Bambi Blaze

Bambi Blaze


Bambi Blaze
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Now I know that several of the board members don't care much for Bambi, I understand your feelings but if you can put that aside for a moment.
And I know that several of the board members here already know this but the more that know the better the search chances.
I know everyone's wondered where I've been, and I do apologize for my prolonged absence from the forums & the slow updates.
The morning of September 18th will forever live in infamy in my mind and heart. On this day I was awakened at 7:00 a.m. by the doorbell, and was greeted by 3 detectives from my local Criminal Investigation Unit of the Sheriff's Department. They had received a report that I had been producing child pornography in my home. I was shocked & revolted by these charges. This sort of activity goes against all of my ethical & moral principles. The 3 detectives proceeded to conduct an invasive search of my home with my permission for any evidence of child porn production. Considering I had nothing to hide this was a much better alternative as opposed to them returning with a search warrant, and refusing to let them immediately perform the search would have implied guilt. During this entire 4 hour search procedure I gave them access to the member's section of my websites to prove that the allegations were malicious and false. To make a long story short I was completely exonerated of this disgusting charge.
This horrific event left me physically sick and emotionally wrecked. I'm still not completely over it as I have never been accused of a crime by anyone, law enforcement or otherwise.
The aftermath led to a sequence of events: Somehow my landlord found out about the accusations and immediately kicked me out of my home. This led to further emotional & physical distress along with an unexpected financial burden of finding a new place to live. These events were so brutal that it led me to consider & discuss with Dr Curvy the possibility of closing all of our websites. Instead of choosing that path we've decided instead to fight back.
Initially the detectives thought that the call originated locally, but after getting our attorney involved and looking into this we have since discovered that the false allegations were made via an internet telephone source that was manipulated to appear as a local area code phone call. Needless to say, someone online is trying to shut us down. We are currently working with the local law enforcement criminal investigation unit assigned to internet crime in order for them to bring charges to whoever was responsible for filing the false police report. Also, once the perpetrator(s) are identified our attorney will be filing a civil law suit on my behalf for financial losses, physical & emotional distress, and defamation of character. So whoever your are (if you are reading this) know that we are coming after you with every legal resource at our disposal.
I've had wonderful support from Dr Curvy, AirWolf, SapphireSnowFox, and another well respected member of our community who I will not name (he knows who he is). I am very grateful to each one of you. I'm also thankful to the rest of you for hanging in here with me and hope that after reading this you will understand why I've been absent, and production work slowed down so dramatically. It has literally taken me this long to have recovered well enough from this event so that I can share it with this wonderful community, and get back to work producing content.
A special note to AirWolf - although you've known what had taken place and just how awful it's been, you've been very gracious to have taken all the heat caused by my absence and I am forever grateful to you for this and many other things you've extended to me and Dr Curvy throughout this horrible ordeal.
If anyone has any credible information/proof that would assist us in pinpointing the perpetrator(s) please let us know - a worthwhile reward is being offered.
There's no law to stop people being discriminated against even if they've been cleared of child sex offences... A teacher at my old school lost his job after a girl falsely accused him of touching him up and even though he was cleared it was made clear to him that he will never be allowed to teach again. I've also heard about a woman who was accused as part of a malicious smear campaign and she was so bombarded with hate mail and death threats she had to leave the city she'd grown up in and start a new life somewhere else.
I can't say I've never criticised Bambi during those times that she goes without updating her website for more than a month, but if this is someone's idea of retribution for not updating then it's going too far, accusing people of child sex-offences can and does ruin lives.
Well first off she made a huge mistake by inviting the detectives in to search her home. We have a judicial system to allow search warrants. A search warrant proves there is enough evidence to perform a search and declare where and what they are searching for.
Secondly, I would suggest Bambi bring a civil suit not upon the "anonymous caller," but the police department or even her land lord, as there is no way short of a confession she can prove who called in. She can bring a civil suit stating the police department acted with reckless disregard for Bambi's image considering the minuscule evidence they had against her and it resulted in emotional distress, financial loss, and ultimately being kicked out of her home.
I can only think "Damn"...but I agree with Bellywolf
Agreed with Bellywolf. From what I'm reading from the post, it sounds like someone knows BambiBlaze and have issues with her. Aside from the laws, Bambi and her friends should look around in histories and circles, because the caller must have at least one motive behind the unlawful vigilance. But if the caller can do that, I think BambiBlaze won't be the only one getting hit, but that my insights, can't be sure if it would happen. It is surprise that the caller knows what is her real name and address, so either the miscreant is a hacker or someone close enough to know where she is and who is she.
Kicked out of her home for a crime not yet proven final? That is completely wrong constitutionally and humanly. Consider how I see in the way of order, Bambi should keep her residency unless the crime is proven true. If the crime was falsified, the landlord who banned her from her home will face charges like Unlawful Eviction (force a resident out of his/her home without regards of the resident's innocence and contributions to rent) and could eventually lose his position as Landlord.
Considering Bambi's, Airwolf's and Dr. Curvy's popularity, the caller, the landlord and the police department would also be charged for causing chaos in the internet.
In the end, the total cash paid for the crimes from the caller, the landlord and the police department would be "quite" high.
IMVU: JacquelynAlice09
I really hope things get settled soon.
Thats why anonymous calls/messages should be ignored.
I don't think anonymous calls/messages should always be ignored. There may be cases in which you fear the personal repercussions of making light on some activity. In this case, I don't think what I've said applies. In this case, I can only think of negative motives for retain anonymity.
I would agree with Bellywolf also. Bambi, denying low enforcement into your is most certainly NOT an admission of guilt. This is why we have a judicial system, as broken as it may be. Requiring law enforcement to have a search warrant is how 90% of the criminals in this country stay out of jail, so why shouldn't you use it to protect yourself when falsely accused?
But it's over and done with now, and I for one sincerely hope that they catch the person who send in the "anonymous" tip. I agree also with Auriga in part. If the cops can't come up with something beyond "Hey we got a tip..." as far as evidence, then they should not have shown up at your door to begin with. PERIOD. Grrr, I hate the law in this country most days, it keeps bad guys out of jail, the rich people rich, and the rest of us get thrown to the bloody wolves! Ok, rant mode off. We now return you to your regularly scheduled program.
PS: There's my full name whoever you are out there who started this snowball...go ahead and make a call to a local authority here in Austin, Texas. I promise that if cops show up at my door looking for ch1ld pr0n that you getting caught and going to jail will be the least of your problems.
That's the name of one of your enemies, and the reason you're trying to bait them, isn't it?
Sorry, but I really am stymied a landlord would do some shit like that, so making glib comments is my only defense mechanism.
I think the whole situation sucks pretty bad. That someone would do it, that they would make such an just kills me to know that someone sunk that low. I don't wish an allegation like that on anybody. I'm glad she cooperated and worked with the authorities; what else was she supposed to do?
It would've been seen as suspicious by someone if she hadn't cooperated, but the right to silence is there (for you lucky people in the States anyway) for a reason. Maybe the suspicious people would only have been in the police rather than public if she had refused entry.
I don't want to play down the angle of persecution as it affects her personally, but i am also worried that this sort of thing could go further. Presumably there are IP addresses on her server which can be traced to users.
I don't know much about the intricacies of the judiciary system, but I agree with JSK00 that I hope Bambi is able to get this all sorted out and they catch whatever asshole is trying to ruin her.
im am most definately concerned about this, but for a moment concider this, what if its not bambi they wan't shut down? what if this was step 1? what if someones out to abolish inflatoinists and drive us completely underground?
but then again, its probabbly an x-boyfriend or maybe the landlord himself. the point is it was to elaborate for a prank, someone has something against bambi and what shetands for!
Humans are weird yet facinate me so.
My guess is that if it WAS a prank, they had NO idea about what they were doing. They probaly thought it would be not taken seriously, she'd get a day of cops, and then nothing, Ha ha, lets all laugh. People often don't think about consequences, and whoever did that is probaly shocked that it got taken so far.
No, I would not want to live in a world without dragons, as I would not want to live in a world without magic, for that is a world without mystery, and that is a world without faith.
the point is it was to elaborate for a prank, someone has something against bambi and what shetands for!
I don't think it's a move to send us all underg
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