Bambi Naked

Bambi Naked


Bambi Naked

Another Naked Marine Who Wasn't Stripped
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MOVE OVER BAMBI LIN Finney. It turns out you were not the first naked marine to pose for a magazine like Playboy nor the first naked marine to get in trouble.
Meet Marine Corps Maj. Alastair Livingston, 36, now of Camp Lejeune, N.C.Livingston, a Vietnam war hero, helped make history in early days of Playgirl magazine when he posed naked for the magazine with his teammates on the San Diego State rugby team. At the time, Livingston was a Marine Corps captain studying at San Diego State. The rugby team posed for the pictures as a way to raise money, and if the pictures were in the finest tradition of American rugby teams, they were not in the finest tradition of the Marine Corps. Capt. Livingston got in trouble.
The question, of course, is whether Capt. Livingston got in as much trouble as Bambi Lin Finney, the Marine Corps sergeant who posed in the nude for the April issue of Playboy magazine. Finney was promptly given an honorable discharge nine months before the end of her tour of duty and there has been enough of a flap to land her on the talk shows. Livingston is still in the Marine Corps and has even been promoted to major. What is going on here? Could it be that the Marine Corps is, perish the thought, sexist? Could it be, as a Marine Corps spokesman put it, that "an officer is a little different than an enlisted person?"
Let me stop briefly, here, to note that I am finding out much more about the adventures of naked marines than I even cared to and I am beginning to wish I had never written about Bambi Lin Finney. But the phone started ringing after that column appeared last week. Marines said they had heard that once before a male Marine had posed in the nude. No one knew what had happened. Some callers said he'd been discharged. Others said he'd gotten promoted. That's the kind of tipster information worth pursuing. And there is a kind of ethical obligation to write, as they say, the rest of the story.
Alastair Livingston was tracked down to his office at Camp Leieune where he has been stationed for the last three years -- first as a company commander, and lately as a battalion executive officer. Livingston, a native of Scotland, says the incident occured in late 1976 or 1974 while he was assigned to a Marine Corps academic program at San Diego State. "Streaking was in at that time," he says.
Livingston says he was identified in the Playgirl pictures and accompanying interview as a spokesman for the rugby team and as a player, not as a Marine Corps officer. He does not know how or who, but someone in the Marine Corps got wind of what he had done and shortly after the magazine came out he got a call to report to his commanding officer.
"I was told that a determination was made at Marine Corps headquarters that my academic program should be terminated at that time and I was to return to Camp Pendleton. There were two grounds. One was conduct unbecoming an officer and the other was failure to conform to Marine Corps clothing and grooming standards. My hair was longer than allowed." He also received a letter of reprimand, a level of punishment just below a judicial proceeding.
The matter was handled quietly, discreetly. "Internally," says Livingston, "in 1974 there was quite a bit of knowledge as to what I had done. Externally, there was not."
Livingston says things did not go so well for him after the Playgirl photos, but he feels they would have gone worse had he not served in Vietnam and won a Navy Commendation Medal, two Purple Hearts, the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry and the Silver Star -- the third-highest award given for valor.
"I feel that under normal conditions, a letter of reprimand would effectively terminate the promotion prospects of an officer," he says. He was passed over once by a promotion board before making major last year. A captain who is passed over twice is out of the corps.
"There's a lot of feeling that either (because) Sgt. Finney was a woman or an enlisted person that was handled unfairly," Livingston says. "I think an actual practice, under today's guide-lines, that if an officer had done it, an officer would have received far greater punishment than she did . . . I honestly don't feel there can be any case made that she was handled more unfairly than I was . . . I think we were both handled fairly and equally justly."
Lt. Col. Art Brill, a Marine Corps spokesman, says the Livingston incident happened "years ago. And if a male marine posed in exactly the same circumstances that Sgt. Finney did, be he officer or enlisted or what have you, I can guaarantee you that the same identical treatment would take place. He would no longer be a male Mrine. He would be a former Marine."
Brill says people may see sexism in the way the two cases were handled and "the Marines Corps will have to bit the bullet on it, for a decision made years ago."
You can argue sexism. You can argue that Livingston, an officer and someone expected to set an example, merely got a letter of reprimand instead of getting bounced out like Sgt. Finney. But he did not pose as a Marine Corps captain. He posed as a rugby player.
And if the circumstances of their posing were different, so were their careers. Finney had been in the corps for four years, repaired teletype machines and was scheduled to get out in nine months. Livingston was a nine-year man with a Silver Star, two Purple Hearts, a Navy Commendation Medal, and hopes for a 20-year military career.
Livingston got a chance to retrieve and pursue his career, and you can argue that he got a substantially better deal than Finney. But if you look at his personnel file, you might agree that he was owed a little something.
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@ Bambi 17.08.2022. Браузерное событие Путешествие по страницам в Genshin Impact 2.8. Что делать в веб ивенте Путешествие по страницам... Читать ещё @ Bambi 17.08.2022. Браузерное событие Путешествие по страницам в Genshin Impact 2.8. Что делать в веб ивенте Путешествие по страницам, где получить фрагменты, как расставить правильно фрагменты, как открыть карту, как получить камни истока и многое другое в Геншин Импакт. Читать далее. @ Bambi 12.08.2022. Событие Вечно движущаяся картина в Genshin Impact. Скрыть
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Оленёнка назвали Бемби . Когда Бемби научился ходить и разговаривать он обзавелся друзьями — кроликом Тампером и скунсом Цветочком. Читать ещё Оленёнка назвали Бемби . Когда Бемби научился ходить и разговаривать он обзавелся друзьями — кроликом Тампером и скунсом Цветочком. А однажды на лугу, куда привела его мама, Бемби познакомился с маленькой веселой оленихой Фэйлин. Но жизнь в лесу бывает опасной и жестокой. Впервые Бемби столкнулся с этим, когда прозрачный осенний лесной воздух пронзили выстрелы — все звери начали в панике убегать, и тогда Бемби впервые услышал страшное слово — «человек». Скрыть
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If you would like to fly out to wonderful fun filled Las Vegas, Nevada for the hunt of a lifetime now is your chance. You can actually hunt one of our Bambi babes and shoot her with paintballs while we film the whole thing and tape it for your own home video. We will send you a complete list of wall hangers to choose from once your reservation is confirmed for your hunt. With over 30 women ready to be chased down and shot like dogs we guarantee a wide variety of Bambi’s to choose from. Whether it is the girl next door or a perfect 10 we have an abundance of these beauties. So if you are the ultimate sportsman and are seeking the ultimate adrenaline rush then come out to our ranch and shoot one of these trophies. Then take home the video of her mounted on the wall for all your friends to see.This is the gift for the person who thought he had it all.

. . . without a doubt one of the sickest and most shocking videos ever made. Women are screaming with fear as the Team Bambi hunters track them down and blast them with paintball guns. You’ll also see an actual road kill scene as a semi-truck takes out Bambi on the highway, not to mention fat chicks fighting in the mud, and much, much more.

Even after the event, it wasn’t clear if Hunting For Bambi was just a publicity stunt. The company acknowledged the $20 video sold on its Web site contains staged footage, and is not meant to be taken seriously. They insisted that Saturday’s hunt was real, but they refused to provide proof that hunters have actually paid to participate.

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Claim: A Las Vegas business has conducted “hunts” of naked women by paying customers armed with paintball guns.
Example: [Collected on the Internet, 2003]
Is this site for real? If it is I weep for the future…

Origins: Another cruel real-life example of the shocking degradation of women, or a big put-on? That was the question raised about Hunting for Bambi , a Las Vegas-based business which
purportedly offered “hunters” the opportunity, for $10,000, to stalk naked women and shoot them with paintball guns. According to the Hunting for Bambi site, the business they were promoting was:
The Hunting for Bambi saga played out as follows:
The video is a spoof — the hunts are all staged for the cameras, the hunters are hired hands, and hits on the “bambis” are simulated through tossing paint-covered balls at them (or arranging carefully planned shots to the thigh and buttocks only). Burdick attempts to promote the video through the publicity stunt of inviting Las Vegas TV stations to attend a real “hunt.”
The “hunt” is actually a phony dog-and-pony show staged for the cameras. The hunter, George Evanthes, is a confederate engaged by Burdick, not a paying customer; two of the three cameramen covering the event work for Burdick; and the only hit on a “bambi” is an arranged shot which takes place off-camera. Hunting for Bambi has no real customers and has conducted no real hunts.
HOAX HINT: Paintball is a sport in which responsible, experienced participants observe proper safety precautions by wearing helmets, goggles, and other protective gear. Consider the legal liabilities of a business which allows its customers to fire paintballs at human targets who are prohibited from wearing any protection whatsoever, even goggles.
HOAX HINT: Real businesses — especially ones offering services costing several thousand dollars — display addresses, phone numbers, and other contact information on their web sites.
2) Purposely shooting at persons not wearing clothing, which provides some protection from the impact of a paintball. Playing paintball nude may result in significant bodily injury.

To verify Burdick’s comments, we contacted the company that hosts the HuntingForBambi website. That California company asked us not to use their name, but confirmed that they had actually processed orders for several so-called “hunts” in the past and they continue to get new orders in.

Burdick tells Sorrell: “The hunt you went on was exactly the 18th hunt. We have done 20 hunts since you, and we’ve booked one for Friday and Saturday.” Actually, the hunt staged for KLAS is the only one Hunting for Bambi has conducted. In response to complaints from Brass Eagle and others, Burdick suddenly announces that “the women being hunted will now wear protective eyewear.”
HOAX HINT: Asking a hoaxster whether he’s fooling you is a very poor approach. People who expend time, effort, and money
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