Battleship Photo Index BB USS IDAHO

Battleship Photo Index BB USS IDAHO

Battleship Photo Index BB USS IDAHO

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New Mexico Class Battleship: Speed, 21 Knots, Crew The contact listed, Was the contact at the time for this ship when located. If another person now is the contact, E-mail me and I will update this entry. These contacts are compiled from various sources over a long period of time and may or may not be correct. Every effort has been made to list the newest contact if more than one contact was found. Photo by International News Service, courtesy of memory. Text courtesy of N. Times 8 July , Page 2. Like some prehistoric monster loomed the Idaho BB , latest of American dreadnoughts to be launched, as she rested on the ways at Camden, N. This greatest of fighting machines, for secrecy, was built under a covered shed and few saw it take the water , precautions due to the war. The bows on view shows the platform ready for the launching party. Insert photo from from The Bemidji Daily Pioneer. Her sponsor, Miss Henrietta A. Simmons, granddaughter of Governor Alexander, of Idaho, is shown below the vessel upon which she bestowed the name. Photo from Evening Public Ledger. Sight shop, big gun section. She is largest battleship afloat, construction on her was started during the war. Photo courtesy of catalog. On 9 January , Capt. Photo from the Library of Congress via Bill Gonyo. The mightiest Superdreadnought of the U. Navy at the yards of the New York Shipbuilding Corporation, in Camden, ready to move across the Delaware River to the Philadelphia Navy Yard, where the great fighting craft will officially 'join the navy. Foremast range clock is clearly visible. Library of Congress, Washington, DC. The Idaho is the largest ship in the United States Navy. Idaho BB fitting out at New York Ship Building Corporation on 23 June as is shown here, the Idaho was the first battleship not to befitted with hull mounted secondary guns. The ports were plated over before she was commissioned; the ports remained as the hull design was identical to her sisters, New Mexico BB and Mississippi BB She is equipped with a small bridge which is topped with a 'tent' where a main battery range finder will be mounted. The destroyer across the ways looks to have the number 20 painted on her bow. I would guess that the destroyer is either Leary DD or one of her sisters. National Archives photo N, courtesy of David Buell. Original captions states, 'Fleet at Sea, July 24, Navy, courtesy of flickr. Newly completed and commissioned in , the Idaho BB is shown at speed. Short flying off platforms are mounted on 2 and 3 turrets and two 3' A. Six more 3' A. Note semaphore signalman atop her second turret. While the big ship was heaving from the earthquake, Admiral Rodman on board the New Mexico coolly remarked, 'Just what I thought, an earthquake. But little damage was reported from the quake. Photo from The Corpus Christi Caller. Foreground is definitely Tennessee BB In the middle is Idaho BB darker camouflage note also the fantail catapult and upper right is Arizona BB , less certain but based on main mast platforms verses the New Mexico BB Middle background is New York BB navigation bridge not over hanging conning tower. The far left background is the Texas BB blunt bow, 2 funnels. The date of Mr. The Texas and New York were assigned to that fleet until they returned east for modernization in This would suggest that the photo was taken some where in the Pacific. The rich flora onshore suggest a tropical climate and the enclosed by would lead me to guess Panama or Gitmo. If the or Fleet problem was conducted in Atlantic waters could explain an Atlantic based aircraft with a Pacific based Fleet. Crewmen running on deck during physical training, circa Note wooden planking and working gear on her deck. She has a main battery of twelve inch naval rifles and is fitted with the latest antialrcraft and submarine protections. Photo from The Madison Journal. Tallulah, Madison Parish, La. Photo v courtesy of the Library of Congress via Bill Gonyo. Navy Battle fleet steaming into Panama Bay to join scouting fleet for combined fleet maneuvers, probably The irony of this photo is that the ship with the least certain ID is the one closest to the camera! The photo is not clear enough to show twin or triple turrets. However, the ships in the background show enough unique characteristics to give more certainty about an ID. The two ships in the second column are New York BB bridge does not extend out far enough to be Texas BB and Nevada BB no enclosed lookout stations on the cagemasts and she has a catapult on her quarterdeck. It is interesting that the only apparent catapult is the one on the Nevada. This would place the photo in the time frame. Courtesy of the Library of Congress. Idaho BB arriving at Panama for combined maneuvers, probably Panoramic photo of the U. Hood Studio Collection in Flicker. Sam Hood was a Sydney photographer with a passion for ships. His year career spanned the romantic age of sail and two world wars. John Rogers and his crew, 17 September Rogers and his crew attempted to fly from San Francisco to Honolulu but ran out of fuel and landed at sea. Lost at sea for 10 days, they rigged a sail on their PN-9 seaplane and covered miles before their rescue. The operating room of the Idaho BB Sporting a target between her aft cage mast and top rear turret plus maybe a pair of Vought O2U-1 biplanes on the catapults. Photo contributed by Robert Hurst. Photo taken from U. Warships of World War One, by P. A few years later, Tennessee BB had the open bridge added around her pilothouse, and even later, California BB added the enlarged flag bridge. But in the or so period, they were close in config. The original photo was labeled 'Harbinger' to show symbolically how the unimposing Langley was the first of a line of ships which eventually drove the battleship from its primary place into the background. USN photo via collections. Different angle of the above photo: Ships of the U. Fleet pictured at anchor at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, during winter exercises in Two unidentified Omaha class cruisers are in the foreground. There are at least 17 destroyers, identifiable bottom, right is Mahan DD , converted to a minelayer and redesignated DM-7 , but still wearing her old DD hull number and two submarine tenders in the foreground with about 10 smaller and two large submarines. The peninsula in the right foreground is South Toro Cay, where the drydock is still visible that was begun in , but cancelled two years later. Photo courtesy of wikipedia. Starboard side underway, Two aircraft on catapults. Crane ship Kearsarge working alongside, as the battleship is regunned at the Puget Sound Navy Yard, Bremerton, Washington, circa the later s. Barge YC is in the left background. The work is being performed by the crane ship Kearsarge. View of the U. Battle-fleet from above, possibly from the airship Los Angeles ZR Idaho BB in stero , possibly in Seattle, circa Photo from the collection of Carrie Schmidt. The 2 photos appear to be in sequence though one of them is printed with the negetive reversed. The far shore line and the ships in the background beyond the last BB appear to be the same except for what is revealed or concealed by the forward progress of the ships. Photo from The Adair County News. Steaming at the rear of the battle line, during Battle Fleet practice off the California coast, circa Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 5 Figure 4. The veteran battleship received better armor, 'blister' antisubmarine protection, better machinery, and tripod masts during this extensive overhaul, and was readied for many more years of useful naval service. Idaho BB in drydock at Boston. Check the shape outboard and below the original gun opening, and compare that to the forward embrasure. Midsection of the Idaho BB , in drydock middle of panorama , Stern of the Idaho BB , in drydock right side of panorama , Leading a man of war out of drydock: Idaho BB , photographed by J. Colasanti probably after completion of modernization on 9 October , when the ship conducted shakedown in the Caribbean before returning to her home port, San Pedro, 17 April The Idaho BB is the top left vessel. The nearest battleship, straight up from the Langley is Pennsylvania BB Mississippi BB and Idaho BB , but even this higher rez shot is not clear enough to tell which is which. The photo is not clear enough for positive identifications. Photos courtesy of Alan K. The big ship, just arrived from tropical waters, and would be looked over thoroughly, and probably would be relieved of an accumulation of barnacles before she put to sea again in a few days. Photo by Bettmann Collection via Getty Images, courtesy of gettyimages. Among the ships in the harbor are: Within that group, only New Orleans lacked the glassed-in navigation bridge below the pilothouse , and minor superstructure variations point to the other being Minneapolis rather than Astoria CA The battleships from left to right: On the far right is the Hospital ship Relief AH-1 with two unidentified ships ahead and to her port side. Photo courtesy of Edward Cwalinski, submitted by Barry Litchfield. They could be distinguished by their searchlight platforms. The Mississippi and Idaho BB had theirs far above their controls, with long struts, but the New Mexico BB hade her control cabins directly under the lights. Quite unlike their presecessors, they had tower masts supporting Mark 5-inch directors, the first to combine range finder and calculator into a single unit. The small cylinders were mark 31 directors, with an armored range finder at the forward end of the bridge structure. Below it, were secondary battery controls and battle lookout stations note the eye slits , with the navigating bridge below that, then the chart house platform, the radio direction-finder platform, and the conning tower platform. Note the four 0. The radio direction finder itself was housed between the funnel and the bridge structure. The Idaho , fitted as a flagship, had a flag bridge below her navigating bridge. Her chart house was on the radio direction-finder platform. Partial text courtesy of U. USN photo courtesy of Robert M. A lesson in photo identification and never trust everything you see printed on a caption. The following lengthy repost was in response to the what was believed to be correct in what the caption says: This contrasting scene was pictured today in Hampton Roads. The California , laden with sailors and shiny warplanes, had just arrived from Fleet maneuver and will remain anchored here until the reviewing ceremony 27 April. Despite the caption identifying the ship as the California , it is in reality something else. VO-3 provided a 3 plane Detachment to each of the ships in the division which were identified by the blue tail surfaces. These would be the 3 SOC Seagulls bi-planes. When a fourth aircraft was assigned it was specifically for use of an admiral note also the the fourth plane does not carry the blue tail of VO-3 detail 1. These two details add up to the fact that the ship pictured was the flagship of BatDiv3; from onward that ship was Idaho BB Although it is possible that an admiral pulled rank to get the latest and greatest assigned as his personal mount, the presence of this aircraft more than suggests that the date of the photo is late at best but more likely some time in early The mixed wing is interesting, especially since squadrons usually trained for a specific aircraft. Interestingly, though, the SOC would continue aboard cruisers especially the inter-war cruiser classes until after Normandy. This was because that, like most of the first monoplane of a type, the OS2U did not have the ability to fold its wings for better storage in hangers. Unfortunately, this does not help us here as the XOS2U-1 received a similar paint scheme prior going for ship board acceptance trials in the early months of official acceptance was 24 April which were conducted aboard West Virginia BB So this is not the occasion of the photo. The 2 primary distinguishing features which distinguish the XOS2U. The photo is not distinct enough to make a determination from this. The other feature is the struts that connect the main pontoon for the fuselage. That leaves us with the question of date. This means that 5 months passed from the completion of the first aircraft until the first unit was deployed aboard ship. So here is my new theory. Idaho vs New Mexico \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\]. The BB in the first photo is definitely flying from the top of the foremast. To my understanding this is position is traditionally the position for a flag officers pennant. Actually, it turns out that only one XOS2U-1 was ever built, and at various points it appeared in two schemes, the possible NMF, and a darker, presumably blue or blue-gray. It does show, however, the third rear strut in its initial narrower form. Second section would have had white on the cowls, and be aboard Mississippi BB ; third would have been blue, aboard New Mexico. The adjusted image also brings out what appears to be the name on the stern, and it appears to be too short to read Mississippi or New Mexico. You can see examples in the Pennsylvania photos. Note, however, how long her name is and compare it to the adjusted image. These two photos mention an impending fleet review for the 27th. This happened in and some details are on the Enterprise CV-6 in the description for photo NSa. She was the only one with bridge bulwarks after modernization which did not have the wind baffles as did New Mexico and Mississippi. This is the easiest way to tell the sisters apart prewar, although another method is the configuration of the searchlight platforms on their stacks which also in this case help ID these photos as being of Idaho. Wirephoto from the collection of Michael Strout, courtesy of Jonathan Eno. Sources courtesy of Alan Moore. Schiffer Publishing Ltd, I believe the California BB is astern of her. It happened as ship lay at anchor near here yesterday, awaiting the Fleet Review. Note planes on catapult. Probable front and rear photos here and below showing formations of aircraft flying over U. The aircraft following are: The Yorktown and Enterprise were the only two carriers whose bombing squadrons were equipped with the Northrop BT The text for the photo reads: At least seventy-five tons of rubber, enough to makes 17, tires, are used in the construction of each of these battleships. Tons more are needed for the naval planes that are making history over the world. Medical and communication requirements--and countless other needs of the Navy--are met. Fourth is the Oklahoma BB no birdbath. Classic Warships Publishing, Pictorial Histories Pub Co, Timeline from Battleship Arizona: Naval Institute Press, Probable front and rear photos here and above showing formations of aircraft flying over U. The air group formation in the two photos appears to be similar. The perspective makes it difficult to sort the monoplanes and biplanes into their respective types. What stands out for me is the presence of nine extra fighters beyond the normal squadron composition of 18, as seen in the other three squadrons in this formation. Crew of the battleship Idaho BB preparing to fire her 14 inch guns during Pacific Fleet maneuvers. Carl Mydans, courtesy of life. She is pictured here in company with other ships of the Pacific Fleet taken during Fleet Ops. Lt , Photo No. Looking aft from above. My money would be on it being Savannah based on the camouflage. USN photo courtesy of Pieter Bakels. Fahey, courtesy of Tommy Trampp. She conducted additional battle exercises in California waters and out of Pearl Harbor until October , when she entered Puget Sound Navy Yard to be re-gunned. Marines on the Idaho BB in on station at their 20 millimeter guns. Upon completion of this work Idaho again took part in battle exercises, and sailed 7 April for operations in the bleak Aleutians. Photo of Task Group 51, the Attu force, May There were 3 Battleships present for the Attu Operation: To prevent the fire control crew from being smoked out the funnel was extended to the level of the base of the fore fire control station. Also she did not receive her search radars until she got to Norfolk after Attu. Between the director and the funnel extension, a view from the angle of this photo would easily hide the tripod nature of the mast. Operating on the assumption that the picture was taken at Cold Bay in this is a portion of the Attu Invasion force and therefore the other BB must be the Idaho. Now lets look at the ship in the foreground. We have accounted for 2 of these ships leaving only Pennsylvania and Santa Fe. The only other clearly define able object is the 40mm gun director tub to the right of the picture under the weather shield. This appears to me to be the starboard side aft-most 5' gun mount on the Pennsylvania as the 40mm directors near the 5' turrets on the Santa Fe all seem to be mounted higher that the 5' gun not on the same level. As this all started by looking at the Auxiliary, so lets go there next. Though the Navy made use of 8 or 9 commercial cargo ships for this operation, the ship in the photo seems to be carrying a pennant number on her bow which makes her a Navy ship. The arrangement of the king posts, height of the funnel and the contour of the deck line convinces me that she is a Cimmeron class Oilier probably why she is sharing her berth with so many others note the 2 flushdeckers on her port side. The ship to the left is head stern? In the case of Attu there were a total of 6 assigned; not one of them as destroyers. There is another ship in the picture that is difficult to make out. It is a pale silhouette in the middle background and appears to be PG Charleston. A platform has been added to her conning tower for a single millimeter antiaircraft gun; her gun deck gun is a manually-operated dual-purpose 3-inch caliber. Mounted just ahead of her periscopes is an SJ surface-search and torpedo-control radar. The small tripod forward of the deck gun supports an early type of underwater listening equipment. S displays no identification except her national ensign, and wears dull black wartime submarine finish. Adak, Alaska on 11 August during the Kiska campaign. Crew is mustered on the quarterdeck as Rear Admiral H. Torgerson for heroic deeds while flying at Attu. Cleveland class light cruiser in the background is Sante Fe CL The three battleships, in an anchorage protected by anti-torpedo nets, are from left to right: All three battleships then proceeded with the Marshall Islands assault force 12 January Note the anti-torpedo net in the foreground. Next on the Pacific timetable was the invasion of the Marshalls, and the veteran battleship arrived off Kwajalein early 31 January to soften up shore positions. Again she hurled tons of shells into Japanese positions until 5 February, when the outcome was one of certain victory. Idaho was the first battleship to ever enter a floating drydock. He was a sight setter on gun 3 on the starboard side for a time during his tour, which began in December , and ended May Port side view of the Idaho BB as refitted and on post-refit trials on 2 January Picture taken 2 January in Puget Sound, Washington, while ship was on post refit trials. This included Mk 8 Mod 2 main battery fire control radar mounted in front of her forward Mk 31 main battery director. She still retained her aft Mk 3 main battery fire control radar mounted on the aft Mk 31 director. A Mk 27 main battery director was mounted on the Conning Tower. For secondary battery control Idaho had MK 28 radars installed on her two Mk 33 directors. She also had fourteen MK 51 directors for her 40mm guns. Heavy cruiser in the right distance is probably Chester CA Photographed from Nevada BB In the background is the Nevada BB Drawing courtesy of artbywayne. Battleship in the center background is Idaho. The one further to the left is Tennessee BB Note that this is a late-war layout, with a forward pipe railing and coaming to allow efficient removal of spent casings and prevent jamming the mount from turning and trip hazards to loaders, particularly at night. Aerial of part of the invasion fleet off Okinawa, 1 April Smile Japan, the Idaho BB will prepare a 21 gun salute. Sitting among circling landing craft, the Idaho BB takes up her assigned bombardment station, off Okinawa as the invasion begins. The Idaho was flagship of Bombardment Unit 4 and had been hitting Japanese shore batteries and installations for almost a month before this 1 April photo. Where there is smoke, there must be fire: USN photo courtesy of David Buell. As seen from the Nevada BB The Idaho BB is at right, in the distance a destroyer is burning. Idaho BB just before entering a floating drydock. This was either in April at Guam or July at Leyte. Those were the only two times the Idaho entered a floating drydock in Right below the 5 inch guns, the name Idaho is painted in large white letters. I have seen this in photos of other ships, and it was for the Navy Day celebrations of That would place the Idaho at Norfolk during or after October Also, notice how high the ship is riding in the water. A line drawing by A. Photo and text courtesy of U. Idaho BB is put in reserve commission and retired, 25 May - 4 July Three battleships are on their way to Naval Vahalla: Workmen have progressed with the New Mexico which was the subject of considerable controversy between Newark city officials and the scrapping concern. The Wyoming , most recent arrivial, has its gun turrets protected by round white coverings. Three battleships, at Newark, N. AP wirephoto courtesy of Joe MacDonald. A guest studies a painting depicting the history of battleships. A quote made by Fleet Adm. On 29 May , the memorial was formally dedicated with an estimated , people expected to attend, and includes , visiting veterans of all wars. McLain, courtesy of news.

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