Batgirl Bondage Stories

Batgirl Bondage Stories


Batgirl Bondage Stories
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WARNING: This story contains women in bondage. If this offends you in any way, turn back now. You have been warned. *** Night had fallen in Gotham City, and with it came it's many criminals crawling out of the woodwork. Even with the more dangerous supervillains locked away for the time being, petty and organized crime still ran wild. Which is why the Caped Crusaders were hard at work. Barbara Gordon stood on top of a building near Gotham Harbor, clad in the familiar black cowl of Batgirl. Hidden in shadows, she glanced through a pair of binoculars to determine where her target was located. "Usually Alfred is the one taking out Bruce's trash, not me..." She muttered to herself before putting the device away and replacing it with her grappling hook. Recently, one Veronica Vreeland had been reported missing for the past three days. While not many would bat an eyelash that a Gotham socialite was out of the spotlight, Miss Vreeland was a high-ranking guest for one of Bruce Wayne's fundraising parties. And with Batman currently absorbed in his 'other affairs,' it fell in Batgirl to track her down. This eventually led her down at the harbor, and one warehouse in particular. After landing on the roof, Batgirl pulled off the grates to the air vent and slipped inside. A few minutes of crawling later, she ended up in the main area of the warehouse, looking out at the first floor from the bottom level. It was connected to the waterfront itself, with a large door to allow ships to come in and out. The person or people who had kidnapped Miss Vreeland must have paid off the owner to keep the doors open. And there she was. Miss Vreeland sat in an office chair off to the side of an unloading ramp. Dressed in a black gown, sheer black stockings, and matching three inch heels and opera gloves, she should've been ready for a night on the town. But the many white ropes wrapped around her body had put a stop to that. Miss Vreeland was bound separately from the chair itself, wrists crossed behind her back and pinned there with more rope wrapped around her torso. Underneath her breasts was a large coil of rope, covering almost her entire stomach. Another band circled above her breasts, with a glittering diamond necklace resting on top. More ropes pulled her legs together, covering half of the socialite's thighs and shins. Finally, a large, thick white cloth had been pulled over her mouth and nose, secured in place by a large band of tape wrapped around her head, pinning her shoulder-length red hair down. The redhead was stuck on the chair due to more ropes tying her to the back of the chair, and a study pair of handcuffs connected the base to the railings, preventing her from fleeing. "That's strange... I don't see any signs of her kidnappers..." Batgirl thought as she surveyed the situation from her first-story vent. "No one... no cars, no voices, no electronic signals, nothing. This is almost too easy..." Taking a deep breath, she used a device from her utility belt to pry off the grate covering her entrance, quietly moving it aside to quickly crawl out. The bound and gagged captive tilted up her head, quickly spotting Batgirl's approach. "Hmmm... hmm! Hmmlp! (Help!)" Batgirl held a finger to her lips, then put her other finger to Miss Vreeland's getting her to stop her muffled grunts. "Stay quiet. I can get us out of here." She took out a Batarang to begin cutting Miss Vreeland free. Then, her eyes shot wide open. "Wmmt... nmm! (Wait, no!)" She shook her head. Tensing up at her sudden outburst, Batgirl stood still... before whipping around and tossing the Batarang up towards the second story overlooking the ground level. The weapon flew a small distance before a clang was heard, followed by a small curse. Batgirl quickly followed up by pulling out a grappling hook and pulling herself onto the second story awning that went around the entire facility. When she arrived, Batgirl came face-to-face with her man, or at least one of them. He looked like any other of Gotham's dime-a-dozen street thugs; clad in a black leather jacket over a thin dark grey turtleneck, dark khaki pants, brown shoes, and a black fedora. The only difference between them and the one before her were the gas mask on his face and the mismatched gloves on his hands. The right one was a dark blue, and the left was a light gray. Both had strange metallic lines leading up to the fingertips, and the lines traveled upwards to be hidden by his coat. At the man's feet was a sniper rifle, evidently the one he tried shooting Batgirl with. "Nice shot." He said, his casual comment betraying the more serious tone of voice he was trying to convey. "So, you found me out, eh?" Batgirl raised an eyebrow. "'Found you out?' Does that mean you're the only person here?" "I like working on my own, especially for easier targets like Veronica over there." He pointed with his thumb. "I was supposed to wait for a boat, but they were running late. And then you showed up." "Care to tell me exactly who that is?" Batgirl asked. "How 'bout no?" He retorted. It wasn't hard to envision a smirk underneath that mask. Batgirl didn't respond any further, instead taking out another Batarang and tossing it at him, forcing him to dodge. "Okay, we're doing this now then!" "You're awfully chatty!" Batgirl lunged forwards with a punch for the crook. He took the blow head-on, but was able to block the follow-up. Even then, it was clear Batgirl had an upper hand. The crook took a few steps back and reached into his coat, only to be met with another Batarang. "Just give it up and I'll make it quick!" The weapon slashed past the side of his coat, and the thug winced in pain, clutching his side. Seeing an opening, Batgirl rushed forwards with a roundhouse kick. Big mistake. Suddenly, the crook leaned back, just enough to dodge the attack and grab Batgirl. "Gotcha!" He proclaimed, then drew out a gun and pointed it to her side. Just as Batgirl kicked it away with her other leg, he fired... and a syringe lightly pierced the skintight yet sturdy Batsuit. "Huh?" Batgirl said, and yanking it out. A small wave of fatigue washed over her, but she soon shook it off. "Can't afford bullets?" "Too messy." The crook replied with stoic nonchalantness. It was then Batgirl realized he was still holding her ankle, when he yanked her towards him. Spinning her around roughly, he moved the grey glove over her mouth and nose while seizing the cowled crimefighter with her other arm. Batgirl fought and kicked against his grip. The glove didn't cover her mouth tightly, allowing her to shout an angry "Let go of me!" "Why don't you calm down and take a breather?" The crook replied as a sweet-smelling gas suddenly leaked from the pores of his glove, right into Batgirl's nostrils. "Chloroform!" Batgirl quickly realized, and struggled even harder. But by then it was too late. It didn't take long for her kicks to become weaker, or her struggles to become less and less frequent. "No..." She moaned before fully succumbing to the gas, and she fell limp in the kidnapper's hands. "Much better!"He breathed a sigh of relief before gently laying Batgirl onto the dirty floor. He grabbed the bag that was by his initial sniper perch and unzipped it to retrieve a coil of fresh brown rope. With that, he then rolled Batgirl onto her stomach, brushed her cape aside, and pulled her gloved wrists together. Then, it began. He pulled the ropes around her wrists before snaking it up her forearms. Then, he tied some more rope above her elbows to further secure the vigilante. After making sure they were tightly bound, the crook moved down to do the same to Batgirl's legs. Her yellow boots were crossed at the ankles and quickly almost entirely covered by rope, and another smaller coil of ropes was applied underneath her knees The process was repeated with her thighs, which in the end left only a few bits of the costume's legs exposed. Then, working fast, the thug began to top it off by wrapping more rope around Batgirl's torso. Starting beneath the Bat-logo across her chest, he wrapped the rope tightly down her body, pinning Batgirl's already bound arms to her back. He quickly followed up by tying more rope above her chest, then connecting the different torso bindings with rope going over her shoulders and under her armpits. But that wasn't the end of it. Once Batgirl was fully restrained, the crook took out a roll of duct tape and began to reinforce the ropes by covering them in copious amounts of the sticky silver stuff. With the exception of the ropes around her shoulders, Batgirl soon had brown replaced with silver all across her body. He also made sure to wrap tape around her hands to prevent them from accessing her utility belt. "Whew, gotta be sure when binding a bat." He commented. "Let's see, she should be waking up soon. How about... now!" He pointed at Batgirl's face, and got no response. "Huh. Guess I used more than I thou-no, wait, there we go." Batgirl began to stir, her vision blurring slightly before she really came to. "Ah... my head... What?!" She sat up and began to wriggle around, quickly discovering that she couldn't move her arms or legs. "Welcome back. Did you enjoy your little dream?" The crook stood up and folded his arms. Green eyes shot up at him. "You..." Batgirl growled. A look of realizing then dawned on her. "Wait, these bindings are familiar..." She said. "I heard to did something like this to Lo-A reporter back in Metropolis. Coil, right?" "Bingo." Coil nodded. "Glad to know that name's been going around lately. It helps the business." "Hilarious. Now why don't you let me out and we can get to the part where you are left for the cops?" Batgirl snarked. "Dammit, I can't open my utility belt... This guy's actually smart about tying people up..." Coil reached back into the bag, this time retrieving several thick scarves and another roll of tape. "Nah, I never really liked that part. Unless it's a cute lady cop doing the job." Batgirl let out a disgusted huff. "I bet you get all the ladies with lines like that." "Nah, I prefer doing things a bit non-traditionally." Coil responded while folding a scarf in his hands. "Open up, Bats." He then bent down to Batgirl's eye level and pinched her nose shut. Even with her training, the caped vigilante could only keep her mouth shut for so long. "Eh-hmhmmmmm! As soon as her mouth was open, she got a large wad of scarf stuffed inside... and another. And another. Soon her entire mouth was filled with cheap, thick scarves, causing her cheeks to bulge out like a squirrel. "Rrrgggh! Mmmmmm!" This was then followed up by Coil pulling yet another thick cloth between her lips and knotting it underneath her long red hair. "There's more where that came from!" With that said, he pulled another thick cloth over her mouth, and then another that covered the first one and Batgirl's nose. "Hmmmmmmm!" "One last thing!" Coil announced before taking the roll of duct tape and sticking the end to her cheek. He proceeded to wrap it around her head and over her hair to keep the gags secure. The tape did it's job well, and soon the costumed girl was reduced to nothing but a writhing mass of rope and grunts. Coil stood up and dusted off his gloved hands. "Much better!" "Ymmmwmmngmtmmwy!" "I'm just going to assume you said something cliche and will ignore it accordingly." Coil responded, satisfied with his work. "Much as I would love to deal with you, I got a different deal in mind. That being said..." He bent down and slung Batgirl over his shoulder, much to the indignation of the redhead. "Hmmmmmm! Pmmmtmmdwwn!" Coil carried her to the office and sat her on the desk. For a warehouse that wasn't much in much use, the place was surprisingly clean. The windows in particular looked freshly washed, and gave Batgirl a view of the loading dock below. "Anyways, my contacts should be hear in just a moment. Wish I could stay and chat with a cute crimefighter like you, but maybe some other time when you're tied up by my hand!" "Scrwwymm!" Batgirl growled, before spotting his back. "Whrrymmgmng?!" "To work. My contacts are here." Coil opened the door and let out one last wave. "Bye bye, Batgirl!" And with that, the door slammed shut. Batgirl immediately began squirming on top of the ornate wooden desk, but it soon became apparent that she wasn't going anywhere. All she could do was watch as a mid-sized boat rolled in, and another goon walked out onto the unloading dock to meet Coil. The two shook hands, a briefcase (no doubt full of money) was exchanged, and Miss Vreeland was wheeled back onto the deck of the boat. As the other man pulled Miss Vreeland out of view, Coil turned around, looked in Batgirl's direction, and waved. This only served to make Batgirl even angrier. "RRRRGGGGHHHHH!" But it was no use. The boat began to back out of the harbor, while Coil walked away with his payment in hand. Batgirl lowered her head in frustration, and watched the boat slowly... go absolutely nowhere. "Hmm?" The motor was running, everything seemed perfect, but the boat didn't go anywhere for at least five minutes. Batgirl watched, wondering exactly what was going on... and watched while a feminine figure wheeled Mrs. Vreeland back out. Even though her back was facing her, it was hard to mistake the grey silhouette of Catwoman. Batgirl's eyes followed her pulling Miss Vreeland away until she was out of sight. "Does she know I'm here?" Her answer came in the form of a door being slowly opened. "I had a feeling I'd find something in here, but I didn't think it'd be you, kitten." Catwoman teased before sauntering over to the bound redhead, scratching under her chin like a kitten. "Oh, wow. That's some tight ropework there." She said, running a hand over Batgirl's bindings. "Whmm rr ymm hrr? (Why are you here?" Batgirl asked. In response, Catwoman held up a diamond necklace, the same one that was around Miss Vreeland's neck. "I was planning on picking this up for myself, but then our little rich girl had to go and get herself captured. An inconvenience, really." "Cnnymm plmmsh mmntmm mm? (Can you please untie me?)" Batgirl asked, swallowing her dignity for now. Catwoman just put a finger to her cheek in thought. "Hmmmm... What to do, what to-" "HMMMMMM!" "Oh, fine. I can't resist those adorable kitty eyes anyway." Catwoman smirked before beginning to remove the tape over Batgirl's hands. Once she was done, she reached for the vigilante's utility belt to pull out a Batarang, placing it in her hands. At Batgirl's confused expression, Catwoman stepped back. "There, I untied you. You can get out your sell now, can't you?" "Thmmsh mmsn't fnny (This isn't funny.)" Batgirl glared at her. She'd be more angry if the thief didn't leave a way for her to get out herself. Catwoman just shrugged and headed out the door. "Comedy is subjective, dear. See you around!" She blew Batgirl a kiss before shutting the door behind her. Batgirl just sighed into her gag. "Tonight is just not my night..." In the end, Batgirl eventually escaped, freeing Miss Vreeland and leaving the K.O.'d crooks involved in her kidnapping for her father to find. All except one: Coil. She would have to do some more research into him... and bring him to justice! Both for Gotham's sake, and her own dignity. THE END

WARNING: This story contains women in bondage and peril. If this offends you in any way, turn back now. You have been warned. *** “April 2022, time… uh, crap, my watch broke. And my phone. Well, uh, anyways! The facility’s quiet now, but it’s not looking good. Broken pipes, flooding in some areas, electrical hazards. I might not make it out alive. Been on my lonesome ever since I lost the girls from Santa Vega, and-” “…Ash, is there any particular reason you’re making audio diaries instead of, oh I don’t know, figuring a way out of this mess?!” “BECKY! You’re alive!” “I never left. Still can’t find Emmy though.” “THAT’S… probably not very good. I’m sure she’s fine, she’s with Adrianne after all!” “I’m not leaving without her.” “Well, that makes two of us! Ready for some heroic and badass rescues? I’m talking Bruce Campbell style, babyeee~!” “*Sigh*” *** Alright, alright, I know, what the hell was going on exactly? Well to make a long story short, Emmy somehow got convinced to
"Alright boys, be careful with those barrels." A large gruff man said as he was clad in a grey suit and tan overcoat.

"Right boss." Several grunts said as they loaded large wooden barrels onto a truck.

Behind them sitting on a chair was a squirming Batgirl, her wrists were bound behind the chair while rope ran around her arms and chest with her legs securely tied with more rope with a white cloth wrapping around her mouth which muffled her speech.

"Mfmfmf! Rmrmrprm!" Batgirl muffled behind her gag as she squirmed and twisted her body from side to side making the chair rock and creek.

"Alright boss, all loaded up." One of the grunts said a
"Mphpmmmmm," Batgirl moaned into a dirty green cloth gag that was tightly wrapped around her lower face, she was currently forced to sit in a chair with her wrists bound behind the chair back with her ankles pulled together and held in place with a thick crisscross weaving of rope. "Ngngn!" she grunted sharply as she pulled at her bonds, though the rope merely strained to her struggles along with a loud creak of the chair. She was also looking a little roughed up, as she had been investigating a break in only to find a thug trying to get a safe open.

Naturally she entered into a fist fight with the large thug and came out on top, but in her
Several of Joker’s goons had just robbed a bank in order to fund Joker’s latest scheme (four words: Smile-X Gas On Demand). Batgirl was on her way to the bank to stop their illegal financial transaction. But little did she know, someone else was already there to deal with them...

Upon getting there, the heroine crawled through the smashed glass window. No one was there (the employees and patrons all must’ve evacuated), but she could hear punching noises coming from the bank’s vault followed up by several gunshots!

Racing to the vault, Barbra was stunned by what she saw: inside were several of Joker’s goons all
Nananananananananananananananananananana BAT-DAMSEL! Our next contest reward is here! This story is brought to you from the head of second place winner , an artist with an unhealthy obsession a hearty appreciation for Batgirl, and Barbara Gordon's Batgirl in particular. He also likes heavy bondage and gags, hence the bigger focus on bondage for this piece. Thus, here is a story about Batgirl invading a warehouse to rescue a kidnapped heiress and being captured in the process! Any similarities between this story and the first episode of Batman Beyond is purely coincidental. Fun fact about this story, and our villain Coil in particular. Initially, Pokecaptor had trouble figuring out what he wanted for his reward, so we decided to do a DCAU-based RP featuring Batgirl with a premise very similar to what we have here. We went for an OC villain, and in the process created Coil and everything about him more or less on the spot. Despite this rushed creation, the two of us had a blast RPing with him and got more and more attached to this rushjob of a character. So after some expansion, Coil is now sort of a joint OC between Pokecaptor and I. Said RP also led to his idea for the reward, and here we are. Not sure if I'll be expanding on him on my page any time soon, but I do want to try so
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