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95.23% My Hero Academia: Reborn as Denki Kaminari / Chapter 20: Chapter 20
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A/N: Chapters in advance in Patreòn


I look at Denki as he explains his life story. His parents dead and him losing everything along his life, I can see his eyes have a sad glaze to them as he looks at the side.

I never knew... someone like him had such a tragic life story. I wonder how he even has the resolve to become a Hero after everything that happened to him? I can't even say my life story, mine would sound like heaven compared to his. In the end, I can only drink the juice in front of me. 

After he finishes explaining to me his goals and aspirations for the future. In the end, he says with a look full of confidence on his face. "I will become the number One Hero and surpass All Might!"

As he announces that I feel a strange chill go over my body. This feels weird…

I have this strange belief in him that he will be able to do it. He is someone who inspires confidence…

Suddenly my eyes widen, this is a familiar feeling, just like the one people get when they hear of All Might.

Even the others who were listening in on the date between Momo and Denki felt chills down their spines. They felt like Kaminari was just telling them a fact.

Izuku looks at his hand when he hears what Kaminari says. 'Am I worthy of One For All? Kaminari would be better suitable.'

He just closed his eyes and turned around walking away. Ochaki notices this and asks him. "Izuku -kun where are you going?"

He doesn't say anything as a look full of determination appears in his eyes. "To train…"

'I must train harder… or I will never be able to defeat Kaminari. All Might said that during the sports festival I need to show that I am the next symbol of peace and say… I AM HERE…'

Two weeks pass by and the time of the Sports Festival comes around. Kaminari spends this time doing extensive training.

As he is along the hallways, he can't help but be a little nervous about what he is about to do. This will increase his fame, but at the same time, it will put a lot of pressure on him.

As Kaminari was unsure of something, he imagined what his brother would tell him at this time. 

'Dominate them!! You can do it for you are my brother!!' 

Immediately Kaminari stops walking for a split second and swears that it felt real, as his brain stimulates the scene. He was always best under pressure. So he thinks of the greatest pressure that he could think of. It was a really silly thing, but it helped him get his game in the game.

Kaminari kind of lies to himself, thinking that his brother was staring at him. His body pumps adrenaline. His eyes concentrated on one simple goal. 'I must dominate them!!'

As he walks to where many other U.A freshmen are too. Many people murmured around him, but Kaminari was a little distracted, still, he heard the excited and nervous whispers all around.

He looks at Momo and says. "Good luck, and be careful."

Momo nods back at him too. "I hope to see you in the finals then."

They both have nonchalant looks as they say that. They are more concentrated on the soon to come exam.

Kaminari nods in her direction, he won't be paying any more attention to her and he will now concentrate on the competition. 

Though he is confident, even though it might be only his brain playing tricks on him. Kaminari can't help but instinctively listen to the whisper. His brother has always been correct about everything he has done.

Midoriya looks around nervously as he sees the many people from the stands cheering at them.

That is what midnight seductively walks on the stage making most of the hormonal teenagers here drooling as they see her. 

She swipes a short whip on the side and as she notices that everyone is paying attention to her, she says. "Now, now, play fair."

The students start whispering about her very… 18+ outfit.

"Oy!!! Silence!!! Now freshman representative, Denki Kaminari 1-A." Calls out Midnight.

Kaminari just walks forward with no problem and he stands in front of Midnight, unlike the other hormonal teenagers around here. He has a calm look on his face as he takes the mic from Midnight. He turns towards his fellow students and thinks about the speech that he wanted to give.

'But… that is so boring…' Thinks Kaminari and in the end, he slows down his perception of time to allow him to think some more about this. 'What would brother do?' Contemplates Kaminari and in the end, he simply starts talking on the mic.

"Great moments are born from great opportunity... And that's what you have here, today. That's what you've earned here today. One day. Some of you might be thinking that you have low chances of winning and that if you competed ten times, they would lose nine of them. But not this time! Not today!" Says Kaminari and then points towards the Pro Hero stands. "Today, we compete with them. Today, we say with them. And we shut them down because we can! Today, we are the greatest heroes in the world."

In the end, Kaminari then points his finger at his fellow freshmen U.A Students. "You were born to be heroes. Every one of you. And you were meant to be here today. This is your time." 

He points at the heroes on the stands again. "Their time is done. It's over. I'm sick and tired of hearing about what great heroes they are... Screw them. This is your time, reassure the geezers that they don't need to worry about the future."

He then smiles, his face and body language expressing 100% confidence as he finishes his speech by saying. "Now go out there and take this opportunity given to you."

The whole stadium rises in cheers, even the other students who are supposed to be his competitors' clap and cheer for him.

Kaminari has a reassuring smile on his face, but on the inside, an emotionless state was spreading. 'I will need to win this... for I am... the BEST!!.'

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Midnight then explains the obstacle course and Present Mic announces…

Before anyone could react a bright flash passed them all. 

Not even ten seconds later and Present Mic can't help but say on the mic. "W -What?!! No way!!"

He looks at Aizawa who was wrapped in bandages. "What the hell?"

"Announce it, that is your job. Let me take a quiet nap." Says Aizawa, not responding to what President Mic said.

"WINNER OF FIRST ROUND IS DENKI KAMINARI!!! Form 1-A." Announces Present Mic.

Kaminari stops as he looks at the trail that he left behind. 'Just being better than others isn't enough. You must be the Best and the distance between you and them must be unsurpassable to them!'

He then looks towards the stands looking at a black-haired man with dark brown eyes and dark hair. He wasn't too handsome, but his smile could attract people to him. It was strange to Kaminari, as what he saw was just a cold smile with cold eyes looking straight at him. 'Isn't that right brother?'

We can see how temporarily the MC started copying his cold brother. He doesn't even realize that he is doing it. He sees his brother as someone who does no wrong move, so he does what he thinks his brother would do. 

P.S: If we 1000 Power Stones, bonus chapter for the day.👍

A/N: Chapters in advance in Patreòn


I just wait for the others to arrive and I sit down and grab some ice tea. I can't help but think about the future. One For All, Shigaraki, and all that, if I said that I wasn't scared as hell, then I would be lying. 

I want to be someone who isn't influenced by fear and can think more clearly and without fear in the face of danger. 

But that is an unrealistic goal for the current me and some people are naturally born without the need to fear.

Back in the day, in my first life when I was scared of something, my brother was always there for me. When I was scared of darkness and told him that he spent two days explaining to me that the dark is just the absence of photons in the visible wavelength --400 to 700 nanometers. That is when I understood the reality and logic behind it… and well... It's silly to be afraid of the absence of photons. Ever since then I have never been afraid of the darkness.

Brother wasn't afraid of anything and that was because he knew the world around him and understood it. I don't know that, I don't even know where Quirks come from and how illogical some things about it are, like Eiri's Quirk which returns a living being back in time… like what the hell?!! How is that logical at all? Something like that should normally be impossible, and that is what I am afraid of, I am afraid of something that I don't understand… So I Must Learn More!!!!!

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I am broken out of my thought process as I see Midoriya pass through the finish line. Way after me, the difference between us is undeniable. People in the stands were even kind of bored by just how unimpressive the 2nd place is in comparison to me.

*sigh* I really shouldn't waste time thinking about things that I don't understand. I must be more in reality and enjoy my life some more. In my last life, I only had a couple of girlfriends during my teenage years, I was never the most charismatic person in the room even later in life. 

In comparison, my brother could make two straight girls kiss each other within twenty minutes. He had that scary charisma and manipulation skills, he could put doubt inside even the most confident person in the world.

Well I am definitely going to try and be like that. I want to be like that, maybe then I won't need to have all these doubts about the future. Doubts that suddenly All For One will escape prison and come straight for me.

As everyone finishes, Midnight says that we have fifteen minutes to find teammates, it doesn't take long for me to find Momo. She was in the top five, just right after me, Midoriya, Todoroki, and Bakugo. 

It's pretty good because her quirk isn't speed-based, she is just that… good enough. 

And that will be the rest of her life too, just good enough. That is where being the 5th Best gets you. At just good enough, pretty much no better than a loser. 

This is the difference between someone like me and her, I will never be 2nd place at anything I do. Though I still plan to marry her and have children with her, because she is… good enough.

Still even while I think that I have a smile on my face as I approach her. "Yo, Momo, wanna join up?"

She looks a little surprised that I called out to her, and she even seems unsure for a second but in the end, she agrees. "O -Okay…"

I smirk at her and just take a hold of her hand. "Don't worry about the 10,000,000 points that I have on my headband and all that. I promise you that we won't lose them. Hahaha…"

She smiles at me and nods. My brother always said that a strong man doesn't have to fear anything and that he will act 100% sure of everything. 

So I am doing my best at acting 100% sure of everything I do, for I am neither strong enough nor am I sure. But that doesn't mean that I can't act like a strong man who knows everything. I see that even though she says that, Momo's body language expresses that she is still unsure of some things.

Everyone here has amazing Quirks, from Mind Control, barrier, Copy Quirks, and many others. They just need to get my headband and I will lose… or even if I pass into the next stage, it would suck being 2nd place, that is just the best loser.

In the end though, despite my doubts, I just smile brightly and reassure her by saying. "Don't worry Momo, I am going to be the number one Hero. I am not going to be Number One by losing a simple highschool match, Hahahaha…"

As she sees my confidence and reassurance in me, she too starts trusting in me. After all, one can't have someone believe in him if he doesn't believe in himself.

I look towards the stand and don't see my brother, I know that it is a hallucination. But… I still want to at least have it reassure me that everything will be alright. That would help…

In the end, though, even I can't lie to myself for too long. So it is all up to me, I must be the best by myself 

In the end, Mina, Momo, and Itsuka Kendo from class 1-B joined us. I don't become the Rider, I have Itsuka do that, as she can use her Big Hands Quirk to keep people at bay.

"Remember the strategy, Itsuka you keep away everyone who gets close to you. Though that is very unlikely. Also, Momo, make some rollerskates for Mina too, and a rope to keep all of us together. I don't need the skates, but when I move at my top speeds I want to be able to move you too." I keep explaining everything to them and what their roles are. Though I am confident on plan A, I am not arrogant or stupid enough to put all of my eggs in a single basket.

I just look around me, seeing that everyone has their eyes on me. I can't blame them, they want to level up by taking out a high-level character. Except that they are so consumed by greed… or naivety… that they can't see the difference between us. Then it seems like I will have to show them the difference between us. There must be no mistakes on my part.

Immediately, as soon as she says that, the world around me slows down as I look at the people around me, I go at my top speed.

I just go around by myself, stealing everyone's headbands. And I do all of that in a split second 

Suddenly everyone stops and looks at each other. I smile at them all and show the stack of headbands that I have in my hand.

"You are too slow…" I tell them and I see their faces covered in shock.

Bakugo immediately uses explosions to propel himself towards me.

But before he is even halfway to reaching me I am on the other side of the arena. I smirk at all of them and say. "Catch me if you can…"

Again I move at top speeds, dragging Momo and Mina along. The crowd goes wild as I gained all of the headbands. The people in the stands start cheering my name. 

I dodge them all for the next five minutes, taking on all of the quirks and either dodging them with ease or blocking them. Even when Todoroki tried to freeze the whole platform on which we were standing. As soon as the ice got close, I used my electricity to break and heat the ice around me. I had Momo create a plastic sheat around the rest of my team so they don't get electrocuted.

That is when I decide to roll the bandages in a ball and…

Throw them away towards the rushing mob of students. Immediately like fish, they fight amongst each other. I can feel Momo's gaze as she looks at me.

I just give her a side glance and smile. "Now no one will chase after us anymore, seems like Plan A worked…"

Momo smirks back at me too. "You knew this would happen all along didn't you?"

"C'mon now you give me too much credit," I tell her with a knowing smirk on my face. Obviously I kenew.

"Yeah, we all did it," sarcastically says Mina as she looks at me. "We totally contributed, not like we were all just dragged around by you."

It doesn't take long for the game to end, and no one came after us at all anymore. We in the end did hold on to the 10,000,000 points.

Now comes the time to tell the world that I am here!!

The MC is trying to copy and be like his brother, he is just scared of future events. But when he acts like his brother (his version of his brother, the one he saw, not the real brother), it makes him feel like he is his brother. It gives him a false sense of confidence. It's like a minor multiple personality disorder. It's his way of coping with his fear… he can do all of this on his own, it's just the confidence boost. He will have to learn that one can't be the best at everything.

P.S: Work sucks... that's it about my day...🤣

P.P.S: If we get 1000 power stones, you will get a bonus chapter for the day.

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