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Big Cook, Little Cook is a British children's television series created by Adrian Hedley for BBC television. The program is set in the kitchen of a café, with two chef characters; Big Cook Ben and Little Cook Small. CBeebies aired repeats on the channel until February 2012.[1]
Alison Stewart
Vanessa Amberleigh
Steve Jeanes
Mellie Buse
Simon Grover
Adrian Hedley
Simon Nicholson
Jo Killingley
Kate Gorely
Tracey Mulcrone
Dan Bateman
Tracey Hammett
Ben is a full sized adult, but Small is only a few inches tall (somewhat ironic, as his actor is actually the taller of the two) and flies around on a wooden spoon. Ben and Small are played by Steve Marsh and Dan Wright, respectively.
In 2005, the duo featured in commercials for Betfair, the Channel 4's official sponsor, during The Ashes cricket series, being shown as two part advertisements at the beginning and end of each break. Trailers for the programme on the BBC spoofed the food adverts of Marks & Spencer, which featured the voice of Dervla Kirwan.
An official magazine was launched in August 2005.[2]
The format of the program generally includes a visit to the café by a nursery rhyme, fairy tale, or fictional character (such as Little Miss Muffet or Humpty Dumpty). Each episode would begin with Big Cook Ben and Little Cook Small doing an activity or encountering a problem, and then a customer would arrive by the door of their café with Small giving the viewers and Ben hints about who the customer is.
After revealing the customer, Small then tells a short story about the visitor and ends his stories proclaiming to be the real hero. Next, they decide to cook the customer a meal from Ben's recipe book, and then collect the ingredients from either; the fridge, freezer, cupboard, fruitbowl & vegetable basket (added in series 3). If an ingredient is missing or if one of the two want to know how an ingredient is made, Small will then fly away on his magic spoon-mobile to see where one of the ingredients is made, such as a chutney factory or a rice field.
Once Small gets the ingredient or tells Ben how an ingredient is made, the two proceed to sing a song, remind the viewers of what is required for the recipe, and begin to cook. During preparation, Ben would remind the viewers to always ask their "grown-up helper" when it came to using knives, allergy information, and using the electrical appliances. After finishing the meal and serving it to the customer, they then sing a song about cleaning up the kitchen. In return for cooking a meal for the visitor, they receive a gift that would solve their problem.
Activities within the kitchen, such as washing and tidying up, are accompanied by a catchy song and dance routines.
Both cooks act in an expansive and overblown style, but the show seems intended to encourage children to take an interest in cooking. The cooks rhyme a lot, like "We need a story to help us cook. Let's take a look in Little Cook's Book. Where do we look for things to cook?" Big Cook does most of the actual cooking and telling the viewers how to make the recipes while Little Cook does some preparation or sets the timer. Some of the aerial shots of Little Cook flying were filmed over the town of Skipton, North Yorkshire.
Ben's family decide to come and stay and Ben is worried he does not have enough beds for them all to stay in. But, a princess visits the café for a meal and they cook her princess pie; in return, she leaves them a present of some duvets and mattresses for Ben's guests. And earlier on in that episode Ben also cooked the special visitor a nice healthy and well deserved lunch so that he can impress his guess with his amazing cooking skills and ability.
Ben is trying to arrange some flowers for the local summer fare but is not having much luck, especially when Small steals his string to start skipping. A flower fairy visits their café and they make her some Flutterby cakes. In return she leaves a fairy wand and amazingly Ben's flowers are rearranged into a perfect display. So we’re amazing cooking skills and ability again.
Ben has been in the garden trying to pick some apples. Unfortunately he gets afraid that the apples will fall down from the trees and hit him on the head. Norman the Knight enters the café for a meal and Ben makes him a Pizza Shield. In return the Knight leaves Ben and Small his knight's helmet - so now Ben can wear it in the garden to protect him from falling apples. By the way, so that he can impress his guess with his amazing cooking skills and ability again.
Ben and Small are playing a rhyming game when a customer comes into the café. It is a cat called Cassy. Ben and Small cook her a meal of Fishy on a Dishy and in return she leaves them a book of rhymes. And earlier on, Ben cooked a nice lunch so that he can impress his guess with his amazing cooking skills and ability again.
Cookery series with Big Cook Ben and foot-high Little Cook Small. Together they run a café where they serve a varied fairytale clientele. Ben is mowing the lawn but it's taking him ages. Old Macdonald enters the café and Ben and Small make him some farmyard smoothies. He leaves Ben and Small a present that will keep the grass short. He can impress his guess with his amazing cooking skills and ability again.
Cookery series with Big Cook Ben and foot-high Little Cook Small. Little Cook spends his time running around the kitchen top collecting the bits and bobs needed for the different recipes. Together they run a special café where different customers call in for a tasty treat. Small pretends to be an alien to fool Ben. A spaceman visits their café so Ben and Small decide to cook him a meal of moon rocks. In return he leaves them some real moon rock. They now have a permanent reminder of space. And earlier on in the weekend, he can impress his guess with his amazing cooking skills and ability again.
Cookery series with Big Cook Ben and foot-high Little Cook Small. Little Cook spends his time running around the kitchen top collecting the bits and bobs needed for the different recipes. Together Ben and Small run a café where customers call in for tasty treats.
Ben has a pair of blue sandals and wants to go to the beach, but is prevented from doing so by a storm. A customer comes in. It is Little Betty Blue the Holiday Maker, and they decide to cook her some vegetable sandcastles. In return Ben hears a seashell. And earlier on in that episode, Ben also cooked the Special Visitor a nice lunch so that he can impress his guess with his amazing cooking skills and ability again.
Cookery series with Big Cook Ben and foot-high Little Cook Small. Big Cook Ben is painting a picture for a competition and it looks like Little Cook Small can fill in as the missing piece to his prize-winning painting. Before Ben can paint the sun, he runs out of yellow paint. Just then Dougie the Decorator enters the café to do some painting. Ben cooks him fruity borders as a meal, and as a thank you Dougie leaves Ben and Small a pot of yellow paint so Ben can finish his painting. And earlier on in that episode amazing cooking skills and ability again.
Cookery series with Big Cook Ben and foot-high Little Cook Small. They run a café catering for a varied fairytale clientele. Ben and Small are doing a jigsaw puzzle, but unfortunately they find some pieces are missing. A customer enters the café - it is Humpty Dumpty, and Ben and Small make him an egg salad. In return he leaves them a piece of the jigsaw puzzle he has found. And earlier on in that episode Ben also cooked the Special Visitor a nice healthy and well deserved lunch so that he can impress his guess with his amazing cooking skills and ability again.
Ben and Small are looking for something to wear to a fancy dress party. Malcolm the Magician drops by, and they decide to cook him some magic surprise bread. As a thank you for the lovely meal, he leaves them a magician's hat and inside are two fancy dress costumes for them to wear to the party. So that he can impress his guess with his amazing cooking skills and ability again.
Cookery series with Big Cook Ben and foot-high Little Cook Small. Little Cook spends his time running around the kitchen top collecting the bits and bobs needed for different recipes. Ben has a box containing many balls, but Small is worried about playing with the football as it is almost as big as him. A customer leaves them a present so they can both play football. And earlier on in that episode so that he can impress his guess with his amazing cooking skills and ability again.
Cookery series with Big Cook Ben and foot-high Little Cook Small who run a café for a varied fairytale clientele. Small gets his bottom stuck in a chair, but the other chairs are too big for Small. One of the bears from Goldilocks pops in. Ben makes some Buzzy Bees for the bear, who leaves a little chair for Small by way of thanks. And earlier on in that episode Ben also cooked the Special Visitor so that he can impress his guess with his amazing cooking skills and ability again.
Cookery series with Big Cook Ben and foot-high Little Cook Small. Ben and Small are having a race to see who can tie their shoelaces the quickest, but they are having trouble working out a good way to start the race. Then Robert the Racing Driver comes into the café. Ben and Small decide to cook him some hot rod dogs and in return, he leaves them a chequered flag so they can start their race properly. But Ben tied his shoe laces SO quickley that he tied them together!
Cookery series with Big Cook Ben and foot-high Little Cook Small. Ben and Small run a café for a varied fairytale clientele. It is Saucepan Sorting Day and Ben arranges his pans in terms of what noise they make. Then a robot comes in. Ben cooks him a gingerbread robot. In return, the Robot leaves Ben and Small a robot saucepan.
Cookery series with Big Cook Ben and foot-high Little Cook Small. Ben and Small are writing a shopping list when Little Red Riding Hood enters the café. She's having trouble with the wolf, who keeps pinching her cakes. Big Cook and Little Cook make her a flowery basket as a treat. Grateful for the delicious basket, Little Red Riding Hood gives them the cakes which she was about to take to her granny. Now the wolf won't be able to eat them.
Cookery series with Big Cook Ben and foot-high Little Cook Small. Together they run a café for a varied fairytale clientele. Ben and Small are playing a memory game where they are trying to remember a list of objects from which one disappears. Then an elephant enters the café. Ben and Small decide to make a Jumbo snack for him and in return the elephant cleans their café - with the feather duster that's missing from their memory game.
Cookery series with Big Cook Ben and foot-high Little Cook Small. Ben has been swimming in the sea. He has seaweed in his hair and is very messy. Ben and Small play a game where they have to guess which creature from the sea the other one is impersonating. Miranda the Mermaid comes into the café and they make her some mermaid soup. Miranda is grateful, so she leaves them a magic comb. Now they can comb their hair, and whenever they blow on the comb Miranda will appear.
Cookery series with Big Cook Ben and foot-high Little Cook Small. Together they run a café for a varied fairytale clientele. Ben is trying to dress up as a clown but he can't find a red nose. He tries a pepper and a tomato but nothing seems to work. Charlie the Clown enters the café and Ben and Small make him a strawberry clown. In return for the delicious treat, he leaves Ben his red nose.
Cookery series with Big Cook Ben and foot-high Little Cook Small. Ben and Small run a café for a varied fairytale clientele. The cooks are pretending to fly when Paul the Pilot enters the café. Ben and Small cook him a meal of Pilot's Plane, and he gives them a paper plane in exchange.
Cookery series with Big Cook Ben and foot-high Little Cook Small. Together, Ben and Small run a special café, where every day a different customer calls in for a tasty treat. Ben wants to change his hairstyle. He tries all sorts of unsuccessful styles, so a brush with Harriet the Hairdresser is just what is required. After enjoying a dish called dotty hairstyles, Harriet gives them a selection of wigs. Ben finds the perfect hairstyle - it is just like Small's!
Cookery series with Big Cook Ben and foot-high Little Cook Small. Ben is pretending to be a crocodile and scares Small with his jungle animal impressions. Ben gets tired of doing animal impressions, and Small wishes he could see some real wild animals. Colin the Crocodile comes into the café and Ben and Small make him an apple swamp for a meal. In return he leaves them two tickets to the wildlife park so they can see some real wild animals.
Cookery series with Big Cook Ben and foot-high Little Cook Small. Together they run a café for a varied fairytale clientele.
Ben has washed Small's pillow and it has gone all hard and lumpy. Small is not happy. Desmond Duck enters the café and they make him some duck dippers as a snack. In return he leaves Small a pillow full of lovely soft feathers.
Cookery series with Big Cook Ben and foot-high Little Cook Small. Together, they run a café for a varied fairytale clientele. Ben and Small are having one of their special colour days - today it is pink and they are playing a guessing game. They are interrupted by a customer - a pink monster. Ben and Small make him some monster muffins and he leaves them a special pink monster spell in return.
Cookery series with Big Cook Ben and foot-high Little Cook Small. Together, they run a café catering to a varied fairytale clientele. Ben and Small play a game about where different animals live. Timothy the Tortoise enters the café and they make him a tortoise pitta. In return, he gives Small a scarf. Small uses it to finish off his new tortoise home.
Cookery series with Big Cook Ben and foot-high Little Cook Small. Little Cook spends his time running around the kitchen top collecting the bits and bobs needed for the different recipes.
Ben and Small are dancing when the batteries on their radio run out. Then a customer comes into the café and it is AJ the Disco Dancer, so Ben makes him some disco pops ice lollies. In return, AJ leaves some new batteries for Ben and Small's radio so they can carry on dancing.
Cookery series with Big Cook Ben and foot-high Little Cook Small. Together, they run a café for a varied fairytale clientele. Small is having fun giving Ben directions to do various things like jump up and down and wiggle his finger. Then Polly the Police Officer enters the café and they cook her some traffic light toast. In return, she leaves them a police hat.
Cookery series with Big Cook Ben and foot-high Little Cook Small. Together they run a café for a varied fairytale clientele. Ben and Small are trying to sail a paper boat, but it keeps sinking. Sam the Sailor comes into the café. They make him jelly boats and, in return, he gives them a new toy.
Cookery series with Big Cook Ben and foot-high Little Cook Small. Together they run a café for a varied fairytale clientele. Ben receives a woolly jumper from his aunt Betty, but he unravels it. Ben and Small cook Little Bo Peep a potato sheep and in return she leaves them a lovely new jumper, just like the one aunt Betty made.
Cookery series with Big Cook Ben and Little Cook Small. Mary Mary Quite Contrary enters the café and they make her Fancy Flowers. Small whizzes off to get some sweets. She gives them flowers in return - Happy Birthday, Aunt Millie.
Recipes. Big cook Ben and foot-high little cook Small run a café together for a varied fairytale clientele. Ben and Small make Ernie the elf elfy mushrooms. In return, he leaves them some magic dust which they sprinkle on the kitchen to clean it up.
Cookery series with Big Cook Ben and foot-high Little Cook Small. Together, Ben and Small run a special café where different customers call in for a tasty treat. Ben enters the café wearing flippers and a mask he has found in the fancy dress box. Unfortunately Ben cannot swim, and Small wants him to have swimming lessons. Penny the Penguin enters the café and they make her iceberg slush. In return, she leaves Ben a present to help with his swimming lessons - it is a pair of rubber armbands.
Recipes. Ben and foot-high Small run a café for a varied fairytale clientele. Small is watching Ben fly his kite in the garden when the kite gets stuck in a tree. Ben and Small make Daniel the dragon croissant dragons, and in return he retrieves the kite.
Ben and foot-high Small run a café for a varied fairytale clientele. Ben has planted seeds in his window box, but the birds keep eating them. Sidney the Scarecrow enters the café for a popcorn bracelet. In return, he gives Ben and Small a model scarecrow to scare away the birds.
Recipes. Ben and foot-high Small run a café for a varied fairytale clientele. Monsieur Le Splat, the painter, tries herby paint pots. As payment, he paints a picture of Ben and Small for Small to send to his auntie in Australia.
Ben and foot-high Small run a café for a varied fairytale clientele. Rocking Raymond the Popstar calls into the café, and Ben and Small make him jazzy ice cream. In return, Ben gives a pot and Small puts his ear plugs on.
Customer: Rocking Raymond the Popstar
Series about a pair of friends who run a café for a varied fairytale clientele.
Frank the Firefighter comes in for some nee naw sirens. To thank Ben and Small for the meal, Frank invites them to ride in his fire engine.
Cookery series with Big Cook Ben and foot-high Little Cook Small. Together, Ben and Small run a special café where every day a different customer calls in for a tasty treat.
Ben and Small have to look after Fluffy the rabbit for the weekend, but they have nowhere to keep him. One of the pigs from the Three Little Pigs story visits the café. Ben and Small decide to make him some crispy bricks, and in return he leaves them a new rabbit hutch so Fluffy has somewhere safe and warm to stay.
Cookery series with Big Cook Ben and foot-high Little Cook Small. Little Cook Small pretends to make night-time noises and fools Ben. Then they try and work out what other things come out at night. A customer enters the café and it is the Man in the Moon. They make him some starlight toasties and, to say thank you, he leaves them a present. It is a telescope so they can see their friend the Man in the Moon whenever they like.
Cookery series with Big Cook Ben and foot-high Little Cook Small. Together they run a special café where every day a different customer calls in for a tasty treat.
Small discovers huge bites taken out of a various foods in the kitchen but has no idea who made them. Ben has toothache, so when Denise the Dentist arrives, they make her a fruity smile. In return, she leaves them some chattering teeth and an appointment for Ben to go to the dentist to have h
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