Bbc For Teens Present Continuous

Bbc For Teens Present Continuous


Unit 2: What to wear
Present Simple and Present Continuous
Do you know how to make and use the present simple and present continuous? Come with us... we'll tell you all about these two tenses!
Activity 1
Make the Present Simple and Present Continuous
In this unit, we're learning how to talk about clothes and fashion. In Session 1, we learnt some vocabulary, and now, it's grammar time!
The present simple and present continuous tenses help us to talk about clothes, fashion - and many other topics. In this session we're going to look at how to make and use these tenses.
First we'll find out how to make them. Take a good look at the grammar notes, and then try the activity.
Read the text and try the activity.
This is made of: subject + infinitive without 'to' for I, you, we and they. For he, she and it, we add -s or -es to the infinitive.
This is made of subject + am/is/are + verb-ing.
This is made of subject + don’t (do not) or doesn't (does not) + infinitive without 'to'
This is made of subject + am/is/are not + verb-ing.
These are made from question word + do/does + subject + infinitive without 'to'.
The form is do/does + subject + infinitive without 'to'.
The form is question word + am/is/are + subject + verb-ing.
The form is am/is/are + subject + verb-ing.
Time to make some sentences! Here's a list of the sentence types you are going to make:
A positive statement in present simple
A positive statement in present continuous
A negative statement in present simple
A negative statement in present continuous
A present continuous yes/no question
When you are ready, start the game underneath this sentence. Click on the 'help' button or read the grammar notes if you need help.
Reorder the words to make sentences and questions. Look above or click on the 'help' button to see what you have to make:
Reorder the words to make sentences and questions. Look above or click on the 'help' button to see what you have to make:
Present simple positive = subject + infinitive without 'to' (add -es to the verb for he/she/it)
Present simple positive = subject + infinitive without 'to' (add -es to the verb for he/she/it)
Reorder the words to make sentences and questions. Look above or click on the 'help' button to see what you have to make:
Present continuous positive = subject + am/is/are + verb-ing
Present continuous positive = subject + am/is/are + verb-ing
Reorder the words to make sentences and questions. Look above or click on the 'help' button to see what you have to make:
Present simple negative = subject + don't/doesn't + infinitive without 'to'
Present simple negative = subject + don't/doesn't + infinitive without 'to'
Reorder the words to make sentences and questions. Look above or click on the 'help' button to see what you have to make:
Present continuous negative = subject + aren't/isn't + verb-ing
Negative present continuous = subject + isn't/aren't + verb-ing.
Reorder the words to make sentences and questions. Look above or click on the 'help' button to see what you have to make:
Present simple yes/no question = do/does + subject + infinitive without 'to'
Present simple yes/no question = do/does + subject + infinitive without 'to'
Reorder the words to make sentences and questions. Look above or click on the 'help' button to see what you have to make:
Present continuous yes/no question = is/are + subject + verb-ing
Present continuous yes/no question = is/are + subject + verb-ing
Reorder the words to make sentences and questions. Look above or click on the 'help' button to see what you have to make:
Present simple wh- question = question word + do/does + subject + infinitive without 'to'
Present continuous wh- question = question word + is/are + subject + verb-ing
Reorder the words to make sentences and questions. Look above or click on the 'help' button to see what you have to make:
Present continuous wh- question = question word + is/are + subject + verb-ing
Present continuous wh- question = question word + is/are + subject + verb-ing
Excellent! Great job! Bad luck! You scored: x / y
How did you do? If you got any wrong, have another go and see if you can get them right!
So now we know how to make the present simple and present continuous. In the next activity, we'll find out more about when and why to use them!
This is made of: subject + infinitive without 'to' for I, you, we and they. For he, she and it, we add -s or -es to the infinitive.
I wear a suit for work. Sarah wears a dress.
This is made of subject + am/is/are + verb-ing.
The phone's ringing - can you answer it?
This is made of subject + don’t (do not) or doesn't (does not) + infinitive without 'to'
I don't eat meat. John doesn't eat fish.
This is made of subject +am/is/are not + verb-ing.
These are made from question word + do/does + subject + infinitive without 'to'.
The form is do/does + subject + infinitive without 'to'.
Does Mahmood read the news online every day?
The form is question word + am/is/are + subject + verb-ing.
Present Continuous Yes/No Questions
The form is am/is/are + subject + verb-ing.

Unit 9: The big wedding
Present continuous and 'going to' for future
We can use the present continuous to talk about the future when we have already arranged to do something. It's definite, not just an idea. Perhaps we have put the arrangement in our diaries.
'Are you free at 2 o'clock on Tuesday?' 'No, I'm meeting a client.'
We can use be going to to talk about something that we have decided to do in the future, but not arranged yet. It's possible that the plan might change.
When I finish at college, I'm going to spend a year travelling.
The uses of the present continuous and 'be going to' with future meaning are very similar and it is often possible to use either of them, with little or no change in meaning.
We also use be going to for something that we expect to happen because we can see from the present situation that it is very likely. We can't use the present continuous in this way.
It's so cold. I'm sure it's going to snow soon.
Oh no! That car's going to hit the tree.
Subject + am/is/are + going to + infinitive
For both tenses, we usually use contractions, or short forms (I'm, he's, we're, etc.) when we are speaking.
I'm spending the day on the beach tomorrow with Zach.
We're going to look for a nice restaurant with a view of the sea.
We're not visiting the museum on Saturday.
They're not going to visit the Taj Mahal.
What are you doing at the weekend? (= what have you arranged?)
What are you going to do at the weekend? (= what is your plan?)
Are they going to get married in the summer?
For both the present continuous for arrangements and 'be going to' for plans, we often use time expressions like at half-past ten, next Thursday, at the weekend, soon.
I'm going to send out all the invitations next week.
Use the present continuous and NOT the present simple for things that you have arranged to do. Use the present simple for future events on timetables and programmes.
We're going by train tomorrow morning.
We often pronounce going to as ‘gonna’, especially in informal conversation.

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