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35 Before And After Weight Gain Pics That Women Posted To Celebrate Self-Love
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We’re so used to seeing before and after body pics, we don’t think twice of them. But the point is, they emphasize the weight loss journey by showing how bad the situation was before. Such transformation pics never tell the whole story and worst, promote one slender type of "after" body.
But one woman decided to put a spin on the traditional before and after approach. Tayler Rayne shared a side-by-side comparison of her body in a bikini before her weight gain and after. “I’m here to love on my girls who gained weight and aren’t really sure how to love themselves,” she said before kicking off a now-viral “Grown woman weight thread.”
Tay, who went from “130 [to] 230” and struggled with confidence, is now busy being happy in her own skin. In no time, she got an overwhelming response from curvy women of all sizes. The thread has received 161.2K likes and 33.4K retweets, showing that feeling beautiful is more about the mind rather than a size.
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Bored Panda spoke to Tayler, the woman who kicked off the “grown woman weight” challenge, about learning to love your own body. Tay said that “We have power over our bodies and appearance. I’m not an advocate for an unhealthy lifestyle, I’m just supportive of women and men who have dealt with a sudden change and are struggling to love themselves.”
Tay is convinced we should be able to do whatever we want with our bodies. “Whether we want to lose weight, gain weight, maintain weight, surgery, etc. I am supportive of all things concerning body image because at the end of the day, we have to look at ourselves in the mirror.”
“If you are not happy with what you see, make a change until you are.” But until then, Tay suggests being kind to yourself and practicing positive self-talk.
It doesn’t matter if you’re “fat, skinny, thin, thick, slim, chubby, athletic, someone will always have something to say,” Tay concluded. The 24-year-old learned to “forget about them and go about my business.”
Wow...i would not have guessed 205!! She actually carries the weight well...
Body dissatisfaction among women of all sizes happens more frequently than we’d like to admit, the Glamour survey suggests. It challenged 300 women of different sizes to take a note of every negative or anxious thought they had about their bodies during the course of one full day.
The result was pretty shocking—a whopping 97% of participants admitted to having at least one moment where they hated their body. It also revealed that, on average, women have 13 negative thoughts concerning their appearance a day.
Bottom left, DANG! They're all beautiful, but that one especially!
All these women look absolutely gorgeous with the 'extra' weight. I didn't look near this good after packing on an extra 20+ lbs after baby #2. It all concentrated in my hips and gut. If it would have went to my nonexistent boobs and butt instead, I would have been more than happy to keep it.
It’s no secret that virtually impossible beauty ideals, celebrity culture, and social media all play a tremendous part in the way we see ourselves. In fact, this 2018 research published in Open Science revealed that the way we feel about our bodies also depends on the images we look at.
The research showed that women who viewed healthy and "overweight" models reported feeling more satisfied with their own body size than those who viewed "underweight" models did. Their sense of bodily dissatisfaction stuck around for about 24 hours after the experiment, proving that it just doesn’t go away in a sec.
Wow, she gained some amazing curves!
The focus on our appearances is, in fact, doing more harm than good. Kearney-Cooke, a Cincinnati psychologist who helped to design Glamour ’s survey, said that constant negative thoughts can start to linger and become stronger with time. “Neuroscience has shown that whatever you focus on shapes your brain and the neural pathway becomes stronger.” As a result, they become habitual and sooner than you know it, the vicious circle has started.
I don't really see much difference. But the pic on the right is better I think.
Even if loving ourselves the way we are is not an easy task, we must remember that most of the dissatisfaction is illusory. Kearney-Cooke gave a genius example of how it works: "Let's say you're in a meeting and you suddenly think, 'Ew, my arms are huge.'” 
The psychologist who specializes in body image urges us to think: “Well, you've had those same arms all day. Why are you suddenly feeling bad about them now? Maybe it's because you don't think your professional ideas are being valued or you're not fulfilled in your job. Instead of focusing on the real issue, all you can think of is hating your arms.”
All the most glorious sportswear and never-ending gym sessions won’t change a thing you feel, 'cause the arms aren’t the real problem.
You look stunning on the right! Pretty in both
She looked too thin before. I think she looks perfect on the right.
She looks great on 150, toned body is hard to keep, don't let the weight gain bother you, as long as you are happy and healthy.
How do these women keep their abdomens so slim and flat? When I gain weight it all goes to my belly.
She looks pretty tall. She’s gorgeous at both weights!!!
It does not matter what others think about your body, as long as you love it.
Sometimes all of your weight doesn't go to your stomach, it spreads to your face, butt, breasts, hips, thighs etc.
Wait... that... is... not....? nevermind
Her hips look a bit weird in the second picture?
Note: this post originally had 59 images . It’s been shortened to the top 35 images based on user votes.
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Liucija Adomaite is a creative mind with years of experience in copywriting. She has a dynamic set of experiences from advertising, academia, and journalism. This time, she has set out on a journey to investigate the ways in which we communicate ideas on a large scale. Her current mission is to find a magic formula for how to make ideas, news, and other such things spread like a virus.
Photo editor at Bored Panda. Mindaugas has worked as a freelance photographer mainly doing events, product photography and has a recurring passion for macro photography.
Disability and new meds have drastically changed my weight. Cannot begin to say how much I needed this post.
I developed a disability and was put on various meds including anti-depressants. Ballooned! Assumed it was because I was less mobile as nothing else had changed - though I did eat less to try and slow the spread! Stopped taking the anti-depressants over the last couple of years and the weight has fallen off. It was not my diet - it was 100% the anti-depressants. Which was horribly ironic seeing as being fat made me more depressed - though it was more about mobility rather than how it looked.
Thank you for posting that unknown truth. As an RN and taking Meds myself for an illness over the years, many don't know that MANY, MANY RX'S cause weight gain no matter how your balance your diet or work out.
Everyone in the comments needs to chill with the negativity, most of these women have gained just a little bit of weight, which is normal as your metabolism slows with age, there's also pregnancy, etc. They're not killing themselves, this is not what obesity looks like. Very few on the list have gained so much that it would have a serious effect on their health.
Also, some have put on a lot of muscle! Muscle tissue is pretty dense, and adds on weight. Just because you gain some weight doesn't mean you're automatically unhealthy!!
Thank you! Finally a reasonable comment. But even those who did gain weight to an unhealthy point, there must be a reason for it, and that's no reason for overreacting. Your criticism won't bring them back to health - support will. Because that's how psychology works.
... still hear Daria's voice when reading ... and I'd like to agree.
But Random Panda, respectfully, the concern is that it muddles the message some people will have heard from their doctors when they HAVE gained a serious amount of weight and ARE killing themselves. In fact, respectfully, I fear that your comment also muddles that message of physicians a little bit; yes, most people gain weight with age and that's partly natural, BUT it's also often true that people are exacerbating their problem of gaining weight w/ age, that it's a bigger and more dangerous weight gain problem for people than it naturally would be, b/c they aren't eating right and/or aren't physically active. Obesity is often multi-factorial, and people often need to give it a better effort on those two big factors they have a lot of influence over. Besides, on age, just Google phrases like 'Fitness transformation after 50' - all kinds of people have lost their excessive weight, for the long term & in healthful ways, & long past the years when anyone would've called them young.
Look, if someone is stupid enough to ignore their doctor because of a few pictures on twitter, that is a whole different can of worms. Seems to me most know they have a problem and this is just something to help their mental health.
Random Panda, I hate to belabor the point but this is important: many people, most people, ARE stupid enough to not listen to their doctor, at least on some level. Doctors talk all the time about patient's lack of compliance with their guidance, esp. on issues like eating right & exercising regularly b/c those can be hard habits to form, b/c they involve a lot of small, daily 'battles' to make better choices. Yes, people may know intellectually that they should listen to their doctor, but just like w/ those who've been urged to quit smoking, they find it hard to change. The days after that sobering doctor's visit where an obese person was told they badly need to make changes, it'll often feel really hard for them to make the right choices in the daily battle to exercise and eat right. Like all of us they'll have a devil on one shoulder, saying: 'Take the easy/indulgent path!' The body positivity msg. may become that devil on their shoulder.
100 pounds is NOT a "little bit". And it's not an "accident" - you have to CHOOSE to be that obese. And it's NOT metabolism "slowing down". Again, it's a CHOICE.
There's like 3 women out of the whole list that gained that much, hence why I said most were not that fat, but a few may have health issues. You have no idea what their circumstances are, don't be so quit to judge. I.e thyroid issues run in my family and I have seen many of my maternal relatives struggle with weight gain. One gains weight uncontrollably unless she takes meds and her dosage needs to be increased over time. It takes me a lot ton of effort to keep a healthy weight, because it is incredibly hard for me to drop any extra even with diet and exercise. You really have no idea who has physical/mental health problems and who is being lazy, so stop the negativity.
Lol. Toned stomachs. Weight distributed to the Bum and thighs. This isn't realistic weight gain.
All of my weight gain is my butt, hips and thighs. Not all women gain weight the same. Instead of being negative, why not be positive. We need more of it!!
Puta: You are so right, LOL! They went from rails to being sexy-curvy in all the right spots. I should take a picture of myself to show REAL weight gain! It tends to pool up in the worst spots. ;P
It's typical "slim-thick" thing, a perfect body that is so trendy now, slim waist and huge butt. It is achievable naturally for african descent women, and the rest just gets implants or injects their bums with some horrid stuff. There is only so much that you can do with exercising to tone your belly and make your butt muscles bigger.
Preach!!! Funny thing is if women who have Curves or what is perceived as "Unhealthy" but yet they take their skinny hypocritical selves to get butt injections or implants to achieve OUR LOOK!! Photoshop is their Best Friend. EVERY WOMAN WAS CREATED AS A BEAUTIFUL CREATION!!
Many of these women have had cosmetic surgery.
no its called "implants", there are a couple in these that there is no way it could be anything else.
you sound so jealous it's actually hilarious. maybe try exercising not just eating to gain weight?
I was thinking the same thing. I picked up weight an it's mostly in my stomach. Photoshop?
Posing makes a huge difference. So yep thos can be realistic weight gain.
Disability and new meds have drastically changed my weight. Cannot begin to say how much I needed this post.
I developed a disability and was put on various meds including anti-depressants. Ballooned! Assumed it was because I was less mobile as nothing else had changed - though I did eat less to try and slow the spread! Stopped taking the anti-depressants over the last couple of years and the weight has fallen off. It was not my diet - it was 100% the anti-depressants. Which was horribly ironic seeing as being fat made me more depressed - though it was more about mobility rather than how it looked.
Thank you for posting that unknown truth. As an RN and taking Meds myself for an illness over the years, many don't know that MANY, MANY RX'S cause weight gain no matter how your balance your diet or work out.
Everyone in the comments needs to chill with the negativity, most of these women have gained just a little bit of weight, which is normal as your metabolism slows with age, there's also pregnancy, etc. They're not killing themselves, this is not what obesity looks like. Very few on the list have gained so much that it would have a serious effect on their health.
Also, some have put on a lot of muscle! Muscle tissue is pretty dense, and adds on weight. Just because you gain some weight doesn't mean you're automatically unhealthy!!
Thank you! Finally a reasonable comment. But even those who did gain weight to an unhealthy point, there must be a reason for it, and that's no reason for overreacting. Your criticism won't bring them back to health - support will. Because that's how psychology works.
... still hear Daria's voice when reading ... and I'd like to agree.
But Random Panda, respectfully, the concern is that it muddles the message some people will have heard from their doctors when they HAVE gained a serious amount of weight and ARE killing themselves. In fact, respectfully, I fear that your comment also muddles that message of physicians a little bit; yes, most people gain weight with age and that's partly natural, BUT it's also often true that people are exacerbating their problem of gaining weight w/ age, that it's a bigger and more dangerous weight gain problem for people than it naturally would be, b/c they aren't eating right and/or aren't physically active. Obesity is often multi-factorial, and people often need to give it a better effort on those two big factors they have a lot of influence over. Besides, on age, just Google phrases like 'Fitness transformation after 50' - all kinds of people have lost their excessive weight, for the long term & in healthful ways, & long past the years when anyone would've called them young.
Look, if someone is stupid enough to ignore their doctor because of a few pictures on twitter, that is a whole different can of worms. Seems to me most know they have a problem and this is just something to help their mental health.
Random Panda, I hate to belabor the point but this is important: many people, most people, ARE stupid enough to not listen to their doctor, at least on some level. Doctors talk all the time about patient's lack of compliance with their guidance, esp. on issues like eating right & exercising regularly b/c those can be hard habits to form, b/c they involve a lot of small, daily 'battles' to make better choices. Yes, people may know intellectually that they should listen to their doctor, but just like w/ those who've been urged to quit smoking, they find it hard to change. The days after that sobering doctor's visit where an obese person was told they badly need to make changes, it'll often feel really hard for them to make the right choices in the daily battle to exercise and eat right. Like all of us they'll have a devil on one shoulder, saying: 'Take the easy/indulgent path!' The body positivity msg. may become that devil on their shoulder.
100 pounds is NOT a "little bit". And it's not an "accident" - you have to CHOOSE to be that obese. And it's NOT metabolism "slowing down". Again, it's a CHOICE.
There's like 3 women out of the whole list that gained that much, hence why I said most were not that fat, but a few may have health issues. You have no idea what their circumstances are, don't be so quit to judge. I.e thyroid issues run in my family and I have seen many of my maternal relatives struggle with weight gain. One gains weight uncontrollably unless she takes meds and her dosage needs to be increased over time. It takes me a lot ton of effort to keep a healthy weight, because it is incredibly hard for me to drop any extra even with diet and exercise. You really have no idea who has physical/mental health problems and who is being lazy, so stop the negativity.
Lol. Toned stomachs. Weight distributed to the Bum and thighs. This isn't realistic weight gain.
All of my weight gain is my butt, hips and thighs. Not all women gain weight the same. Instead of being negative, why not be positive. We need more of it!!
Puta: You are so
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