Be mentally prepared, CCP is ready for mutual destruction 

Be mentally prepared, CCP is ready for mutual destruction 


(20 Apr) The Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government and Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office are the “black hands” behind Carrie Lam and the HK police, hence both offices have recently came forward and gave directions directly. The “black hands” behind these two offices are, of course, the Politburo Standing Committee of the CCP and Xi Jinping himself, who control the whole situation.


All in all, the situations in Hong Kong and China are interlinked. We would understand when we look at the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs; sometimes they would be aggressive like wolf warriors, and sometimes they would pretend to be rational; the Foreign Ministry spokesperson and the ambassador to the US fought each other. These are things that a dignified country would never do. The Chinese Foreign Ministry is too used to playing the wolf warrior, and they couldn’t bow down all in a sudden as it’d be too unsightly, plus the group of Chinese wumao and little pinkies wouldn’t be pleased if they did. Therefore, they have been distorting the truth for months, and now, they are finally determined to let the world burn with them.


The fact that the CCP is prepared for “mutual destruction” means that they have studied and predicted the outcome. The key outcome is that the relationship between the CCP and most countries, especially with G7 (Group of seven industrialized nations), “can’t go back to normal”. This pandemic has completely exposed the ugly side of CCP. Western countries have come to their senses and understand that their common opponent is the CCP, and the relationship with this opponent is not one that you could hug it out like before, but rather, it is an antagonistic relationship where you live or you die.


Since CCP has made this final decision, it means that they are no longer under the illusion that their relationship with the rest of the world will improve, and they are prepared for the worst. If the confrontation continues with Western countries, the good outcome would be to maintain the stalemate of no interaction with each other and to keep the country behind closed doors. The bad outcome would be to start a war.


The CCP has been harassing the Taiwan Strait recently. Xi Jinping has given the PLA a pay rise, and the army has been making repeated calls to fight Taiwan. From all these signs, they are preparing for the worst – a life-and-death battle.


Since the CCP have prepared for mutual destruction, they no longer have any worries about the suppression of Hong Kong. All they have to do is to see if there will be any changes to the “United States-Hong Kong Policy Act”. The U.S. will more or less harm themselves if they amend the "US-Hong Kong Policy Act", so it depends whether the U.S. have the "mutual destruction" mentality. Both countries are trying to test each other’s bottom line, rolling towards the edge of a precipice.

The CCP is facing a critical situation of annihilation, like “a blind man riding a blind horse, riding to a lake at midnight. ” (a Chinese metaphor for a reckless person in a dangerous position). The CCP doesn’t have much of a choice, the only thing they could do is to take the plunge and have a fight, so the chances of choosing to mutually destruct are high.


The current situation is that the whole world is facing mutual destruction. Once the CCP becomes desperate, it will not be lenient to the brutal suppression of Hong Kong. Therefore, we have to be fully  prepared for the darkest hours before dawn.


Every social progress comes with a deep price. We have to endure and persevere, as long as we don’t loose hope. Both external and internal environments are to our advantage. We have to fight till the end in the usual parliamentary battles, and we also must not abandon informal protests. We have to trade time for space, and let history takes its toll.


Source: Stand News

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