Bdsm Slave Position

Bdsm Slave Position


Bdsm Slave Position
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We present to you the list of 15 submissive positions.
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Positions originate from ”Chronicles of Gor”, series of science fiction novels written by John Norman.
Gorean life (or philosophy) is not exactly BDSM, however, we can say that it is part of the kinky culture. People who practice Gorean lifestyle – Goreans, promote Master/ slave relationships and usually as 24/7 TPE (total power exchange) relationships. Follow the link to find the details about BDSM .
In the Gorean culture, the slave is referred to as kajira .
You might have asked yourself why? Is there a reason for those positions? There is.
Being in one and expressing yourself in that way helps to express and reinforce social values and relationships.
In this case, it helps women to feel vulnerable and sexually desirable and also, helps men to feel in charge (by positioning the woman in any position he wants to, to do whatever he feels like).
You could compare this to the situation when men used to tip their hat when they saw a woman they know or when they took the hat off when they talked to her – thus expressing chivalrous values.
This one is often called a ”Display” position. Why? Often used a part of exhibiting a slave for sale, but also used to showcase an owner’s pride in their slave. Slave stands straight, legs apart and with hands behind the head. This submissive position allows for easy inspection and handling.
Kajira is waiting for the next order.
Basic posture position. Heels together, legs straight, face looking forward. Hands relaxed & hanging, touching the hips/ legs.
Legs wide apart, hands on the wall with the palms facing the wall. Punishment position.
Implement easy-to-use Door jam cuffs for expanded play.
Submissive presents herself to the Master.
Back straight, head up, kneel back on heels, legs spread wide apart, hands on thighs. Some sources say that having their palms up means helplessness and a wish to please.
Implement riding crops for sensation play and for correcting your slave’s position.
Offering the neck for the collar. Kneel, back straight, legs spread wide apart, lift the hair with your hands. (Wait…Did you read our BDSM Collar: The Essential Guide? )
After collaring your slave, implement a suction cup dildo and order your slave to sit on it.
Slaves almost always wear BDSM collars as a sign of ownership .
Similar to the last one. Kneel, back straight, legs wide apart – hands between your legs.
Similar to Nadu, the difference being that legs are together, palms down. The slave is waiting to serve.
Punishment position in which the submissive is very open and vulnerable.
Submissive puts her back high in the air for either viewing, sexual use or impact play. Sometimes the use of hands is forbidden. The submissive feels vulnerable.
Many variations exist – this is just one of them. The submissive is humbly waiting for another command.
Submissive encourages sexual use by the Master. It is the position of a captured slave.
Hands beside the head, palms facing the floor. This position is often continued by crawling to the Master.
Images by Lex Lucas – . Edited by us.
Back in ancient 2019. we got an idea to create an eBook of sorts, an eBook that’s will contain all our favorite kinky sex ideas.
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Bondage Positions – Try Them All if You Dare
In this article you will find bondage positions for everyone - group-bondage lovers, beginners and experienced riggers, also you'll find tips for self-bondage and light options
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We’re not going to sugarcoat this: bondage play can be extremely risky.
How to Introduce BDSM Into Your Relationship | Time
Find out how sex therapist Dr. Stephanie Jones thinks you organically introduce BDSM into your relationship.
Bondage-Discipline, Dominance-Submission and Sadomasochism (BDSM) From an Integrative Biopsychosocial Perspective: A Systematic Review - PubMed
From this biopsychosocial perspective, we offer a dimensional approach while integrating the factors driving the onset and evolution of BDSM interests. De Neef N, Coppens V, Huys W, et al. Bondage-Discipline, Dominance-Submission and Sadomasochism (BDSM) From an Integrative Biopsychosocial Perspecti …
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You’ll agree with us that there’s something incredibly hot about tied person. Whether you’re rigger (the one who ties) or not, at some point you will try to mix things up.
Certain bondage positions heighten the atmosphere and you can’t but adopt them during bondage play for a complete experience. Plus, these positions range from beginners to advanced players, so you and your partner will be doing yourselves a huge favor by opting for only the compatible poses. In this article, we’ll provide everything you need to know about the effective and safe practice of the best bondage positions. Ride along with us as we explore the world of BDSM positions!
However, you must be incredibly careful when engaging in bondage play or you get yourself and your partner in trouble. You don’t want to turn a fun night into a panic time. As Dr. Stephanie Hunter Jones, a certified sex therapist

told Time Magazine,

Trusted Source
How to Introduce BDSM Into Your Relationship | Time
Find out how sex therapist Dr. Stephanie Jones thinks you organically introduce BDSM into your relationship.

it’s not traditional BDSM play if someone is hurting their partner.
Therefore, you must have a comprehensive discussion with your partner before you embark on the bondage journey. Below, we’ll discuss the important talking points for such a discussion:
Develop a safe word and a safe gesture — After you and your partner have agreed to engage in bondage play, the next thing you should talk about is setting a safe word as well as a safe gesture. A submissive can mention this word at any sign of trouble so that the dominant can release them immediately.
If a safe word won’t work—in case of gagging—both parties should develop a gesture that signals the withdrawal of consent. You probably know that trust and respect form the bedrock of bondage, so the safe word and safe gesture must be respected always for fun and safe play.
Talk about your preferred bondage position(s) — No doubt, most bondage positions require that you tie your partner up and that can be a tricky thing to do, especially if you’re not skilled at doing it. Hence, you and your partner should talk about choosing only the position(s) that you find safe.
Although your partner’s kink might influence your willingness to explore limits according to a

2019 study by researchers De Neef N, Coppens V, Huys W, et al,

Trusted Source
Bondage-Discipline, Dominance-Submission and Sadomasochism (BDSM) From an Integrative Biopsychosocial Perspective: A Systematic Review - PubMed
From this biopsychosocial perspective, we offer a dimensional approach while integrating the factors driving the onset and evolution of BDSM interests. De Neef N, Coppens V, Huys W, et al. Bondage-Discipline, Dominance-Submission and Sadomasochism (BDSM) From an Integrative Biopsychosocial Perspecti …

you shouldn’t go beyond your limit.
After having a comprehensive discussion regarding your preferred bondage position(s), the next action should be choosing the necessary bondage restraints. Rest assured, there are several types of bondage ties to choose from. Your bondage gear should include every tool that you need for your chosen position.
We can’t emphasize enough the importance of prioritizing safety during bondage play. Of course, this is not to discourage you from engaging in the kinky experience but to ensure that your safety is not compromised. Below, we’ll provide vital safety advice to help you achieve a trouble-free bondage experience:
Like everything tricky, experimenting with a bondage position first is always the safest move. When you tie someone—a prevalent move in bondage play—they risk suffering injuries such as friction burns, limited blood circulation, nerve damage, etc.
You can help your partner by trying any rope or restraint on yourself before you use it on them. With this action, you can easily tell how tight you need to tie the rope or whether the restraint is abrasive. You also get to learn about other hidden surprises, thus providing you with the right level of awareness to protect your partner. Besides, you should be a good rigger before applying rope bondage.
Remember that we told you numerous bondage positions can be explored. Below, we’ll discuss self-bondage positions that you can try alone without help:
The name of this position—The handcuffed victim—gives it away. As you might have probably thought, you’re the victim here. In this position, you stand or sit on a chair. Then, you get your cuffs and restrain your wrists. While restrained with the cuffs, you can walk around your home and feel like a victim who has been subjected to restraint.
There are various tools you can use to cuff your wrists. A good example is the high-quality DOMINIX Deluxe Leather Collar and Wrist Restraint Harness which is highly rated by users. The kinky leather harness features an adjustable collar and cuffs. Plus, it can be used with other restraints, making it a cool addition to your gear.
Besides, if you want to be penetrated with your hands tied and no help from a partner, you can opt for a top sex machine such as the Motorbunny Sex Machine to get the job done. According to most reviews, this ride-on-top sex machine delivers top performance thanks to its intense internal rotation (twirl) and external vibration (buzz). Plus, the machine comes with four different TPE attachments to ride on. And there’s a Bluetooth wireless controller that provides great ease of use.
The frog tie position is another exciting self-bondage position you won’t want to miss out on. It involves bending your leg fully at the knee, and tying just below your knee and just above your ankle to your thigh. This technique ensures that there’s significant variation in mobility and pose. Plus, this position restricts you from standing up.
If you watched the BDSM-themed film “The Secretary”, you already know what the yoke self-bondage position looks like. Here, your fingers are not restricted in any way, so that you can write, prepare food, wash dishes, and do all kinds of other domestic tasks.
However, you won’t be able to get your hands near your mouth, thus stopping you from eating comfortably. This position requires an implement known as “the yoke” to restrict the movement of the hands and legs. The implement features a neck region that wraps around the neck and both hands are stretched apart to be caged in the tool. Heavy leg chains can be added for further restriction.
The rope web position is exactly what you thought it is. You’ll need a rope to tie various parts of your body, creating a web. Specifically, this self-bondage position involves tying the rope around your body in a complex web-like manner. It typically requires multiple passes of rope from the front to the back around the body and back to the front continuously to build up the desired pattern.
Besides, the rope web self-bondage position aims to apply pressure over the bound areas. However, you must be careful to ensure that the rope is not tied too tightly. No doubt, this position is among the top rope bondage positions.
If you’re looking to begin a journey in bondage or you’re still new to the practice, there are some positions you shouldn’t consider to ensure your safety. However, some positions are pretty safe for you as you eye the advanced positions. Below, we’ll discuss some exciting beginner bondage positions:
The name of this position—chair prisoner—gives it away, doesn’t it? The position is exactly what you’ve pictured: a prisoner being bound to a chair, most preferably, an inflatable sex chair with ankle and wrist restraints. Even though this bondage position is restrictive, the sub remains comfortably safe.
However, you must use a sturdy chair for this bondage play and ensure that it’s close to a wall to prevent a catastrophic fall. In the chair prisoner position, the sub sits on the chair with their feet on the floor and their arms on the armrests. Then, you tie their ankles to the chair legs and their wrists to the armrests. You can use a blindfold to enhance the ‘prisoner’s’ experience of helplessness.
When bound in the chair prisoner position, the sub can be interrogated and promised a reward if they tell the truth.
The crab position is another relatively safe bondage position for beginners. This position is all about being completely vulnerable but in a sexy way. It provides the dom complete access to the sub’s body. So, if you’re thinking about the ideal position for oral sex, vaginal, or anal sex, the crab position is a reliable one to look at.
In this position, you need to bend the sub’s leg and tie their ankle and thigh together with an easy-release two-column tie. Repeat the same process for the other leg. Then, the wrists can be tied to the sub’s ankles although some tie them to the thighs. You should opt for the option your sub considers more convenient.
Moreover, the crab position is greatly restrictive while allowing the opening and closing of the legs. You get to give or receive any type of sex in an exciting bondage position.
The bed rest position is also pretty explanatory. It requires the sub to lie on their back and have their hands and legs stretched to the corners. In this position, your left hand stretches to the top left corner of the bed while your right hand moves to the top right corner of the bed. Also, the left leg goes to the bottom left corner of the bed while the right leg stretches to the bottom right corner.
Essentially, the bed rest position requires the sub to be tied to all four corners of the bed. You can either use cuffs or ropes to bind the sub in this position. Besides, it’s a perfect position for wild sex, leaving the sub at the mercy of the dom. The pose also makes the missionary style (for men) and the cowgirl position (for women) more exciting and hotter. It works well for incredible oral sex too.
Additionally, you can count the bed rest position among both female and male bondage positions.
If you’re a beginner, the mark position is another hot option to consider. It basically leaves your sub at your mercy to do anything you want with them. The position requires the sub to lay on their back and open their legs to be humiliated. Then, their arms should go under their knees while their hands go outside their ankles in such a way that you can bind their wrists to their ankles.
You can do the binding with bondage tape or a rope although we recommend the former because it’s safer. We must also mention that this position is traditionally a guy being the dom but it can be flipped to make the dude watch as you play with yourself. No doubt, the mark pose is among the most exciting bondage tape positions.
The against wall/column position—as you might have guessed—requires the sub to be in a standing position. The sub leans against a wall or column with their back while their hands and legs are tied to it. This position is quite similar to the bed rest position, except that, in this case, the sub is standing.
While against the wall or column, the sub is vulnerable to all kinds of play, including oral, penile, and vaginal sex. Besides, this position is best when both players have the same height.
Away from beginner bondage positions, let’s discuss some light bondage positions for players that are not yet at the advanced level and want less pressure towards their body:
Before we explain this position, let’s tell you what a spreader bar is. It is a piece of bondage equipment featuring metal or wooden bar, with attachment points for bondage cuffs or ropes at each end, that can be fastened to ankles, knees, or wrists, to keep them apart.
Essentially, the spreader bar keeps the arms spread away from the sub’s body when tied to the wrists. And the tool immobilizes the sub and keeps their legs spread when applied to their ankles. However, the tie should be loose enough to allow wriggling and consequently prevent loss of blood circulation. As you can now tell, the spreader bar position provides full access to penetrate all the orifices.
As you might have guessed, the damsel-in-distress bondage position is traditionally for women. It requires the woman’s elbows to be tied, touching together behind her back. That’s not all: the wrists are tied and the legs are also tied together below the knees and at the ankles. With the elbows bound together, the subject is forced into an involuntary display of her breasts which can be a sexy sight.
However, the damsel-in-distress bondage position doesn’t accommodate any sexual activity due to the bound legs. Notwithstanding, the position is ideal for tease and discipline. So, if your bondage play is all about punishing your disobedient sub, this bondage position can come in handy. We must also mention the damsel-in-distress position can be a rather uncomfortable one but it’s glamorous for kinky lovers.
You can trust the legs up position to put a damsel in distress. As the name suggests, it requires the subject to push their legs up. In this position, a spreader bar works wonders to restrain the sub. This bondage tool can be used to spread the
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