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If you've benefited from or enjoyed what you've read, then please check out Rope Bondage The Smart Way , which answers every conceivable question for the beginner, shares my favorite ties and how to use them to best advantage. There are also tips on making uber sexy fun times happen, and real life examples and case studies of rope bondage fuelled awesomeness.

Rope Bondage The Smart Way was distilled down from about six years of learning, practicing, and testing, and contains my go-to practices for my own use of rope bondage in BDSM; with both written instructions and LOTS of annotated pictures to make learning it all easy.

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Exploring rope bondage and healthy kinky relationships
Rope bondage is made up of many different ties; but the first one anyone should learn is the single column tie.
This one tie will form the foundation for everything else you do.
This post is more for people I’m sharing my knowledge with; but I also found it served to make my ideas on the subject a lot more concrete, to help me identify why I like these ties, and what I hate about the “standard” single column tie. By writing this post, I figured out what my three favourite single column ties were, and why.
This is the first rope bondage tie I think anyone should learn, because it embodies the principles that you HAVE to know if you’re going to be tying people regularly.
Why columns? Because that’s what the human body is made up out of. Your arms and wrists are columns. Your torso is a column. Your legs are columns. So is your neck (but I highly discourage tying rope off around the neck, because generally speaking, people need to be able to breathe in order to go on living) .
Rope bondage, shibari, whatever you want to call it, is all about connecting these columns with rope; decorating, restraining, caressing, seducing… all of the above or whichever you prefer to focus on.
So the single column tie is all about how to tie a single column, whether it’s a wrist, a leg, a torso, what have you. It’s your starting point, and will probably be the starting point in most ties that you put on your partner or that you end up in.
It’s very good for starting most rope bondage ties, as mentioned above. It’s a popular first step in many harnesses and leg ties.
It’s also very good for your basic “spread eagle” positions; when you tie each limb to the corner of the bed, or tie a limb to something else, particularly because it won’t collapse down. That’s important.
It is best for tying a single limb, or column; when tying two columns together, e.g. two wrists, if you used this tie it would be fairly easy for your partner to slide their wrists out of it ( That can sometimes be a good thing ). For a more secure way of doing this, you should use a two-column tie .
This particular method is called the Burlington Bowline, invented by a rope geek named Tracker.
Now there are several different ways to do a single column tie; but what I’m going to do is teach you is the method that I use, and I’m going to explain exactly why I use this one and not a different one as I go.
Note: this method is based on shibari. There’s a lot of people who love explaining what shibari is, where it originated, etc – but that’s not important right now. You want to know more? Google that shit, I’m not stopping you. I just don’t consider it that important to what I’m teaching.
What is important is that shibari and shibari based rope bondage incorporate a simple method of rope tying that is fast, efficient, aesthetically pleasing, and all around very cool. It’s not nearly as messy as other styles I’ve seen, and while it can look complicated, it’s usually based around a set of very simple techniques and skills that get combined together to make something that looks and feels amazing.
Hence why I use it. I fell in love with the style as I learned, partly because of the aesthetic, and partly because it’s just so damn effective. So, the tie .
This (you can look at the picture below now) is known as your bight.
Your bight is the middle of your rope; shibari and shibari based rope bondage use a doubled over rope. This is actually super efficient and quick, which will be demonstrated shortly. Most ties start with the bight.
Take your partner’s wrist, (or whatever column you’re tying) and using your bight, wrap your doubled length around their wrist at least twice ( this is where using doubled rope comes in handy, because means you don’t have to do it four times instead for the same effect. See? Efficient).
You’ll note that I then take the bight, and turn it to a right angle over the initial two wraps.
Following this (and after making sure I have enough bight) I take the bight beneath the wraps. Fun fact, having a line or loop go beneath the wraps actually prevents it from tightening down, preventing loss of circulation, bruising, abrasion, and painful rope marks. It’s an essential thing in ANY single column tie. Using a tie like this means you’re more likely to have someone come back to be tied again.
Pro-tip; in order to get the rope through, pull, don’t push. It may look like I’m pushing here; I’m not. That’s me holding the tie in place for a photo. Use your finger like a crochet hook, reach beneath the wraps, and pull your bight through. It’s much easier and less frustrating than pushing the rope.
Here’s where people start to scratch their heads when they’re first learning. It can take a few tries to get this bit ingrained. Holding your bight where it was in the previous picture use the other end (aka the “working end”) of your rope to create a simple loop, as you see me doing here. Just make a simple twist, with the free end of the rope dangling to the inside of the loop, as shown here.
Now, take your bight, and run it through the loop.
Now run your bight underneath the two wraps again.
And finally, put the bight back through your loop, and using your working end, pull the loop shut.
I mentioned earlier that there are several different ways to tie a single column tie. I’m teaching you this one because this is the one I use, for the following reasons;
There’s another “single column tie knot” which is commonly used – often called a boola boola or sometimes a yuki knot, depending on who you talk to. With that knot, the bight only goes through the loop once – not beneath the bands and through again.
That knot has problems. The means of doing the tie is essentially the same, but when you use a boola boola finish, it’s often the case that the knot will somehow collapse. Many insist that’s because it’s not being done “right”.
I don’t give a fuck . If a knot has to be tied “right” in order for it to not collapse, then I don’t want to use it – I want a nice, clean, reasonably “bombproof” knot that will not freaking collapse. I want to be able to tie it and know it’s going to do it’s job even when tied in the heat of a very sexy distracted moment so that I can move on and do other fun things without worrying. I once heard that a rigger I know had tried to lift someone using the standard boola boola for a foot and ankle suspension. The guy uses that knot all the time; but this time the knot collapsed.
That concerns the hell out of me. This is why I use knots I’ve never ever seen collapse.
( Update: A guy named Tim asked me for a video on the Burlington Bowline going both over and under a limb; I’ve left it here as well for you guys to check out. )
The other single column tie I tend to use is known as the Sommerville bowline, or Struggler’s Knot.
Those are both really good ties; they’re both very quick when practiced and are both quite safe. The reason I teach Tracker’s Burlington Bowline first is because it’s a great way of pointing out important safety considerations for your single column tie. Come to think of it, I probably use all three about the same amount. The struggler’s knot is actually a tiny bit quicker, due to one less move, but the Burlington Bowline is more bombproof.
Last but not least; you may be wondering why this last picture on this post doesn’t quite match with the finished tie I just showed you.
The reason is, I’m about to teach you a last very neat trick for if you suspect you may need to get this or another column tie undone in a hurry.
What you see there is the exact same tie I’ve just taught you, but with a nifty “quick release” aspect to it.
The last time I put the bight through, just before tightening the loop down with my working end, I folded the bight in half, so that the end was sticking out the right. Then I tightened the loop with my working end.
Let’s say your working end is still under tension, and you need to get someone out in a hurry, starting at the beginning of the tie. Yank that sticking out bit (on the right) hard, and your knot will loosen very quickly and you’ll be able to release their wrist or what have you first (note; you’ll often get a surprised or startled yelp from the tied person when you yank).
Any feedback, or other tips and tricks people have on the single column tie, I’d love to hear from you. If you’re looking for rope, then probably my favorite source of rope at the moment is Twisted Monk’s hemp ; feel free to check it out.
How To Tie A Chest Harness January 7, 2016 In "Connection"
The Rope Connections Glossary December 24, 2015 In "Rope culture"
The old wicked fast bowline tutorial returns until I make a new and better one.
Thanks very much for that Dave, an updated link is always useful. I’ve found a lot of your videos really handy in the last couple of years, any plans for new tutorials?
WykD Dave has another video showing the difference between the Sommerville Bowline & Struggler’s Knot. Depending on which direction you twist your loop, you end up with a construction that allows the tension to be spread across your bands more/less easily.
As a newbie, the different names for all the different techniques were hard to sort out; so I wanted to point out that those 2 are different in case anyone was (like me) wondering.
Haha I know right? It’s amazing how crochet stuff actually relates to rope. I know a girl who based her rope stuff from the crochet skills she learned from her grandmother…
As far as I know, the yuki knot / boola boola is commonly known as the square knot. It is inherently unsafe. The version of your knot with a single pass is stable when tightened properly; yours is more safe at the price of speed (both tying and untying)
That sounds about right. I haven’t heard it referred to as the square knot before (always had the impression that that was something else entirely) but yes, I am sacrificing a few more seconds for safety with this one
I just found this tutorial after much searching for a reasonable “bomb proof knot” for exactly the same reasons as you gave in your post. As an engineer I couldn’t believe so called expert advice that the reason why the knot tightened was because I wasnt tying it right. To this end I started testing their advice and tutorials using slippery synthetic cord. My theory being that if the knot didn’t hold using that cord it isn’t safe for bondage rope that just holds because of the friction of the rope. All variations of the single column tie that I was provided with failed this test. When I pointed out this failure I was told again that I ‘should learn how to do it right’ like I was a total noob. (I am a qualified engineer, a knot enthusiast, and have been tying various things, including people, for ten years). When I did find knots that worked they were unsightly or difficult to tie.
In short, congratulations. Your knot passes the slippery cord test and looks ‘shibari’. Thanks so much for making me believe myself again!
If my rope is a bit short, can I get away with skipping the doubling over part and just use a few extra wraps to make sure the knot is big enough to spread the pressure? Studying the knot it looks like that should work. Wife is tolerant of the bondage but not very patient with experimentation. I’m pretty sure trying it with another partner would cost me half my net worth…
Yep, that would probably work – the basic design remains the same, the knot may be smaller, and if you have enough wraps, the pressure won’t be too bad. I highly recommend tying your ankle or leg a few times for practice, I do that all the time.
“Make a loop”, “simple loop”, “simple twist”. This part is not so simple. Can you provide mnemonic to get it right? Twist counterclockwise? Twist away from the direction of the bight? It is certainly possible to twist the wrong way and end up with a bad knot and have to go back a couple of steps and rework. Embarrassing too.
I think this tie will work nicely and I have been practicing on a water bottle. I will try it out on my partner next weekend.
Super helpful and much easier than other ones I’ve tried. Thanks friend
The best tutorial I have seen, very well explained. Thank you for putting in the time to write it!
I have 1 question:
I notice that for your single column tie, you have the bight on the outer side (wrists, as opposed to body),
while in your tutorial for the two column tie, you have the bight on the inner side (body, as opposed to wrists).
Is this because it does not matter which side, or because you find that the demonstrated sides work best for their context?
It was literally because that was the side of the person I was on at the time, and I tend to tie in a “right handed” fashion – the bight usually ends up on my right.
This was terrible! Piece of advice, stop doing tutorials! You’re shit!
The only terrible thing here is your comment.
It does not provide any constructive feedback.
You are just venting your frustration with your life.
If something does not work for you or you don’t understand part of the tie is way better to ask questions and ask for clarifications and not just spawn profanities…
I really hope you just got a bad day and that is not your general attitude in life, cause otherwise i do not envy the person that would agree to play with you…With or without rope involved.
Discovered just in time for my anniversary! Thank you
I just discovered your tutorials today and already I am deeply immersed! My wife and I are just starting out, like we haven’t even touched the rope yet. Question: would practicing on inanimate objects with a thinner cord like Parachord work to build muscle memory when approaching a person with an actual rope? Or is best to work with a rope from the beginning? ( just to clarify I am not going to tie anyone up with paracord, I read your post about the thinner the cord the more it can cut circulation and I am not looking to make this a negative in any way for my wife, just using it on say a bottle or pipe or something to work on my muscle memory).
I absolutely have practiced the pattern of the ties with thinner cords on things – including stuffed toys! It can be a fun way to get the pattern memorized without actually needing rope handy
So does the night go around the bedpost? How should this secure someone’s wrist to the post?
Wonderful set of explanations, easy to follow!
Related to your post on tying 2 columns together (just commented there, you’ll have noticed) i have the following to ask: what is stopping me from just tying one of these single column ties around each wrist and then binding the bight’s together tightly? My sub will have more freedom to move her arms seperately from each other, but as long as she is also tied to something else that won’t give her any actual freedom. Say i put a simple, flat knot to tie the bight’s together and then use the trailing end of That to tie her to a hard point?
Hey, if your bights are long enough, there’s nothing to stop you from doing that! It has a different aesthetic, but it sounds like it could be a fun variation, and there’s nothing wrong with experimenting with different styles
I’m a kinky guy who once upon a time was challenged by his girlfriend to tie her up… and at the time, didn’t have a clue how.
That was six years ago.
A lot has changed since then… to the point where I’m now documenting, sharing information, and showing other people how to do all the things I couldn’t do back then.
I even wrote a book, designed to help everyone who comes here get past all the problems and difficult bits quickly, easily, and a lot more smoothly than I did.
Learning rope bondage in isolation is really, REALLY hard…
So I want to make it easier. For me, and for everyone else!
Try the “Start Here” page first; it makes it easier to find the good stuff!

Bondage Positions – Try Them All if You Dare
In this article you will find bondage positions for everyone - group-bondage lovers, beginners and experienced riggers, also you'll find tips for self-bondage and light options
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We’re not going to sugarcoat this: bondage play can be extremely risky.
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Find out how sex therapist Dr. Stephanie Jones thinks you organically introduce BDSM into your relationship.
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From this biopsychosocial perspective, we offer a dimensional approach while integrating the factors driving the onset and evolution of BDSM interests. De Neef N, Coppens V, Huys W, et al. Bondage-Discipline, Dominance-Submission and Sadomasochism (BDSM) From an Integrative Biopsychosocial Perspecti …
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You’ll agree with us that there’s something incredibly hot about tied person. Whether you’re rigger (the one who ties) or not, at some point you will try to mix things up.
Certain bondage positions heighten the atmosphere and you can’t but adopt them during bondage play for a complete experience. Plus, these positions range from beginners to advanced players, so you and your partner will be doing yourselves a huge favor by opting for only the compatible poses. In this article, we’ll provide everything you need to know about the effective and safe practice of the best bondage positions. Ride along with us as we
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