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ABC News investigates the world's kinkiest museums.
LONDON, March 15, 2010 -- "Let's talk about sex baby, let's talk about you and me..." So went the hip-hop trio Salt-n-Pepa's famous words from their hit "Let's Talk About Sex."
Sex. It's a topic that's often touched upon, joked about and skirted around. Increasingly, however, it is on display. From age-old, electric anti-masturbation machines to modern-day S &M portraits, erotic exhibits have taken center stage in the museum world. ABC News has compiled a list of 12 of the world's kinkiest museums that are worth the tease.
Amsterdam 's Venustempel, or Temple of Venus, is the world's first and oldest sex museum. The house of eroticism first opened its doors in 1985 and now hosts about 500,000 visitors each year. With three floors of erotic portraits, photographs, paintings and recordings, the Venustempel embodies the highly sexualized nature of this European city. The museum's 4,000-year-old artifacts showcased in its "Sex Through the Ages" exhibit tests modern-day critics' accusation that today's society is too loose.
Saks isn't the only attraction on 5th Avenue. Sex is a highlight as well. After its ribbon-cutting in 2002, the Museum of Sex has grown in size, hosting 15 exhibits, five virtual installations and more than 15,000 erotic artifacts. Unlike the more touristy, specialty-sex museums, this NYC hotspot is run by a board of advisers whose mission is sex education. In addition to its erotic art, costumes and technology, the Museum of Sex offers temporary exhibitions such as Michael Sullivan's "Sex Lives of Robots," "Rubbers: The Life, History and Struggle of the Condom" and "Action: Sex and the Moving Image."
If you're looking for a relaxing place to cool down in sunny South Beach, the World Erotic Art Museum is not the place to go. This world-renowned erotic hot spot showcases 20 galleries of sex throughout the ages. "It's art, not porn." That's the motto of this educational sex stop. Curator Naomi Wilzig, also curator of the Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C. , has designed the museum in such a way as to educate visitors about the many ways to express your internal sexual being.
From the traditional cultural galleries, to the topical galleries of gay and lesbian sex, masturbation and fetishes, the World Erotic Art Museum covers it all. And, on a final note, for all of you Hollywood junkies, this museum has a number of erotic Hollywood memorabila, including the murder weapon used in "A Clockwork Orange."
What better place to go to on a sex museum tour than Sin City . Las Vegas' Erotic Heritage Museum focuses on Sex All Americana, specifically the American Sexual Revolution of the 19th century. This museum has nine galleries featuring pictures, films and performance art. The name of the game at this museum is sex appreciation of all kinds. The House of Gord exhibit, for example, showcases the allure of ultra bondage, any S &M fan's dream come true. But it's not just strict education at the Erotic Heritage Museum. If you visit, make sure to stop by the bathroom for the "Toilet Humor" exhibit, where you'll not only get a laugh at the dirty jokes graffitied on the bathroom walls, but you can add your humor to the mix as well.
Paris' Musee de l'Eortisme, or Museum of Eroticism, is devoted to the art of making love. Scattered along its seven floors are four permanent exhibits and a host of temporary delights. The mainstays of the museum include the Popular Art exhibit, showcasing the unrestrained recreational art of Curiosa, the Sacred Art Exhibit, displaying amulets, masks and spiritual objects used in sexual celebrations, the Contemporary Art Exhibit and the Brothel Exhibit.
Open 365 days a year, the Erotic Art Museum never let's up. This German sex museum displays the world's largest publicly accessible collection of sexualized art. The art itself is idolized almost as much as the sex it's portraying. The more than 1,000 works of art illustrate that anything is possible on paper and canvas, including sex. The Erotic Art Museum also offers guided tours for tourists that call ahead.
Does size really matter? Do men have a G-spot? What are the benefits of having sex regularly? Get these answers and more at the Beate Uhse Erotik Museum in Berlin. Interaction is the name of the game at this international sex museum. With 32 exhibits, 12 interactive games, 3D projections and more than 30 LED screens, this sex museum offers the ideal blend of education and fun characteristic of the German sex industry .
Located in beautiful Barcelona, one of the travel capitals of the world, is the historical Museu de l'Erotica. Spain's Museum of Erotica has been etched into Spanish history as the first museum of erotic art in Spain. Its more than 800 pieces of arts covers every arena of cultural and historical eroticism, from sex of Ancient Civilizations and the Far East to European and Indian tantric sex. Within its seven galleries are also specialty displays, like the sadomasochism exhibit.
Rumored to have Russian mystic Rasputin's penis, the Museum of Erotica in Saint Petersburg is a unique sex museum all its own. Rasputin has been considered a legendary psychic and healer, but that's not what put him on the chart. His 12-inch penis is. In addition to owning this legendary piece of phallic property, the Museum of Erotica displays a host of sculptures and paintings.
An electric anti-masturbation machine, chastity belt and handle-operated vibrator are just some of the tantalizing treasures on display at the Sex Machines Museum in Prague. More than 200 sex appliances are scattered throughout three floors to showcase the abundance of extraordinary and unusual ways that people pleasure themselves. In addition to the vibrators, the museum's cinema displays age-old erotic films, one film in particular, "Ladies' Cabinet" is one of the very first scenes in history capturing a threesome.
The Antarang in Mumbai is a much different type of international sex museum. Run by the state government, this unique erotic hot spot aims to not only celebrate sex, but to educate visitors about the dangers of unprotected sex. Hoping to attract the country's hundreds of prostitutes, museum staff aims to promote HIV/AIDS awareness by showcasing graphic and eye-opening images, photographs and portraits of HIV/AIDS vicitms. The museum's motto is "No Condom, No Sex." Taking a much more subtle route than the vibrant sex museums of Amsterdam or Germany, Antarang showcases spiritual sexual objects, like the "lingam," a phallic-shaped symbol worshipped by some Hindus.
Located in the heart of the old Chinese fishing village of Tongli and surrounded by traditional Chinese wooden bridges and rock gardens, the China Sex Museum is a fun and kinky break for tourists. The Museum was built on the location of a former young girls' school in 1999 and now has more than 1,500 exhibits. The museum's artifacts span 9,000 years of Chinese sexual history and is divided into four areas- Prehistoric times, Women and Marriage, Sex in Everyday Life and Unconventional Behavior.
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That is what most encounters in the scene feel like. That’s how we physically as well as digitally realize this project.
With the recognition of the non-profit status by the tax office, the state confirms that the purpose of promoting understanding and acceptance of BDSM culture is in the service of society.
Out of the dark, dirty corner and into daylight, we show the topic in public and promote acceptance and tolerance with a more differentiated view on the topic.
Unfortunately various stereotypical or derogatory views of BDSM still exist in public perception and are also frequently found in mainstream media and in films and books.
Whether as compulsive behavior, coping strategy or based on bad personal experiences, stigmatized as psychologically abnormal behavior or even an expression of violence, abuse and oppression.
In our opinion, this characterization arises from a lack of understanding, lack of knowledge and contact with the topic on a personal basis.
With a museum in the style of a combination between art exhibition and history museum, we want to convey BDSM culture with everyone who identifies with the project and wants to participate, so that BDSM in particular and sexual tendencies in general lead to less discrimination, stigmatization and, in particular and more understanding in general.
At the same time as our museum project, an association for the promotion of BDSM acceptance” was founded in August 2020, which supports the BDSM-Museum first and other equally effective non-profit projects that promote the acceptance of BDSM within the general population.
In order to include the diversity of the community, we seek active contact with all interested parties and organize an open online conference every Friday 6:00-6:30 pm CET, our Friday forum. A place where you can freely exchange and present ideas and opinions on the museum. Alternating in english and german language. You can find more information here: friday museum forum
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Our list of L.A.'s BDSM dungeons will help any and all curious Angelenos fulfill their kinky and adventurous desires.
The words "dungeon" and "BDSM" can conjure pretty intimidating images if you're new to the scene or aren't familiar with the lingo , but that doesn’t have to be the case. Welcome to the approachable (but not exactly friendly) world of b ondage & discipline, dominance & submission, and sadochism & masochism. Participants have many reasons for enjoying BDSM, including the ability to relinquish control in the bedroom, experience complete vulnerability, explore new sexual expressions and escape from reality, among others. Whatever the reason, there are many dungeons throughout L.A. to live out your every fantasy or fetish, with professionals on hand as needed.
Many of L.A.'s dungeons, or "studios," cater to people from all walks of life and all levels of kink experience. You may be surprised to find out how many of them throw regular events and offer educational classes that are open to the public. These can be a great way to learn about, and even participate in, the alternative sex community as a beginner. For those adventurous spirits who frequent sex shops as often as coffee shops and already know what they want, dungeons can be the perfect place to find a professional dominatrix. Many also offer the ability to rent out the entire space, so you and a partner or loved one (or, loved ones, no judgement here) can have an entire night to make use of all the provided BDSM furniture, equipment and toys. Read on to become a true dungeon master—but, you know, the cool, sexy kind.
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Under the auspices of Head Mistress Cyan, one of the most well-respected dominatrixes in Los Angeles, Sanctuary LAX has proven itself a BDSM institution. The highly experienced and diverse staff are well equipped for you kinkiest desires, whether you’re an S&M veteran or complete novice. As the name implies, the studio is a stone’s throw from LAX, which makes it perfect for visitors in town for business… or pleasure. Heck, there are overnight rentals available, too, so it may even be a better option than sleeping in a dingy hotel the next time your flight gets canceled.
Den of Iniquity has been serving the BDSM community for over 20 years, with locations in both NYC and Los Angeles. This no-nonsense dungeon in Downtown L.A.’s Arts District operates under the direction of current Head Mistress Cybil Troy, and offers a wide variety of services. The 1,850-square-foot studio is fully equipped for sessions with professional dominatrixes, as well as film shoots and events. The space, which features multiple themed rooms, can also be rented by couples looking to fill an hour or even a weekend with some fun power exchange play. DOI also focuses heavily on education, and regularly offers classes and one-on-one training for women interested in becoming a dominatrix.
The first thing you need to know about Ivy Manor is that it is exceptionally cool. It feels as much like a hip art gallery as it does a fully stocked BDSM dungeon. The studio, run by Isabella Sinclaire, is discretely hidden in Downtown’s Arts District and has multiple play rooms, including a fantasy medical room. The entire 2500 sq. ft. space can be out rented and offers all the amenities needed to make all your kinky dreams come true.
The Dominion was established in 1980, making it the oldest BDSM club in the country, and its pedigree is recognized and respected around the world. The studio is fully staffed with women who fill the roles of dominants, switches or submissives. That means there will always be someone available for you to play with (or to play with you), no matter what your own particular fetish might be. The Dominion site is regularly updated with a schedule of who is working, so be sure to book your appointment in advance.
Dungeon East is tucked away in the Arts District under the supervision of Mistress Justine Cross. Dungeon East breaks from the traditional dark and moody atmosphere often found in dungeons. Instead, it's immaculately designed all in white – a bold move for an S&M dungeon – but one that works extremely well. The space is also available for rentals, and holds regular events and mixers for those interested in getting a taste of spanking, bondage and more!
As a non-profit organization, Threshold is a BDSM club dedicated to educating those interested in exploring the worlds of bondage, S&M, discipline and other alternative sexual activities. By offering a safe and judgement-free environment, Threshold has built a reputation as one of the best places to begin one’s exploration of BDSM and kink. The facility includes a large main room as well as seven themed rooms, each of which are stocked with dungeon furniture and toys. Be sure to check the calendar of events online that's always packed with amazing classes and events open to the public.
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