Be "Tolerate" to Sun Yang

Be "Tolerate" to Sun Yang


(14 Mar) Recently, the Pro-Beijing camp and the Hong Kong police have both tried to open up the international battleline, justifying the regime's violation of human rights and condoning indiscriminate violence.

After the visit to the United States by several members from the Executive Council (ExCo), Regina Ip Lau Suk-yee said that the US has little chance of sanctions. However, almost at the same time, the State Department released a report about human rights, criticizing Hong Kong police for using excessive force and interfering with the freedom of assembly. Whether the sanctions are awaiting in the future or not, everyone remembers that after Regina Ip's visit to the US last year, she also publicly stated that the "Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act" would not be passed too soon, which the Act passed two months later.

Oscar Kwok Yam-shu, the deputy commissioner of police in management, stated at the United Nations Human Rights Council (HRC) thatthe so-called "police violence" is a weapon to discredit and defame the police. The duty of police officers is to stop riots and protect the public, but Kwok did not explain why the police did not do what they should do on 21 July, not to mention why the police put their arms on the shoulder of the gang in white tees. The human rights report by the State Department indicated the actions of the Hong Kong police on the 21 of July and 31 of August and criticized the Hong Kong government for refusing to establish an independent inquiry to investigate police riots, and stated that it was "a major human rights issue". 

It is absurd that Carrie Lam called on the public to be tolerant of the police because they are under pressure

The Chief Secretary for Administration, Matthew Cheung Kin-chung explained what he said about the epidemic was "under control" means that it was "closely monitored". With this logic, I think I can understand the word "tolerant" with the meaning of "shield" and "connive". Because of "tolerant", Oscar Kwok Yam-shu and the former superintendent of Police, John Tse Chun-chung can speak irresponsibly; Because of "tolerant",  a group of police officers can have one citizen's back to the wall, intimidating the citizen to apologize to each of them with swear words.

However, the international situation can be very unstable and "tolerant" can become unpredictable. Use Sun Yang as an example, the incident of him refusing to take the drug testing violently was a hustle and bustle. Sun was sentenced to an eight-year suspension by the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS), which means his sports career has most likely come to an end. After the judgment, the China Swimming Association stated that they would support Sun in "protecting legal rights and interests by legal means", and People's Daily supported him by saying he should"protecting rights according to the law"on Weibo. However, both the Chinese Swimming Association and People's Daily changed their mind after the Supreme People's Procuratorate posting two long articles on the Procuratorial Daily (檢察日報). He Jia-hong, a jurisprudent in China, directly pointed out in the article that Sun Yang failed to cooperate with the drug test and it was a wrong, ignorant and disregarded act. "In China today, there are indeed many people who do not pay much attention to the rules. As long as they think that they are reasonable, they can be non-compliance to all rules. Especially for people with power, wealth and fame, and are accustomed to privileges. When facing rules, they tend to go their own way. Even if they violate the law, they can always settle things down with their power."

And the other article on the Procuratorial Daily clearly distances Sun Yang from the country, stating that "Do not always associate the honor and disgrace of an athlete with the country's.”

In China, Sun Yang's incident was read as the whole world slandering Sun and framing China, and the dignity of the entire nation shall go all in to fight for the "right" judgment. However, in the current international situation where the Chinese coronavirus has led China to be "attacked" by all sides, the swimming "giant baby" has become an "abandoned baby".

The only person who continues to "tolerate" Sun Yang is Yang Ming, who is also a mother, same as Carrie Lam, the chief executive in Hong Kong. After the judgment, Mrs. Yang blamed the defense team for being unprofessional. She demanded a replacement for the lawyer but was rejected by the leader. She mentioned that she regretted to trust someone who did not persist until the end, resulting in the strangle of years of hard-working of her son by power and lies, "...(I) could face the leader, face the organization, but not my son."

Yang Ming is indeed faultful for her son, Sun Yang's finale today is the result of years of "tolerant" by the nation.

(Originally published in Apple Daily)

Source: Stand News

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