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Bbc Chan Hentai


Bbc Chan Hentai
Bidh na Hearadh agus Uibhist a Tuath às aonais seirbheis aiseig eadar iad agus Ùige gu co-dhiù Dihaoine.
Tha luchd-gnothaich agus riochdairean poilitigeach nan Eilean Siar a' gearain uair eile air briseadh anns na seibheisean aiseig aca.
Bidh Uibhist a Tuath 's na Hearadh dà là eile, air a' char as giorra, às aonais na seirbheis eadar Ùige, an Tairbeart agus Loch nam Madadh, agus am bàt-aiseig an Hebrides air briseadh sìos dà uair ann an seachdain leis an aon thrioblaid le siostam smàlaidh.
Le seusan na turasachd aig àirde, tha dragh ann gu bheil tioblaidean leis na h-aiseagan a' dèanamh cron mhaireannaich air eaconomaidh nan Eilean Siar.
Thuirt Fear-Gairm Chomhairle nan Eilean Siar, Coinneach MacLeòid, gum feum Riaghaltas na h-Alba èisteachd an turas seo ris na coimhearsnachdan a tha a' fulang.
"Bha staing againn an t-seachdain a chaidh cuideachd leis an Hebrides, 's bha trioblaid ann leatha 's dh'fheumadh i a dhol far na seirbheis airson dhà no trì làithean," thuirt e.
"An uair sin thug iad a-steach an Hebridean Isles..
"Chan eil e a' coimhead coltach ris gu bheil an aon chothrom gu bhith ann an t-seachdain seo, nuair a bhios an Hebrides dheth airson dhà no trì làithean, gu bheil iad a' toirt a-steach soithich eile.
"Tha seo a' toirt fìor dhroch bhuaidh air na coimhearsnachdan againne anns na Hearadh agus ann an Uibhist.
"Tha mi a' smaointinn gu bheil na coimhearsnachdan a' dèanamh fuaim gu leòr mu dheidhinn, agus tha sinne mar chomhairle cuideachd.
"Gu mì-fhortannach chan eil an Riaghaltas a' toirt feart sam bith, ach tha mi a' smaoineachadh gum feum sinn an turas seo a bhith ag ràdh riutha gum feum iad rudeigin a dhèanamh nuair a tha e a' toirt fìor dhroch bhuaidh air coimhearsnachdan eileanach.
"Nam faigheadh iad soitheach eile airson a bhith a' tighinn a-steach dhan lìonra aca airson a dhol a dh'àite sam bith far a bheil aiseag a' briseadh sìos, tha mi a' smaoineachadh gun toireadh sin fuasgladh mòr dha na trioblaidean a th' ann an-dràsta.
"Mura h-eil an Riaghaltas agus Ministear na Còmhdhail a' faicinn nan trioblaidean, seachdain an dèidh seachdaine, agus an rud a tha muinntir nan eilean a' fulang, an rud a tha gnìomhachasan anns na h-Eileanan a' fulang, tha rudeigin fada ceàrr.
"'S e an t-eagal a th' ann, anns na bliadhnaichean a th' air thoiseach oirnn, nach eil luchd-turais a' dol a thighinn dha na h-Eileanan, air sgàth 's nach eil sùbailteachd sam bith ann leis na bàtaichean-aiseig agus nach eil iad freagarrach.
"Chan urrainn dha daoine a bhith glaiste ann an eilean 'son dhà no trì làithean gun fios aca ciamar no cionnas a gheibh iad dheth," thuirt e.
BPA ag iarraidh airgid-dhìolaidh do choimhearsnachdan
Fireannach air bàsachadh ann an ionnsaighean san Eilean Sgitheanach
An dà bhàt-aiseig ùr "deiseil an ath-bhliadhna"
Sligeach thearc air a lorg an Cataibh
Duaisean do sgoilearan sna h-Eileanan Siar
Naidheachdan 11:00m. Video Naidheachdan 11:00m
© 2022 BBC. Chan eil am BBC an urra ris na tha a' nochdadh air làraichean-lìn air an taobh a-muigh. Read about our approach to external linking.

Phát hiện ra phim 'nô lệ tình dục' cho lính Nhật
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Phim bằng chứng 'nô lệ tình dục' Hàn Quốc
Hàn Quốc vừa công bố những hình ảnh video mà họ nói là lần đầu tiên về những phụ nữ bị buộc phải làm nô lệ tình dục cho binh lính Nhật trong Đại chiến thế giới thứ hai.
Do các quân nhân Mỹ quay tại Trung Quốc, đoạn video này được các nhà nghiên cứu do chính phủ tài trợ tại Đại học Quốc gia Seoul tìm thấy trong Cơ quan Lưu trữ Quốc gia Mỹ.
Đoạn video cho thấy một số phụ nữ đứng dàn hàng ngang đang nói với một số binh lính Trung Hoa Quốc Dân Đảng sau khi họ tiến vào một địa phương bị Nhật chiếm đóng trước đó.
Các nhà hoạt động Nam Hàn ước tính 200.000 phụ nữ đã bị buộc phải vào các nhà chứa để phục vụ cho quân đội Nhật Bản.
Họ được xác định là người Hàn nhưng cũng có cả phụ nữ người Trung Quốc, Indonesia, Philippines và Đài Loan.
Trong các tài liệu lịch sử từng có cách gọi họ là 'phụ nữ mua vui' (comfort women) cho lính Nhật, nhưng về sau này, báo chí quốc tế gọi thẳng đây là 'nô lệ tình dục' (sex slaves).
Cho tới nay, các tư liệu duy nhất về những phụ nữ bị buộc phải làm nô lệ tình dục cho quân đội Nhật trong Đại chiến thế giới thứ hai chỉ là ảnh và lời kể của những người sống sót.
Nguồn hình ảnh, US National Archive
Hình ảnh từ đoạn phim mới tìm được cho thấy những phụ nữ bị buộc làm 'nô lệ tình dục' cho binh lính Nhật thời Đại chiến thế giới thứ hai
Nhóm nghiên cứu nói đoạn phim này được các binh lính Trung Hoa Dân quốc và Hoa Kỳ quay tại tỉnh Vân Nam, Trung Quốc nơi trước đây bị Nhật chiếm đóng.
Bảy phụ nữ Hàn Quốc được giải thoát năm 1944 và viên sĩ quan nói chuyện với họ được xác định là một vị chỉ huy của lực lượng phối hợp Trung - Mỹ, nhóm nghiên cứu nói.
Vấn đề này đã gây căng thẳng cho quan hệ giữa Hàn Quốc và Nhật Bản về chuyện bị cho là thiếu những hành động xin lỗi và đền bù thích đáng từ Nhật Bản.
Hồi năm 2015, hai nước đã đạt được một dàn xếp mà theo đó chính phủ Nhật Bản đã chính thức xin lỗi và đồng ý trả một tỷ yên Nhật (tương đương 8,3 triệu đô la) cho các nạn nhân.
Nhiều người Hàn Quốc cho rằng lời xin lỗi đó là chưa đủ và vấn đề này tiếp tục ảnh hưởng tới quan hệ giữa hai quốc gia.
Hồi tháng Giêng, Nhật Bản đã tạm thời rút đại sứ của họ tại Hàn Quốc liên quan tới một bức tượng 'những phụ nữ mua vui' được đặt bên ngoài Tòa lãnh sự Nhật ở Busan.
Một bức tượng tương tự cũng được đặt bên ngoài Tòa lãnh sự Nhật ở Seoul, và chính phủ Nhật muốn cả hai bức tượng này phải được dời đi.
© 2022 BBC. BBC không chịu trách nhiệm nội dung các trang ngoài. Tìm hiểu cách chúng tôi tiếp cận việc dẫn tới trang ngoài

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If you still think a creampie is only a tasty dessert, you clearly have not been spending enough time online. But if you have been spending a lot of time in the hotter and hornier corners of the internet, you know that the creampie category is one of the most popular in online porn searches.
You know that only the sluttiest of cumsluts are down for this kind of direct jizzing action, and you know that it takes a special woman to build up a reputation on the increasingly popular OnlyFans creampie category. When you find a creampie fan on the internet, you know you have found something special, and the OnlyFans creampie section is stuffed to overflowing – much like the sopping wet pussies being injected with fresh hot cum.
If you are ready to explore this hot hot category of creampie Only Fans stars and starlets, have we got a treat for you. We have done the legwork for you, scouring the internet from top to bottom in search of the hottest, the freshest and the horniest pussies around, just waiting to be filled with load after load. We enjoyed our research thoroughly, but not as much as you will enjoy checking out these top performing creampie OnlyFans accounts. So without further ado, here are our picks for the best Only Fans creampie action the platform has to offer.
The world of OnlyFans creampies is a large and diverse one, but only one hot cumslut can rise to the top. In this case that undisputed cumslut queen is known simply as Naked Scarlett. When your screen name is Naked Scarlett, the bar is set pretty high, but this creampie cutie not only meets that bar – she leaps over it in grand style. Just 18 years old, this queen of the creampie Only Fans royal family is horny for cum, and she is only too happy to take those hot loads in her already sopping wet pussy.
Naked Scarlett may be a pretty face on the creampie OnlyFans scene, but there are brains to go with all that beauty. In fact this hot cumslut is also a freshman in college, and she is using the cash she earns on OnlyFans to help pay for her schoolwork. When you get a look at this hot lady in action, you will wish you were her classmate, but you can do the next best thing by signing up for her OnlyFans creampie page.
Some creampie OnlyFans girls are happy to get one load in their pussies, but others are much more greedy, and that is certainly the case with the well named Gen the Brat. Gen loves to be bred over and over again, and her lucky subscribers can watch all the action play out on their computer screens and smartphones.
Just 25 years old this self described daddy’s girl is looking for a father figure, and you could be the daddy she is looking for. When you sign up for what is arguably one of the best creampie OnlyFans accounts on the entire platform, you will be treated to shot after shot, and you will no doubt do some shooting of your own when you see her in action. This hottie is proud to offer full length videos of her creampie pussy – no teaser clips for her subscribers.  
If you like your cumsluts spooky, sexy and stoned, you have to check out the Bi BBW Witch creampie OnlyFans account. This is a truly unique place to get your wank on, and when you see what this self described witch has to offer you will never think of Halloween the same way again. You may not get any candy, but you will certainly get off.
As her screen name implies, Bi BBW Witch is a chubby gal, but she has curves in all the right places, with amazing tits, a luscious and thoroughly lickable ass and a pussy that just loves to be fucked and filled with load after load of hot hot cum. From her curvaceous ass to her amazing content, there is plenty to enjoy, so much so that you will be coming back, and coming, again and again. 
No list of creampie OnlyFans girls would be complete without the amazing Bay Girl Ariaa. This creampie cutie is proud to offer not only ample wanking material but the full girlfriend experience. Babyy Girl Ariaa wants to be your girlfriend, and she wants to feel your cock, and your cum, in her sopping wet pussy.
Babyy Girl Ariaa is also a true size queen, and she loves nothing more than a big throbbing cock in her pussy, especially when that cock is squirting load after load as she gets her freak on. This lovely lady is also a true daddy’s girl, and she is looking for a daddy who can spank her, fuck her and fill her with lots of cum, so why not be that father figure with a full subscription to her creampie OnlyFans page?
If you had a thing for the hot wife growing up, you can relive your teenage fantasies in true internet fashion. You do not have to long for the lost days of puberty – not when you have the well named Creampie Hotwife at your fingertips. No list of best creampie OnlyFans girls would be complete without at least one MILF, and this hot older lady puts the F in MILF with her love of fucking and her overpowering desire to be bred over and over again.
While the owner of this creampie OnlyFans account would not dream of discriminating, she does admit being partial to big black cocks, and there is nothing like the visual those huge black dongs provide. When you sign up for her OnlyFans page, Creampie Hotwife will thank you with full access to amazing creampie videos, along with plenty of foot fetish content , B/G, G/G and plenty of close up shots of her well used and well filled pussy.
With a name like Senpais-Creampie, it is clear what you will see when you land on this amazing creampie OnlyFans page. This hottie loves nothing more than a hard pounding by a hot cock, and you can see her love of sex played out in real time on her site. With lots of full length videos and plenty of nude shots and erotic photos, this hot goth clearly has a lot to offer.
In addition to her love of creampie action, this amazing cumslut also enjoys the art of cosplay, and she is here to make all your wildest wanking dreams come true. You can also hit her up for some custom roleplay, or check out the many great videos on her site. And if that were not enough, this hot slut is also a fan of fetish and bondage play, including pet play, sadism and discipline. When she is bad she longs to be punished, so why not subscribe to what is surely one of the best creampie Only Fans accounts on the web?  
Cumsluts come in all shapes and sizes, from big beefy babes to tiny little barely legal teens . The beautiful Amelia Rose is of the pocket size variety, but do not let her small size fool you – the passion she brings to her videos, her content creation and above all her subscribers, is much larger than her tiny footprint.
Despite her small size, Amelia Rose simply cannot get enough of hot cocks and hot cum. She loves to take a load in her wet pussy, and most times one load is simply not enough. Amelia Rose is a true cumslut, and she cannot wait for you to watch her get off. In fact Amelia wants her subscribers to get off as well, and her number one goal is to get you Cumming.
Amelia Rose has quickly risen through the ranks of creampie OnlyFans girls, and she is now in the top tier of models on the site. It is easy to see why she has become so popular – she provides her happy and satisfied subscribers with a steady stream of fresh new content and fresh new creampies, posting every day. When you sign up for her creampie OnlyFans site you will not be disappointed.
There are plenty of pros among the top 1% of creampie OnlyFans content creators, but it would not be fair to limit our list to the pros – not when there are so many hot amateurs vying for your attention – and your subscription dollars. With that in mind we now turn to the amazing Purple Bitch, the moniker of a true cumslut and creampie queen.
While she loves taking load after load in her sopping wet pussy, Purple Bitch is not afraid of a little back door action. In fact, she loves to take loads in her hot ass as well, and you will find plenty of amazing anal action on her page. And if you are into cosplay, you can indulge those fantasies as well – just DM this creampie OnlyFans model and tell her what you are up for. Purple Bitch loves to engage with her subscribers, and she is devoted to keeping them happy, satisfied and cumming over and over again.
Some sluts are serious about their creampie action, while others are more playful. The beautiful and exotically named Xev Bellringer is certainly in the latter category, and it is clear she loves to play, and when you see her in action she is sure to ring your bell – and drain your balls.
To Xev Bellringer life is all about being slutty, sexy and silly, and the owner of one of the best creampie OnlyFans accounts brings all of those qualities to bear – much to the delight of her growing legion of subscribers. This lovely lady is a true cum lover , and she loves nothing more than getting pounded by cock after cock and receiving load after load in her tight wet pussy. If you want to see why her star is rising fast, just sign up for her page and soon you will be doing some rising of your own.
If you find yourself drawn to the exotic East, the well named Creamy Asian has exactly what you are looking for. This Oriental hottie is sure to fuel your fantasies and drain your dick, and she is always up for some serious fucking, sucking and most of all breeding. Pornhub purveyors may already know Creamy Asian from her online content on that site, but she saves her steamiest videos and best in pussy cumshots for her OnlyFans subscribers.
When you join that growing army of subscribers, you will gain access to one of the best OnlyFans creampie pages on the entire platform, a space filled to overflowing with hot content and full length videos. In fact the only thing fuller than the site she maintains is her pussy – so come on over and see what this hottie has to offer.
Few things are as hot as a cumslut taking a load in her pussy, and that is why the OnlyFans creampie section has become such a popular place. If you are looking for the hottest ladies in the world , you will have plenty to choose from, but only a scant ten can make our list of the best creampie OnlyFans account holders.
Every one of the cumsluts on our list has earned their way to the top of the platform, and every one of them is hungry for load after load. We have had a lot of fun putting this list together, and now it is time for you to go forth and do some exploring of your own. Whether you start with number one or work backwards from number 10, you will be in for a treat, and you are sure to leave fully satisfied but still wanting more.
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