Банк Эссе По Английскому
Банк Эссе По Английскому
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I have taught TOEFL in MOSCOW for more than 11 years. I have learned many tips and techniques about how to earn a high TOEFL score. One of the most difficult parts in every TOELF test is its speaking part. It consists of 6 questions. It is not enough just to speak English well to get the maximum points possible on the test.
I have taught TOEFL in MOSCOW for more than 11 years. I have learned many tips and techniques about how to earn a high TOEFL score. One of the most difficult parts in every TOELF test is its speaking part. It consists of 6 questions. It is not enough just to speak English well to get the maximum points possible on the test.
В этом разделе мы собрали аргументы , подкрепляющие идеи для самых популярных эссе по английскому языку ЕГЭ . Сосредоточение только на второй и третьей части сочинения поможет быстрее ознакомиться с возможными аргументами, поддерживающими вашу точку зрения. Очень часто ученик, даже хорошо владеющий языком, не может найти подходящие аргументы подкрепляющие его высказывания. Ознакомившись с нашими вариантами ответов, вы пополните свою " базу аргументов ", что облегчит написание второй части письменного задания С2 .
Ответы составлены по определенной структуре " утверждение-пример ", что облегчает написание эссе. Чтобы не потерять фокус и полностью раскрыть тему сочинения, мы советуем, перед тем как вы приступите к сочинению, составить " пару " - суть сочинения и подумать о синонимах релевантных заданной теме.
Вербицкая М.В., 2019 год Вербицкая М.В.
The weather affects the way people feel and behave .
Синонимы: Influence / impact / effect / mood / act / behavior / feelings
мнение : In my opinion the weather has an affect on the way people feel and behave.
1. утверждение People are part of the environmen t and have a direct connection with it. пример For example , rain influences people's mood because they feel sad when it rains and everything around is gloomy. 2. утверждение Secondly , clear sunny weather raises one's mood. пример For instance , when it is sunny people’s behaviour becomes more upbeat , kind , tolerant and gentle .
Moreover , vitamin D that is absolutely necessary for people's life can be only produced by exposure to sun light.
Digital literacy is the key to success in any occupation
Синонимы: essential / crucial / c omputer / skills / ignorance / profession
мнение In my opinion computer literacy is one of the most important skills one can have to be successful.
1. утверждение First of all , computers have become an integral part of people’s life. Whatever a person does at work or at home they have to deal with digital technologies. пример For example , people pay bills , order food on-line, or buy tickets by using different gadgets. 2. утверждение Secondly , if a person wants to get a job , he or she has to fill in a form before being taken. пример For instance , each form always has a question of one’s level of computer fluency . If a person writes that they have a low level of computer literacy, the chances of getting a job is low.
Education is the most important possession a person can have
Синонимы: key to success / treasure / valuable thing / attribute
мнение In my opinion education is the most important attribute that characterizes a successful person.
1. утверждение First of all , education is the key to success in life. пример For example , if someone has a good education, he or she usually gets a well-paid job that allows them to do a lot of interesting things. 2. утверждение Secondly , those who have a good education gain respect in society. пример For instance , professors or academies have a lot of respect. People listen to their lectures, taking their opinion as the truth.
One should read about historical sites before sightseeing
Синонимы: Study / learn / important places
мнение In my opinion one should read about a place he or she wants to visit before going there.
1.утверждение First of all , if a person reads something before visiting, they will remember the information better. пример For example, there is a saying , “revising is the mother of education.” 2. утверждение Secondly , one does not need a guide if people learn about the places they want to visit themselves. пример For instance , a person can read everything by books or the Internet and then go to the place just to see what they want with their own eyes. It can save a lot of money for the traveler.
Creative hobbies help to cope with stress
Синонимы : Interesting / allow / interests / fight / handle
мнение In my opinion creative hobbies allow people to fight stress.
1. утверждение First of all , being immersed in a hobby lets a person forget about stress since stress and joy that arrives from a hobby are antagonists . пример For example , if a person really likes embroidery , he or she is happy when they are doing it, which means there is no place for stress in their mind. 2. утверждение Secondly , hobbies are usually relaxing and I would say even therapeutic . пример For instance , it is a scientific fact that those who have hobbies live a longer and happier life. Joy that comes from such activity has a healing power .
Friendship is the greatest gift of life
Синонимы : Position / valuable thing
мнение In my opinion the most valuable thing in life one can have is friendship.
1. утверждение First of all , friendship is a part of human nature . пример For example , without it people feel lonely and sad. One needs to have someone to talk with, to be understood , to share their thoughts and ideas. 2. утверждение Secondly , there is a saying, “a friend in need is a friend indeed”. пример . For instance , a true friend will always help in times of trouble, supporting his friends emotionally and practically.
Music is something that distracts people from daily routine
Пара: distracts – doesn’t distract
Синонимс : Melody / makes another focus / dull work / regular things
мнение In my opinion listening to music changes the focus of listeners from routine chores to the melody.
1. утверждение First of all , being immersed in music, helps a person forget about daily routine since consciousness cannot be focused on two things at a time . пример For example , if a person is listening to music and feels happy, he or she usually does not pay any attention to the regular things that they are doing. Such dull work is being done automatically. 2. утверждение Secondly , music is usually relaxing and I would say even therapeutic . пример For instance , it is a scientific fact that those who listen to music often live a longer life. Stress that might come from doing daily routines gets neutralized by positive emotions that arrive from listening to the music.
Following fashion trends is a waste of time and money
Синонимы: To be fashionable / killing time / slander money
мнение In my opinion if a person follows some modern trends they lose valuable things in life.
1.утверждение First of all , it takes a lot of time and energy . пример For example , such people go to different beauty salons and read a lot of fashion magazines. 2.утверждение Secondly , it takes a lot of money to keep yourself looking nice. пример For instance , good perfume and clothes cost a fortunate nowadays.
Moreover , It is also a never ending process because fashion changes frequently.
An early choice of a career path is the key to success
Пара: the earlier the better – the later the better
Синонимы : Major / specialty / efficiently / effectively / bachelor's degree / related field
мнение In my opinion the earlier one choses his or her career the better chances to success they have.
1. утверждение First of all , early chosen career gives one an opportunity to get more experience . пример For example , a lot of computer program writers started programming when they were about 7 years old. By the age of twenty two they have much experience behind them. 2. утверждение Secondly , choosing a career path early allows one to focus their education directly on their career specialty . пример For example , those aspiring to go into the field of biotech can begin their career training by earning a bachelor's degree in biological science or a related field , including chemistry, molecular biology, or biochemistry.
Moreover , it also helps one utilize their school time more efficiently.
It’s better to read a book rather than watch its screen version
Синонимы: Film / movie / imagination / perception
мнение In my opinion reading a book is more informative than watching a movie.
1. утверждение First of all , when a person reads a book, he or she learns more details . пример For example , an author describes a tower and spends a few pages to say about its story. In the movie it is often just shown for a few seconds. 2.утверждение Secondly , it is a scientific fact that reading develops imagination . пример For example , a person imagines everything they read in their own way . When people watch a movie, they see the movie director’s perception .
A person who is fluent in a foreign language can easily work as an interpreter
мнение I do not think that a person who speaks a few fluent languages can be an interpreter.
1.утверждение First of all , interpreting and speaking are different skills . пример For example , even bilinguals , people who speak two languages from their birth, study interpreting for a few years in an university to do it properly. 2.утверждение Secondly , one should love interpreting to work as an interpreter. пример For instance , interpreters usually work in pairs and change each other every twenty minutes. It is all because the pressure on the nervous system of an interpreter is compered with a pilot of a super jet .
Some people think that Russian is easier to learn than English
Пара: Russian is easier – English is easier
Синонимы: Endings / prefixes / pronouns
мнение In my opinion Russian is more difficult than English.
1. утверждение First of all , Russian language has changing endings . пример For example , according to its pronouns the endings of adjectives change, which means a learner has to remember a lot of cases. In English they remain the same, she is clever, they are clever etc. 2.утверждение Secondly , Russian has many more prefixes than English. пример For instance , almost for each verb one can add a few different prefixes that changes the meaning of the verb slightly or strongly.
Moreover , there are not really strict and logical rules in using these prefixes and endings.
Clothes people are wearing can influence their behavior
Пара: influences – doesn’t influence
мнение In my opinion people’s clothes really impact the way they behave.
1.утверждение First of all , nowadays clothes have become a part of people’s image and a way of behavior. пример For example , people of different occupations dress differently. A person in a suit of policeman cannot act as a person wearing a sport suit. 2. утверждение Secondly , by changing clothes, a person can change their lives . пример It is a scientific fact that people are conditioned by many things, like food, cars, social status and clothes have the strongest position in this list. For instance , wearing aristocrat’s or businessmen clothes people try to act accordingly to match this image.
High school students should study only the subjects they choose
Пара: subjects they choose – compulsory subjects
Синонимы: Learn / major / specialty / efficiency
мнение In my opinion students at the final grades ought to study the subjects they consider most useful.
1. утверждение First of all , students usually know what they want to be even in Primary School and should learn the subjects accordingly . пример For example , the subjects that are connected to their future specialty should be given special emphasis. 2. утверждение Secondly , if a person chooses the subject, he or she will study it better . пример For example , it is a scientific factthat anything that is studied with pleasure leaves stronger impressions in memory. The efficiency of such studying is much higher than if a person is forced to study something they do not like.
Every city and every town should have a zoo
Синонимы: Entertainment / protect / extinct
мнение In my opinion it would be great if there was a zoo in each town.
1.утверждение First of all , zoos are a wonderful entertainment for children. пример For example , when a family goes to the zoo children feel really excited. They spend hours of walking around, eating ice cream and feeding some animals.
2. утверждение Second , zoos really are educational for children, as well as adults. пример For example , children see new animals and learn information about them, broadening their minds. This way of learning is much more efficient than learning about animals by books.
Childhood is the safest period of human life
Синонимы: Babyhood / infancy / protect / take care
мнение In my opinion childhood is the safest period of one’s life.
1. утверждение First of all , parents protect children from all troubles they can get into. пример For example , parents feed their children and watch them all the time to make sure nothing bad happens to them. 2. утверждение Secondly , society gives children many rights. пример For instance , if a child is being mistreated by someone society interferes and makes sure it does not happen again.
Moreover , I believe that it is a part of human nature to treat children with care and love.
Internet is the greatest time-waster
Синонимы: Time killer / time consumer / time saver
мнение In my opinion the Internet is the greatest time saver people ever invented.
1.утверждение First of all , the Internet allows people to search important information they need really fast. пример For example , if a person has any question , he or she goes to ask it in the Internet and get an answer right away. People do not have to go to libraries anymore. 2.утверждение Secondly , nowadays the Internet is really educational in terms of lot of people study different subjects distantly. пример For instance , there are many webinars that teach students mathematics, biology and other academic subjects. They do not need to waste a lot of time going somewhere to take lessons.
The circus is the best entertainment for children
мнение In my opinion the circus is the most educational and entertaining pastime for children.
1. утверждение First of al l, the circus leaves unforgettable impressions in children’s memories. пример For example , a lot of children still remember some performances from a very young age. 2.утверждение Secondly , circus performances are interactive . пример For instance , children often take part in the performance when the clowns or the host go through the aisles and talk with people.
Moreover , children also can see different animals and learn new information about them.
Exams motivate students to study harder
Синонимы: Tests / inspire/ better / more seriously
мнение In my opinion exams make students treat the subject they study more seriously and learn it better.
1. утверждение First of all , any test motivates a person to learn the subject better since the result will be graded. пример For example , one listens to some information and forgets it right away since they do not know if they need it in their future life. On the other hand, when students know that this information will be tested, they memorize it much better. 2. утверждение Secondly , the grades students get at exams characterize their level of preparation and ultimately give them a lot of advantages, if their marks are high. пример For instance , if a person has what we call “R ed Diploma ”, they enter a university without exams.
Moreover , good marks are always pleasant to get.
It’s easier to make friends than to keep them
Синонимы: Make / harder / more difficult /
мнение In my opinion it is easier to make new friends than to have good relationship with the old ones.
1.утверждение First of all , making new friends takes less time . пример For example , one can go to a club and make a lot of new friends in a few hours. 2. утверждение Secondly , it is easier to impress people when a person just meets them the first time. пример For instance , people tend to show good qualities in the beginning of any relationship. They are always polite, they smile and are always ready to help.
За полгода вывожу ученика начального уровня на уровень уверенного общения, свободного выражения своих мыслей. Специализируюсь на экспресс-методах обучения.
Умею найти нужный подход к каждому ученику независимо от возраста и языковой подготовки.
В зависимости от уровня подготовки и целей подбираю максимально эффективную методику обучения. Мои занятия нацелены на результат.
За полгода вывожу ученика начального уровня на уровень уверенного общения, свободного выражения своих мыслей. Специализируюсь на экспресс-методах обучения.
Умею найти нужный подход к каждому ученику независимо от возраста и языковой подготовки.
В зависимости от уровня подготовки и целей подбираю максимально эффективную методику обучения. Мои занятия нацелены на результат.
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