Bdsm Conditioning

Bdsm Conditioning


Bdsm Conditioning








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Conditioning is the academic term for creating a psychological response between preferred response and an unrelated stimulus. There are two types of conditioning commonly employed in the BDSM community: Classical or Pavlovian conditioning and operant or instrumental conditioning.
BDSM dominants may use conditioning techniques to train their submissive partners. Both types of conditioning help submissive individuals learn how they should behave for their dominants, although they use different methods to achieve this goal.
The idea of classical conditioning was developed by the Russian psychologist Ivan Pavlov. In classical conditioning, Pavlov trained dogs to salivate when they heard a bell ring. The bell is a neutral stimulus that the dogs associated with food because they would be fed after they heard a bell. Over time, the dogs would salivate just from hearing the bell. Classic conditioning focuses on developing automatic, involuntary behaviors.
American psychologist B.F. Skinner first described the second type of conditioning, operant conditioning. In this type of conditioning, a dominant rewards positive behaviors and punishes for negative ones. Over time, the submissive learns which behaviors are “good” and which are “bad.” This type of conditioning involves a more active learning than classical conditioning.
While both methods have their merits, some believe that operant conditioning is more effective for training submissive partners. That’s because classical conditioning calls for repeated exposure to the same stimulus, which can become boring due to a phenomena called habituation. Just as no one masturbates to the same pornographic videos or the same fantasies, a stimulus tends to lose its power to titillate over time. Operant conditioning is less repetitive as rewards and punishments, as well as the behaviors being rewarded or punished, can vary.

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B.F. Skinner, known as the “Father of Behaviorism” developed a theory of operant conditioning , which states that all behavior is governed by reinforcing and punishing stimuli. Behavior modification uses a scheduled approach that rewards desired behavior and punishes undesirable behavior.
Many people get offended if you mention child psychology (or heaven forbid, dog training) in a conversation about behavior modification in the adult BDSM sense of the term. But, the fact is that the basic psychological principles of behavior modification and operant conditioning work equally well on any age group.
1. Successive Approximation Approach
This approach is to instill new behavior by rewarding preferred action steps until the final demanded behavior is achieved. For instance, ear scratches or simply showing affection by the Dominant to the submissive can be very rewarding.
2. Continuous Reinforcement Approach
Immediate reward after each correct and desired action is being carried out, continuously, to reinforce desired behavior. For instance, saying “thank you” is a good way to show appreciation, and hence the acknowledgment of the correct action by the Dominant, may be considered a gentle reward to the submissive.
Appropriate and proportional punishment of the submissive when desired action is not carried out. Punishment should not be enjoyable , if pain is pleasurable for the submissive, then it is not considered as punishment.
Arranging for the submissive to watch the behavior being carried out by others, and working together with guidance. For instance, teaching the submissive how to tie a rope, or serve morning coffee, by performing the act for the observation of the learner. This is often a socialisation process, where a submissive who is new to the space can observe the environment to learn a set of desired behaviors.
Continuously providing clear and specific social cues or reminders, at a desired time and location. The cues should happen before the action being carried out, as opposed to after the individual has acted incorrectly. For example, “Kneel, beside the front door” can be a social cue at a particular time of the day when it is desired.
To instill a particular act in some circumstances but not other circumstances, rewards can be given only when the action is carried out in the desired circumstances.
1. Decreasing Reinforcement Approach
The frequency of rewards for desired behavior can be decreased and substituted with gentle encouragement, gradually stretching the requirement for rewards associated with correct behaviour. You see this in dog training, where the trainer reduces the treats when the pet is performing well to a command, and begins to associate the treats with a new command the trainer wishes to teach.
When correct behavior is carried out, varying the reinforcement behaviour or rewards is a better way to maintain/improve the submissive’s performance than always associating the same reward with the action.
It may be appropriate in some cases to allow (or even command) the submissive to carry out the undesired behavior until they get bored and tired of deviation.
Every reward can be stopped if an undesired behavior is carried out.
3. Incompatible Alternative Approach
Rewarding an alternative opposite or opposing action to the one that is undesired may cause the submissive to act on the positive action and, at the same time, stop acting on the undesired behavior.
If an action is to be punished, punishment should happen immediately after the undesired action. Bear in mind that punishment does not always work. It may result in increased aggression and hostility. It should therefore be used in proportion to the action, and in conjunction with other reinforcement.
To prevent a child becoming addicted to video games, the simplest approach is to not allow them to play games in the first place. It also follows that they should not be left in the company of friends who enjoy playing games. In BDSM, this approach also applies. Do not allow your submissive to start acting in a way that is inappropriate, and avoid situations where the kind of action you are avoiding takes place.
A submissive can overcome his fear of a particular situation if his exposure to that situation is slowly increased, slowly stretching his comfortable level with reward when he is relaxed, secure and not fearful.
As a semantic distinction, it’s important to note that Negative reinforcement is NOT the same as punishment. “Reinforcement” means something you are doing to reward good behavior. Negative means something is being removed by the person in charge of the training, while positive means that something is being added. So negative reinforcement would mean that you are removing a negative stimulus as a reward for good behavior. For instance, if the standard rule is that a sub wear a spiked chastity device at all times, but he has been good this week, you might remove it for a few hours as a reward. That is negative reinforcement.
The application of an unpleasant sensation in order to discourage bad behavior would be called “positive punishment”.
Hi Isaac… Thanks for that. You’re absolutely right. Reinforcement and punishment are not the same, and I’ve definitely been caught out a few times being sloppy with my language. We looked at that here: and how it does give the Dom four separate tools to work with… and four separate tools that can backfire if used incorrectly.
I am a huge fan of behavior modification , and I have found positive reinforcement is not only beneficial but it works.
physical punishment is something I steer away from , I have found through out the years to be less effective , than sitting someone down and talking. It seems when an adult is correcting another adult the out come is more positive but somewhat humiliating.
Changing someones behavior has to be consistent , hourly , daily , weekly. I think there may be times when a Dominant may let their feelings get in the way at times causing a disruption in training , or a strict relationship.
I have enjoyed this article , I wish I could share this on my blog…
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Home » BDSM » 56 Ideas For BDSM Slave Training (NSFW)
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Master/ slave or M/s is a part/ variation od D/s relationships , in which Master has complete authority over the slave. Before an M/s relationship, there is a period of consideration and a period of slave training. Both M/s and D/s relationships are part of BDSM .
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Here is one ingenious thought – slave is submissive to the Master but at the same time – both Master and a slave are of the same importance to the power dynamic. To have a Master without a slave is much like a captain without a ship (and the other way around).
We also have a Master/ slave contract – which you can find at the very bottom of this post.
Here are some general guidelines on how to approach:
All the ideas listed here are written from a perspective where a male is a Master, and a female is a slave. However, all the ideas can easily be turned around.
1. Set rules on how to address you in private and in public.
3. Engage in pet play occasionally. Put her on a leash, lube, and insert a tail butt plug and gag her with a bulb .
5. Reward her by fulfilling her fantasy.
6. Make her cook and serve while wearing an only apron and a collar .
7. Make her take pictures for you in any position or outfit you wish.
9. Caress her with a tickler . If she makes any sound, punish her.
10. Give her a task each day and make sure it is done.
11. Allow her to please you sexually. Use it as a reward.
12. Dress your slave. Servant costume is a convenient choice.
13. Her body needs to be shaven at all times.
14. Use ”slut”, ”pet”, when calling her. Read other dirty talk examples you can use.
15. Give your slave this sexy see-through skirt as a gift and then spank her. Remember, spanking is your slave’s reward.
17. Call her and make her masturbate for you.
18. Forbid eye contact unless you allow it.
21. Have her polish your shoes every week.
22. Make her keep a diary of her submission.
23. The slave has to wear nipple clamps while eating dinner. Alternatively, clamp her clit and nipples together .
25. Lube her up and insert her favorite glow-in-the-dark plug . When she thinks she is done for the day, ram her ass with the huge Tantus The Queen plug .
27. Make her call you every day at a certain time.
29. Choose her clothing combination for each day.
30. Interrupt her and use her sexually. Do whatever you want to.
31. Make her crawl to you or around you, showing you what is yours.
32. Deny her orgasms for as long as you want to.
33. Give her an occasional ride on the Cowgirl sex machine .
35. Buy a collar with a bell for your slave to wear. It is a constant reminder of submission.
36. Make her wear nothing but heels, a collar, and a leash .
37. Expose your slave’s holes with a spreader bar so you can use her sexually.
38. Buy an anklet and make her wear one every day.
39. Rstrain them properly with hog-tie restraints , and use their mouth.
40. Praise her if she pleased you well.
43. Buy a Jawbreaker ball gag and keep her quiet.
44. She has to ask you for food, drinks, and a bathroom.
45. Keep her in a cage occasionally.
47. After the punishment, have her kiss your shoes and thank you for loving her enough to correct her.
48. Experiment with Wartenberg pinwheel and sensation play.
49. Occasionally, make her eat from a bowl.
50. Teach her how to move gracefully.
51. Restrain your slave to teach patience or to use them (these cuffs are the perfect gift for your slave).
52. Allow the slave to accompany you by kneeling beside you.
53. Make your slave kneel while you collar them .
54. Punish her if she makes any sound while you please her.
55. Lock her in a chastity device. Reward your slave with an orgasm every now and then.
56. Give your slave a writing assignment. Write ”My place is on my knees before my Master” 100 times.
57. Use a riding crop to direct her or to punish her when she doesn’t obey.
58. Explore forced orgasm play with under the bed restraint system and a want.
59. Praise her if she pleased you well.
If you want to take it one step further – we have prepared a Master/ slave contract for you.
A contract is a great way to start the relationship as it brings many topics to the table, including the more difficult ones. This way you’ll be able to discuss your goals, expectations, wants, needs, and limits.
Contracts are a great way for beginners to start that conversation and no, the contract is not a way to make someone stay – the contract is a way to start a conversation and define your relationship.
This document is not legally binding and it should be used to improve your role play. And in addition to that, it can provide direction and a place to turn to when there are disagreements.
We created an 8 page long Master/slave contract, with the following table of contents:
1. Slave’s Role
2. Slave’s Veto
3. Master’s Role
4. Punishment
5. Rules of Punishment
6. Permanent Bodily Harm
7. Others
8. Alteration of Contract
9. Termination of Contract
10. Slave’s Signature
11. Master’s Signature
12. Witness’ Signature
You can get this contract by subscribing right below.
How do you make your slave feel owned? Tell us in the comments below.
Back in ancient 2019. we got an idea to create an eBook of sorts, an eBook that’s will contain all our favorite kinky sex ideas.
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