Amazing Royalty-Free Stock Photos, Pictures and Animations at Budget Prices, simply perfect for all your Advertising Needs. We just hope you will enjoy them as much as we do.

We also Believe in Fair Photography

Our website was created to promote Fair Photography for customers and for photographers.

Photography just doesn’t have to be painful for anyone.

We think price should stop dropping. If things continue like the big Agencies actually do them, photographers will just stop sending them their high quality images. Instead they will upload only low resolution and use these agencies as a promoting tool. They will then send customers to their own website, where they will sell their high quality Images at higher prices. On our website, we think our prices are reasonable and sustainable for everyone involved.

Our Images Categories

Animals - ApocalypseBoston - Bridges - Buildings - Business - Canada - Caribbean - Cars - Chicago - Cities - Cityscapes - Concepts - Condos - Cuba - Daylight - Downtown - Electricity - Energy - Festivities - Habitations - Halloween - Houses - Industries - Leisures - Montreal - Mysteries - Nature - NeighborhoodNight - Office Buildings - Ontario - Photo Montages - Pylons - Quebec - Residential Districts - Resorts - Sketch Images - St-Lawrence River - Streets - Summer - Sunsets - Technologies - Texts - Transports - Travel - Travel Destinations - Twilight - USA - Vacations - Winter

Stock photos are photographs that are stripped from Company Logos, Names and Address, and everything related to copyrights and/or Private life. Basically, they are generic Images.

Is it legal to use stock photos?

As long as they are labeled for commercial use, you can use stock photos in multiple designs and projects with a for-profit purpose, including websites, marketing and advertising, branding, and more. ... If the photos are labeled as Editorial, you can only use them for this end (never commercially).

What is the purpose of stock photos?

Stock photos can be used for marketing and advertising, personal projects, commercial and for-profit projects, and on blogs and websites. The wide variety of uses and instant turnaround time make stock photography a common choice for independent graphic designers and businesses alike.

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