Bdsm Thanksgiving

Bdsm Thanksgiving


Bdsm Thanksgiving
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Who would be the bird this year? It was anyone’s guess at the call center. Every year for the past five years, a contest was put up for the telephone representatives giving away turkey’s for the ten lucky contest winners. Raffle tickets were given out to the girls who worked the phones based on performance.
On the day before Thanksgiving, one of the supervisors would dress up in a turkey outfit and announce the winners were. She would then give away the turkeys. Usually the supervisors would meet a few days before the raffle and decide who would play the bird. Last year it was Rachel Jones, the year before it was Georgia Hall. The supervisors did not like dressing like the bird and no one really knew how they decided who would get the task. At least that was what Emily was told.
Emily was sitting at her desk at the end of a long line of representatives. She had only recently been promoted of the position of supervisor and it was quick since she had only been with the company for eight months. She liked the job and it paid more money too. She aimed to please and would do anything the company asked. It was Monday morning and Thanksgiving was only three days away. She opened her Microsoft Outlook and there was an email waiting. In short it said there would be a meeting at 2pm of all supervisors in conference room 3.
She assumed the meeting would be to decide who would play the bird this year. Unlike the other supervisors, she really did not care if she had to do it. She liked to play dress-up and loved to role play. Anyhow, she was the new girl so she most likely would be selected.
So at 2pm, all the floor supervisors gathered in conference room 3. There were 20 supervisors and they were all women. Tall ones, short one, fat ones and skinny ones. Emily knew she was one of the better looking of this bunch of hens! She stood 5’ 7” tall, weighed about 135 pounds, shaped 36-24-36 1/2 and wore a pair of jeans like no one else in the department. She saw both men and women staring at her butt and she did not care. She had long chestnut hair with a beautiful face. She looked a little like the character “Ellie”, from that TV show “Chuck”.
Fiona Gomez who was the head of the call center spoke and said “Lady’s, thanks for coming on time! As you all know we have 10 turkeys to give away to ten lucky representatives! Each year we pick one of you to dress as the ‘bird” and present the turkeys to our lucky winners. Usually we ask for a volunteer, and so far, every year no one has volunteered. So I will ask and expect no one to come forward. Would anyone like to play the bird this year?”
“No one will volunteer,” snickered one of the supervisors named Jane.
“No one should, it is stupid,” said Kelly, another supervisor.
“Maybe I should just select one of you two?” said Fiona.
Both girls hushed up real quickly. Fiona continued “It is an honor to be selected to play the ‘Bird”. All of you should be thrilled at the chance to be benevolent this time of the year! Anyhow, since there are no volunteers, I will select…”
Slowly all the other supervisors turned and stared at her. Their looks revealed what they were thinking… why would she want to do this… shock!
Fiona said “Thank you Emily, it will be a feather in your cap and be marked in your permanent record that you volunteered!
“More like a feather in her ass,” sniped Kelly.
“That will be enough of that!” Fiona said putting an end to it.
With that the room started to empty. Emily went through the door and passed Kelly and Jane who were chatting. She heard Jane snicker “kiss-ass.” Emily ignored it and went back to her desk.
Sometime later that afternoon, the turkey suit arrived at her desk. She could not wait to get home and try it on. Emily buried herself in her work but was sidetracked when one of the representatives. Clarissa show up at her desk.
As soon as she saw Clarissa standing next to her, Emily got warm all over. She was so attracted to her and she thought the feelings were mutual. Clarissa was beautiful, about 5 2” with a perfect figure. She always wore black and that really turned Emily on. Totally Goth! The black nail polish she wore only enhanced her look. Clarissa wore tight black pants and black shirts all the time. She had flaming red hair which looked amazing next to her pale skin.
Emily and Clarissa had been friends since they both started at the company. They would have lunch together. They enjoyed the same things… drinking, fantasy games and role play. Emily was positive that Clarissa wanted to have her but she never said anything. Emily being a bit shy was afraid to ask. Emily had invited Clarissa to her home, but Clarissa never invited Emily to hers.
Clarissa told Emily one thing in confidence that she wanted no one else at the company to know. Clarissa told Emily that she was a Witch. Emily laughed a little but enjoyed the game so played along.
Now here she was standing next to her desk. Clarissa said “so I see you are going to be the bird this year.”
“Yes, don’t you think it will be cool?” asked Emily.
“Hey you will look great in the turkey suit; you look good enough to eat without it,” said Clarissa.
Emily blushed “You really think so?”
Across the phone center floor Jane and Kelly were talking to each other in disgust over Emily. “Look at her,” said Jane, “not only is she a kiss-ass, but she is fraternizing with the common employees.”
Kelly said “and especially that one, Clarissa, she is just bizarre.”
“I would love to fix that Emily’s ass,” said Jane.
“Hmm… maybe I have an idea. There are supposed to be ten turkeys delivered on Wednesday, what would happen if there was only nine?” said Jane.
“Nothing, the 10th person would end up with nothing,” said Kelly.
“But what if Emily thought she was responsible and had to replace the turkey?” asked Jane.
Kelly said “Wait a minute, are you trying to say that Emily would have to replace the turkey with herself? Why would she do that? Besides, she could always go to the store and buy another.”
“She could not go to the store because we could make sure the birds arrive after all the stores close. Nothing is open tomorrow,” said Jane.
“Fine, but that does not explain why she would end up allowing herself to be someone’s thanksgiving bird,” said Kelly.
Jane said “let me handle that part ok. I need you to do a few other things if you are in…”
Kelly answered “I’m in; I would love to teach that kiss-ass Emily a lesson she will never forget.”
So Jane told Kelly what she needed to do and they went their separate ways. The first thing Kelly needed to do was to call the company that was delivering the turkeys. She told them the company only needed nine this year and to deliver them at 6:15pm. The second thing she did was send an email to Clarissa asking her to meet her in conference 2.
Clarissa walked into the conference room and Kelly was already sitting at the table. “Come in Clarissa, I need to speak with you.”
Clarissa did not like Kelly, but she was a supervisor and so she listened. “How can I help you Kelly?”
“Actually, I think it is how can I help you! I have noticed you are always hanging around Emily, I kind of think you like her.”
Clarissa blushed to the same color as her hair and said “is it that noticeable?”
“Yes. Listen, you do not know me well, but I am a romantic. I want to help you and Emily hook up. She really is looking for somebody in her life; she told me that is why she volunteered to be the bird. She looks to please… heck she is lonely.”
“Oh Kelly, I have been trying to tell Emily forever that I want her, but I am afraid that she is not interested in me the way that I want her.”
“I see the way she looks at you Clarissa, I know she is interested in you,” said Kelly.
“But you don’t understand I want to…” Clarissa did not have a chance to finish because Kelly interrupted.
“Clarissa, I understand everything. You shall have Emily for Thanksgiving!”
A smile appeared on Clarissa’s face and she said “that is exactly what I want.”
“Great,” said Kelly. “Oh by the way, don’t say that I told you but I understand that Emily has some kind of strange cooking fetish.”
“What do you mean?” asked Clarissa.
“Well I understand she has this fantasy of being roasted alive in an oven; that is one reason she agreed to wear the turkey suit.”
“You have to be kidding, she never told me that,” said Clarissa.
“Well I guess it is not something a person openly shares. But remember don’t tell her I told you. And if there is someway, you can at least role play that you are going to roast her for your Thanksgiving turkey, do it. She will be thrilled!”
“Thanks!” said Clarissa. She thought this would be the best Thanksgiving ever!
In the meantime, Jane walked by Emily’s desk and said “hey want to get a soda?”
Emily was a little shocked that Jane was being nice to her, she never was before. “I don’t know, I am a little busy.”
Jane said “Hey, come on, I want to make up to you the stupid things I said before.”
Emily said “well, ok. Just for a few minutes, I have to get right back to work.”
They went into the break room which, was deserted this time of day. Jane purchased two sodas and handed one to Emily. She said “look, I am truly sorry for embarrassing you like that before. I guess I just was a little jealous of you, you are new to your job and you are doing so well.”
“It’s ok,” said Emily, “I just want to please.” They shook hands. Emily hoped that she might have made a new friend.
“Hey you do know why nobody really wants to be the bird, don’t you?” asked Jane.
“Oh, I guess the costume just looks dumb.” Answered Emily.
“No, that’s not it. There is a running gag here where the girl who wears the turkey suit is cooked for Thanksgiving dinner,” said Jane.
“What?”“Yes. What happens every year is there is supposed to be ten turkeys sent, but the butcher only sends nine. The supervisor who dresses as the turkey is supposed to offer herself to the person who did not get a real turkey as a substitute. Then that person is supposed to actually bring that supervisor home and pretend to cook her. It’s all in good fun, but no one wants to do it,” explained Jane.
“Wow, I did not know all of that. I guess it sounds kind of cool,” said Emily.
“Cool? You would actually want to pretend to be cooked for Thanksgiving dinner?”
“Well it’s all in good fun, right? The company wants it and I am a company girl!” said Emily.
This one is a real ditz thought Jane; this would be easier than she thought. “Well if you are ok with it, so be it. The important thing to remember is no one discusses it in public. The “Bird” is not to have prior knowledge of the plan. You would not want to piss-off upper management?”
“Oh no,” said Emily. “Thanks for telling me I will not discuss this with anyone.”
Emily and Jane went back to their desks. Emily was very happy that she could do what the company wanted of her. She thought for sure when a promotion would be available she would have a good chance.
She glanced down to Clarissa. She hoped with all hopes that Clarissa would be the 10th lottery winner so she could be Clarissa’s turkey! What a role play it would be.
Tuesday evening Clarissa went to the store for supplies. How many cranberries would she need? How much stuffing would she need to stuff a 135 pound turkey! She was so excited. Lucky for her she had a huge oven that Emily would easily fit in. See, this was not the first time Clarissa would be doing this. Unknown to her co-workers, Clarissa was a witch and a cannibal and loved to eat young women. She had dreamed of having Emily’s mouth watering ass in her mouth for months!
On Wednesday, Emily came in fully dressed in her turkey suit. Everyone commented how much she looked like the real thing. Many of the girls said “Hey you look good enough to eat.” Emily would respond “would you like a drumstick or a breast? It was good fun for all.
Fiona waited nervously for the turkey truck to arrive. Why was it so late she thought? She asked Jane to call the meat market and Jane told her they were running late. At about 5:00pm, Fiona made an announcement to the workers not to worry, the truck would be here soon!
Emily went over to Fiona at about 5:30pm and assured her that she knew what she had to do and that Fiona and the company could count on her. Fiona shrugged, not knowing what Emily was talking about and smiled.
Finally after 6pm, the truck arrived. Unfortunately for Fiona, there were only nine turkeys. She asked the driver to get her another, but he said that was all he had and that there was no place to get another.
She went over to Emily and explained her predicament. Emily said she understood and knew what to do. Emily raffled off the first nine turkeys. Each winner screamed and was thrilled for the win. As they won their turkey they left.
Emily said “Ok it is time for the 10th turkey winner. Unfortunately, the meat market only sent us ten. I guess that is no surprise to anyone.” There were a few snickers in the crowd of women. Jane and Kelly let a few of the girls in on their plan. At least Emily thought the snickers were because they expected this to happen.
“Ok, the winner is… Clarissa!” Emily was thrilled when she pulled the name out of the jar. What she did not know was there was no chance to pull any other name as the whole thing had been fixed by Jane and Kelly.
Clarissa jumped up and started to shout “Hooray for me!’ As soon as she won many of the girls left as Jane and Kelly expected. The few that remained for the most part were in on the plan.
“I’m sorry Clarissa, but as I mentioned I have no turkey for you,” said Emily. “I guess I will just have to substitute something for your bird.”
“Oh, you are a big enough turkey for me,” said Clarissa, “I will love to have you!”
Playing along Emily said “are you suggesting I substitute myself for your turkey? I guess I have little choice as the company did promise you a turkey.” The few remaining girls laughed and clapped their hands.
“Yes, I would roast you for my Thanksgiving dinner since you have no other turkey for me,” said Clarissa. “Jane, Kelly, dinner will be ready around 3pm tomorrow, would you like to come for some of this delicious turkey?” She invited them because they helped her snag Emily.
Jane looked at Kelly and they smiled, it could not be more perfect then to see what kind of role playing game Clarissa had in store for Emily. They could not wait to see Emily trussed like a big stupid turkey. “Sure we will be there,” answered Jane.
So the group broke up and Clarissa was left with Emily. She said to Emily, “I know you want this, so let the game begin now.”
“Yes, but I will not discuss it with you, do as you will.”
So Clarissa tied Emily’s hand behind her and wrapped an over coat over her shoulders. She walked Emily down to her car, placed her in the passenger seat and they drove off.
Emily said “I never saw your home before.”
“I never wanted you to see it before because I thought you would be alarmed. You see I am a witch and I roast young women like you for my dinner. I thought if you saw the big kitchen appliances, you would be alarmed,” said Clarissa.
Emily said “Oh, please don’t cook me, I am not tender, you will not enjoy my meat! Let’s talk to the company and see if there is another way you could be compensated.” Emily thought since Clarissa was starting to play the game she would get into the role play too. She had to at least pretend to be shocked at what was going to happen. She fully expected that Clarissa’s kitchen would be set up with a huge oven and other props.
They pulled up to an old brownstone in the middle of a semi-deserted neighborhood. Clarissa helped her out of the car and up the stairs to her apartment. The apartment was huge and Emily was not exactly prepared for what she did see in the kitchen. It was huge! Large pots and pans, a huge open hearth with a spit that looked big enough to roast a woman on, and of course a huge oven.
There was also a cage which, Clarissa walked her too and made her crawl into. Emily’s thoughts were the company really had spared no expense to make this set-up look real.
Clarissa said, “Now I have to fatten you up Emily.” She brought over two bowls of what she thought looked like corn and farina and a bowl of water. She pushed them into the cage and said “eat dear.” Emily not wanting disappoint obliged.
While she was eating she watched as Clarissa lit the huge oven. She prepared some pies including sweet potato and apple. She made a green bean casserole and a squash dish. She also was preparing a huge bowl of bread stuffing in which she mixed in cranberries. Emily said “you are not going to stuff that all into me, are you?”
Clarissa said “turkeys are meant to eat and not to speak Your gobbling is giving me an ear ache.” Clarissa walked over to the cage, opened it and shoved a sweet potato in Emily’s mouth.
Emily was a little hurt at the rough treatment, but understood it was part of the game. So be it. She would act the part especially as it was with Clarissa. Hopefully when this all was done, they would be able to have a normal relationship.
Emily was real tired and it did not take her long to fall off to sleep. She was a little uncomfortable being tied and having the potato stuffed in her mouth, but she dealt with it.
She did have one kind of wild dream sometime during the night. She was being roasted on a spit by Jane and Kelly. She heard Jane say “meat is meat.” She woke up and shook it off.
In the morning she heard Clarissa whistling in the kitchen. She opened her eyes and saw Clarissa in her usual black, but also had a black witch’s hat on. Nice effect thought Emily.
As soon as Clarissa saw that Emily had awoken, she helped her to the bathroom so she could do her business. After, she said “you’re a big bird so I have to get you in the oven quickly, let’s get you plucked and cleaned up.”
So Clarissa untied Emily’s hands and helped her take off the turkey suit. She pulled off her bra and g-string. Clarissa gently bathed Emily from head to toe and finally pulled the potato out of her mouth. “Thanks,” said Emily.
And then they made love. It was truly amazing right on the bathroom floor. Both women were so turned on from the role play they could not help themselves. Deep passionate kisses and hands on each other’s crotches. Each sucking the other’s breasts. The next hour was pure pleasure!
Emily whispered into Clarissa’s ear “I have waited a long time for you.”
When the lovemaking was over, Clarissa said, “ok back to the role play.” Emily nodded in agreement as this was not only about her and Clarissa, but also what the company wanted.
So Clarissa led Emily into the kitchen and helped her into the roasting pan that she had already set on the rack leading to the oven. The pan had already been buttered and garnished. She had Emily lie on her back.
“Emily dear, I am going to shove the potato back into your mouth; I hope you understand.” Said Clarissa.
“Just be gentle with me like you were in the bathroom,” replied Emily.
And so she shoved the sweet potato back into Emily’s mouth. She then had Emily raise her legs into the air and had her place her hands through her legs. Clarissa skillfully tied Emily so she could not move. She then started to salt and pepper Emily, gently rocking her to get the seasoning below her. She also garnished her with a light layer of paprika and cranberry juice.
Emily thought if she were to be roasted for real, she would be amazing. She was thoroughly immersed in her preparations until Clarissa brought over the bowl of stuffing. Clarissa said “do not worry, I will be gentle.” She opened up both Emily’s pussy and ass and started stuffing the mixture in.
“OWMMM!” she said through her potato. This was getting a little rough for her. Clarissa said she would be gentle but she was in no position to argue. After a few minutes she felt stuffed for rea
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