Bdsm Punishment Stories

Bdsm Punishment Stories


Bdsm Punishment Stories
Coleen is a writer, photographer and film maker at Wasteland and

Here at, she is editor and curator of this comprehensive library of BDSM fiction, informational articles and other educational features that date back to the early days of the internet in 1996 when the site was first launched.
The Art of Orgasm
Primal Female Needs Satisfied

Sensual Self-Exploration
Copyright © 1997 - 2015. All rights reserved.
It had been a long day at work, and during the drive home I tried to make myself relax, thinking of the evening I would spend, eating dinner and then kissing and holding my darling Elizabeth. She and I had been living together for some three months now, and she had been my obedient submissive for six.
We loved one another very much and enjoyed playing all sorts of games together. But I was always careful not to treat her too roughly, for she was small and seemingly fragile (although in bed I knew how strong and aggressive she could be).
We had settled into a comfortable routine in the evenings: I would come home to find dinner ready, and after eating we would sit together for a while and talk. Then, if I didn’t have any unfinished work that I had brought home with me, we might play together before heading off to bed. I was somewhat surprised, therefore when I came home to find the house in a mess and the odor of cooking food distinctly missing. I was immediately concerned that something had happened to her, so I quickly shut the door and called her name.
“Coming!” I heard her call from the interior of the house, and she quickly slipped into the living room wearing a bright yellow floral dress I had never seen before. It molded to her body perfectly, stopping just above her knees.
“See what I bought today, Master? Isn’t it absolutely adorable?” She twirled around, smiling brightly. The dress was indeed lovely and accented her honey-colored hair and tawny skin.
But all that went right by me. I felt the blood rush to my face and my teeth clench. “Where is dinner, pet?” I asked ever so softly.
She didn’t seem to notice my growing anger at all. “Well I didn’t feel like cooking and anyway, I thought you might want to take me out and show me off,” she giggled as she came closer and reached for my tie.
“Oh you did, did you?” I whispered harshly as I grabbed her wrist and forced her eyes to meet mine. “And just when did we discuss this? Hmmm?”
“Well we didn’t, but you haven’t taken me out all week and I’m tired of being cooped up here all the time.” She looked me in the eye, her lower lip jutting out petulantly.
“And as I recall we spoke about expenses, about how we both had to cut some corners. You were not to make any more purchases without permission.”
She looked at me defiantly. “Well I haven’t bought anything in days, and I’m tired of all that old stuff I wear. I thought you’d like it.”
Now my seething anger boiled over. “I don’t like it at all, you little bitch! I thought you knew better than to do something like this. God!” I yanked her by her wrist over to the coffee table, where cups and magazines lay strewn, not in their accustomed order. I forced her to her knees and told her to wait. By now she was starting to look worried, some fear creeping into her eyes, as well it might, for I could not remember ever having been so angry with her.
They say it is wrong to punish in the heat of anger, but I was beside myself and this could not wait. I went to the closet and brought out several lengths of rope and a crop. The rope was of braided nylon, and the crop was long and flexible, with a narrow strap of leather on the end. It was, I knew, elizabeth’s least favorite implement. Her face grew pale as she saw me stalking towards her with it.
“No, Master,” she spoke in a barely audible whisper.
“Shut up, slut,” I barked at her. “Don’t make this any worse for you.”
With one motion of my arm, I swept the table clear, heedless of where the cups, magazines, and books flew. I then made her bend at the waist and lie across the table, her knees still on the floor, and her new dress flowing around them. First one wrist, then the other I tied to the far corners of the table, stretching her lithe form across it. I grabbed the skirt of her dress and pulled it up, exposing the curve of her ass bare beneath it.
As I got ready to strike the first blow, she gave an involuntary wiggle and the skirt fell back down. I reached down and pulled it up even more roughly.
“Please Master, my dress,” she whimpered.
Somehow this just set me off anew. “Your dress? I bellowed Ill show you what I think of your precious dress.” I grabbed the neck of the garment with both hands and pulled hard. With a loud rip, the dress tore partway down her back.
“Noooo…” she wailed. Heedless of her complaints I continued tugging and tearing at it until the bright yellow dress lay around her nude body like a splash of sunlight.
“Its time for you to learn your lesson, young lady,” I said softly. I raised the crop and brought it down sharply across her ass. Instantly a bright red streak leaped up across the paleness of her skin. Rather than assuage my anger, this only seemed to heighten it. I brought the crop down, again and again, each stroke crisscrossing the last in a lattice of pain. I struck her bottom and her thighs, then started on her back, although even in my anger I avoided those places that I knew would bring permanent harm to my love.
And all the while she never cried out. At times I thought I could hear her whimper or moan, but I was heedless of any entreaties real or imagined. By the time I stopped, her back, ass, and thighs were covered with red marks and welts. Never had I used her so badly. And yet I found myself with an almost painful erection.
“Now for your final lesson,” I said.
“W-what, Master?” she whimpered, as though in a daze.
I knelt behind her, drawing my member out of my pants. “I’ll show you… now!” I said, thrusting hard into her on the final word, driving my hardened cock deep inside of her. She gasped as she took me inside of her.
“Oooooh, God,” she moaned as I plunged into her again and again, without mercy. I was surprised to find that she was unbelievably wet and I slid easily in and out of her. I pounded into her, my hands grabbing her hips as I used her and took her. Her cries rose with mine, our voices blended together in passion and pain. Finally, I couldn’t stand it anymore and I burst inside of her and felt her muscles contract around me at the same time.
Then, my anger and my passion spent, I looked down and saw, as if for the first time, what I had done to my love. Her lovely pale skin scored with the red marks of my anger. I cried out and quickly untied her, falling onto the floor I took her limp, sweat-drenched body into my arms. Tears of remorse sprang to my eyes as I kissed my lovely Elizabeth’s face again and again. I felt her hand curve around the back of my neck as she responded with kisses of her own.
“Oh my love,” I said. “I am so, so sorry.”
“MmmmMaster,” she murmured. “Thank you, thank you so much.”
I looked into her smiling eyes. “What do you mean ‘Thank you?'”
“Oh, Master, I’ve needed that for such a long time, but I just didn’t know how to ask you for it.”
“But your beautiful dress,” I faltered, still not comprehending.
She laughed and looked over at the ruined garment. “That old thing? Why I haven’t worn that in years.”
As understanding finally dawned on me I began laughing too. We laughed and held one another, tears rolling down our faces. I kissed her over and over again. Then, still chuckling, I picked up my love and carried her to bed.
singer.coleen (at) gmail (dot) com

Coleen is a writer, photographer and film maker at Wasteland and

Here at, she is editor and curator of this comprehensive library of BDSM fiction, informational articles and other educational features that date back to the early days of the internet in 1996 when the site was first launched.
The Art of Orgasm
Primal Female Needs Satisfied

Sensual Self-Exploration
Copyright © 1997 - 2015. All rights reserved.
They had arranged to meet at the apartment….When they last spoke, he instructed her not to stimulate herself in any way during the day prior to their meeting…No nipple play, no pussy play, and certainly no clitoral play. He wanted her to be very horny when he arrived. She reluctantly agreed but he could hear in her voice that she wouldnt obey.
He knew that she would shower for him right before his scheduled arrival. She knew how much he loved the scent of her freshly showered body, unspoiled by lotion, perfume or cologne…It added to his pleasure to take her from that fresh bathed scent to the intoxicating aura of sweat and passion that invariably develops as their time together progressed. Often, he was able to smell her arousal before he saw the physical manifestations of it.
He arrived early and waited outside until he saw the bathroom light come on. He could see her movement behind the frosted glass of the window and he finally saw her walk toward the shower. Quickly, he walked to the front door of the apartment and let himself in.
He quietly walked through the apartment and into the bedroom.She had already lit the candles scattered about the room and other than candlelight and the light from the bathroom, the apartment was dark. The bathroom door was open and he stood just outside the door, watching her as she showered. She moved deliberately as she always didWetting her body all except her hair.Lathering from shoulders downHe noticed that her fingers linger on her nipples, but she, being the obedient one she is, shakes her head as if to rid her mind of the thought, and continues bathing.
Knowing how much he enjoys smooth legs, she lathers her legs with shaving cream, and proceeds to shave each one smoothShe shaves to the point where her thighs meet her belly and spends a great deal of time making sure there is no stubble left.And that is her downfall.As she rubs the inside of her left thigh, he notices that her hand pauses and lingers over her pubis. He sees her lean against the wall and recognizes the groan he has heard so many times beforeThe groan that can only mean she has stretched the hood back over her clit with two fingers of one hand, while the middle finger of the other lightly grazes the nub peeking out from that tightly stretched flesh.
With that he walks quietly to the shower and opens the door. Her eyes, closed in arousal, open at the noise of the door clicking openShe gasps at the recognition that he has caught her in direct disobedience of his wishes
Without saying a word, he holds his hand out for her to take. She reaches her hand out to his and steps out of the shower. Silently, he takes the large bath towel off the towel bar and proceeds to dry her offHe is not rough, but he is thoroughShe gasps as the roughness of the towel rasps across the erect nubs of her nipples. She is reduced to a child as he insist that she bend over and use her hands to spread the cheeks of her ass so that he can dry between them and again when he makes her squat slightly so that he can thoroughly dry her pussy. She gasps as the terrycloth in rubbed briskly across her already stimulated pussy.
Come with me He says as he turns and lays the towel across the bar.
His cold stare freezes the protest on her lips and she knows there is nothing to be gained by protesting.
As they walk back into the bedroom he pulls the heavy straight backed oak chair from its place at the desk. She wonders at the possibilities.An over-the-knee spanking? Surely he isnt that upset with me
He opens the drawer where they keep the toys and she stands and watches as he takes out a number of instruments. He holds each one up and looks at it closely.Some he puts back, others he lays on the dresser.
Finally, he picks up the blindfold. She looks at him with fear in her eyes. The blindfold. It always adds a level of intensity. She fears it, yet she desires it. He has her stand behind the chair holding onto the chairback and then he slips the blindfold into place. He stands quietly, watching her reaction. She gasps as the darkness descends. Her pulse, visible at the base of her neck, increases markedly. Her nipples erect themselves, seeking stimulation
She stands holding onto the chair and listens intently as he moves back to the dresser. He returns and takes her hands in his.
“Bend” He tells her as he pulls her hands downward toward the seat. She feels the top of the chairback press into her belly as she bends. Her nipples erect themselves more as the weight of her breasts are pulled down as she bends. She grips the edges of the seat.
S-s-s-s-s-o-o-o-h! she gasps as she feels the rope pass around her wrists and pull tight. He moves away again and she listens intently. There is the clink of metal on wood and she senses his presence behind her.
His hand grasps her bare ankle. Spread em He growls, pinching the inside of her thigh until her legs are spread apart. Again she whimpers as the ropes from the spreader bar are tied to her ankles. Holding her legs apart. Exposing her completely. He smells the arousal.The musk of her pussy, the sweet sourness of the sweat forming under her arms.Yes, he can smell her. He knows she wants this. He steps back and lets her gather her senses. She is his. She has no control
To demonstrate this he runs his hands over her body. He takes the time to pinch each nipple until she bucks her hips in need. He runs his hands between her legs and slips his finger into the hot slickness of her pussy.She is already dripping. Then, to show her that she is truly his, he takes his left thumb and forefinger and spread the cheeks of her ass
O-oh, p-please n-no she stutters, realizing what is about to happen.
He pulls his finger from her pussy and slowly rubs the juices over her anus. She’s not used to this so early. It usually comes later. When she needs it.Not now. Shes not ready.
A-h-h-h-h-h! G-g-g-od, Ah! O-oh-waoh, p-please! she cries as his middle finger slides into her ass to the knuckle.
What did I tell you? He asks calmly.
A-h-h! P-please! I wont d-do Y-a-a-a-h! She gasps as he pulls the finger out and slides it back in again.
Wh-h-h-o-o-o-o! she groans feeling the heat building in her pussy, N-not to d-do a-any-t-thing w-with m-my p-pussy!
Yes, He agrees, And now you must pay.
Oh, p-pleaseI justW-whaaa! she screeches as he strokes his finger in and out again.
No excuses. He growls Are you ready to start?
She jerks into stillness.Start? she thinks in panic.We havent started?
She groans in a combination of relief and disappointment as his finger slides out of her ass. She protested when it was inside her, but in truth, she needed it.
She feels him step in front of her and his hand lifts her chin. She feels the warmth of his breath as his lips cover hers.
The kiss always marks the beginning.
His lips linger on hers and she opens hers slightly to let his tongue slid into her mouth. His hands move from cradling her face to brushing the tips of her nipples as they hang at the ends of her breasts.
You know I love you He states matter of factly.
Yes she whispers, her heart pounding.
Then she feels the searing pain as the nipple first clip slides into place
And she is thankful that he understands.
S-s-s-s-s-a-r-r-r-g-g-h-h! she sucked her breath in sharply as the teeth of the first clip bit into the erect pap of her left nipple.
Un-n-n-n-g-g-g-g-a-a-ah! she groaned as she felt the second clip bite into the tender erect nub of her right nipple.
She forced herself to breathe deeply through her nose, letting the air fill her lungs as she waited for the initial pain to subside and be replaced by the constant ache she so desperately needed.Gradually the pain settled in and she groaned in gratification as the sensation moved from her nipples down her spine, to her pussy. Settling there and causing her to waggle her hips in need.
Yet he wasn’t through with her nipples.She thought she noticed something different about the feel of the clips.There seemed to be a slight pull on them.In fact each clip had attached to it a small chain capable of holding tiny, but quite heavy weights. He carefully attached a weight to the end of each chain. She was aware that something was about to happen, but wasn’t prepared for the jolt of pain that course through her body when he held the weights up and then dropped them so that the jerked her nipples straight down.
Y-e-e-e-e-o-o-o-w-w! O-o-o-h-h-h, g-g-godOh p-please! she screeched as the weights swung back and forth pulling the clips, the teeth of which were firmly embedded in each now red pap which were pulled and stretched at the end of each tit. Again the wait. Again the settling in of the pain. Her pussy is now throbbing in need and begins to seep lubrication. She feels it running down the inside of her wide-stretched thighs and is embarrassed at the thought that he can see her arousal.
She shifts her body slightly and is immediately awarded with a jolt of pain as the weights swing on the ends of her nipple.A-h-h-h-u-u-n-n-h! she groans.
He stands aside, silently watching her as she revels in her anguish. He smiles as he sees her thighs slick with her juices. She is already leaking and she has such a long way to go he thinks as he moves back to the drawer.
He reaches in and pulls out a small bottle of lubricant and then picks up a medium sized butt plug. She is very anal, but she is small and he is always careful to avoid use of the largest plug. There is a difference between pain and injury and he want to avoid the latter at all costs.
He turns and walks over to her. You disobeyed, did you not? he questioned.
Yes, she said nodding her head vigorously in agreement.
You know you must be punished.. he states calmly.
Yes, she nods again her heart beginning to pound at the ominous sound in his voice.
Saying nothing further, he moves behind her. She shifts nervously and then gasps when he slowly drips the lubricant into the crack of her ass letting it run down and over the crinkled rose of her anus.
O-o-o-h-h-h, p-please she whispers, P-please d-dont
Too late, he replies You disobeyed. Now you must be punished.
A-h-h-h, she gasps as he uses his middle finger to spread the lubricant over her anus, the E-e-e-c-h! she screeches as he pushes his finger inside her, again penetrating her to the knuckle. Just as quickly he pulls his finger out and picks up the plug.
It is about 4 inches long, it begins as a blunt point that gradually increases in size until it is about 1 inch in diameter then tapers quickly to a narrow neck that ends in a broad base. The design is such that it significantly stretches the anus as it enters then allows it to close around the plug and hold it in place, while the base prevents it from fully entering the anus. The result is an initial stretching accompanied by significant discomfort followed by a relaxing of the anus and a very full feeling.
A-h-h-h-h-h! she gasps as he uses his thumb and forefinger to spread the cheeks of her ass and fully expose the winking orifice of her anus.
U-n-n-n-n-h-h! she grunts as she feels him place the tip of the plug in what now seems to be the center of her body.
He works the plug in about and inch and then lets her push it back out. She screeches as she feels the plug begin the initial stretching, bucking her hips in protest then screeching again as the movement sets the weights attached to her nipples swinging.
Again he pushes the plug inA-r-r-r-g-g-g-h-h, og g-god, p-p-pleeeease! N-no, p-pleeease! she screeches as she feels it stretch her anus until she sees red before her blindfolded eyes.
Again he lets her force it back out. She is panting and bucking against her bindings, yet trying to hold still to minimize the motion of the weights hanging from her nipp
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