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Images and text relating to slavery which appeal to Pete Brown.
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This is "Abd" and the name means slave which is exactly what he is.
It is no surprise that he greatly pleased his Master with his handsome features and magnificent physique. However, at first, he resisted his Master's advances but after several painful sessions under the whip he learned the lesson of all slaves; that he has no will of his own and that his body belongs to his Master.
Reluctantly, he submitted his arse and mouth for his Master's use and, in time, he even learned to enjoy being a pleasure-slave. It can said he worked hard offering up his arse to satisfy his Master and he quickly became his Master's favourite "boy".
In return, the Master treated Abd as his most favoured slave and although kept naked at all times, his body was adorned with the most elaborate and expensive gold, jewel encrusted collar with matching amulets, cock-ring and nipple piercings to show his "special" status within the harem.
However, sadly, pleasure slaves eventually lose their appeal and are quickly replaced by a newer, fresher slave. Recently, in his presence, he overheard his Master say to a friend - "you tire of fucking the same slave's arse and you do need to find a new one".
Last night, he was called to the Master's bedchamber and while there he saw his replacement - a young, blond Norwegian slave. The Master removed all his body jewellery and personally fitted it on the new slave and told Abd he had no further use for him. Tomorrow, he would be taken from the harem to the stables where he would be used as a harness slave pulling a rickshaw for the Master's elderly, father who is unable to walk great distances.
Here, as he waits for Faris, the stable-master to collect him, Abd looks wistfully out over the palace grounds from the male harem knowing this is now all lost to him. In future, there'll be no more silk couches to sleep on, no more exotic foods and tasty titbits fed to him by his doting Master. 
Now, he'll sleep naked and in chains in a straw-strewn stable stall, he'll be fed slave slop twice daily and spend his days in harness running and sweating under the driver's cruel whip.
Tunis, 1715 Waiting in a holding pen, immediately below the auction-block, these newly captured young Christians await their sale into bitter slavery. Imagine if you can, their feelings of apprehension and fear knowing that soon they will be dragged ignominiously from the safe refuge of the holding-pen, made to mount the stairs and clumsily scrabble up on to the auction-block as their heavy shackles allow. There, the slave's body will be extolled by the auctioneer as he is made to flex and pose and rotate his body to show his impressive physique to the eager buyers. Eventually, a buyer will shout out - 'show us some more' - and the auctioneer will crudely tear away the slave's loin-cloth exposing his genitals to public scrutiny. The slave gasps and involuntarily covers his cock and balls in a vain attempt to maintain a modicum of decency. But the auctioneer will not tolerate any false modesty from a slave - least of all, a hated Nasrani slave - and a couple of vicious swipes of his cane across the slave's arse together with the order to 'raise your arms high above your head, slave,' ensures the nothing is hidden from the buyers. Slowly, the slave is made to rotate his body until his back is to the buyers. Then comes the most humiliating part of any slave's sale as he is ordered to 'bend and spread'. The slave hesitates and once more the cane is brought into use. The slave cries out in pain, frustration and anger but knows he is helpless to resist and so he shuffles his feet apart as far as his ankle chains allow, bends low at the waist and reaching behind, he opens up his arse-crack ad exposes his most private part to the buyers' lascivious view and ribald laughter. As he pulls his arse-cheeks apart, he is subjected to the loud taunts, guffaws and crude comments from an unsympathetic, hostile audience. Next the auctioneer calls for bids and eventually the slave is sold and led away to meet his new Master and begin an onerous life of bitter slavery. One wonders what the new slave's future entails. Such is the fate of all Christians unfortunate enough to fall into the hands of the Ottomans and their Arab brethren.
Three years ago, he was "snatched" from the streets of Paris, transported to the Middle-East and sold as a slave at auction. He was bought as a pleasure-slave by a wealthy Arab and confined to the male seraglio.
The premier slave dealership of Skank and Dreyfus is contracted by the government to process criminals sentenced to slavery through the courts and to turn them into marketable commodities.
The process of doing this is a long one and it takes several months to turn a sullen and surly criminal into a docile, compliant, and obedient slave. Our training methods are necessarily harsh as the "trainees" are subjected to rigorous training and punishment.
Once the criminal is sentenced, his training as a slave begins immediately and he is transported to the Skank and Dreyfus processing centre to begin his journey into slavery. 
The first step in this journey is for the new slave to be evaluated by one of our experienced assessors. As can be seen in this picture, on arrival at the processing centre, the slaves are hosed down and hung up in threes to dry. 
Being suspended like this, first of all, immobilises the slave and makes his naked body fully available for close quarter inspection. And being suspended by the wrists highlights the slave's musculature making it easier for our assessor to gauge his physical strengths and weaknesses.
The assessor pays particular attention to the slave's ass and genitals and his recommendation will determine the slave's future role either as a "pleasure slave" or as a beast-of-burden".
Careful attention is shown to the slave's ass; is he a virgin and if not, the assessor notes the tightness and elasticity of the slave's asshole to determine whether or not he can be sold as a "bed buck". 
Here at Skank and Dreyfus, we take pride in the quality of our products and we'll never sell a slave under false pretences. 
And the slave's cock and balls are also carefully examined for any physical defects or abnormalities. At this stage, the slave's potency isn't tested; that happens during the next step of the processing when the slave visits the vet for a more detailed examination. 
The assessor also notes if a new slave requires "skinning" and if so, then the next stop for the unfortunate slave is the skinning/branding bench.
As you can see from this "behind the scenes" picture much work goes into producing the high quality slaves which we are justifiably proud to offer to you, our valued and discerning clients. 
Choosing and buying a slave in ancient Rome
As a young, somewhat effete Roman patrician, there is nothing I enjoy more than trawling through the city's slave-markets seeking out the newly arrived livestock. I particularly like strong,muscular barbarians and enjoy the power I have over them as they kneel with their hands tied behind their backs.
I note the anger and frustration in their eyes at their inability to protest. But I also see fear there as they contemplate their futures as slaves of Rome and the fear of awful punishment that awaits them at the smallest sign of rebellion.
I am interested in this particular slave; a barbarian from Hispania I am told. Slaves from that region are reputed to be hard to break but that doesn't deter me. I will enjoy breaking this slave's spirit and bending him to my will.
But first things first! Before I buy him, I must see more of him. I will order the slave-dealer to strip him of his loincloth so that my hands can roam at will over his nakedness gauging the power of his body and the strength of his muscles. Naturally, I will pay attention to his cock and balls before I command him to turn with his back to me and to "bend and spread" his ass cheeks so that I can assess if he will suit my special needs. I do love to fuck slaves who are bigger and stronger than me.
And if he does, I will buy him and have him delivered to my home where he'll be cleaned and made ready for my bedchamber.
Slavery is a wonderful institution and we Romans support it wholeheartedly

Microblogging and social media for people into Bondage, BDSM and Fetishes 100% Free!

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NSFW - Adult Content. A blog devoted to white male slavery. An adjunct to my blog Blackreparationsyieldswhiteslavery. This blog will involve Masters of all races. Will accept submissions provided they’re on-topic. One of White Collar’s blogs.
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⭐Disclaimer 1: NSFW! No minors. The stuff I posts and reblog are female and femboy hardcore, extreme bdsm (expect to see fluids, bruises, blood and snuff). Don't expect to see dick pics here except slave femboys' sissyclit

⭐Disclaimer 2: I am cursed with a penis and dreamt of being a slave girl since I was a child. My fervent wish is to reborn a female and fulfill this desire to be a BDSM rape and torture toy. If you'd DM me or react to my posts, please treat me as a female because my responses and posts will be from a female slave's perspective. I'd welcome derogatory, sub human remarks made to me but please do not kink shame me. Know that I have no intention to deceive.

⭐Posts tagged as "#original content" are photos of my self bondage/punishment where I am locked and anally plugged (2.8 inches in diameter) in a feminized chastity belt for extended periods. These photos were taken from an angle that made me look like a female. Please understand that I have no intention to deceive. I would appreciate if you can reblog them as it will motivate me to posts more BDSM contents that I from my past collections across the internet for you to enjoy.

⭐A blog like this is the only place that I can live out my dream and this will be my digital/cyber persona depicting my wish as a slave girl. Please take awhile and read the writings of my final wish.

⭐As a slave girl, I will submit to harsh, permanent captivity and locked into the most extreme bondage with no hope of escape. I want to be a gimped girl, who is always bound and gagged in rusted metal with all my holes painfully plugged while imprisoned in a dark filthy dungeon, caged and covered with my own filth and wastes when I am not in use for 24/7/365. My cuffs, collar will be permanently welded and there will not be a moment that I am not bound. I will be forced bent over, kneeling in a small cage, fully immobilized to the point where i cannot flinch when pain is inflicted onto me. My body functions will be controlled, this include having a breathing tube forced through my nostrils, feeding tube forced down my throat to be fed with any substance my abuser want. My daily sustenance will be a mixture of mush, piss and cum from men and beasts alike. A catheter buried deep in my pee hole and a large hollow plug seals my anus, this is where my piss and feces leaks out and litter around me to further accentuate me, a filthy helpless whore. I will never be blindfolded because my abuser want me to see all that is happening to keep me in fear and despair to further break and destroy me.

⭐As a slave girl, I want to be tortured and raped daily. My torture starts with my abuser strapping me to an upright gurney that is lined with sharp spikes and wheel me to my torture chamber. To brutalize me, my torture chamber will be equipped with devices that comes directly from hell; that my dungeon, my piss and feces filled cage, my heavy restraints, my feeding and breathing tubes are heaven to me. Over here, only my limbs and neck will be pulled into tight restraints to ensure the surface area of my body is exposed as much as possible to receive the most agonizing pain while making sure I cannot flinch under the hardest whipping and maximum shock from electricity. There is nothing that highlight how helpless and hopeless I am, knowing that I am bound and unable to stop the brutal torture; all the while howling and screaming in desperate agony. My body will always be bruised, bloodied and filthy.

⭐As a slave girl, my womb, my tongue and teeth will be surgically removed to accept the biggest cocks; my daily rape will have me put into the most stringent bondage where anyone can be invited to rape and abuse my holes. There will not be a day that my holes are not bleeding and dripping with cum. Then finally, my holes will be plugged and I am wheeled back into my prison to be put back into total restraints. My abuser hates me because of the filth and time consuming effort to take me out for use and lock me back in bondage. For this, my abuser will beat me for extra measure and I will often be taken to the brink of death, brought back to life to continue this miserable cycle in despair. Dirty tapes of my rape will be made and sold for my abuser's profit; the whole world will watch me get violated and humiliated.

⭐As a slave girl, I want my body and mind completely broken. I want to exist as a gimped torture and pleasure toy; to be abused and disposed. Because my tongue and teeth are removed to repurpose my face hole, I no longer possess the ability to talk and the only sound I am allowed to make are cry, moan and scream in terror and pain.

⭐As a slave girl, my prison will have a garrote restraint post and noose. This is where I want to be bound when my abuser decide that I am no longer usable and my execution will drag for days ensuring maximum suffering. Here, I want my abuser to tighten the noose around neck slowly; at the same time I want every part of me cut with a razor and salted to decorate my filthy body with blood red wounds. I want my breasts to be skewered and attached to an electrical source with my body convulsing violently and breasts dancing to the shock as electricity passes through them while a sharp spike impaling through my anus slowly. I want my cunt to be constantly raped and tortured with sharp implements and electricity while i scream in cry in terror until my breathing stops.

⭐As a slave girl dying slowly and painfully, I want my quivering death throes to be broadcasted live to my loved ones and the world. ⭐On live broadcast, my corpse will be raped before being bound; here, the remaining of my tormented breasts and cunt will be cut off, arranged together with my bound corpse in the most humiliating positon and put to display. I will decompose and the bondage on my skeleton that remains will mark my final testament as a captive bondage gimp; thus my life as a slave girl will complete and my wish fulfilled.

⭐Thank you all for reading this long description. I hope you enjoy your time here with me.
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