Barred Spiral Galaxy NGC 1365 from Webb | 2023-02-18 - NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

Barred Spiral Galaxy NGC 1365 from Webb | 2023-02-18 - NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

Explanation: A mere 56 million light-years distant toward thesouthern constellation Fornax,NGC1365 is an enormousbarred spiral galaxy about 200,000 light-years in diameter.That's twice the size of our own barred spiral Milky Way.This sharp imagefrom theJames Webb Space Telescope'sMid-Infrared Instrument (MIRI)reveals stunning detailsof this magnificent spiralin infrared light.Webb'sfield of viewstretches about 60,000 light-yearsacross NGC 1365, exploring the galaxy's core and bright newborn star clusters.The intricate network of dusty filaments and bubbles iscreated by young stars along spiral arms winding from thegalaxy's central bar.Astronomers suspectthe gravity field of NGC 1365's bar playsa crucial role in the galaxy's evolution,funneling gas and dust into astar-forming maelstromand ultimately feeding materialinto the active galaxy's central,supermassive black hole.

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