Bare Spanking

Bare Spanking


Bare Spanking
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Spankings in our house were never given on the bare bottom – our dad usually smacked both my younger brother and I at least over our underpants.
The only exception was one day when my then 10-year-old brother James was sentenced to a spanking, and was told he would be given it at bedtime. Unbeknown to me or my parents, just before coming downstairs after his bath, James not only put on several pairs of pants (we weren’t supposed to wear underwear to bed) but also wedged a thin paperback book between two of the layers. Of course, only a 10-year-old boy who had read too many comics could think that this plan would work!
Dad fetched the wooden spatula that was kept for our spankings from the kitchen, then took my brother across his knee. Obviously, as soon as he delivered the first whack to my brother’s seat, Dad knew something was amiss, from both the deadened sound and the way the spatula bounced off his son’s rear end.
Dad halted the punishment and put his hand down the back of my brother’s pyjama bottoms and it came out holding the book. With an growl of anger, Dad threw the book across the room – narrowly missing my right ear, I might add.
Then he stood James up and without any further ceremony, one by one he took down his pyjama bottoms, then three pairs of underpants, until my brother was standing bare bottomed in front of the whole family. I was 13 by then and it was the first time for a long while that I had seen James’ bottom and willy, and he blushed beetroot red at his mum and big sister seeing his private parts.
Having cleared the decks for action, Dad put James back over his knee, his rather pudgy bare bottom clear for all to see, and smacked him till he couldn’t sit with the spatula. Needless to say, he never tried that trick again!
Other than that, spankings at our house were usually rare and quite tame, and Dad would usually have to grab and wrestle us to keep us in place to be whacked.
Things were quite different at my aunt and uncle’s house. They had three children, all younger than me, and were fundamentalist Christians. They had a purpose-made spanking paddle for correcting their children, and the kids were expected to submit obediently to their punishments.
My aunt and uncle were also firm believers giving it on the bare bottom. Perhaps they thought it safer and of course it was certainly more effective. I think they certainly believed that leaving unevenly coloured skin was a more serious offence than invading a child’s modesty, and that the shame and embarrassment of being bare bottom and bent over was as an important part of the punishment as the actual spanking.
When their children were naughty, my uncle would simply say to the offender: “Go and get the paddle.” Once it had been fetched, he would tell the child: “Pants and undies down”, or “Skirt up and panties down”, then tell them ‘bend over’ in a stern but conversational voice.
If the recipient tried to get out of position or protect their bottom, my uncle would begin counting and added as many hard swats to the child’s thighs as he had counted to before they took their hands away. He never yelled at the children and never hit them anywhere but their bottom and upper thighs, and when it was all over he would cuddle them tenderly and rub their bottom better.
As you might expect, those children behaved pretty well. They knew the rules of the house and the consequences for disobeying, and they accepted those consequences when they broke the rules. They certainly loved and respected their father, and there was part of me that was quite jealous of their relationship, as our own father was certainly more distant with us.
However, I did think it was crazy that they would just drop their pants and bend over a desk knowing their bottom was about to be whipped until it was like a ripe tomato. They even admitted to doing things which they knew would result in a meeting between the spanking paddle and their bare bottom.
I was a pretty good kid and couldn’t lie to save my life, so if I was accused of something naughty I’d done, I would normally confess, even if I knew it meant a sore bottom. But I certainly never walked up to my parents and volunteered such information!
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Date Posted: 11:37:25 07/02/14 Wed

Were all of your spankings on the bare bottom? When I was growing up my parents administered all of my spankings that I can recall with my trousers and underpants down, on my bare bottom. This meant that I viewed being bared as a regular part of the punishment so although I feared getting spankings I didn't really fear my trousers coming down.

I had one childhood friend with whom I sometimes talked about spankings as we knew that we both got spanked at home. I remember how he said that he was only spanked bare bottom when he was getting a more severe punishment and he seemed to really fear having his bottom bared.

Did anyone have it where bare bottom spankings were reserved for more serious misbehavior? If so do you think it made having your bottom bared more of an event that was to be feared?

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[> Subject: Re: Bare bottom spankings

Date Posted: 18:39:32 07/02/14 Wed

James, I didn't fear the fact pants were taken down, but the fact I had a spanking, or when older a whipping, coming. Dad was into saying 'get'em down boy' & that was the signal verbal talking was over & the paddle/belt was addressing my transgression now bare butt.

As a little kid, it was across the seated lap & then my little britches & undies got pulled down so my bare tush got the hand smacks.

There was a rumor in HS that the principal had a small leather strap in the office reserved for serious offenses & your parents would be called for permission to lower your trousers to whip the seat of your skivvies. Never heard of this actually happening in 4 years but influenced some of us guys to toe-the-mark closer to avoid--think we knew he'd get permission from most dads & it would be the first of 2 whipping pants down.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Bare bottom spankings

JackP to JoeR
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Date Posted: 11:57:54 07/03/14 Thu

In elementary school (K - 8th grade) we had an assistant principal, Mr. M, who, if he thought your behavior was sufficiently egregious, would march you to the boys locker room and require you to drop your pants and underpants and apply the paddle to your bare butt. This practice was well known in the school, and, as far as I could tell, was only applicable to boys in the sixth to the eighth grades. This kind of paddling was dished out rarely, but often enough to keep the boys in those grades nervous and respectful when they were dealing with the assistant principal. Mr. M's regular hallway paddlings were legendary for the fire they put on your fanny so we were absolutely terrified of having our butts bared by Mr. M.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Bare bottom spankings

Date Posted: 16:17:29 07/04/14 Fri

That could be terrifying to an elementary school age boy. At even age 11-13 in 6th-8th grade, the trip to the boys' lockerroom could 'butterfly' your stomach knowing likely what was to happen. Did Mr M carry the paddle with him as he marched a boy so everyone along the way figured the boy's fate?

Did you & Mr M's paddle ever have an encounter in the hall or lockerroom? Were parents supportive of his bare bottom method?

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Bare bottom spankings

JackP to JoeR
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Date Posted: 09:32:54 07/07/14 Mon

The answer to all your questions is, yes. When Mr. M took a boy or boys to the locker room for a paddling, he carried the paddle with him. He often had the ill-fated boy by the scruff of the neck with one hand and the paddle in the other. Everyone knew what was going to happen and if they didn't, the echoes from the locker room made it clear. The cracks of the paddle were amplified in that locker room and so were the yelps of the boy getting his butt blistered. The parents were apparently supportive of this approach or, at least, I never heard of anyone complaining. As to my encounters with Mr. M's paddle, there were many, including two trips to the locker room for the paddle on my bare butt: one in the sixth grade and one in the eighth grade. The one in the sixth grade was the worst because I was innocent of the accusation for which I got paddled, but I got my bare fanny scorched anyway.

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[> Subject: Re: Bare bottom spankings

Date Posted: 19:21:17 07/02/14 Wed

I was only bared for more serious offenses. Most often I got spanked wearing underwear. I was a modest kid, so having my underwear pulled off and being spanked bare really was horrifying.

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[> Subject: Re: Bare bottom spankings

Date Posted: 07:20:09 07/03/14 Thu

Every single one of my spankings was on the bare bottom. After the lecture, I would be told to go to my room and to get ready for my spanking. That meant having to go to my room, take off my pants and underpants, and sit on the bed until one of my parents came in to give me the promised spanking. When I was in particular trouble, I'd be told to go get ready for the spanking and be waiting for them in the corner.

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[> Subject: Re: Bare bottom spankings

Date Posted: 12:28:49 07/03/14 Thu

At home, all my spankings were administered on the bare bottom whether from my mother or my father. I also got bare bottom spankings from other relatives from time to time, the parents of friends on a few occasions, and a baby sitter once and a policeman once. As James suggests, it was not unusual as part of the punishment, at least for me and the children of my era ( late 50s and 60s ). Even so, I absolutely hated having my bottom bared for a spanking. I don't know if I feared it in isolation, that is, separate from the spanking itself, but I resented it and it embarrassed me terribly every time, even when my parents were doing the spanking. In retrospect, I can understand logically that the adults who pulled my pants down and spanked my bare bottom were doing so in good faith to correct my bad behavior. I'm even grateful to most of them for doing it. I certainly can't say that I didn't deserve most of the spankings I got, but there was no worse feeling than being draped over some adults knee with my bare bottom on display waiting for the spanking to begin.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Bare bottom spankings

Date Posted: 14:19:13 07/15/14 Tue

I like the way you talk about your spankings - your over-the-knee spankings on your bare bottom. They certainly don't seem to have done you any harm.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Bare bottom spankings

JackP to Billy
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Date Posted: 14:45:49 07/28/14 Mon

I believe that the spankings I got as a boy did me good in the long run. I certainly deserved most of the spankings I got. I was a challenging child to be sure. I often did things just to irritate adults in authority. Given the era in which I was raised, it is not surprising that I was often spanked and many of those spankings were on my bare bottom. During the time when I was a boy, adults in authority were more empowered to spank misbehaving children, their own and, often, the children of others. I was spanked by the parents of my friends on several occasions and my parents spanked my friends on a number of occasions. This was not unusual and these "neighborly" spankings were often bare bottom. I remember getting spanked by a friend's mother for digging an unauthorized hole in their lawn along with my friend, and his sister. I was six years old. She got out the paddle and, one at a time, bared our bottoms, spanked our little rumps red and sore, and put each of our noses in a corner of the room where we stood, bawling, with our bare red butts on display until she decided we had learned our lesson. My mother's reaction upon learning of the spanking was, "Well, I guess you won't dig any more holes in their lawn." Today there would probably be criminal charges and a lawsuit if one parent spanked another's child in this manner. I'm not saying it was better in my time, but you learned, very concretely, that there were consequences for your actions and they were consequences you could easily understand and remember. I sure remember my friend's mother paddling my bare bottom and I was absolutely clear why I was getting my bare fanny tanned. You can bet that I didn't dig any more holes in their lawn.

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[> Subject: Re: Bare bottom spankings

Brad (reflective)
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Date Posted: 02:24:19 07/04/14 Fri

I was spanked bare bottom in gym class once with two buddies. Jack.. say more about your spanking from the police man. What had you done and was it bare bottom?

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[> [> Subject: Re: Bare bottom spankings

JoeR to Brad
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Date Posted: 16:22:20 07/04/14 Fri

Hey Brad,

What provoked you & your 2 buddies to get spanked bare in gym class? Was it with a paddle? What grade level?

Had you or your mates been school spanked/paddled previously? Were parents notified & if so, any consequences for you 3 when you got home?

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Bare bottom spankings

Date Posted: 05:41:21 07/05/14 Sat

Joe. We did not line up for beginning of class with everyone else. . After class all three of us had our bottoms bared for paddling from coach. Then faced the wall with our red buns still exposed. Showers after that. Was a sophomore. Spanking on the bare that night over dad's knee..

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Bare bottom spankings

Date Posted: 09:19:33 07/08/14 Tue

Did coach do it in front of classmates bending you dudes over a bench or hands on walls w/butt out or march you guys to his office?

Was this a first school paddling, especially as HS boys, for you & your buddies? Did you expect the one you got later from your dad too? Did your buddies' dads bust their butts too?

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Bare bottom spankings

Date Posted: 14:46:56 07/08/14 Tue

Joe. We got it in his office. Over the knee with our bottoms bare but our jocks still on. First school paddling for me. My buddies got spanked by their dads too. Red buns for a while for all of us.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Bare bottom spankings

JoeR to Brad
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Date Posted: 17:51:36 07/11/14 Fri

Recall what raced through your mind when told to go to the office? Were you guys already stripped to your jocks or were you required to lower gym shorts when it was your turn to get paddled bare in your jock?

Was there a bit of bravado to have finally earned your first school paddling or just plain dread? Was this a first for your buddies too or they 'old pros' with the paddle & greeted you into their 'one of the guys' ranks.'

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Bare bottom spankings

Date Posted: 12:14:03 07/12/14 Sat

Joe. Once we were in the office and told we would be spanked. .we lined up and coach said he was going to bare our bottoms. He took down each guys shorts at once. We stood bare bottom i
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