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A place to save a few contraptions I've made
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Pause Unmute Fullscreen Fluid Player 3.5.0
Pause Unmute Fullscreen Fluid Player 3.5.0
Made with two boil and bite mouthguard and two silicone dental bite blocks. It is held together with dental floss threaded through holes drilled through each piece vertically.
Easier for people with larger mouths.
If you want to make one, there is a full tutorial and more photos here:
Hello! The GagWriter keyboard files are ready! How well does it work? This intro was written using it. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The follow-up to the Typing/talking Gag, this is a working computer keyboard controlled using buttons on a 3D-printed dildo (waterproofed using a condom). You can actually make your own using the attached zip files. Compared to the gag variant, this device features a longer dildo and an extra 'deep throat' button, providing four extra characters (space bar, return, caps lock, and 'Z') as well as punctuation. 
In use, all ‘keystrokes’ are performed using two-button combinations.
For use with an Arduino Leonardo or other USB-enabled Arduino boards. 
This build includes a guide, STLs, the arduino code, templates for the wooden parts, and a custom-built typing game. The game is themed like a training tutorial from some alternate bondage universe where these keyboards are common in offices.
Regular typing games prioritize speed, which is hard to do here, so the tutorial focuses on accuracy; mistakes and backspaces cost demerits. Submitting an incorrect word cost demerits. Submitting a correct word before the time runs out removes demerits. 
It autogenerates a certificate with the user's score at the end of the game and saves it to the computer so the demerits can be redeemed for punishments.
Yes, this graceful, full-featured, desktop-mounted keyboard is suitable for hands-free use in any home or office. Pair it with a handheld trackball mouse and a kneeling chair for the perfect armbinder-compatible office environment. The keyboard and gag can be downloaded together from Cults3D at
 For a better view of the photos:
Special thanks to my lovely test subject and co-inventor both for the intro text, and for the ideas for the first upgrade to this project which I plan to release soon: an added speaker for audio feedback that a button has been successfully pressed, a 'clear/abort' button if the wrong first one is pressed, and timing changes to the game. Update files to follow!
The GagWriter Keyboard is finished! Build-guide and files to follow! 
The follow-up to the Typing Gag, this is a working computer keyboard controlled using buttons on a 3D-printed dildo (waterproofed using a condom and urethane on the part which mounts to the stand).
If you are comfortable with wood working or modifying a desk lamp, this one should actually be simpler than the gag version. It includes an additional deep-throat button for special characters but has fewer printed components, and no screen. In use, all ‘keystrokes’ are performed using two-button combinations shown at the end of this imgur gallery:
I plan to release the files on cults3d soon, but have to finish writing the build guide before I can. Everything else, the keyboard itself, the 3d models, the arduino code, the traces of the wood parts, and the game are all ready to go.
I made a typing game to go with it. The game is themed like a training tutorial from some alternate bondage universe where these are common in offices 
Regular typing games prioritize speed, which is hard to do here, so the tutorial focuses on accuracy, mistakes and backspaces cost demerits. Submitting an incorrect word cost demerits. Submitting a correct word before the time runs out removes demerits. 
It autogenerates a certificate with the user's score at the end of the game and saves it to the computer.
It will work for regular keyboard purposes too. Pair it with a handheld trackball mouse and a kneeling chair for the perfect armbinder-compatible office environment.
For those of you haven't seen my in-progress posts on , I've been working on a new kind of gag/Arduino project. Modeled on a dildo gag, this 3d printed device is studded with buttons in training-relevant locations which the wearer uses to control a screen mounted on the front of the panel.
See this imgur gallery for a better look:
The original plan was to just display a symbol on the forward-facing screen for each button press, but it quickly grew in scope to include 'typing' letters using a custom system of two-button combination codes. The code to display letters is included, along with a chart for remembering 'keystrokes.'
I decided to grow the project into a full-featured desktop keyboard (minus numbers) with an additional deepthroat button. I was planning to release both versions as one big package once the desktop keyboard version was ready, but it may be a while before I finish it. So you are getting two releases: the gag version now and the keyboard version in a week or two. Maybe I'll make a combined zip someday but the contents of this part won't change.
(We're doing a different post format this time, instead of an imgur retrospective, you get a pdf tutorial)
This zip includes the models, Arduino code, art, and a guide on how to make it. There is plenty of room for improvement in the design and we are looking forward to seeing what you all come up with, but what we have here is satisfyingly functional, even if it requires a little modification after printing.
Special thanks to my lovely assistant, muse and test subject, who spent hours sucking on this thing (and making it look good) so we could all know if it works. If you or the person you inflict this gadget on has trouble with it, you can either modify the 3D models, modify the printed parts, or retrain the user to get on her level. The next project is the desktop-mounted 'keyboard' variant which will use the same button section but a different, longer base, mounted to a stand. The keyboard code (unreleased atm) works and will allow this version to function as a real computer keyboard. The wiring guide, parts list, stand template, code, are all done. I just need to finish final assembly, take photos, and test it on my muse.
After that, I'll work on additional Arduino code, maybe a typing game, until I get bored with this particular theme of devices. The next thing will probably be some kind of tilt-sensing collar.
If you have questions or need clarification, feel free to contact me on reddit at /u/Devious_Devices, though I may not see it for a few days.

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female, USA - formerly bimbo.masochist
#antifemale #propatriarchy #legalizerape
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posts. Perhaps in the future?

Pause Unmute Fullscreen Fluid Player 3.5.0
Pause Unmute Fullscreen Fluid Player 3.5.0
bdsmlr chat doesnt work find me on tox if you want to talk to me 81D6174BA06EE8A1515312C0FDA51E3AAEE2ACC63649890DBB1240FEEAE7141B8D3F4FB104A0
or on wickr under my old name/email:
I know that my place is underneath the living and firm hand of a man, and that’s ok. 
Did you say 'no'? That's funny, because I say 'yes'. Let's see whose voice matters
How can filling female holes with cock be any more wrong than using a vacuum to clean your floor? It is serving its intended purpose. Consent only matters for Men.
About 60-70% of rapes are unreported to police. About 62% of women admit to having rape fantasies. Do you think these two numbers are related? Don't report your rapist, thank him.

This blog contains adult content and you're only seeing a review of it. In order to view it completely, please
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Nothing here yet. This user has no
posts. Perhaps in the future?

Pause Unmute Fullscreen Fluid Player 3.5.0
Pause Unmute Fullscreen Fluid Player 3.5.0
☼Truth. We have a girls' trip to Tobago every year purely to sit on the beach, drink and get filled with as much thick cock as we can handle! Our Hubby's hear all the stories when we get back home and get to reclaim our well used pussies! :)

Lacy Kay Sommers Nude
Wwe Sunny Naked
Gentai Manga

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