Bare Spankings

Bare Spankings


Bare Spankings

A Girl’s First Bare Bottom Spanking – True Story

Daughter Spanked by Mother , F/f , I Was Spanked

Daughter Spanked by Mother , F/f , I Was Spanked

A young girl recounts her first bare bottom spanking as administered by her strict mother: “Protest became clearly pointless as my knickers were removed completely.”
You are welcome to contact the author, Tracy Tony.
I was not born until the mid-90s a time when spanking was becoming unfashionable. It was outlawed in schools and rarely used in homes.
My parents were very religious and strict Christians whose child-rearing principles were founded upon “Spare the rod, spoil the child,” and “A child should be seen and not heard.” I was a timid youngster and soon learned that any tantrums or misbehaviour meant a slap on the legs or on the seat of my knickers in my very early years.
I was about eight years old when punishments became more severe. Several times on the way home from school I had rung a neighbour’s door chime and ran away. The neighbour had complained to my mother who had told me off and warned me not to do it again. I did not for a couple of weeks but then one afternoon the temptation became too much: I pressed the button and immediately the door opened – the lady grabbed my shoulder and marched me straight down the road to my home.
When my mother answered the door, the neighbour told her what I had been up to, again. We entered the lounge as Mum listened to the lady’s detailed account of my offence and her ensuing annoyance. Mum became furious, grabbed my wrist and led me to the drawing room where she sat down and proceeded to pull me across her lap. I was a slight girl so this took little doing. She lifted my school skirt, tucked the hem into the waistband then started pulling down my knickers. This was the first time I had pleaded with my mother not to spank me, especially with the lady present. This protest became clearly pointless as my knickers were removed completely. I was trembling: My nose almost touching the carpet, feet dangling just off the floor and legs shaking – the position was inescapable. Then Mum’s hand came down with a sting far worse than anything before and now for the first time on my bare bottom. Her hand lit into my naked flesh with 10 to 12 solid, searing cracks. When she let me get up I was sobbing and raced to my bedroom.
When the pain had eased slightly, I ventured downstairs. By this time my father was home from work and proceeded to lecture me for what seemed like an age. Mum assured me that what she had done earlier would happen again if there was further naughtiness or misbehaviour and that I would be spanked in front of anyone present. To close the matter, she would meet me from school the following day to visit the neighbour where I would say sorry and promise never do it again. After we had our evening meal I was sent to bed.
When I entered my room and closed the door behind me I was greeted for the first time by a cane hanging behind the door. From then on it was the last thing I saw before going to sleep and the first thing I saw on waking. While I said nothing at breakfast, eventually Mum asked, “Have you seen the cane?” That was a silly comment I thought. Mum said she felt it when younger and I would soon feel it if there was any more misbehaviour adding that it should not be removed from where it hung. I was packed off to school thinking about the cane all day. As promised, Mum met me after school and I suffered the shame of apologizing to the neighbour. Upon returning home I immediately went to my room and inspected the cane; I never hid nor even moved it for the next eight years. The cane was on show for everyone to see including friends when they visited to play music or do homework, workmen, window cleaners and neighbours from across the road.
Mum did punish me again over the years sometimes with others present but fortunately or unfortunately, depending on how you view, never used the cane. However, I still have it to this day as it very useful for role play with my partner.
You are welcome to contact the author, Tracy Tony.
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A very authentic story that reflects my personal experience.
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Hi Tracy, How exactly do you prepare for a bare bottom spanking? Did your mom use her hand the first time? I see you mention a caning. I am in Michigan and don’t what exactly a caning is. We get either the hand, paddle or belt or all three. I’m 18 but its Mom’s house her rules.
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A cane is a long thin stick-like segment of rattan or bamboo.
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Thank you for the excellent story. I speak from experience when I say you were lucky not to get the cane.
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Great story. I enjoy a good spanking.
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Very well written and nice recollection of your mom “getting to the bottom” so to speak of matters.
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Great story, Tracy. Good to hear that you got what you had coming. I look forward to hearing more.
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I am the author of this story. Please be invited to leave a comment or contact me through the email address included above.
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Great story .. I hope to hear more….. I am more of a paddle person though!
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This story is quite authentic and you told it very well. I personally never got the cane and cannot imagine how much it hurts. Glad you didn’t have to find out either!
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This was very well written and was straight to the point in a sincere and honest way. I wanted to know as time went by and you were spanked for disobedience, misbehavior or other things that were dealt with in this manner, what different implements were used? I also wanted to know if you had actually been spanked by another person that was not in your family?
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As someone who endured many over the knee spankings from both parents, I can honestly say it is the most used style of punishment in the UK when I was growing up. Nice story and indeed nice to hear. The child should always end up with a sore bottom after.
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I received a lot of spankings like this, you hit the nail on the head.
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The Study of Corporal Punishment and Spanking for Discipline
A bare bottom spanking is so very effective for many reasons, which is why it is still a common practice in the homes of the US, when an older teen girl needs to be punished . When it comes to a young lady having to bare her bottom for a spanking, the first thing that comes to mind is the fact that it will hurt more as a result of being on the bare skin. While this is indeed true, let’s take a look at all of the benefits of a bared bottom for a spanking .
Mom knows that a bare bottom spanking works much better
When the teenage girl finds herself in trouble for a minor offense, and may have only earned herself a handspanking, it is pretty much mandatory that her bottom be bared for the process. A handspanking over pants and panties does very little to provide much sting, and the only way any sort of lesson is going to be learned is with skin to skin contact. A handspanking, by design, only really works during the course of the punishment, as the sting goes away pretty quickly, with no long term discomfort. The only real benefit is for the parent to provide as much sting as possible, so her bottom must be bared to make in progress in her learning.
By baring her bottom, he is clearly achieving the desired results.
Clearly baring a young lady’s bottom is not limited to a handspanking and a punishment with any implement can be further enhanced with a bare bottom. An implement such as a belt becomes even more effective, as a belt is an implement with the potential for a lot of sting. A belt can be used with great effect over a teen girl’s pants, especially if it is a heavy belt. But there is no doubt that leather applied to her bare skin is far more effective in getting the desired results. But the purpose of baring a teen girl’s bottom goes so far beyond just that of adding more sting.
Mom bared her tiny teen bottom before getting to work with the belt.
The baring of a bottom brings additional psychological factors that can serve to make a punishment far more memorable than just making it hurt more. Often the perception of pain, prior to the spanking, can be just as memorable as the spanking itself. Picture the young lady, in a shit load of trouble, standing before her dad as his belt is pulled from his pants . It is already bad for her, as she sees that dad is going to use the belt , so she knows she is really in for it. This is not a simple handspanking from mom, and she knows this is going to be the real deal. Just when it seems like it is going to be as bad as it gets, she hears those dreaded words from dad, “ turn around, bare your bottom, and bend over ”. What was already going to be a memorable punishment, just because all that more effective. As she pulls down her pants and panties and bends over, a real lesson is already being learned. Many teen girls find themselves in tears, as the bare their little butts, knowing how bad it is going to be. Before the belt is ever applied to her teen bottom , the learning has already begun.
Dad learned a long time ago that his belt is far more effective on her bare bottom.
Another great benefit of a bare bottom spanking is demonstrating to the teen girl, who thinks she is all grown up, that she will be treated exactly how she acts, and regardless of her age, her parents are still in charge. After the age of eight or nine, most girls reach a point where there parents do not see them in any state of undress at all. It is a common progression in most households, in which privacy and modesty are respected. But when it comes to her discipline, all bets are off, and her behavior directly affects the amount of modesty she is allowed. Picture the little princess, spoiled rotten, with her own car, the biggest and best IPhone, lives on Twitter and Facebook, and just thinks she is all that. But when the time comes, that a real impression needs to be made about her attitude and being too big for her britches, a bare bottom spanking is the great equalizer.
Those three simple words “bare your bottom” have a very real effect on someone’s behavior. She thinks she is all grown up and in control, but when it comes down to it, her parents are still in charge. There are very few situations in life in which someone can demand that someone else show their butt. But when a parent feels the nature of her offense requires it, they can indeed exercise this option. Nothing deflates a young lady’s ego, and sense of entitlement, then having to present her bare bottom to be spanked . Being cute, popular, with well-off parents does nothing to help her in this situation. Quite simply, she acted like a spoiled little brat, and as a result, her spoiled little bare bottom is going to be given the attention it deserves.
Each and every time it is required, dad has her bare her teen bottom for a good paddling.
There are two variations on a bare bottom spanking. The first requires her to bare her own bottom and present it to be punished . This is very effective as it gives her full ownership of the spanking. Mom is not going to pin her down and pull her pants down; she is required to do it herself. She is actually cooperating by helping to provide a situation that is going to make her punishment more painful. This is her spanking, mom wants it to hurt as much as possible , and she is going to have to assist in the entire process. This can be a very powerful component to a proper spanking and when all is said and done, she will be a better person by helping to make her own discipline as effective as possible.
It does not matter that she is 18, mom always makes her bare her bottom and present it for each and every spanking.
The other variation is for the parent to bare the bottom of the teen girl that is about to be spanked . This goes to the earlier point of showing a young lady that is her behavior requires it, that her parents still have the right to bare her bottom . There is no other situation in a typical home in which a mom or a dad can demand that their 17-18 year old daughter has to show any part of her anatomy. But if her behavior requires it, she not only has to bare her bottom, but they will actually do it for her. It demonstrates who is actually in control in the home. They are not only going to spank her teen butt, they will actually pull down her pants and her panties to do so.
Sent to her room so a dose of mom’s belt. Mom bares her bottom to show her who is really in charge.
I have never believed that anyone should be humiliated over the course of corporal punishment , but I believe that embarrassment can go a long way to supplement any form of discipline. Picture the typical teen girl and how she lives her daily life. Lots people will do whatever is required to not be embarrassed, hell, this alone can often lead to bad behavior. There are many girls who get in trouble because they do not want to embarrass themselves by being the only one that will not engage in a certain activity. Well do you know what is very embarrassing for the teenage girl? Having to bare her bottom for her mom or her dad, so they can give her a good whoopin . They will be just as likely to adjust their behavior to avoid presenting their bare butts for a spanking as they will to avoid the actual pain of a spanking.
Paddled in the living room, after dinner, with the family present.
A bare bottom spanking that takes place in a common area of a house, can further add to the overall embarrassment. Being sent to her room to wait for her bare bottom spanking is one thing, but knowing that it can happen right there in the dining room, is something completely different. I cannot think of a teen girl in this world that will not give a second thought to her behavior if she knows the results are getting her bare bottom spanked in front of whatever family members are present . It only takes a single whoopin with a belt, on her bare butt, in the middle of the family room, while her little brothers watching, to make a very real change in her behavior. We have now taken something that might only have the potential to hurt and changed it into a situation she would never want to be in, even without the spanking.
A paddling right after school, in the living room, with her brothers watching.
Beyond all of these other factors that make a bare bottom spanking effective , we still come back to the point that a spanking on her bare bottom hurts much more . Is this not the point of a spanking? A spanking should provide as much pain as the situation calls for. We are talking about the punishment of older teen girls , not little children, so clearly the spanking needs to hurt a lot to be an actual deterrent. If she is able to just suck it up and it not hurt all that much, it does nothing to change behavior. So the spanking should take place in a manner that brings the most amount of pain to her bottom , which can be applied in a safe manner. A bare bottom also allows the parent to gauge the progress that they are making. A belt applied over her jeans, with her kicking, screaming, and throwing a fit, does not allow the parent to effectively gauge the actual progress that is being made. Maybe she is just putting on an act and playing it all up to end things quicker. But when a parent chooses to bare the bottom , they can check their work as they go. A bottom that is barely pink does nothing for a long term change in attitude. But with a bare bottom, they can see when real results are being achieved. Regardless of how much she is carrying on, the spanking needs to be applied long enough and hard enough, that her bottom ends up sore. When she is bent over and her teen bottom is bared , they will be able to see first-hand when her bottom starts to bruise . This allows them to accurately apply the lesson required and get exactly the result that not only they are looking for, but have been earned.
With her bottom bared, her dad can continue to paddle her until he can actually see a lesson being learned.
All animations come from the realistic spanking videos at

Hard bare bottom spanking
Hard bare bottom spanking

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Uploaded By : strictspank
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Video Time: 5:28

What a great spanking!! I love her hands, lol
I wish my husband would spank me like this!
you should have spanked her hands with that paddle every time she tried to cover her bottom that would have stopped that .
Wonderful spanking on her gorgeous, spankable bare bottom which turns a nice blush shade of pink and jiggles seductively as she is being spanked. Her wimpers and cries only heighten the overall impact. Switching from his bare hand to the red paddle and back to his hand was inspired. Has the spankee made any other videos?
Sweetie pie... a girl has to climb down from her tree eventually. And look at the fun she has when she does! I enjoyed this from start to finish! From her being swept to the arm of that fine leather chair, to her eagerly rushing off to her corner to avoid further sting of his hand and paddle. The combination of her giggling and whimpering is a definite sign that a man is doing his job right! This was a wonderful balance of playful and mildly serious. This one's going in my short list of favorites!
Some women are just born to be spanked. And this one, with those wonderful curves and gentle whimpering, is definitely one of them. Thanks for sharing this you two.


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