Bdsm Interrogation Stories

Bdsm Interrogation Stories


Bdsm Interrogation Stories

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Interrogation (M/f, hum, nc, bdsm)
Albert Vines 2003. All rights reserved. This
story may be copied or posted,
without changes or
omissions, for non-commercial
purposes only. Please keep
the author tag attached along
with this notice, and let
me know where you've sent it or
if you like it:
- This story contains explicit and graphic
depictions of sexual activity,
including the humiliation
and mistreatment of women. If
this kind of thing doesn't
appeal to you then please read
no further. If you do read
further, bear in mind that this
is a work of fiction and
any similarity with people
living or dead is entirely
coincidental. The author does
not condone the behaviours
depicted here, it is a fiction,
a fantasy.
Krebbers and Dreesmann brought
the younger of the two American girls down to my workroom
on the second basement level.
She wore a sack-cloth hood over her head, dirty black t-shirt and
camouflage trousers, but no
shoes. Krebbers had hold of her right arm at the elbow, Dreesmann
her left. Krebbers took her left
elbow from Dreesmann and brought them together behind her back.
Shoulders pinned back, breasts
thrust forward, as if on parade. She looked inviting and my mouth
watered in anticipation of an
evening of rewarding interrogation.
Dreesman moved in front of her
and took the waistband of her trousers in both hands, then pulled
them down to the floor.
Carefully taking each ankle he lifted first one foot, then the other, out of
crumpled cloth. She had no
underclothes beneath the trousers, all her own clothes had been taken
from her in the receiving area.
Her body was trembling as I moved forward to begin my interrogation.
I handed a plastic tie to
Dreesmann and he slipped it around her elbows to keep them in place.
Once this was complete he looked
up expectantly, but I'd decided to take care of this one myself
and nodded to indicate that they
were dismissed. With a shrug, they went back the way they came,
back upstairs to watch the
interrogation on the CCTv no doubt.
I moved to be closer to her
right ear and began my smooth, well-practiced questioning.
She tensed at the sound of her
name, no doubt shocked to find her identity so quickly established.
"All I want from you is
your logon ID and your password. Tell them to me now and we can end this
She stood straighter and spoke
hesitantly through the sack-cloth hood. "I...I don’t know what you
I moved behind her and guided
her through the door so that she was now properly inside my working
space. I spoke again, more
quickly but still with an air of kindness and tolerance, like a school master
"You know very well what I
mean. We've had you under surveillance for two weeks now and in all that
time you've never met with or spoken
with anyone else from your organisation. Yet you knew when
and where you were to take
delivery of the arms we took from you, you knew when and where to meet
your fellow
"freedom-fighters" and you knew who to give the arms to. The only
contact you can have
had was via e-mail, each time
you spent an hour or so in that beach-front café. You used Hotmail, my
men saw you. All I want from you
is the ID and password, then you’ll be released".
The trembling started again,
more strongly than before. She made no other response. I moved in
"You're standing in front
of a metal bed frame. Very shortly I'll remove the rest of your clothes and
strap you down on it. Then I'll
begin this interrogation in earnest. The bed frame's connected by copper
wire to the pipework running
from room to room. Do you know why? I bet you can guess. Can you?"
She nodded her head slightly, to
acknowledge the question and indicate her understanding.
"Good. You understand the
gravity of your situation then. But I want you to understand something
more. I want you to understand
just how lucky you are. You see, it's very fortunate that you have me to
interrogate you. With me there's
no reason for you to be severely injured, although I don't promise
you a pain-free interrogation.
You may need medical treatment afterwards but you'll be relatively intact.
Your good fortune is that I've
taken over this interrogation from someone else. You see, my colleague
does things differently. He has
quite a different approach. He has no finesse. He uses very thin wire to
strap his subjects down with. He
does it on purpose. Quite often it'll cut open the wrists of his subjects
and on more than one occasion
they’ve bled to death. One young man thrashed around so much he
severed his own hand. It made an
awful mess. No finesse, none whatsoever."
“Do you know, he likes to use a special
pair of pincers on young girls breasts. They have four blades,
shaped like plough shares. When this
thing’s closed over a girl’s breast the blades come together and
sever the entire breast from the
torso. He’s so proud of the design, he had it made up to his own
specification. I consider it too
crude; I prefer needles, big ones, the size of knitting needles but made
from surgical steel. I can
pierce your breast from the underside and scrape it across your ribs until it
pops out the top. Do you know,
if I wrap a rope around your breast behind one of my needles I can use
it to suspend you above the
"Your good fortune is to
have me, a sophisticate, a man who takes pride in a more subtle approach.
When I strap you down to this
bed frame you'll be immobile, there'll be no thrashing around, almost
no blood at all in fact. But
there will be constant, sickening, gut-wrenching pain. You'll feel it in al
most sensitive places. You'll
want to scream, but I won't let you. Screaming's a form of release and
there's to be no release until
you tell me what I want."
The trembling was now full-on
shaking, shoulder to shoulder sobbing. "Tell me the ID &
She couldn't bring herself to do
it, to betray the cause she'd worked for since student days. No matter.
I'm good at my job and an early
capitulation would count against her anyway. Standing behind her I
slipped the hood up over her
head and tossed it to the floor. Her field of vision was filled with the
steel bed-frame, the cables and
wires, the buckets of oily water and the tools of my trade. A case
containing eight surgical steel
needles, each one a third of a meter in length, drew her eyes.
"I think you'd better sit
down now, don't you. Sit down on the edge of the bed, Mary Lou, and I'll secure

your tongue so that you don't
bite right through it."
She stiffened as the full
enormity of her situation hit home, then her nerves broke and she pissed
herself in terror. Urine
streamed down the inside of her legs and formed a pool around her feet.
Tears flooded down her cheeks as
she protested her innocence. "You can't do this to me, I'm a student
on an exchange visit. My embassy
knows I'm here. They'll come looking for me. Let me go,
"Mary Lou. Sit down. That's
right. Now, about your embassy. One of my men reported you missing
just before we arrested you. He
said he'd seen you snatched by rebels as you were crossing the
railway bridge at the north end
of town. They don't know he's one of my men, of course, they think he's
just another peasant looking for
a reward. And naturally, our excellent police force has started an
immediate investigation to try
to find you and bring you back alive. They're very conscientious, they were
trained by your government you
see. So, no-one knows you're here and no-one is going to miss you if I
decide to keep you. I might do
that, keep you that is, at least for a little while. I really do love my work
it's so rare that I get the
opportunity to work on pretty young white girls like you and your friend."

sobbing like that and tell me the ID and password!"
She snivelled some more and
shook her head, so reluctantly, but she really felt she had to hold out.
"Mary Lou, I'm going to
have to gag you now. You do understand that I'm doing this for your own good,
don't you? OK. I need you to
stick out your tongue. That's it, just stay like that. This suction cup slips
the end of your tongue and holds
it in place when I inflate the rest of the gag. That's good......... just a bit

further back. OK. I'm going to
inflate it properly now. Is there anything you want to tell me before I do
I really do advise you to stop
this right now. Nothing? OK. I really wish you'd tell me. From now on I won't
be able to stop until I feel
you're ready, really ready, to tell me everything. Let me tie these straps
Her tears were a steady stream
now and I began to worry that she'd resigned herself to her fate, without
fully understanding what that
was. Perhaps I was being too smooth. I quickly took hold of the hem of her
t-shirt and yanked it up over
her head. As I did so my knuckles caught the end of her nose and tipped her
head back. Then I hit her hard
in the face, my fist striking her cheekbone just below her left eye. She fell
back on the bed and her legs
came up in response. I grabbed hold of her right ankle and pulled it back
down to the bed leg. A plastic
tie held it fast there. Then I grabbed her other ankle and tied that to the
other bed leg. She lay on her
arms, the tie still at her elbows, her eyes screwed shut in expectation of the
"Don't worry, I won't hit
you again, it only hurts my knuckles. It's now time for you to feel the full
effect of
carefully applied and controlled
pain. But first I want your hands out of there."
The plastic tie holding her
elbows together was snipped through, then first one wrist, and then the other,
were strapped down to the sides
of the bed frame, just above her head. Her upper arms were at ninety
degrees to her body, giving me
access to her arm-pits. They’d need shaving before I could go to work
on them. Her elbow joints
protruded over the edge of the bed frame, forming another ninety degree angle
between her upper and lower
arms. The trembling was worse now, so I judged it just the right time to
remove any last shred of
dignity. I carefully secured her knees, with a rope just above the joint, to
edges of the bed frame directly
above each foot. Her snatch was obscenely splayed open, inviting the
first of many electrodes into
her body. I started with a long, slender steel rod, that could slide easily
her uterus. I let her see me as
I covered it with a red jelly.
"This is a special
preparation from our labs. We call it Preparation H, for Hell. It heightens the
of the body tissue it comes into
contact with, so that we can increase the pain threshold without increasing
the collateral damage, as you
Americans might call it. I can send an electric current to any point along the
length of this probe. Let's work
along it gradually, I think I'll find it more rewarding that way."
I sat on the edge of the
bed-end, between her splayed knees and slid the probe between her cunt-lips.
The tip made contact with the
mouth of her uterus. A slight wiggle, some constant pressure and it slid
home. A grunt from the throat of
my subject told me I'd hit the spot.
"There's one more thing. I
do this to prevent any unpleasant spillages. This rubber plug will stop you
soiling my
nice clean floor, when you lose
control of your bowels. And you will lose control of them, I can assure you
of that. It usually takes about
three or four minutes, rarely more. Let me just coat it with some more
preparation H, there's no point
in discomfort when we can easily turn it into pain!"
This time I got more than a
grunt, as the rubber plug, almost completely round, was forced into her
sensitised rectum. She shook her
head repeatedly from side to side, the tears running down into her hairline.
"That's it, all the way in.
I should have told you, though you might have realised, from the pain of
getting it
in there, that the only way to
get that out is with medical intervention. Now let's start having fun."

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His first session: the aftermath. Laying ground for more.
When a harmless interview turns horribly wrong.
Ashley the little girl has a normal life. That all changes.
Two operatives are intimately interrogated.
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Two missionaries are kidnapped on foreign mission.
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Bring Out the GIMP (Girls in Merciless Peril)

Story page generator script by the Scribbler ---

SHANNON CLARKE: PUNISHMENT FOR CRIMINAL ENTICEMENT by Ed : 18-year old Shannon, a lovely cinnamon blonde pub server, is falsely found guilty of beguiling the local peasants for their wages. The magistrate uses the threat of torture to force a blow job. Taken to a public stage, she is whipped brutally for the crowd's entertainment. (forced blowjob, back and long extreme breast whipping)

ALICE: WHAT HAPPENED TO ALICE AFTER ALICE by Ed : Several days have passed since pretty young Alice Turner failed her test to avoid death in Duke Andressen's torture dungeon, an excruciating topless ordeal, particularly onerous as she wasn't bound, but had to offer her breasts for lash after lash. Locked in a cell until her body recovered, she is given another chance at mercy by using her mouth on the duke while his previous favorite is punished. Failing a second time, she is dragged to a torture room where the duke subjects her, fully nude this time, to a fiendish combination of horse and breast mangle. (Two victims, full body whipping, breasts squeezed between rollers, caned, subjected to hot irons, hot needle nipple burning, and then subjected to a savage breast torture rape. VERY vicious M/f sadism.)

JOLANDA'S ORDEAL by LLL : A young Spanish noblewoman, having become the "queen of pirates", is captured by the cruel governor she refused to marry and subjected to his revenge. Pedro, the governor, has however to act within the boundaries of the law… (humiliation, whipping, crucifixion – sort of). NOTE: I wrote this back in 1998, but hope it can still be of interest today. With some of the illustrations made by Quoom in days long gone.

AGONY IN PINK by The Dark Ranger : A legendary story spoken about in hushed tones since the old days of Usenet newsgroups and the internet of the 90’s. Written and uploaded by an anonymous author known only as "The Dark Ranger" and has been the stuff of legends since. So extreme it was banned in Australia! The pink power ranger is captured and tortured in exquisite detail. This is a extreme story and not for the faint of heart. (Bondage, whipping, electro, hot iron, rape, mutilation and snuff)

AGONY IN PINK 2 - A NEW ENDING by The Dark Ranger : Described by the original author as not so much of a sequel but more of a retelling of the original, Kimberly the pink power ranger is captured and cruelly tortured by another young woman in immersive detail. This is an even more extreme story than the original. (Bondage, whipping, rape, hot irons, electro, needles, fire, forced corpophaglia, cannibalism, disembowlment and snuff)

AGONY IN PINK 3 - AGONY IN YELLOW by The Dark Ranger : The final of the 3 legendary power ranger torture fan fiction series. Also penned by the anonymous "Dark Ranger" in the late 90’s and posted on ancient Usenet newsgroups. These stories have stood the test of time and have been so notorious that they have managed to not be lost to history over 20 years of the internet. That said, this story is about the yellow power ranger As
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