Barrister Job Description

Barrister Job Description

Barristers usually work in a self-employed capacity, advising solicitors and other clients about legal matters. Some are employed by firms to behave for him or her. They will usually specialise in a specific division of law like family law, criminal law, corporate law or injury law.

On every day basis they will • Accept briefs or cases and research certain areas of the law • Using their expertise and knowledge of law provide oral and written advice to solicitors and other professionals • Prepare for court with regards to paperwork, meeting with clients and holding conferences • Appeare in the court for clients, cross-examine witnesses and present arguments for the judge and jury • Arrange settlement amounts following cases • Prepare legal documents on the close of a case

Depending on what part of law the barrister specialises in that room might be more or less time spent in the court. For criminal law cases she or he will need to appear in court quite a bit, but for complex corporate law cases, more time will be spent on drafting documents and research than in the courtroom.

Pay differs widely with regards to the part of law practiced. Junior barristers in certain areas can earn approximately A�90,000 in the novice if working in corporate law. Less lucrative sectors may alternatively had net a brand new barrister just A�10,000. More senior barristers will earn on average between A�40,000 to A�200,000 per year.

Very experienced barristers with more than 10 years experience could make A�1,000,000 - one example if a barrister works as being a Queens Council (QC).

Pay to have an employed barrister also varies widely - on average from A�30,000 to A�150,000.

Self-employed barristers need to pay for things like the upkeep of their chambers themselves and never have holiday pay. The work may be demanding and stressful, particularly for those starting out in their career where there is going to be a necessity to function extended hours for potentially little pay.

There Defence lawyer Sydney of positive factors however; such as the potential to earn a lot of money, addititionally there is the status and intellectual stimulation.

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