Barefoot Tickle And Worship Lesbian

Barefoot Tickle And Worship Lesbian


Barefoot Tickle And Worship Lesbian
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Maia Gartinrose sat next to the teacher’s desk, watching her lecture the students about the importance of passing summer school. Maia was a very pretty young women, with her shoulder length black her and her stunning green eyes. Her tan skin naturally glistened in the sunlight that penetrated the window. Maia was Miss Greene’s teacher’s assistant, helping her teach college math. In addition to being extremely pretty, Maia was also a genius, being four years younger than the teacher at 20 years of age with the same degree. Though Maia agreed with everything Miss Greene was talking about, she was too occupied to pay any attention to her. She was constantly thinking about her feet screaming for release. For the first day of the class, Maia had decided to wear a short-sleeved white polyester blouse, a short, blue skirt with no adornments, and a pair of brown boots. “Why did I have to wear boots?” Maia asked herself. Though she was sorely tempted to remove the unsightly footwear right then and there, she knew it would have been rude. So she had to endure another hour of class while Miss Greene talked about the course curriculum. The room was stiflingly hot, making her situation even more unbearable. Finally, the teacher announced that it was time for a break, and everyone filed out of the room until just Maia and Miss Greene were left. “Maia, do you mind watching the room for a few minutes, I have to get something out of my car?” asked Miss Greene. Maia saw her chance. “Sure,” she said. As soon as Miss Greene left, Maia kicked off her oppressive boots. Maia took less than a second to look at her socked feet before she pulled her black socks off. “Aaaaahhhhhhhh,” said Maia as she felt the air rush between her toes. This was perhaps the most relieved that she had ever felt in her entire life. Maia propped her newly bared feet on top of the desk and studied them. Maia had small, beautiful feet. They were a nice tan color with neither jewelry nor nail polish. As Maia studied her feet, she didn’t notice Miss Greene walk in. “Hmm, it turns out that I actually had my phone in my purse,” she said. Then she looked at Maia and stopped. She gave Maia a good look, casting her eyes longest upon Maia’s recently bared feet, then smiled. “Oh wow. Yeah, you must’ve been hot in those boots. It probably feels good to get those shoes and socks off and let those tootsies breathe!” Maia was surprised by her response. She had expected Miss Greene to chastise her for “unprofessionalism”. “My feet feel really uncomfortable right now,” she muttered. “Then why don’t you take your shoes and socks off?” Maia asked. “Well… actually, I don’t really know why,” she said. “Well then take them off and let your tootsies breathe!” Maia said. “You’re right,” she smiled. She quickly removed her black shoes and, like Maia, hesitated for a second before peeling off her socks. Instantly, her shoulders dropped and she looked extremely relaxed. “Thanks, Maia!” “No problem,” she said. Maia studied Miss Greene’s feet. They were a little pale as if they had rarely seen daylight, but they were pretty none-the-less. Each of the second toes had a silver toe ring. Suddenly, Maia wanted to get one too. “Well Maia, I don’t think I’ll be putting those on any time soon!” she said. “Me neither,” said Maia. looking at her boots in disgust. The break then just ended and students began entering the classroom. The desk only had four legs attached to it, so their bare feet were exposed to everyone. The male students instantly saw their bared feet, and starred at them. Maia felt flattered. Some of the girls looked upon their feet with jealousy. “Welcome back…” Miss Greene began, but before she could continue one girl raised her had. She was a pretty blonde girl that was about twenty years old. “Umm, excuse me, but do you mind if I take my shoes off?” she asked, staring at my recently exiled boots. The question caught Mrs. Greene by surprise, so I answered for her. “Sure, go ahead. Set those puppies free!” I said. She gave me a wide smile, showing off her white teeth. She quickly pulled her red sneakers off, and proceeded to remove her socks. “This feels sooo good. I forgot that the best part of wearing shoes is the feeling you get when they come off,” she said, wiggling her feet. Maia completely agreed with the statement. She propped her feet on her desk, airing out her toes and showing off her creamy soles. Many guys starred at her in a not-so-subtle manner. Over the next hour Mrs. Greene taught algebraic distribution for an hour. Then, Maia took over and taught the class as well. As she wrote on the board, her bare soles were shown off to the class. In the corner of her eyes she could see the guys in the class starring at them. “They probably know my foot better then they know the laws of distribution,” Maia thought. Soon afterwards, class ended, and Maia proceeded to leave the classroom, carrying her boots and socks in her left hand. Before she left, Miss Greene called Maia. “Maia,” she said. Maia turned around. She smiled. “Thanks for giving me the courage to set my feet free,” she said. Maia smiled back and left the classroom. Maia waited for her friend, Marlene, to pick her up in the college’s parking lot. While she was waiting, she suspected that guys walking by were checking out her bare feet. Finally, she saw her friend’s car pull up to her. Maia got into the front seat and threw her shoes and socks on the floor. “Hey Maia, how was the first day?” Marlene asked. Maia remembered what had happened, and smiled. “Great,” she said. Maia propped her feet on the dashboard, letting her recently blackened soles absorb the sunlight, which now felt so good. “Hey, what happened to your shoes and socks?” Marlene asked. Maia then told her what had happened, and she laughed. “Wow, that’s pretty funny. It’s really cool that she let you take your shoes and socks off,” she said. Maia looked down at Marlene’s feet. She was wearing a pair of tennis shoes with white socks. Maia noticed that Marlene rubbed her shoes together in discomfort. Sudden, Maia smiled. “Marlene, you look a little tense. Why don’t you follow my lead,” she said, wiggling her toes. “Umm, well...” she said. She saw at how peaceful Maia looked and suddenly said, “Why not?” She stopped the car, untied her tennis shoes, and eased them off with her toes. She set her socked feet on the floor, and wiggled her toes in the oppressive fabric. Finally, she hooked her finger in her left foot, and slowly pulled it off. She proceeded to do the same with her left. Her toes wiggled in the carpet. “Aahhh, that’s the ticket. Thanks Maia!” she said. She started the car and put one of her bared feet on the left rearview window, letting it breathe in the fresh air. Both girls smiled at each other and drove off, happy to be barefoot in the car during the summer.

The Texas sun was beating down on Jackie's red hair as she walked from her apartment to the library nearby to look for some reference books. She was a freshman in college, and even though she came from a long line of Texas women who attended the same school, she still had yet to learn how to deal with the blazing heat. Despite the temperatures, she always maintained a sense of cowgirl fashion. Sexy skirts, lacy blouses, and of course, cowgirl boots. The walk was barely a mile, but she was sweating heavily and yet the drops running down her back and legs sent chills up and down her spine. It was ridiculous, she thought.

As she rounded a bend
I was in college a few years ago and I had a friend, I always thought he liked feet, as he use to take off mine and my friends shoes all the time. One time him and a few of his friends all dared me to spend a whole day at college barefoot. I pretended like I thought the idea was scary, but really I was kind of excited for an opportunity to not wear shoes all day!! So the next day I arrived at college and met my friend in the social room.

'Ok! Shoes off!!' he said… I thought maybe he had forgotten about the dare but I agreed. I remember I had zebra pattern flats on (no socks) with pink painted nails, and I was wearing denim shorts. I kic
Barefoot and Popular

Part 1

Belinda Rice was in pain. More specifically, her feet were in pain. The great-looking new sneakers were too tight, and with each step she took, her poor feet practically screamed in agony. She had known they were too small in the store, but they had been sold out of the next larger size, and she just had to have them. Sitting in her college classes all day had been okay, but that was before she'd missed the last bus and had to walk home.

Belinda grit her teeth, and almost let out an anguished whimper, as she was sure her feet were disintegrating from being squeezed into the snazzy little traps surely made
No Shoes Pizza - Take Out

Work Lunch

There's a thing about summer. The days are sometimes warm, sometimes hot, and sometimes HOT. This was one of those all-cap days. It was HOT.
While I love summertime, HOT days - well they are very little fun. The heat just seems to press against you and holds you down, body and soul. The hours move along sticky and slow. Sometimes you need to find an oasis.

That's why I decided to treat myself to a special lunch. I believe every day you should give yourself a little present. This was going to be mine. A half hour spent in a little oasis I knew.

No Shoes Pizza.

The walk was a little longer than my usua
My first barefoot short story about a young teacher's assistant. Please criticize as I am new to this and am young. Thanks.
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No teacher. Just me and my curriculum for the little girls.I can see that my favorite student Jasmine has worn her strappy 7 years old she's an absolute stunner....jet black skin...the color of dark cream. When she leans over for something she arches her foot and I see the pink sole..soft and to such contrast with her darkness. She has me so hard that I have to stay seated. I drop a pencil and stoop down to get it.....and as I look over....there...under her jean skirt...the only other part of this Amazing young girl that is pink. Just a small slice of perfection. I decide that Jasmine is going to have to stay after class......

A couple years ago I was doing custodial work in a hospital and was in charge of cleaning the Nurse's breakrooms. On a couple of occasions, at the end of the day, I had noticed this one tall brunette (around 5'10" or so) nurse who used to take off her shoes and relax her bare feet on the chair next to her. She had the prettiest painted purple toes and what looked to be very large, soft feet. The next day, before she decided to sit down and still had her shoes on, I had overheard that she was having car problems and was waiting for the bus to arrive, which there was a gap between the end of her shift. Knowing that I was done with my shift to, here was a chance to make my move.... I told her I am done now too and would be more than happy to give you a ride home. She responded " OMG I really appreciate that, you don't mind, do you?" I said of course not (thinking in my head if she only knew)

 I end up taking her home and when she was ready to leave the car, she thanked me several times and asked" What do I owe you for gas money?" I said nonsense don't worry about it, you are not that far from me. After going back and forth she finally gave in and said "Well ok, well I certainly owe you." As she opened the car door, I said wait, there is one thing..... I am turning really red at this point and said I can't help it but you have the most beautiful feet I ever seen. Do you like your feet massaged?" Very shocked she answered I knew you liked my feet, you kept staring at them. I love my feet massaged. Do you want to come in the house?" I said sure. We get in her house and I have to say I was a little surprised, the place was an absolute mess. I wouldn't expected an attractive professional nurse to live the way that she did.... dishes piled in the sink, laundry all over, it was like a zoo she had dogs, cats, birds, it stunk in there. She reiterated a few times to "Please excuse the mess and that she can't stand a clean house" (and giggled) So after moving a couple things off her couch in her very messy living room, she proceeds to kick off her very well-worn light blue Asics sneakers… She then says "Oh my feet ache so bad, you came to the rescue." She then gets to the socks, which were mismatched multi colored and stained.... I could already sense of strong smell brewing, Once she kicked off those it was game over and vinegar and strong cheesy blend permeated the room. She laughed and said " I hope you like stinky feet" I said I do. I proceeded to give them a big solid long whiff and was so turned on. I then went ahead and gave her a long, 30 min foot massage and smelled her feet, shoes and socks over and over. It was like I was in heaven.... This was our little secret. She had switched jobs and haven't had as much contact but do still call her every now and then. She had some of the best size 10 soles I have seen. I wish I had some pics. 
Wow, so , did you met her again

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So... after several attempts and missed phone calls and texts me and the nurse finally reconnected last night.... it was fantastic!
Update, I did reconnect with the Nurse last night. I have tried to connect with her more often. i have tried texting, calling, etc. Finally around last week she returned my call and we chatted. I explained how much I love her beautiful feet and would love to massage and worship them more frequently. After going back and forth she basically said look I appreciate you and all, but it is a little weird and she giggled. She goes I mean I like my feet massaged and all, but I can't believe you really enjoy this. I told her that it's a fetish I have had for a very long time. She started to understand and replied I see, I see. Well in that case, she said what's in it it for me? - I mean I like having my feet massaged but what else am I getting out of it other than your personal pleasure? I said good point, as I thought in my head what to say next. 

Then all the sudden she goes I'll make you a deal and giggled.... She says remember your mother's delicious food? I said yeah of course (My mother is straight from Italy and makes amazing homemade Italian food. One time when the Nurse was over my mom had brought four homemade cannolis over for my sons and me, just before the Nurse arrived. The Nurse had other plans and wasn't going to share LOL... she ate all four of the cannolis LOL) Remembering this she said I remember those cannolis were sooooo good and remember you saying what a good cook she is. You bring me her food, then you can massage my feet. Knowing that my mother is constantly making delicious food, I figure this is no problem at all.

A week passes and its finally time to meet up with the Nurse at her house - it's still a pig pen and a complete mess LOL. I greet her and hug her and make a little small talk about COVID and all. During this time she is eyeing the Tupperware and what treats I have. As I was telling her something, she interrupts and says so what do you got for food and laughed and explained that she was so hungry after working all day. I showed her the pasta dish and she practically ripped it out of my hand and immediately attacked the piece of bread that went with it. She explained let me eat before we get into the feet. Side note, I know other guys are into the burping fetish too, when she was eating the pasta dish she gulped down a big swig of Coke and let out one of the biggest, longest burps I have ever heard. I looked in disbelief as she giggled. I said I can't believe you just burped out loud like that.... the men in my family never do that lol. She looked at me and laughed and said, you see the way I keep my house, I'm a pig Oink, Oink, Oink!  

As dinner is ending she is making her way to the living room for the main event. I told her that I needed to get something out of car (a surprise) She says okay I'm going to lay on the couch. I come back in and give her the surprise - its a tray of assorted homemade Italian cookies. At this point the Nurse is ecstatic and is saying I thought the dinner was delicious enough and was very grateful. As she started eat a couple she was in heaven, ooing and awwwing at how good they were. She said if you bring me this food you can worship my feet all you want.  

Eating them left and right, she looked at me and says ok massage my smelly feet and giggled.I proceed to take off her socks (ST Patrick's themed- the Nurse is Irish) She said that she had worn the same socks for 5 shifts straight once she found out I was coming. I am so turned on at this point as she is letting me worship these rancid socks all the while she is still pigging out on cookies. I have never seen anybody eat as many cookies as she did. One after another with what seemed like one was tastier than the previous. She was very gluttonous LOL.  

Smelling her socks was one of the best experiences i have ever had. Once I got to her feet I couldn't be more happier. She had green painted nails and waved them in my face. Over and over she kept laughing saying to smell her feet and give me more cookies.... it was the hottest thing ever.  The smell was more vinegary than the previous times. We both had a lot of fun. As I was getting ready to leave she thanked me for the food and reiterated you bring me this kind of food you can worship my feet whenever you want....looks like I found a new strategy LOL.  
Wow, this sounds like it could be the intro to an awesome (fictional) story where you become the nurse's cleanup servant (eventually slave) in return for being allowed to worship her feet.
All( 0 ) 0 0 0 0 0 0
Sounds fictional! With so many encounters not a single picture?
Personally I don't want this to turn fictional unless things end and we're told about it. I think it's interesting enough as it is. Sounds kind of fun/funny and I've always wanted to find someone who is on their feet alot to worship like this, still seeking someone currently that can really appreciate the massages and attention too so I can relate.

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Got to talk to the nurse yesterday!
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Alright gang. As a long time fan of tickling stories, i ahve decided to write my own. Please e-mail me and let me know what you think.
Cindy was very upset. She had be
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