Bdsm Daddy Stories

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In which a troubled girl with anger issues finds herself struggling to be an adult after her 18th birthday.
dd/lg relationship between a small girl and a notorious murderer.
M.M.F.A.O.L.S = My mafia family and our little sister
Eleven Abramo , just a child in foster care . . After a terribl...
This is going to be a ddlg story. If you don't know what that is I encourage you to do some research! But to summarize, ddlg stands for daddy dom little girl. If you don...
Ddlg (cgl) one shot.
Smut scenes 😖
Bdsm scenes 😖
Cally is a 21 year old girl with a secret. Her secret lies beneath her bed and is her world of comfort. She is a little on a journey looking for a daddy to love and prot...
June had always been the weird child but almost everything changed when she was sent to live in yet another foster home. When she was sent to live with the Lock brothers...
'PUNISH ME?' WHAT'S HE GONNA DO BEND ME OVER AND SPANK ME?!" I said out loud again by accident.
He chuckled. "Yes babydoll that's exactly what we will do and i...
Rose is saved by Lucifer, but maybe she's saving him.
When Allyssa goes to live with her older Half Sister who just moved to Alaska she meets Jasper. Follow Allyssa on her journey, through all the ups and downs.
(Set after...
This is just random ddlg shorts that I've made. Most of them have been things requested by my bf overtime. I just kinda...have them. Until I make a legit storyline, this...
A young girls fisrt year in college becomes out of hand whens she meet a gangleaders and his friend
Kat Simons nervous about her first day at her new highschool. she was new to the small town of Jupitor Florida, she never thought anyone new about her little secret...
Peter and Ava have been together for a while. What happens when all Ava's stress causes Peter's daddy side to come out? Will Ava enjoy the change? Or will she resist bei...
Twins who could be more different united by a small little girl with the beautiful name Aurora, named after her favorite princess.
Follow the two men, how they learn to...

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Adult Babies and DLs from a Daddy's Perspective
A good story is like playing with Legos – sometimes you put all the pieces together and you end up with a Lego robot dinosaur, and sometimes you end up with – well, with a bunch of blocks!
But as readers of this blog know, Anthony is a writer who knows how to put the blocks together and was the … Read the rest
Christmas was a special day for Cody: starting the day with worry, it had ended with him saying ‘yes’.
Yes to being put back in diapers. And yes to what felt like a new word: Daddy.
But what does being ‘Daddy’s baby boy’ really mean? What was the mystery of the ‘fourth gift’? And will Josh ever accept his true … Read the rest
The bond between Cody and his neighbour Josh has deepened as the daily rituals of diapering the boy have brought out feelings in both of them. When we last left our story, the older man had found a word to describe that feeling – “Daddy”…and he struggled to overcome the fear of what that word might mean.
Sometimes it’s only after you’ve made a decision that you realize how simple something is to decide.
You’re with a group of friends, and you’re debating about where to eat, or what movie to go to, and the conversation circles around and there are pros and cons, opinions and dislikes but you just can’t seem to decide.
Did you ever get a haircut and there’s a bit more of a spring in your step after? Or maybe you get dressed up to go to the theater and there’s something about the well-polished shoes and the crisp shirt and you feel just a little brighter, a bit lighter, as if you’re stepping into some old musical or something.… Read the rest
Ever see a movie and know what the ending will be before the opening credits finish? Ever watched a TV show and felt upset that it ended ONE way when it should have ended another?
As I stood waiting for Cody to think through what I had asked him I felt like it could go one of two ways: it … Read the rest
Previous chapters: one , two , and three .
“So what will it be? Diaper or no diaper?”
Now, throw a question like that out to the general population and you can be reasonably sure what the answer is. Throw it out to a 20-year old boy, and he might throw it right back at you with a punch to … Read the rest
Some of the best things in life are….yeah, you thought I was going to say free. But what I was going to say was ‘complicated’. And with Cody there was nothing terribly complicated about how I felt, but being able to express those feelings wasn’t simple.
Now, most people would probably call me crazy. Look at it this way: you … Read the rest
The story continues from part one .
It’s a funny thing about change: sometimes it wallops you and everything is different a minute later. And sometimes it steals up on you and before you know it your life has curved off in an unexpected direction.
With Cody it was both. A sudden bang and I felt like I had a … Read the rest
You sometimes hear the term ‘boy next door’ and it gives you the idea of some sexy kid with floppy hair and a lop-sided grin who drives the neighbors crazy with desire as he mows the lawn.
Now, I’ve never met anyone like that, which isn’t to say you don’t see some kid at the mall or beach and notice … Read the rest

(ok sorry about that other topic, i didn't realize when u post something here no one else cna see it.. ok below is my story...its ok if not good enough to post.. just figured i'd try)

What Happens to Grumpy Little Girls

(All characters and events in this story are purely fictional. All characters are over the age of 18. It is strongly recommended that you read and follow all directions carefully when using any over the counter medical products and/or procedures. This story is the property of Lil_senny.)

I was sleeping quite nice and peacefully, with my teddy bear and blanky wrapped quite securely in my arms, and although my paci had fallen out of my mouth I still looked quite cute. As was normal for me, I had no clothes on, its to hot in the summertime to sleep with clothes on.

I was sleeping so soundly I did not notice when my daddy got up next to me and left the room, or when he returned, or when he went into the closet, or when he shut the door. I didn’t wake up until I felt him sit back down on the bed. I rolled over onto my back, still holding my teddy and blanky, and whined softly.

“shhhhh” daddy said, slipping my paci back into my mouth

With my paci in my mouth I started to drift back to sleep, when I felt my daddy put something around my wrist, then reach for my other arm and do the same. Moving my arm to see what it was, I found I could lift my hands no more than an inch, two at the most above the bed. Daddy had tied my arms to the bed!!!

I tried to talk, but my paci was in my mouth. I spit it out and tried again “what are you doing?” I asked, curious, and a bit alarmed to be woken up this way. But daddy just put my paci back in my mouth.

“shhhhh… good babies keep their paci in their mouth, otherwise they might get a spanking” daddy said to me, with a slight warning sound to his voice.

I felt my face get red, and felt a little lump in my throat, a little unsure of what was going to happen. I know I had talked to my daddy about some of the things I fantasized about, but they were just fantasies, I never expected him to actually do them. Now I racked my brains for all I may have told him, or written him, wondering what he had in mind.

Daddy saw my face, and put his hand on my cheek softly. “its ok baby, but daddy has noticed you’ve been very grumpy lately, and not at all the well behaved little girl you should be.”

I tried to apologize through my paci, “please daddy I’m sorry, please….” I didn’t know what was going to happen, but no one likes the thought of punishment.

“I know you are sorry baby, but daddy needs to punish you, to make sure you don’t forget what happens to bad little girls.”

As daddy was saying this, he had secured one ankle to the bed, and had moved to the other one, making sure my legs were drawn apart, not to tight as to hurt, but far enough I could not bring them together.

There was a fan across the room and I could feel it blowing on me, daddy must have turned it up to high because I was covered in goose pimples and could feel my nipples getting hard.

Daddy ran his hand gently up my leg, from my ankle, to my knee, up my thigh, so softly it tickled. I giggled and squirmed around, but was held down very securely. “Ohhh my baby is very ticklish isn’t she?” Daddy said with a grin on his face.

He kept running his hand so lightly up one thigh then down the other as I squirmed and giggled so much my paci fell out. “stop stop” I gasped.

Daddy noticed the paci had falled out and went over to the dresser, coming back with a big piece of pink ribbon. “It looks like daddy’s going to have to help you keep that paci in your mouth.”

After daddy put the paci back in my mouth, he slid the ribbon through the edges and then tied it a bit tightly behind my head, making sure it would not come out again.
Looking down at me daddy smiled and ran his hand down my face, then my neck, and circled one of my nipples. “there, now my baby is ready to think about how she’s been acting. I’ve got some things to do and will be back soon..” Daddy walked towards the door and a look of panic crossed my face. He was leaving me here!!! Tied to the bed , naked, with a paci in my mouth!!!

At the door, daddy turned, and grinning, said to me “now don’t go anywhere.” then left, shutting the door behind him. It seemed like ages, but I know it was less than an hour when I heard daddy coming back up the stairs, and the door opened. He peaked in, and saw me awake, smiled as he came into the room. He was carrying a tray with a bowl on it and a bottle.

Sitting down next to me on the bed he placed the tray on a chair, and untied the paci behind my head but kept it in my mouth.

“My baby must be very hungry, its way past lunch time, so daddy brought you up something to eat.”

Leaving me lying down, tied to the bed, he lifted the bowl and held it close to my face, but high enough I couldn’t see what it was. He used the spoon to scoop some out and I noticed it was a baby spoon, and the food looked like apple sauce.

“Open wide baby.”

I hesitantly opened my mouth, not sure what it was he was going to feed me, and when he spooned it in, I nearly chocked on it and let it slid out of my mouth. “EWWWWW” I said, but daddy just quickly plopped another spoonfull in my mouth, leaving what I had spit out to dribble down my chin.

“Daddy doesn’t want to hear you complain. This is your lunch. Baby food for a big baby. Now eat it all up or daddy will have to get some prunes for you as well.”

I could barely stand to swallow the horrible tasting food, and managed to let quite a bit of it dribble out of my mouth onto my face, unfortunately, this had the effect daddy wanted for he made quite a few comments on how messy my face was, just like a baby. Each time he said this, I blushed more and more, quite embarrassed at being spoon fed, and at having such a messy face.

Finally, after what seemed like ages, I finished all that was in the bowl. I assumed daddy was going to wipe my face off, but instead he put the bowl down and proceeded to put the bottle in my mouth.

“Now drink all your baba, just like a good baby for daddy.”

I wanted to spit this out but daddy was holding the bottle in firmly. It wasn’t milk in the bottle, but it tasted like baby formula! I could feel a tear sliding down my cheek, as tried to get as much of it as possible to slide out of my mouth, but of course this just added to daddy’s delight as it mixed with the baby food already on my chin and cheeks.

The whole time I was drinking daddy was reminding me of what a big baby I was, drinking from a bottle, and getting my lunch all over me, just like a messy baby would. I didn’t think my face could get any redder.

Eventually I got to the end of the bottle and daddy pulled it out of my mouth, putting the paci back in, while he went to get some wet wipes. When he came back he pulled the paci out just long enough to not so gently wipe off my face and chin.

“My what a messy baby you are. I should have gotten a bib for you!” daddy said, he used the wipes to clean up my chest and then rubbed around my nipples, first one, then the other, with the cold wet wipe! It made my nipples stand up they were so cold. Daddy smiled then put the paci back in my mouth and retied it.

“Theres my good baby with the full tummy. Now are you ready to be a good baby for daddy?”

I nodded my head as quickly as I could with my arms tied above it, and daddy smiled.

“I don’t think you’ve had enough time to think about how you’ve acted. And you certainly haven’t been punished nearly enough!”

Daddy untied my legs and rolled me over so I was half on my stomach, where he wacked my bum as hard as he could. I could hear the slap echo off the ceiling!

I cried out around my paci and tried to move my hands but they were still securely tied. Daddy laughed at my crying out and just slapped my bum again, it felt even harder this time.

“Lets see if a good long spanking will make my baby behave like the good little girl she is!” Daddy said as his hand rained down on my bum, I could tell it must have been redder than my face, and I was squirming, but daddy was holding my legs down and there was no way I could stop him.

He kept spanking me, over and over, until I had tears streaming down my face and was pleading with him through the paci to stop. My nose was running and I could feel it down my chin mixing with my tears. At this point I had stopped struggling with him, I didn’t have any energy left.

Daddy slowly stopped spanking me, letting them come fewer and farther between, and lighter each time.
“My what a red red bum my baby has, only bad babies have red bums like that!” he said. I had my eyes closed as I cried in pain, and I could feel daddy undoing my arms from above my head.

“After a spanking like that, I think you need to stand in the corner and think about why you were spanked.” Daddy said as he stood me up and led me to the corner. “Now you stay in this corner, hands at your sides, and think about what a bad bad baby you have been. And how you are going to be a good girl from now on.”

I stood in the corner, tears still streaming down my face, my bum burning
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