Bdsm Slut Master

Bdsm Slut Master

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Her Master trains her to be a good Cum Slut.
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Julie glanced at the clock as she cooked. It was a half hour before Bart would be home from work. A small smile spread across Julie's face. A sensual warmth and slight throbbing began within the most feminine part of her body. She would just place the roast in the oven for a late dinner, and then she would run off to prepare for Bart's arrival. She would hurry to be sure she would be in place and ready when he comes through the door. Minutes ticked off and the throbbing within Julie's pussy intensified little by little. Without touching herself in any intimate manor she was growing moist. This was as it should be. After all, Julie was a well trained Cum Slut for her Master. She should and was always wet and ready for her Master.
As soon as dinner was in the oven, Julie scooted up stairs to the bedroom. She removed all of her clothes, before pulling on a sexy little camo bra and thong set. It was new and she hoped her Master would approve. Julie did not bother to try to dry her moist pussy. She needed to be wet and ready. She was very ready. Her cunt throbbed, and the temptation to touch her clit was very strong. After all, her Master had not allowed her to cum for three whole days already. Sure, he had played with her as all good Master's do, but he had forbid her to cum. Like a good Cum Slut she had obeyed her Master. It had been hard at times, and Julie had cried and begged, but her Master promised her that when he felt it was time she would be very pleased with the results of her wait. Julie was beginning to feel desperate, but she trusted her Master.
Julie slipped into some silky stocking and strappy high heels before spreading some fragrant cream over her exposed flesh. She brushed her hair to a silky shine and applied a pretty shade of lipstick. She was pretty much ready; all she had to add was a leather buckle collar at her throat. She loved to wear it. Master never demanded it in any way. It was just something that made Julie feel sexy. She glanced at the clock again. She had maybe five minutes. She scrambled down the stairs to the front entrance. Quickly Julie sunk to her knees on her carpet that lay over the glossy hardwood floors. Her heart raced and her skin tingled with anticipation. It was always like this for Julie. She was so conditioned to her Master that she no long had control over her arousal for him.
She could hear his car pull into the driveway. Her breathing increased. She heard his footfall just outside the door. Her nipples tightened to hard peaks. She heard his key in the door and her pussy throbbed harder. The door opened and Julie felt insane with her lust. She prayed that this would be the day that her Master would allow her to cum. She was sure if he so much as looked at her and commanded her to cum at that very second, she could. She was strung so tight that she felt close to her breaking point, and yet Julie knew that above all else she would always obey the commands, demands, and orders of her Master.
Bart stepped through the door to his house. He was greeted, as always, by his good little Cum Slut. She knelt before him, like the good little Slut she was. She was dressed in a sexy little camo bra and panty set. Bart was pleased. She also wore her collar. She made no eye contact, until he greeted her. She just knelt on her little carpet with her legs tucked under her. Her arms were held behind her and her back was arched quite a bit, causing her breasts to sit even higher. When he greeted her she finally looked up at him with those baby-blue eyes of hers. He looked at her delicate face. He had cum on that face so many times. He could picture his hot cum dripping from her chin and onto her perky tits. His slut pleased him well. Today, he would please her well, until she could take no more.
"Hello Master. Welcome home." Her voice was soft and sensual. Bart could hear her carnal needs.
"Yes Master! I am always a good Slut, for you Master!"
"I missed you today my subservient little slut. Did you miss me?" Bart placed his keys down on the table next to the door. He slipped off his dress shoes and stepped in front of his Cum Slut. There were just inches between them, with her face so close to his crotch.
"Yes Master, I missed you dearly." Julie answered breathlessly.
Bart did not speak for several long minutes. He looked down on his Cum Slut and she looked up adoringly at her Master. "Dinner will be a little later, as usual?"
"Yes Master. Always as you command Master."
"Tell me what I want to hear, my Cum slut."
"Master, I am your Cum Slut. I will obey you. I will follow your command. I will always do as you say and as you wish. I am a toy, simply here for your use and pleasure. I crave your cock and cum always, and I will always be ready to be at your service." Julie recited with growing lust evident in her voice.
"And where do you like my cock and cum, My Slut?
"I like your cum on my face Master, and I like to swallow your cum Master. I like it running down my neck, and onto my tits. I like all your hot cum on my stomach Master, and all over my pussy. I love when my Master cums inside my pussy, as well as my ass. I like my Master's cum on my feet as well. I am a well trained Cum Slut Master, and I love your cum everywhere in and on me Master. Thank you Master."
"Very good my Slut, very good! Do you wish to suck my cock?"
"Yes Master!" Julie stated with conviction.
"Beg for it Slut." Bart took a step back, creating a foot and a half gap between him and his Slut.
"Please Master! Please let me suck your beautiful cock! Please fuck my mouth! Please let me suck, lick and nibble that hard cock. Please give me your hot cum, wherever you please! Please Master!"
Bart felt the familiar thrill run up his spine at the sound of her begging. The look in her eye could almost make him lose control. "Crawl and follow me, My Sweet Slut."
Bart walked toward the living room. Julie crawled obediently behind him. He glanced back at her, and saw the heated arousal all over her face. Bart dropped his dress pants and boxers before sinking to the plush carpeted floor in front of the lit fireplace. Julie stayed several feet away, still on her hands and knees and watching her Master closely. She awaited her instructions, whether they are verbal commands or simple gestures. From his vantage point, Bart could see the inviting valley between her tits. Her long hair hung over her shoulders. Her beautiful blue eyes locked on his. Bart sat with his legs spread out before him in a 'V'. He had kept his shirt on, but he was bare from the waist down. His cock was hard and standing strong.
"Look at what you do to me Slut." Bart said in a low voice. He watched as Julie's eyes slid down his body to his throbbing cock. He actually felt himself grow harder under and gaze. "Do you want it Slut?"
Bart did not speak. He simply nodded, and Julie crawled slowly toward her Master. She positioned herself between his legs and immediately brought her lips to the very tip of Bart's hard cock. She wrapped her lips around the head of his cock and used the tip of her tongue to lick it. She painstakingly ran her tongue all around the sensitive head of his cock. Then carefully she lowered her mouth down over her Master's big cock and took him back toward her throat. She swirled her tongue madly over her Master's cock, enjoying the feel and sensations of the soft skin of his hard cock. She craved to taste his cum. She was not sure he would allow her to do so, but perhaps she might be treated to a teasing taste of his pre-cum.
Julie was happily working her mouth and hand up and down her Master's cock when he suddenly stopped her. Julie immediately sat back on her haunches to await her Master's command. She was slightly surprised when her Master stood up. She watched him carefully, trying to ignore the thundering need pounding within her and the wetness between her legs. Bart watched her for a full minute. She remained silent.
"Lay on your stomach, Cum Slut." Bart commanded.
Julie did not hesitate in lowering her body flat onto the carpet in front of the fireplace. As soon as she was stretched out, Bart simply left the room. Julie did not watch where he went. She trusted him, that he would be back to use her as he pleased. She simply placed her head on her hands and watches the flames dance in the fireplace. She felt much more heated than the fire. She was sure she might just burn up, should her Master deny her the privilege to cum again today. However, he was her Master and she would obey always, even if it cost her dearly to do so.
Bart came back into the room, and Julie could hear the sound of his footsteps, but she did not turn to look right away. Bart lowered himself to the floor next to her. She could hear him place something down next to them both. She slowly turned to look at him. His eyes where clouded with lust, and a mischievous smile played on his lips. She glanced at what he placed on the floor, but it was in a dark bag. She wondered what naughty surprises lay in store for her. She felt flutters of excitement in her stomach. She was so conditioned for her Master, so at his mercy and will. She would do anything to please him. She smiled a small smile at him to show him this.
"Rise to your hands and knees Slut." Bart commanded. He spoke with a perfect balance of demand and compassion. He was the perfect Master for Julie in every way.
She rose to her hands and knees. Bart carefully removed her bra. He pinched and fondled her breasts roughly. Julie moaned at the feel of his hands and fingers on her sensitive nipples. They hardened into tight peaks that were almost painful, but sent shock waves of pleasure to her core. Then he moved his skilful hands down her body, caressing her heated skin, before he slowly removed her panties. Once he had them removed he quickly dipped his fingers into his Slut's pussy to ensure she was as ready as she should always be. Bart was pleased to find his Slut plenty wet and dewy for him. He fucked her with his fingers for a few minutes, and listened to her pleased moans while he worked her. When he stopped suddenly she made a loud shocked gasp.
"You did not think I was going to allow you to cum yet, did you Slut?"
Julie could not speak. She could hardly think. She simply shook her head no. She watched as Bart first licked his wet fingers. Then he reached into the bag he had placed on the floor. She watched as he painfully slowly removed a silver butt plug from the bag. Her eyes rounded with pleasant surprise. Bart wasted no time. He carefully lubricated the butt plug and moved behind Julie. She shivered with anticipation. She felt his hands on her ass. She felt the cool lubricated tip of the smallish sized butt plug push against her entrance. Julie concentrated on relaxing and allowing the plug to slide easily into place. The tip slipped passed her tight entrance. She sighed and held as still as possible so Bart could slide the rest of the plug into her body. It felt wonderful as the butt plug filled her. Once it was in place Bart used his open hand to smack her ass. The sharp feel and sound of the spanks was insanely pleasing to them both.
"I feel full and marvellous Master. Thank you Master."
Bart moved back in front of his Cum Slut and positioned his cock at her mouth again. Pushing his hands into her long loose hair he put his hard cock into her mouth. With little mercy, Bart fucked his Cum Slut's sexy mouth. When he finally felt close to cumming he pulled his cock out. "Lie down on your back and spread your legs wide, Slut!" Bart shouted.
Julie complied instantly. She flipped onto her back and lay there with her legs spread good and wide. Her cunt was so wet. She watched Bart as he held and stroked his cock. He moved in closer to her, bringing his cock closer and closer to her pussy. Julie craved to feel her Master's cock slide into her cunt. She knew she would feel so full with the butt plug filling her ass. Bart moved in so close, but continued the rapid stroking of his own cock. He leaned in close. His muscles were taught, his breathing was heavy, and Julie could see him shake slightly with his need. Within minutes Bart shot his hot load all over Julie's spread pussy. Hot jets of cum covered her pussy. Julie smiled at her Master. She loved her Master's cum all over her.
Bart sunk back onto the carpet with a good vantage point between Julie's wide spread legs. "Now Slut, you will use my cum to masturbate yourself. However my Slut, you will not cum without my permission. Is this understood?"
"Yes Master." Julie whispered. She slowly allowed her hand to wander down between her spread legs. She slipped her fingers into the hot mixture of her wetness and her Master's hot cum. She used her fingers to rub his cum into her clit and pussy. She massaged and caressed her pussy.
"Now Slut, I want you to use your fingers to push my cum into your cunt, and use your other hand to pinch and play with your nipples." Bart commanded.
"Yes Master." Julie whispered. She could barely thing. She was insanely hot.
"You want to be a good Cum Slut, and please your Master, right?"
Julie used her left hand to pinch and toy with her nipples, while her right hand worked efficiently to push and work her Master's cum into her cunt. She loved to have her Master's seed within her body. She tried to avoid rubbing her clit though, as she did not want to accidently cum without her Master's permission. Bart did not miss this fact however, and he commanded her to fuck her cunt with her fingers and rub her clit with her thumb. Julie did as she was told. She could feel Bart's heated gaze all over her pussy and naked body. Her breathing increased, and despite her best efforts to control herself, Julie began to feel her need to cum rising within her like a raging storm. She whimpered and lifted her head to look at her Master. He was hard again or still and stroking his cock while he watched her.
"Master!" Julie cried out with heavy need, evident in her voice.
"Yes Slut?" Bart asked with a cool calmness that made Julie whimper more.
Julie could not think, so she simply opened her mouth and begged. "Please Master! Please let me Cum! Please allow me to Cum Master! Please...I need it! I crave it! Please....please....please! Master...please!"
"Control yourself Slut! Continue to fuck that slutty cunt with your hands and rub that clit! Don't you dare stop Slut, but don't you dare cum until you hear my command! You will be a perfectly trained and obedient cum slut. Do you understand me?"
Julie nodded and bit her lower hard before answering. "Yes Master." She gritted out. Her chest heaved while she panted hard. She had a loose grip on her control, but for the moment she could hold it. She felt on the brink and barely holding on. She wanted so badly to be obedient for her Master. She pushed her fingers into her cunt again and again. Her thumb rubbed over and over and clit. Her ass felt so full with the butt plug, it was almost more than she could take. She felt tears fill her eyes with her efforts to control herself. She needed to beg again. "Master! Oh my God Master! Please! Please let me cum! Please Master! Master Please...."
Bart watched at tears slid down Julie's delicate face. He could hear the sheer desperation in her voice. He watched her hand work her cunt and her other hand pinch her nipples. Her skin was flushed a pretty shade of pink. Her lips parted as she panted heavily with her efforts to suppress her heavy need to cum. Her body shook, her back arched and deep moans emitted from her throat. Bart toyed with the idea of denying her again, but she had been such a good and obedient slut that he decided she had surely earned her orgasm.
"Now Slut! Cum now!" He commanded loudly. "Cum for your Master! Cum hard for your Master, now!"
Julie's body shook and her short moans became a long and loud series of moans and grunts. Her breathing was heavy and even some higher pitches sounds slipped passed her lips. She wiggled and writhed before him. Bart could see her extreme wetness. He could also see the butt plug that filled her ass. He stroked his cock while he watched her finish her intense climax. He was pleased, and clearly she was as well. Had he not just cum a short time before, he would have surely cum while watching his slut have her orgasm.
When she seemed relaxed and her breathing returned to normal, Bart climbed to his knees between her legs. Julie lay back and watched him with still heated and curious eyes. Bart lifted Julie's legs and pressed then back toward her stomach. Julie immediately wrapped her arms around her bent legs to hold them in place. Bart never had to speak a word. His Slut always seemed so well tuned to him and his desires. Carefully, Bart reached down between his Slut's ass cheeks and took hold of the butt plug. Ever so gently he eased it out of her ass, and smiled slightly at Julie's little gasped breath, as she found herself empty. She would not be empty for long, Bart thought as he reached for the plastic bag again. He pulled out a medium sized butt plug and held it up for Julie to see. She smiled a pleased smile, and so he carefully lubricated it before placing it at the entrance to her ass and then pushing it deeply into place. Julie grunted. Bart felt his cock throb.
Once her ass was sufficiently stuffed again, he took her legs and lowered them for her. He spread them wide and then used his hands to spread and inspect her wet cunt, before lifting Julie's hips off the floor and taking his cock and moving in good and close. Julie was about to feel very full. Bart slid the head of his cock into her hole. Julie moaned. He slid a little deeper, holding his body upright so he could watch himself penetrate his Slut. Then with one long, deep thrust he entered her to the hilt. Julie cried out, and this was Bart's undoing. He began to fuck her hard with deep and rapid strokes. In and out of her cunt! Pushing deep and harder! Bodies coming together with a slapping sound. Moaning and grunting from them both.
Bart fucked Julie hard for several long minutes, until he felt his need to cum. "Beg for my cum, Slut!"
"Please! Please Master! Please give me your Cum! Please let me have your hot cum! Please Master...I am a Cum Slut and I need your hot cum...I crave it...please Master!"
"Cum with me now, Slut!" Bart pushed deeply into Julie's cunt one last time. As he felt his hot seed speed deep into her cunt, he also felt her pus
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