Bdsm Electric Prod

Bdsm Electric Prod


Bdsm Electric Prod
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Real torture techniques are messy, uncomfortable to watch, and difficult to simulate for TV. Such graphic violence would risk an undesirably restrictive MPAA rating or rejection by a network's standards. More of an immediate problem, a key character with broken limbs or open wounds would simply not be able to physically continue in the plot without a considerable healing period, of which there may be no room for on the timeline. Including a physically broken character in the plot would simply be an ongoing downer, defusing any joy the writer intended to create.

Instead, most torture sessions in TV, movies and video games takes the form of an electroshock treatment, some form of direct neural stimulation, or the ever popular Agony Beam . In any case, the point is to have the actor shake around as if in terrible pain without actually causing any physical damage. If the producers are particularly interested in realism, a pair of burns will be left where the electrodes were attached. Depending on medium and genre, this may include visible electric arcs. Sometimes parodied, but far more often played straight.

It's almost guaranteed that a variation on this conversation will take place:

The hero never dies or experience serious physical injury/mutilation, and in most cases will not even show any marks, though usually requires a shoulder to help walk for another scene or so, as he is too weak to walk on his own. The hero will soon regain his strength entirely. A villain given a taste of his own medicine might die or become horribly mutilated, though.

This trope appears to be weakening in recent years after " torture horror " films such as the Hostel series breaking into the mainstream, though this genre began back in the 1970s with films like Mark of the Devil and Salo Or The 120 Days Of Sodom .

Sometimes an example of Truth in Television - certain members of the scientific and medical communities believe that nonfatal electrical current through your brain is the most painful thing a human can survive, and certain military groups around the world have began to utilize this. When applied properly, this method also has the added bonus of not leaving any physical evidence of torture on the bodies of the "guests".

A favorite of the Psycho Electro ; a variant of Agony Beam . See Magical Defibrillator for the flip side of electroshocking humans, and Harmless Voltage . May be part of a Robotic Torture Device .

 Lord John Whorfin : More power to him.

 Aeryn : "I will give you your life."
Aeryn : "I will make you watch your life."

 Noah: Stings like a bitch, doesn't it?

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— Michael Westen in Burn Notice , via voice over as the device is about to be used on him

Yu-Gi-Oh! GX : A Mephisto-like character introduces Kaiser to a method of playing Duel Monsters that involves Electric Torture, which Kaiser inflicts on his own brother post his Freak Out .
In the manga version of Yu-Gi-Oh! , Jonouchi is tortured by gang members (the leader of which just happens to be a former friend) with stun guns. Later on, Yugi defeats the entire gang using a knocked-out member (holding a stun gun), the weather, and a couple of well-placed threats.
Yusei is the undisputed king of this trope when regarding Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's : While in prison he's subjected to this twice (one of them stripped down to nothing but his boxers), three if you count the excruciating experience of being literally branded a criminal, and again when he gets his D-wheel back from security in the form of hundreds and hundreds of cattle prods. The Arcadia Movement might also have routinely done this to children in their attempts to raise a psychic army (it's how Misty's brother died, anyway).
Yusaku from Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS can definitely give Yusei a run for his money in this department. Ten years prior to the start of the series, Yusaku was one of six children who were kidnapped and locked up, being forced to duel with VR equipment. If they lost, they would receive intense electric shocks that would knock them back. The losers would also be starved. This torture lasted for six months and left Yusaku with a whole range of mental illnesses including PTSD. Even therapy couldn't help him. To make things even worse, Yusaku was only six during the Lost Incident/Hanoi Project and didn't even know how much time had passed until after he was freed.
Yu-Gi-Oh may have an disturbing interest in this as Yuya, the protagonist of Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V also suffers from this. Roger puts a chip in Yuya's helmet that sends electrical shocks to his head as he duels in an attempt to bring out his vicious side. To point this into context, Yuya is only 14 years old.
During Goku's fight against Jackie Chun in Dragon Ball , Jackie Chun uses a finishing move that shocks the opponent with 20,000 volts of electricity (according to Yamcha). Goku eventually became willing to give in, but then he saw the full moon...
Emperor Pilaf uses this on his minions in an early filler scene, using a hilariously overcomplicated method : mechanical hands pop out of the wall to hold them in place and put lightning rods on their head, the ceiling opens up, some kind of smoke comes out of a chimney to create a thunderbutt above Pilaf's castle , then lightning strikes the two of them as well as Pilaf because he was holding up a metal fork.
Parodied in the third episode of Excel Saga ; a group of soldiers subject Excel to being shocked with electrodes, only to find it arouses her . In confusion, they shock another soldier, who displays the standard cartoon reaction .
In Fairy Tail , Erza receives this when she's being interrogated by Kyouka of the Dark Guild Tartaros .
Ayeka subjects Ryoko to some form of Electric Torture in the second episode of the Tenchi Muyo! OVA after she is captured while being hung upside down, but it only tickles her and seems to have no effect. This changes when Ayeka jabs her with the hilt of Tenchi's sword and causes a much more painful electric reaction (although it can be assumed that it is much more than electricity doing the damage) due to Ryoko being unable to touch the sword.
Note: In the actual Japanese dialog for this, Ryouko shouts " I'm coming !" to irk Ayeka, but the subtitles in later releases of the OVA do not reflect this, cleaning it up to "That tickles!"
Ginji of Get Backers has been known to interrogate random mooks by slowing raising the charge ("750, 1000, 1500...").
A particular YuYu Hakusho villain specifically blends electricity with his personal power and then uses it to slowly torture Yusuke, with the eventual intended effect of killing him, but not before he has to watch Keiko die first.
Slaves in the Magical World of Negima! Magister Negi Magi are equipped with collars that allow their owners to perform electric torture on them with but a few words, though these are supposed to only be used when the slave attempts to escape.
In Samurai Gun , the forces of the Shogunate develop an electric chair for interrogations.
In the special Pokémon: Mewtwo Returns , Giovanni does this to Mewtwo to try and get it to submit to his ownership. Eventually it frees itself rather...disturbingly .
In the Pokémon Adventures manga, there is one scene when Red is held down by several Magneton so that Lt. Surge's Electabuzz could use Thunder on him several times before his body is dumped into the ocean. That may be a hint as to how Pokemon were used in wars in their world...
Used by Grings Kodai in Pokémon: Zoroark: Master of Illusions on Zorua to get his mother to obey him. Added Kick the Dog points for doing it to a baby .
Harmless Electrocution is subverted in this case. Not only is the pain from the shock agonizing, everyone it's used on takes a while to recover (thankfully they're all Pokemon, who seem to heal much quicker than humans anyway) and he kills Zoroark with it, though she's revived by Celebi .
In the main Pokémon anime, for his battle for his eighth Indigo League badge, Ash finds himself facing off against Team Rocket, since the real gym leader (the same Giovanni from above) was away on "business", and assigned the trio as his substitutes. Team Rocket traps Ash in a platform that electrocutes him whenever his Pokémon take damage during the battle; however, this plan backfires because James also rigged Jessie's own platform to do the same to her, because he never thought Ash would actually turn the tables on them this time .
In Shugo Chara! , Chairman Hoshina acts this way towards Ikuto, telling the scientists to push him further even though the X energy in Ikuto's violin is causing him harm .
Killua of Hunter × Hunter had been subjected to this so many times in his youth that he developed an affinity to electricity, which he used when creating his Hatsu techniques.
In Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt , the Demon sisters try this on Panty and Stocking. However, because they're angels, it doesn't work, and Stocking even finds it pleasurable .
In Freezing , after objecting to (and launching an investigation into) unethical experimentation by the world government Chevalier, Elizabeth Mably is arrested, stripped to her underwear, and has electrodes attached to her head and breasts, with the sessions of electrocution lasting for over 20 minutes at a time (the downside of Super Strength ; the Chevalier know this won't kill her) It's played straight as an arrow, complete with the minion/Big Bad conversation ("But Sir, if we do any more than this, she might receive permanent brain damage..." "I don't care"), but manages to be genuinely horrifying courtesy of showing things like Elizabeth drooling and losing bladder control, and her eyes rolling up into her head.
Played for Laughs in Bleach . Mayuri Kurotsuchi decides to bring a bunch of previously defeated enemies Back from the Dead , secretly implanting with punishment devices to cause electric shocks directly into their brains. Said "minions" ( Cirucci, Charlotte, Dordoni and Luppi ) are... hard to handle and they really don't trust him. So this trope happens. Several times.

Happens (in an unexpected and fairly graphic sequence) to Lightfoot in G.I. Joe Special Missions #13.
In All Fall Down , Siphon endures a form of this while on a deathtrap power-nullifying platform.
The Punisher does this in The Punisher MAX story arc "Long Cold Dark". The Punisher is already nasty-talented at inflicting pain on others. When Barracuda kidnaps Frank's daughter, who he didn't know existed, The Punisher goes Papa Wolf on the man and hooks up Barracuda's danglies to a car battery. For an hour.
Variable voltage harnesses from various Transformers: Generation 1 comics serve as a restraining and torture devices for both Decepticons and Autobots.
IDW's continuity introduced Kaon, a member of the Decepticon Justice Division who uses this method. Hell, he even turns into an electric chair.
In Hellblazer #8, John Constantine has a nightmare, based on his time in Ravenscar Asylum, in which two staffers prepare to torture him with live wires.
The Star Wars comic Han Solo And The Hollow Moon of Khorya depicts a torture scene very similar to The Empire Strikes Back . Han's strapped to a device while an officer asks questions. The electric part seems implied by the officer ("Raise the power! Hit him again!") when Han doesn't talk. Han is seen screaming, but it ends just after because the guy Han was temporarily flying with spilled everything before they even got him strapped down.
Wonder Girl Cassandra Sandsmark had a lasso at one point which was designed to channel her Shock and Awe powers to deliver painful jolts to those it's wrapped around. She eventually realized the device was warping her personality to make her more cruel and cold because it tapped into her rage to access her powers.

Tortured Truth , a Danny Phantom fanfiction by Darth Frodo .
Ren is subject to this at the hands of Sugou and Yamato in Blazing Revolution .
Dunny of Company0051 decides to stick his video games card int
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