Beard Transplant

Beard Transplant

Effective Hair Transplant Technique

When Beard Transplant Needed?

Experts can apply this process to the jaw, cheeks, sideburn, and mustache area. They can also use this process to camouflage acne scars or other scars.

Various reasons can cause hair root losses in the area of the beard mustache; this may be hereditary; It may occur after laser hair removal, needle hair removal, surgical procedures, or burns.

Beard transplant can apply to sparse areas and areas where no hair can be sown. Thus, it is tried to reach the shape of the beard-mustache desired by the person.

There will be a various number of roots depending on the transplant area:

  • 350-500 for the moustache
  • 600-700 for jaw area
  • 200-250 for favourites
  • 300-700 for cheek zone

Who Can Be Applied?

The hair follicles to be transplanted are taken from the neck. Because for the hair transplant or beard transplant best donor area is always the neck.

Please note that the number of roots decreases after the beard transplant, which will affect the results of a future hair transplant procedure. Therefore, think before making a decision. Maybe you will need that donor area for hair transplant in the future.

Before and After of Beard Transplant Process

Beard Transplant Before & After Operation

Beard transplant is performed under local anesthesia and sedation and lasts for 2-5 hours. The procedure is commonly painless. Trim crusts are observed around the transplanted roots. The planting area must be kept dry and must not be handled.

You will not need to shave for ten days after the procedure. Therefore, you must make necessary arrangements in your workplace and social activities in terms of the timing of the transaction.

On the second day after the procedure, non-compelling physical activities are allowed, and if the person comes from outside the city, they are allowed to return home. However, when the face is looked at for 4-5 days, it is clear that a procedure has been made.

The hairs at the ends of the sown roots begin to fall about two weeks later, and there is nothing to worry about. After about three months, the hairs start to grow again.

To avoid a situation such as the success of the procedure, infection, and scarring; After the beard transplant, you should do your maintenance very well as you are told.

Follow the advice of your doctor before and after the procedure. The doctor’s recommendation will ensure that the process is without problems and obtain the best results.

Beard Transplant Cost in Turkey

The FUE technique, the same method as hair, is used in the beard transplant process. The reason for being cheaper is that the operation is shorter and more straightforward. The price varies according to the area you want to transplant the beard. The average beard transplant cost is 1500 Euros at NEO.

Neo Hair Transplant Turkey

How a Beard Transplant is Done

The methods used in the beard transplant technique are the same as the techniques used in hair transplant. With the increasing demand for the operation, modern techniques used in hair transplants have been adapted to beard transplants. FUE technique is used as the last technique; In this way, serious success is achieved.

Regardless of the method, beard transplant operations are carried out in certain stages:

The donor area where the hair follicles of the patient will be transplanted and harvested is analyzed in detail. The amount of hair follicles to be transplanted is determined.

The area where the hair follicles will be taken is numbed (the back part of the head, which is the same area as hair transplant), and the hair follicles are handled in varying shapes according to the method.

The area where the hair follicles will be planted is numbed, and the hair follicles are implanted in varying shapes according to the method.

Operations are performed under local anesthesia, regardless of the method used. Patients can sleep during this period. During beard transplant surgery, grafts cannot be taken from someone else. The hair follicles present in the patient’s body are used. Generally, hair follicles, i.e., grafts, are taken from the nape area, but if the density in this area is low, hair follicles can also be taken from other parts of the body. (As a result, we do not prefer Neo Clinic because it is not practical.)

The amount to be taken from the neck can change according to the patient’s will. If the patient plans to have a hair transplant operation after the beard transplant operation, as tiny a hair follicle as possible is taken from the nape area.

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