Baptiste Overwatch

Baptiste Overwatch


Baptiste Overwatch

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An elite combat medic and ex- Talon operative, Baptiste now uses his skills to help those whose lives have been impacted by war.

Jean-Baptiste Augustin was one of the 30 million children orphaned by the Omnic Crisis . With limited opportunities and resources, he enlisted in the military. The Caribbean Coalition , a pan-island force formed in response to the Crisis, became his new home. Guided by his innate desire to help people, Baptiste chose the path of a combat medic and served in an elite branch of the Caribbean Coalition’s special ops.

After his service was complete, Baptiste struggled to find a demand for his unique skills. He turned to one of the few opportunities open to him: joining the Talon mercenary group, one of the many organizations that were poised to profit off the chaos in the war's aftermath.

For the first time ever, Baptiste had a taste of the good life. Talon's missions were easy and paid well, and he put aside some of his earnings to set up a clinic in his hometown. But slowly, his unit's orders escalated in brutality, expanding into assassinations and operations with civilian casualties. Confronted by his team's actions, Baptiste realized he was perpetuating a cycle of violence like the one that had destroyed his own community. He abandoned Talon, disgusted with what he had done and determined to forge a new path for himself.

But Talon would not let him go. Baptiste knew too much, and they sent operatives after him to silence him. Agent after agent came for him, including Baptiste's former comrades. To stay under the radar, Baptiste drifted from place to place, aiding in humanitarian efforts around the globe. The few Talon members who managed to track him down were never seen again.

Now, Baptiste works toward a better world, healing where he can and fighting when he must. He knows that he cannot undo his past—but that making a difference now is what matters.

Baptiste creates a matrix that doubles the damage and healing effects of friendly projectiles that pass through it.
Beside these abilities, Baptiste able to jump, crouch, reload (only when his ammo is not full), and perform Quick Melee .

Prevent 4 deaths with a single use of Baptiste's Immortality Field in Quick or Competitive play. Reward: Pixel Spray
Amplify 2500 combined damage and healing without dying as Baptiste in Quick or Competitive play. Reward: Cute Spray
During the Omnic Crisis , Baptiste was one of the 30 million orphaned children. With few career paths to choose from, Baptiste enrolled in the military. He was stationed for the Caribbean Coalition, where he served as a medic and became his home. He was promoted to elite service not soon after. When the war had ended along with his service, Baptiste had trouble finding any use of his special skills. Eventually, he decided to join the mercenary group called Talon . He made a good amount of money from Talon thriving on chaos after the war. At some point in this time period, he opened up a clinic in his home town.

Four years before the recall of Overwatch, Baptiste was in Monte Cristi as part of a Talon mission to eliminate Daniel Fernández , leader of the Playa Cartel that had been encroaching into Talon's territory. Their intelligence made them believe that Fernández was hiding in a safe house in the area. When they arrived, he was gone.  Captain Cuerva  ordered all of the troops to search the houses, but all that was there were terrified civilians. Baptiste grew frustrated and tried to leave. However, a dropship opened fire, and Baptiste was knocked back by the blast. Some civilians were pinned under debris, and amidst the chaos, Baptiste saw some of the troops looting homes and taking valuables. Baptiste quickly drew his gun at a figure in the smoke, which turned out to be a small girl angered by the destruction of her home. [1] At this moment. Baptiste began to realize Talons' true colors: that they were just like what had made him an orphan in the first place. He decided to leave Talon soon after in search of a better lifestyle. When he got to the docks, he was spotted by Mauga . After a brief standoff, Mauga almost revealed his location to Cuerva. However, he instead let Baptiste go, with a warning that Baptiste now owed Mauga.

Despite his initial escape, Talon wouldn't let Baptiste walk freely since he knew too much. After deserting the organization and fleeing to Tortuga, Haiti, Talon dispatched a strike team comprised of former members of Baptiste's unit, led by his mentor, Captain Cuerva, to apprehend or eliminate him. He evaded capture, rendering the strike team MIA, and delivered their emblems to Cuerva, along with a message to seek him out.

In the correspondence obtained by Trung Le Nguyen , Cuerva noted that Baptiste was a skilled marksman despite being a medic, and boasted unusually high endurance, versatility, and even luck.

While in Port-au-Paix, Baptiste was working at a small clinic under Dr. Mondésir. His clinic was experiencing a shortage of medicine because they're unable to afford new medications since Sainclair Pharmaceuticals raised their prices. This has lead people to buy counterfeit medications that could worsen their condition.
Once night name, Baptiste stopped by  Lefort's—a place he had frequented a lot during his childhood. The only three tenants there were Mr. Lefort and two individuals that Baptiste knew from his past—Trung Le Nguyen and Mauga. As it turned out, they wanted Baptiste's help on a job—visit Vernand Sainclair of Sainclair Pharmaceuticals and get him to pay the money he owes Talon. Baptiste had little love for Sainclair, given the outrageous prices he was charging for his medicines, but he knew better than to trust his former colleagues. However, he had few alternatives. They also knew about the clinic and Baptiste couldn't fight both of them. After agreeing, he was given an envelop from Le Nguyen with the details.

Baptiste met with the two the following morning, outfitted in his old combat armor (though only after burning off the Talon insignia). They arrived at Sainclair's mansion. Nguyen explained that they'd scheduled an appointment with the man, so all they had to do was walk in and see him. That part of the plan worked as far as the mansion's library, where they were confronted by the mansion's private security. Before they could open fire, Mauga activated his shield. In the ensuring firefight, Baptiste used his rifle to merely incapacitate his targets, but Nguyen was far more accurate and lethal. Mauga got the location of Sainclair from the last surviving security guard before breaking the man's neck. In the aftermath, he reflected how easy it had been to slip back into his old habits as a Talon operative.

The trio fought their way through the mansion, Baptiste and Mauga getting back into the old tandem they had utilized in their days together in Talon. They arrived at Sainclair's office, and found the man covering himself and holding a firearm. He was quickly disarmed, and Nguyen asked why they shouldn't just kill him right now. To bargain for his life, Sainclair revealed that days ago, he had received a recall order from Winston . Sainclair was a former Overwatch member, and he had information on Overwatch agents.

He reveals that he was a handler in Overwatch who slowly divulged information to Talon, so that when the organization collapsed, he'd been well paid for his services. Baptiste was disgusted at his double-dealing, but Sainclair stated that he had no right to judge him. That said, Nguyen wasn't impressed since they already had access to this information from  ex-Overwatch agents who were already part of Talon. Mauga bid that Baptiste kill Nguyen as a means of proving his loyalty. Baptiste was sorely tempted to end Sainclair's life. However, he knew that if he executed someone in cold blood, he could a line of no return. He dropped a flashbang, and used his exo-boots to propel himself and Sainclair through the office's skylight. A shot tore through his arm, but he survived. Baptiste slipped into the undergrowth with Sainclair, while Mauga called out that he was only making things worse.

Baptiste got himself and Sainclair to a wharf, where he bound his wound. He told Sainclair that he'd send for someone to pick him up, and that from now on, he was going to provide his products for free. And that if he didn't do that, he'd let Talon know where he was. Sainclair, deep in shock, agreed to the terms, and asked why Baptiste hadn't killed him. Baptiste declared that he wasn't worth it, and headed off to get a private vessel that he could escape in. However, Mauga found him, mimicking their confrontation of four years prior. It was a repeat of history that wasn't lost on Mauga, who declared that he couldn't let Baptiste go this time. The two engaged in a gun battle—Mauga wanted to bring in Baptiste alive, but that didn't rule out bodily harm in the process. Baptiste feigned surrender, but threw a device up into the air, and shot it, detonating it. The pier was devastated in the resulting blast, and Baptiste survived through the use of his immortality field. There was no sign of Mauga, but Baptiste believed he had survived. He sailed off in a private yacht owned by Sainclair.

An hour later, Baptiste sent a text message to Ros, telling her about Sainclair, and to be careful. He knew it would be a long time before he could return, and that Talon would likely keep eyes on Ros's clinic. He scrolled through Sainclair's data on Overwatch, and discovered that a Dr. Angela Ziegler was a member. He decided that if Talon was coming for her, she had a right to know. He'd need help tracking her down however, and to that end, he contacted Sombra.

Baptiste, having experienced the horrors of war, has grown to combat it so others can avoid the suffering. Baptiste also seems to be too trusting as he joined Talon under the assumption that they were a well-paying mercenary group that took on security missions that were sanctioned by official organizations or corporations: a reasonable place for him and his comrades to best use their skills after their years in the Caribbean Coalition. [2]

However, while he is aware of the necessity of death, is not one to partake in senseless killing. After Baptiste had learned that Talon was responsible for a string of assassinations, he left the organization after much internal debate. He holds himself fully accountable for the unwarranted deaths he contributed in, though he does not let guilt hold him back from doing what is right in the present. 

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Overwatch : Baptiste Guide - Tips, Abilities, Skins... - Pro Game Guides
Baptiste - Overwatch Guide
Overwatch Baptiste : skills, weapons, synergies, and counters

By: Shaun Savage - Updated: March 13, 2019

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About the Author
Shaun aka Evident is a lifelong gamer and creator of websites. He mostly focuses on shooters, but has been known to dabble in the occasional card game as well. You can find him binge watching TV shows in his downtime.
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We're taking a detailed look at what we know about the potential new hero for Overwatch called Baptiste!
Our Overwatch Baptiste Guide will go over all of the currently known info and go into his backstory as well as how-to use him effectively! We're taking a look at the lore behind the character, tips, release date, abilities, skins, and any other information we can get our hands on!
A lot of information has been revealed quite quickly now that Baptiste is in the PTR and soon to be on live servers. We've got his full origin story listed below, and there's also information on his abilities including his ultimate and interesting passive.
Baptiste has been released into the Public Test Region (PTR) on February 26th, 2019 ! Baptiste will be released to live servers on March 19th, 2019 !
Baptiste’s three-round-burst Biotic Launcher rewards accuracy and recoil control with significant damage output. It also doubles as a healing device, lobbing projectiles that heal allies near the point of impact.
Your main fire mode is a three round burst that does a fair bit of damage. You get 45 rounds before having to reload, and the recoil on this appears to go directly upwards. The alt-fire is your healing grenade, and you get 10 rounds before having to reload. You can hold down the alt-fire and repeatedly fire grenades onto your target. The healing projectiles do not deal damage to your enemies and you cannot heal yourself with them. Reloading replenishes both ammo types.
Baptiste activates an intense regenerative burst that heals himself and nearby allies over time.
This will heal you and nearby allies for 150 hp over time, it has a 15 second cooldown.
Baptiste uses a device to create a field that prevents allies from dying. The generator can be destroyed.
This isn't really a shield, and it only prevents damage when you are basically at death's door. You can't die while you are inside of the field so this will be a pretty important part of his kit. The device you place can be destroyed, so you will need to either hide it around a corner or be prepared to heal anyone inside of it immediately. It works really well against 1-shot heroes like Widowmaker and Hanzo who won't be able to destroy the device if it is covered correctly. The Immortality Field has a 20 second cooldown.
Baptiste creates a matrix that doubles the damage and healing effects of friendly projectiles that pass through it.
This is your ultimate ability and it will double damage or healing effects from friendly projectiles that pass through it. It operates a lot like Mei's Ice Wall, and you can change the direction of how it is placed by hitting the ultimate key again.
By first crouching, Baptiste can jump higher.
This can be charged by continually holding crouch for maximum boost. You need to press jump when you want to engage the boost, when it is fully charged you can let go of crouch and the boost will still be enabled briefly.
Baptiste's first batch of skins has been released on the PTR, so check those out below! Rare skins cost 75 credits, Epic are 250 credits, and Legendary are 1,000 credits.
An elite combat medic and ex-Talon operative, Baptiste now uses his skills to help those whose lives have been impacted by war.
Jean-Baptiste Augustin was one of the 30 million children orphaned by the Omnic Crisis. With limited opportunities and resources, he enlisted in the military. The Caribbean Coalition, a pan-island force formed in response to the Crisis, became his new home. Guided by his innate desire to help people, Baptiste chose the path of a combat medic and served in an elite branch of the Caribbean Coalition’s special ops.
After his service was complete, Baptiste struggled to find a demand for his unique skills. He turned to one of the few opportunities open to him: joining the Talon mercenary group, one of the many organizations that were poised to profit off the chaos in the war's aftermath.
For the first time ever, Baptiste had a taste of the good life. Talon's missions were easy and paid well, and he put aside some of his earnings to set up a clinic in his hometown. But slowly, his unit's orders escalated in brutality, expanding into assassinations and operations with civilian casualties. Confronted by his team's actions, Baptiste realized he was perpetuating a cycle of violence like the one that had destroyed his own community. He abandoned Talon, disgusted with what he had done and determined to forge a new path for himself.
But Talon would not let him go. Baptiste knew too much, and they sent operatives after him to silence him. Agent after agent came for him, including Baptiste's former comrades. To stay under the radar, Baptiste drifted from place to place, aiding in humanitarian efforts around the globe. The few Talon members who managed to track him down were never seen again.
Now, Baptiste works toward a better world, healing where he can and fighting when he must. He knows that he cannot undo his past—but that making a difference now is what matters.
If you want to see Baptiste in action, take a look at Seagull pilot him a bit in the PTR!
The origin story of Baptiste has been revealed! Check out the video below. Looks like he'll have a weapon that kind of reminds me of Junkrat, but also strongly resembles Demoman from Team Fortress 2. It's likely that his weapon will be similar to Ana's and it will heal or deal damage depending on the target. We still don't know for sure, so we'll keep you updated once we get the details!
> TALON FIREWALL... Bypassed > Accessing file... [CLASSIFIED] Communications Record of Captain Cuerva, D.
— Overwatch (@PlayOverwatch) February 21, 2019
If you follow the link in that tweet, you'll find an account by Captain Cuerva about his missing strike team. It appears that Baptiste's real name is Jean-Baptiste Augustin. He was trained by Talon and Captain Cuerva, he was a medic and a particularly good shot. It almost sounds exactly like Ana, but we'll see what he actually ends up being like. Here's the key bit in the letter:
I know better than to underestimate Baptiste. I helped train him myself, and he was one of our best. I’ve never known a medic to be such a good shot, and his adaptability to new situations is a rare talent. All of us have seen our fair share of conflict, but Baptiste was built to survive. I swear he has the Devil’s own luck.
The key takeaways are medic, good shot, and adaptability. So, it's very likely a support class with potentially more ability to be aggressive than the previously mentioned Ana. The adaptability part is also different, potentially he might be able to switch into different combat modes that favor either offense or healing? It's all speculation right now, but take a look at everything down below for more information.
Here's a full transcript of the letter:
New information has surfaced about Captain Cuerva’s missing strike team. My agents have recovered Cuerva’s personal log. The last entry is dated 27 August, at 0430 hours, from Ti Ôtel Lanbi in Port-de-Paix. Transcript below.
We landed at 2000 hours on 26 August. Tortuga lies across the canal, a dark, rocky shape against the sky. My team bunked down in the hotel, and we planned to cross to the island in the morning. Our orders: to retrieve Jean-Baptiste Augustin, or, failing that, to eliminate him. I still hold out hope to talking sense into him. No one leaves Talon. The organization needs him, now more than ever. All it will take, I’m sure, is the right kind of pressure to make him regret his decision.
At 0200 hours, Pacanowsky left the hotel to purchase supplies and failed to return. Mazzei and Doubleday were dispatched to locate him, and an hour later, there was a knock at my door. The hotel staff delivered a box with my name on it. Inside was a folded letter and Pacanowsky, Mazzei, and Doubleday’s emblems, which looked like they had been torn from their jackets.
I know better than to underestimate Baptiste. I helped train him myself, and he was one of our best. I’ve never known a medic to be such a good shot, and his adaptability to new situations is a rare talent. All of us have seen our fair share of conflict, but Baptiste was built to survive. I swear he has the Devil’s own luck.
I am preparing the rest of the team to move out. Baptiste could be gone by dawn. I don’t know if Pacanowsky, Mazzei, and Doubleday are still alive. All three of them were part of Baptiste's unit before his desertion, and given their personal inclinations, the odds aren’t in their favor.
If all goes well, everything will be settled and we’ll be on our way home by tonight. Hopefully Baptiste will be among us, playing cards and drinking rum, instead of lying in a shallow island grave.
But either way, I will not fail. It will be done.
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dont forget baptise`s new summer games 2020 skin that can be get through loot boxes and god bless us all

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