Battlestar Galactica Hd Mp4 Download

Battlestar Galactica Hd Mp4 Download


Battlestar Galactica Hd Mp4 Download

When an old enemy, the Cylons, resurface and obliterate the 12 colonies, the crew of the aged Galactica protect a small civilian fleet - the last of humanity - as they journey toward the fabled 13th colony, Earth.
The second war against the Cylons is over, and The Twelve Colonies have been destroyed. Now Commander Adama of the Battlestar Galatica and President Laura Roslin lead a ragtag fleet of refugees in a supposed search for the fabled lost thirteenth colony, Earth. However, the dangers they face are many, which compound an already difficult situation. In addition to the Cylons hunting and attacking the fleet in space and their infiltrator units carrying out sabotage--even as their former unwitting pawn, Gaius Baltar, helps in the hunt for them while hiding both his own guilt and the strange presence that haunts his every thought--the fleet also faces internal political conflict in which the rabble-rousing figure Tom Zarek is merely the loudest dissenting voice, not to mention recurring shortages of food, water, and even oxygen. In the midst of these trials, however, clues begin to appear to suggest that Adama's bluff about finding Earth might hold more truth than anyone could have guessed.
Although the designs and special effects were impressive it didn't do justice to the original series at all. Instead it cloned the Terminator movie part of where man-made machines eventually turned on their creator toward apocalyptic end. When.. the original story concept had it where humans unknowingly encroached on an alien planet where the green cylon aliens misunderstood the human colonists as invaders. This started a war against the humans for many years to where nearly all the cylon aliens became extinct. With their last breath the cylon aliens created a race of robots by the same name of cylons to exterminate the human race. Fleeing their destruction, the human survivors end up looking for another world to colonize while fighting off the robotic cylons pursuit. Galactica 1980 TV series gave us BG fans hope of seeing humans ona safe haven far from the Cylon threat. Supposedly humans on the Galactica were suppose to prepare Earth for the incoming Cylon threat as a final battle ground. We never got to see such finality. This different Battlestar Galactica would of been better accepted and fitted in if the creators picked up where Galactica 1980 left off instead of this renegade reboot version that BG fans like myself just weren't looking for. I didn't like how this different version changed the fact that Colonel Tigh was a black man to some white guy with a black eye patch and or how Starbuck got changed to a blonde female. Most of the cast members didn't have the good looks as the original cast.. but were homely looking. I especially didn't like how the more wimpy whinny Baltar was influenced by a blonde humanoid cylon who wasn't at all attractive.. just pretty wickedly ugly. The original Baltar didn't need to be influenced in his greed for leadership power. I liked the old Cylons much better than the new ones.. who seem to look more ironically like the exoskeleton of Terminators. What's not right about this version of Battlestar Galactica is these extraterrestrial humans compared to the original version used our swear words and not theirs of felgercarb & frak. Instead of not being different than us as the original series extraterrestrial humans had it.. they were changed to be too much like us.
Let me just say that I&#39;ve worked my way through the first 5 pages or so of comments, and I can&#39;t believe the negative reaction to this show. Maybe that changes in the last few pages, but anyway, it inspired me to post a comment myself.<br/><br/>First of all, I was a massive fan of the original, and my friends and I used to always play BG in the school yard. I didn&#39;t remember too much of it as an adult, so I recently rented the pilot and series on DVD to compare it to the new version. Watching the original again I can see exactly why I loved the series as a kid - there were loads of space battles, laser guns, spaceships, etc. As an adult though, the original doesn&#39;t hold up very well at all (it does have it&#39;s moments though). Many of the episodes clearly suffer from a &quot;what the hell are we going to do this week?&quot; syndrome from the producers (brought on by the decision to rush it into a weekly format) - I mean the episode where Starbuck and a bunch of kids on Unicorns storm a cylon castle whilst singing their battle plan? By todays standards that&#39;s beyond &quot;cheese&quot;, and just plain stinks.<br/><br/>This new series, in my opinion, is excellent. It corrects a lot of the mistakes made by the original, and has genuinely gripping story lines, and a real sense of a continuing narrative. No, it&#39;s not perfect, as it does occasionally lose its way (some early episodes of season 2 were overly religious for my taste), but on the whole it&#39;s an excellent allegory for todays real world events (a fanatically religious force not afraid to go in for suicide bombing, abortion, freedom of speech, etc), and is quite gripping.<br/><br/>I&#39;ve seen many, many comments complaining about the characters wearing western style clothes, smoking cigarettes, using bullets, etc. In my mind these are all plusses (frankly pants are a lot more practical than robes) and make the show more accessible (eg the original invented their own time measurements (yarns, sentons, etc), but this was really ineffective for building tension as no one knew what any of these things were - and they weren&#39;t generally consistent!).<br/><br/>From having recently compared the two series, here&#39;s what the new one did right:<br/><br/>1) Put Baltar on the Galactica, and not as the leader of a cylon base star - it got very tiring hearing Baltar go &quot;mwah-ha-ha-ha&quot; every episode in TOS. 2) Got rid of the ridiculous IL series of cylon, and made the centurions mute - re-watch the &quot;Ice Planet Zero&quot; episodes of TOS for how a 3-way cylon centurion conversation really DOESN&#39;T work. 3) Put the emphasis more on the &quot;rag-tag&quot; fleet, rather than a weekly &quot;Apollo/Starbuck is stuck on another planet&quot; episode. 4) Made names like Apollo/Starbuck/Boomer call signs, and gave the characters actual names. 5) Made &quot;Earth-like&quot; planets much, much rarer - in TOS even passing asteroids had an oxygen atmosphere, not to mention almost every planet they went past was capable of sustaining life (hence why didn&#39;t they just settle there?). 6) Got rid of aliens - lots of other shows do aliens, so it&#39;s nice to see one that doesn&#39;t. 7) Put a much bigger emphasis on drama, politics, etc than constant space battles - this way space battles become a more effective narrative tool. 8) Made Cain an Admiral so she out-ranked Adama - much more dramatic tension than in the original. 9) Gave them all &quot;standard&quot; clothes rather than robes. The clothes, etc are also much less &quot;out there&quot;, and therefore less likely to date. And for an even 10... 10) Using security details, etc for away missions rather than the top 3 officers on the ship (like in Star Trek)!!!<br/><br/>Overall I think the show&#39;s fabulous. Perhaps not quite as good as Firefly, but then it&#39;s been on air for a lot longer than Firefly (read that how you will). I&#39;ve certainly enjoyed it an awful lot more than all the recent Star Trek iterations. I&#39;m also very glad I own it on DVD (and can&#39;t wait for my copy of season 3 to arrive this November).

Yes, although it&#39;s producers call it a &quot;reimagined&quot; series, due to some slight differences. A battlestar is a very lage spaceship, kind of a cross between a battleship and an aircraft carrier. Cylons are humanoid robots created by mankind as servants and laborers. Eventually, they rebelled and declared war on their human masters. Miniseries - This 3 hour miniseries acts as a pilot for the weekly series and introduces the characters and situations.<br/><br/>Season 1 - Contains 13 episodes.<br/><br/>Season 2 - Contains 20 episodes.<br/><br/>Season 3 - Contains 20 episodes.<br/><br/>Battlestar Galactica: Razor - This 2 hour TV movie ( officially the first two episodes of Season 4 ) takes place during Season 2, with flashbacks to the miniseries and earlier, but should be viewed here.<br/><br/>Season 4, Part 1 - Contains 10 episodes ( also known as &quot;Season 4.0&quot; on DVD ).<br/><br/>Season 4, Part 2 - Contains 10 episodes ( also titled &quot;Season 4.5&quot; or &quot;The Final Season&quot; on DVD )<br/><br/>Battlestar Galactica : The Plan - This is a post-series prequel TV movie which depicted selected events of the miniseries and series from the Cylons point of view.<br/><br/>There are also two spin-off prequels:<br/><br/>Caprica - A 19 episode prequel series set 58 years before the events of Battlestar Galactica. The series deals with the creation of the Cylons, and stars Eric Stoltz as Daniel Greystone, creator of the Cylons, and Esai Morales as Joseph Adama, father of Battlestar&#39;s William Adama. Released on DVD ( and Blu-ray in certain territories ).<br/><br/>Battlestar Galactica : Blood &amp; Chrome - A 2 hour prequel movie that is set during the first Cylon War, 40 years before the events of Battlestar Galactica and around 18 years after Caprica. The story follows a young William Adama ( future commander of the Galactica ) as a new recruit in the Colonial Fleet, and shows his first experience of battling the Cylons. Released on DVD and Blu-ray. Yes, the miniseries acts as a pilot, and sets up all of the events, characters, and themes of the series. If you start with episode S01E01, you will be very confused! a5c7b9f00b

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