Базовый календарный план

Базовый календарный план

Базовый календарный план

ГОСТ Р 54869-2011. Проектный менеджмент. Требования к управлению проектом

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Do you know the translation of this word? Add it to the dictionary English-German dictionary Add new entry English German Comment Subject Abbreviation Aboriginal Accident prevention Accounting Accumulators Acoustics Acrobatics Acupuncture Administrative law Advertising Aerial photography Aerodynamics Aerohydrodynamics Aeronautics Afghanistan African Africanism Agriculture Agrochemistry AIDS Air defense Airborne forces Airforce Airports Albanian language Alcohol distilling Algebra Algeria Alkaloids Allergology Alloy addition Aluminium industry American English American football American stock exchange American Amphibians and reptiles Analytical chemistry Anatomy Ancient French Ancient Greek Ancient Hebrew Ancient Roman Andalusia Anesthesiology Animal breeding Animated movies Antarctic Antennas and waveguides Anthropology Antiaircraft Antilles Antitrust law Aphorism Apollo-Soyuz Arabian language Aragon Archaeology Archaic Architecture Archiving Argentina Argot Armored vehicles Arms production Art Artificial intelligence Artillery ASCII Astringents Astrology Astrometry Astronautics Astronomy Astrophysics Astrospectroscopy Asturias Athletics Atomic energy Audit Augmentative Australian slang Austria Austrian Automatic control Automation Automobile industry Aviation medicine Aviation Avuncular Bacteriology Baker Bakery Ballistics Banking Barbarism Baseball Basketball Beekeeping Belgian Berlin expression Biathlon Bible Bibliography Bicycle racing Bicycle Billiards Bills Bioacoustics Biochemistry Biogeography Biological weapons Biology Biometry Bionics Biophysics Biotaxy Biotechnology Biscay Black slang Blast-furnace practice Board production Bolivia Bookish Botanical term Boxing Brazil Brewery Brick laying Bridge construction British English Buddhism Building materials Building structures Bulgarian language Business Cables Camera recording Canadian Canning CapItalism Carcinology Cardiology Cards Cariology Cartography Cartoons Caspian Casting Catholic Celestial mechanics Cellular communications Cellulose Cement Central America Ceramic tiles Ceramics Chalcidology Champagne production Charity Chat Cheese Chemical compunds Chemical fibers Chemical industry Chemical nomenclature Chemical weapons Chemistry Chess Child speech Chile Chinese Chinglish Choreography Christianity Chromatography Church Cinema equipment Cinema phonogram Cinema projection Cinema Cinemascopic film Circus Citations Civil law Civil procedure Civil service Cliche Climatology Clinical trial Clinical Trials Clothing Coal Coatings Cockney Coffee Collective Colloid chemistry Colloquial Color photograph Columbia Combustion gas turbines Comics Commerce Communications Comparative Computer games Computer graphics Computer music Computer security Computer slang Computers Concrete production Conditioners Confectionery Construction Consulting Contact lenses Continuous casting Conventional notation Converter industry Coolers Cooperage Copyright Corporate governance Corrosion Corruption Cosmetology Cosmogony and cosmology Costa Rica Criminal law Criminology Cross-country skiing Cryptography Crystallography Cuba Cultural term Culturology Curling Currency operations Current usage Customs Cybernetics Cynology Cyprus Cytogenetics Cytology Czech Dactyloscopy Dams Danish Darts Data processing Databases Deafblindness Demography Dental implantology Dentistry Deprecatingly Derbet language Dermatology Derogatory Design Dialect Dialectology Die casting Diminutive Diplomatic term Disarmament Disaster recovery Distillation Dog breeding Dominican republic Drawing Drift Drilling Drugs Dutch Dyes Dynamic geology E-mail Earth sciences Earthworks East-Middle-German Eastern Ebay EBRD Ecological immunology Ecology Econometrics Economic law Economy Ecuador Education Egyptology Elections Electric machinery Electric traction Electrical engineering Electrochemistry Electromedicine Electrometallurgy Electronic commerce Electronic tubes Electronics Electrophoresis Electrothermy Elevators Embryology Emotional Employment Endocrinology Energy distribution Energy system Engineering corps Engineering geology Engineering Engines English Enrichment Entomology Environment Epic of Jangar Epidemiology Epistolary Equestrianism Eskimo Esoterics Esperanto Estonian language Estremadura Ethics Ethnography Ethnology Ethnopsychology Ethology Euphemism European Union Evolution Exclamation Exhibitions Explosives Expression External policy Extragalactic astronomy Extrusion Facilities Fairy tales Fashion Fat-and-oil industry Federal Bureau of Investigation Federal Republic of Germany Feminine Fencing Fermentation Fiber technology Fighter aviation Figurative sense Figure skating File extension Film processing Filming equipment Finances Fire extinguishing Fisheries Fishery Fishing Fixed phrase Flatter Floriculture Flour production Flow measurement Fodder Foil ships Folklore Food industry Food service and catering Football Footwear industry Foreign Ministry Foreign trade Forensic medicine Forest chemistry Forestry Forging Formula 1 Foundation engineering Foundry French Furniture Gaelic Galicia Galvanic Galvanizing Game theory Games Gas engines Gas processing plants Gastroenterology Gastronomy Gear train Gear Genealogy General subject Genetic engineering Genetics Gentle Geobotanics Geochemistry Geochronology Geodesy Geography Geology Geomechanics Geometry Geomorphology Geophysics German Democratic Republic German Given name Glaciology Glass blowing Glass container manufacture Gloomy Gold mining Golf GOST Gothic Government Grammar Granada Graph theory Graphic expression Gravimetry Greek mythology Greek Greenhouse technology Guatemala Gymnastics Gynecology Gyroscopes Hacking Hairstyling Handball Handicraft Hawaii Health care Hearing aid Heat exchangers Heat transfer Heating Hebrew Helicopters Helminthology Hematology Heraldry Herpetology Hi-Fi High frequency electronics High jump High voltage Highway traffic law Hines Histology Historical figure History Hobby Hockey Homeopathy Homosexual Honduras Horse breeding Horse racing Horticulture Hotel industry Household appliances Hovercraft Human resources Human rights Humanitaristics Hungarian Language Hunting Hydraulic engineering Hydraulics Hydroacoustics Hydroelectric power stations Hydrogeology Hydrography Hydrology Hydromechanics Hygiene Hypertonia Ice formation Ice skate Iceland Ichthyology Identification systems Idiomatic expression Immunogenetics Immunology Immunopharmacology Indian language Indonesian Industrial economy Industrial hygiene Infectious diseases Informatics Information security Information technology Infrared technology Inheritance law Injection machine Inorganic chemistry Instruments Insurance Intelligence service International law International Monetary Fund International relations International trade International transportation Internet Invective Investment Irish Ironical Isolation Italian Jail Jane Japanese Jargon Jazz Jewelry Jocular Journalism Judo Jumps Karachaganak Kazakhstan Knauf Kolkhoz Korean Labor law Labor market Labor organization Laboratory equipment Land forces Landscaping Laser medicine Lasers Latin American slang Latin American Latin Law N. Abbreviation Aboriginal Accident prevention Accounting Accumulators Acoustics Acrobatics Acupuncture Administrative law Advertising Aerial photography Aerodynamics Aerohydrodynamics Aeronautics Afghanistan African Africanism Agriculture Agrochemistry AIDS Air defense Airborne forces Airforce Airports Albanian language Alcohol distilling Algebra Algeria Alkaloids Allergology Alloy addition Aluminium industry American English American football American stock exchange American Amphibians and reptiles Analytical chemistry Anatomy Ancient French Ancient Greek Ancient Hebrew Ancient Roman Andalusia Anesthesiology Animal breeding Animated movies Antarctic Antennas and waveguides Anthropology Antiaircraft Antilles Antitrust law Aphorism Apollo-Soyuz Arabian language Aragon Archaeology Archaic Architecture Archiving Argentina Argot Armored vehicles Arms production Art Artificial intelligence Artillery ASCII Astringents Astrology Astrometry Astronautics Astronomy Astrophysics Astrospectroscopy Asturias Athletics Atomic energy Audit Augmentative Australian slang Austria Austrian Automatic control Automation Automobile industry Aviation medicine Aviation Avuncular Bacteriology Baker Bakery Ballistics Banking Barbarism Baseball Basketball Beekeeping Belgian Berlin expression Biathlon Bible Bibliography Bicycle racing Bicycle Billiards Bills Bioacoustics Biochemistry Biogeography Biological weapons Biology Biometry Bionics Biophysics Biotaxy Biotechnology Biscay Black slang Blast-furnace practice Board production Bolivia Bookish Botanical term Boxing Brazil Brewery Brick laying Bridge construction British English Buddhism Building materials Building structures Bulgarian language Business Cables Camera recording Canadian Canning CapItalism Carcinology Cardiology Cards Cariology Cartography Cartoons Caspian Casting Catholic Celestial mechanics Cellular communications Cellulose Cement Central America Ceramic tiles Ceramics Chalcidology Champagne production Charity Chat Cheese Chemical compunds Chemical fibers Chemical industry Chemical nomenclature Chemical weapons Chemistry Chess Child speech Chile Chinese Chinglish Choreography Christianity Chromatography Church Cinema equipment Cinema phonogram Cinema projection Cinema Cinemascopic film Circus Citations Civil law Civil procedure Civil service Cliche Climatology Clinical trial Clinical Trials Clothing Coal Coatings Cockney Coffee Collective Colloid chemistry Colloquial Color photograph Columbia Combustion gas turbines Comics Commerce Communications Comparative Computer games Computer graphics Computer music Computer security Computer slang Computers Concrete production Conditioners Confectionery Construction Consulting Contact lenses Continuous casting Conventional notation Converter industry Coolers Cooperage Copyright Corporate governance Corrosion Corruption Cosmetology Cosmogony and cosmology Costa Rica Criminal law Criminology Cross-country skiing Cryptography Crystallography Cuba Cultural term Culturology Curling Currency operations Current usage Customs Cybernetics Cynology Cyprus Cytogenetics Cytology Czech Dactyloscopy Dams Danish Darts Data processing Databases Deafblindness Demography Dental implantology Dentistry Deprecatingly Derbet language Dermatology Derogatory Design Dialect Dialectology Die casting Diminutive Diplomatic term Disarmament Disaster recovery Distillation Dog breeding Dominican republic Drawing Drift Drilling Drugs Dutch Dyes Dynamic geology E-mail Earth sciences Earthworks East-Middle-German Eastern Ebay EBRD Ecological immunology Ecology Econometrics Economic law Economy Ecuador Education Egyptology Elections Electric machinery Electric traction Electrical engineering Electrochemistry Electromedicine Electrometallurgy Electronic commerce Electronic tubes Electronics Electrophoresis Electrothermy Elevators Embryology Emotional Employment Endocrinology Energy distribution Energy system Engineering corps Engineering geology Engineering Engines English Enrichment Entomology Environment Epic of Jangar Epidemiology Epistolary Equestrianism Eskimo Esoterics Esperanto Estonian language Estremadura Ethics Ethnography Ethnology Ethnopsychology Ethology Euphemism European Union Evolution Exclamation Exhibitions Explosives Expression External policy Extragalactic astronomy Extrusion Facilities Fairy tales Fashion Fat-and-oil industry Federal Bureau of Investigation Federal Republic of Germany Feminine Fencing Fermentation Fiber technology Fighter aviation Figurative sense Figure skating File extension Film processing Filming equipment Finances Fire extinguishing Fisheries Fishery Fishing Fixed phrase Flatter Floriculture Flour production Flow measurement Fodder Foil ships Folklore Food industry Food service and catering Football Footwear industry Foreign Ministry Foreign trade Forensic medicine Forest chemistry Forestry Forging Formula 1 Foundation engineering Foundry French Furniture Gaelic Galicia Galvanic Galvanizing Game theory Games Gas engines Gas processing plants Gastroenterology Gastronomy Gear train Gear Genealogy General subject Genetic engineering Genetics Gentle Geobotanics Geochemistry Geochronology Geodesy Geography Geology Geomechanics Geometry Geomorphology Geophysics German Democratic Republic German Given name Glaciology Glass blowing Glass container manufacture Gloomy Gold mining Golf GOST Gothic Government Grammar Granada Graph theory Graphic expression Gravimetry Greek mythology Greek Greenhouse technology Guatemala Gymnastics Gynecology Gyroscopes Hacking Hairstyling Handball Handicraft Hawaii Health care Hearing aid Heat exchangers Heat transfer Heating Hebrew Helicopters Helminthology Hematology Heraldry Herpetology Hi-Fi High frequency electronics High jump High voltage Highway traffic law Hines Histology Historical figure History Hobby Hockey Homeopathy Homosexual Honduras Horse breeding Horse racing Horticulture Hotel industry Household appliances Hovercraft Human resources Human rights Humanitaristics Hungarian Language Hunting Hydraulic engineering Hydraulics Hydroacoustics Hydroelectric power stations Hydrogeology Hydrography Hydrology Hydromechanics Hygiene Hypertonia Ice formation Ice skate Iceland Ichthyology Identification systems Idiomatic expression Immunogenetics Immunology Immunopharmacology Indian language Indonesian Industrial economy Industrial hygiene Infectious diseases Informatics Information security Information technology Infrared technology Inheritance law Injection machine Inorganic chemistry Instruments Insurance Intelligence service International law International Monetary Fund International relations International trade International transportation Internet Invective Investment Irish Ironical Isolation Italian Jail Jane Japanese Jargon Jazz Jewelry Jocular Journalism Judo Jumps Karachaganak Kazakhstan Knauf Kolkhoz Korean Labor law Labor market Labor organization Laboratory equipment Land forces Landscaping Laser medicine Lasers Latin American slang Latin American Latin Law N.

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