Battle Pass, New Clan Convoy, and Clan Genetics Research

Battle Pass, New Clan Convoy, and Clan Genetics Research



The Battle Pass has begun! Also in the game, a new clan convoy was added and access to the Genetics research branch in the Scientists Board was opened.

Batlle Pass

Unique rewards. You can open it purchasing the full access to the Battle Pass

The mechanics of this model remained unchanged. Read the features of the Battle Pass here. But, we have some changes:

  • Added the Hero Blitz "Dust Rat" (also the appearance for him has been added to the game, it will be possible to purchase it soon in our sales) to the bottom bar of unique rewards.
  • Added new skins for the Strategic Points, “Field Healing” and “Victorious Courage” to the bottom bar of unique rewards.
    - The “Victorious Courage” skin add +300 health to the structure but also improves the ability of the strategic point by 10 units (more damage) and increases the maximum health of the allied forces by 100.
    - The “Field Healing” skin add +300 health to the structure but also reduces the cooldown of the strategic point ability by 3 seconds.

New Clan Convoy

The new clan convoy is the Genofrost Armored Truck, which will open at the 2nd level of the building Communication Tower.

Its main feature is that, like the Frigate Warrington, it has additional guns. It is necessary first of all to destroy them, and only after that, it will be possible to inflict damage on the convoy itself.

For the victory over the convoy, the material Construction Mold will drop out, the number of which depends on the complexity of the convoy in increasing order from 1 to 5. So, for the victory over the recruit, 1 chemical table falls, and the heroic hero - 5.

Construction Mold is a valuable material that is needed to study clan technologies at the Scientists Board. It is used from the 2nd level of scientific research in the field of genetics.

Clan branch of research "Genetics"

Added a new branch of clan research in the Scientists Board. Thanks to the study of technology in the field of genetics, you can improve the characteristics of your base troops.

In the future updates, studies of "Tesla science" and "Occultism" will appear.

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