive at night. The most common type of bearded dragon is Pogona Vitticeps, also known as the Inland or Central Bearded Dragon. They spend most of their day basking and absorbing warmth for digestion.

Beardies are known for their beard display and other interesting behaviors. They have a great temperament and will often climb on you voluntarily. They are independent creatures but don't mind being handled as long as their entire body is supported.

Bearded dragons are found throughout Australia, and are hardy creatures that can survive in various habitats, from deserts to bushlands to urban areas. Australian Aborigines even believe that rain will fall the next day when a bearded dragon sits upright and cocks its head towards the sky.

Beardies are omnivorous and can eat a wide variety of food sources, as their native habitats often have limited food options. They cannot eat fireflies or any other animals with bioluminescence chemicals, as they are toxic. They enjoy insects like grasshoppers and mealworms, as well as dark green leafy vegetables. Feeding supplies, enclosures, and accessories can be purchased from specialist pet and lizard supply stores.

When using sand as substrate, it's important to sift it to remove any gravel to prevent the dragon from getting impacted. The sand should also be cleaned daily to maintain a fresh and hygienic environment for the lizard. To reduce stress, it's important to emulate their natural habitat as much as possible.

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