Ball Busting Girlfriend

Ball Busting Girlfriend


Ball Busting Girlfriend
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Ballbusting World

My Ballbusting Girlfriend

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Alright so i don't mean to add this thread in order to show off, i do have a reason for saying what i am about to say. I recently got my girlfriend into ballbusting, and felt it would be a good idea to share with everyone here because i know i always enjoyed reading about how guys got there girls to enjoy bb before i had my own girl that busted my balls.

So a brief history, me and my beautiful girlfriend (both of us being 19 years old) have had a great relationship going for about a little over a year now (the entirety of our relationship has been long distance since we started going out just around the time we went away to college which put us 3 hours away from each other unfortunately. during high school we had mutual friends but werent really into each other until the summer before college) during that year we saw each other very often at school and during breaks and we found that we were both extremely sexually compatible (we both love having sex...especially kinky sex)

We are great sexual partners for each other and she eventually told me she was into being spanked during sex, i on the other hand was dying to tell her about my ballbusting fetish but felt it would be way too weird to tell her about, so i kept it to myself for a long time, but i wanted to tell her about it so badly. There were so many times that i thought would be a good time to bring it up (especially since she was so into kinky stuff like being spanked...and damn did i spank her hard) but i never did cause i thought she would think i was a freak. Some of those times included we were joking around on my bed and i wouldnt let her get off the bed, so she jokingly said "i could so easily knee you in the balls right now" which made me go crazy inside but on the outside i reacted normally because my roommate was in the room and let her off the bed. Another time we were walking and i made a joke that she didnt like very much so she slapped me on the thigh to which she made the comment "i thought about hitting you in the balls right then but i didnt cause i love you very much" and i came so very close to saying "why? you didnt want to give me a boner in public?" (at this point in our relationship i had her rough playing with my balls...she would slap them lightly and i would get hard, but she didnt know i was into having them hit hard as a fetish. there was one point though where i asked her to hit them while i was soft until i got hard, which was one of the hottest things we did at that point)

So i had been bringing her up to ballbusting slowly but surely throughout the summer while we were together during our summer break, but was always too nervous to actually saw it. Meanwhile we were very sexual open and had even watched porn together. It was getting close to the end of our summer together and i had wanted to tell her about my fantasies at the beginning of summer so she could bust my balls all summer long, but i chickened out every single time. Until this one time when we started getting so close to each other that she admitted to me "you wanna hear something sick? i get really turned on by the fact that you one time broke the blood vessels in my ass when you spanked me so hard" (actually happened). so as a response to that i told her "you think thats sick? that one time you threatened to knee me in the balls because i wouldnt let you off the bed, i really wanted you to do that and if my roommate wasnt there i would have asked you to" and she resonded "really? thats so hot!" and as a little background history, the day before she had asked me what my favorite porn was to look at. obviously its ballbusting porn but i wasnt about to tell her that, i got all nervous and didnt know how to respond when she asked me, so this day i said "you know how you asked what my favorite porn is? well its when guys get hit in the balls by girls. and i have a lot saved on my computer." We then proceeded to watch some together, our first video being brother love's first time ballbusters the scene with carmen mccarthy. And she loved it! Her immediate reaction was "i want to try that on you!"

So she did, and man was it awesome! She punched me in the balls, she stepped on them, she kicked them, she squeezed them, she hurt them in every way possible and it was great. As time went on i slowly introduced her more and more into the ballbusting world, trying not to freak her out with it by bringing her into it too fast, but she seemed to love it so much that i couldnt introduce it to her fast enough. There was one time, the day i told her about this forum, that i had to go to take a shower, and while i was showering, she asked if i could bring her to this forum so she could look around while i was gone. Just the other day (we're both at school now) we were videochatting and we can see each others screens if we want through the program we use. I was looking at the ballbusting legends store and she could tell i was jacking off, so she asked what i was doing, and i told her, and she asked if she could see it. I sent her the link to the store and she started getting off to the previews on the site. She even told me today that she got off to that site on her own, i wasnt even there encouraging her. She did it completely on her own, without my encouragement. She truly enjoys busting balls and watching it happen in a sexual way. When we're both horny and talking to each other often she'll tell me how much she wants to kick and punch and step on my balls til im writhing on the ground and my sack is swollen. And after 7+ years of watching ballbusting videos and fantasizing about having my balls beaten in, i couldn't have asked for more. My girl is so into me, shes gorgeous, and she loves to bust my nuts, and i love when she does it. She was getting off while we were videochatting once and i shared my screen as i was watching a ballbusting video. Her face would light up every time the girl started punching the guys balls hard, and it turns me on like nothing else knowing that she'll get just as turned on when its her punching my balls that hard. We're currently trying to figure out games we can play that invovle her beating the shit out of my nuts for fun, and i cant wait for her to have me rolling on the ground holding my aching balls the next time we see each other.

Ha, so i got really turned on even just talking about this and thinking how awesome it is when she busts my balls, but the reason i typed this long post was to let the guys who dont have girls to bust them know that there are girls out there that enjoy it, and to let guys who are too afraid or nervous to tell their girl about their fetish, to just go for it. It took me nearly a year to tell my girl and now i wish i had told her the day we started going out cause it really has enhanced our sex life infinitely. So i hope you guys enjoyed hearing about that, and that maybe it can help you out in the future.


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Hey good for you dude! I have to say that from some of her comments she was into it all along and was hoping you'd ask her imo. You've got a natural there, don't let her go. It reminds me of vittoria


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Holy crap man, she is something else. My ex liked it, but she was too shy and embarrassed to really let herself go. I guess thats what happens when you are in high school. Glad those days are over with.

If nobody's perfect, and I'm nobody, am I perfect?


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I'd suggest trading shots in her pussy for shots in your balls. She seems to be into giving and taking pain so, why not? It only seems fair and I bet she likes it after a while :-). I bet you'll like it, too.


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Thanks for all the kind words. And in response to blubalz, shes told me she never even thought of it as something erotic, and that she never thought of doing it because she knows how much it hurts and sucks. But that once i told her how much i enjoyed it and we started trying it out she absolutely loved it from then on. I don't think shes all that into it when its not a sexual thing, like just an everyday hit in the nuts....or at least i hope so :-/

And in response to cracker, cuntbusting has actually come up between us. A little after i told her about my ballbusting fetish i asked if there was anything she was hiding from me that she was nervous bringing up and wanted to try, one of the things being cuntbusting and she said that there was no way she wanted to try that out cause that doesnt look like fun at all (i guess more groin pain for me! ) Though that doesnt really upset because im not into dishing out some shots to the pussy. But if she were into it and really got off on it, that would be a different story. But because shes not into it, i have no real desire to try it out. Besides, shes into MANY other kinky things that keep me happy, such as being spanked (hard), slapped, called dirty names during sex, and basically being dominated in the bedroom and taken advantage of in general. But lucky for me she doesnt mind switching roles and dominating me when she busts me.

I'm lucky enough that she'll be visiting me this weekend (which means my balls will be swollen rather large by sunday...and i cant wait) but i was talking to her and she might start an account on here so she can post stuff. So keep an eye on this thread in case she does decide to start posting, and she'll most likely post in here (and around the forum a little id assume) as one of us will probably give a little recap of our weekend for you guys (i know i always loved reading those kinds of things from guys who had genuine busting sessions with girls) She even told me she was ok with me posting online conversations we have about ballbusting that i think are decent enough (it was her idea actually) but sorry guys, no vids :-/


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thanks ! please do share your online dialogs!! thanks


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good luck with your journey.
Please let us know how it goes.


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go beyond slapping my pals. When in college I had a gf who obviously wanted to hit my balls (staring at them, making jokes, having taken karate, and so on); she was bitchy and I was only with her because I wanted to screw her. I was into ball busting (as a teen I busted my own) and it seemed like a perfect set-up: but with her treating me poorly (she had a tough childhood and really didn't like men) and not respecting me, I didn't want to let her hit my balls. She never knew how close she was to her dream --- I mean she never had and really, really wanted to do it --- if only she was a bit nicer. A shame, but no regrets.

Anyway, not hitting her genitals is a bit of a shame but just would have been icing on the cake (for me, anyway --- I want to try it and have found that those who like to give pain often like to get it, too --- for her, on her bottom, I guess). You "dominate" in other ways, so I'm sure that makes up for it.

Have a great weekend! I think you're a lucky guy!


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Hello, boys

I’m FatSmurf’s girlfriend. Yes, oh my god, a real girl is posting on a ballbusting forum. Anyway I realized that not a lot of girls post on here and that, well, some of the people claiming to be girls are a little unrealistic. Now that I see how much hearing real experiences from real people helps you guys out, I figured I would share some of my own. Have a blast.

So. FatSmurf (I feel absolutely referring to him like that, but I’ll make deal) and I have been dating for over a year now (one year, one month and three days to be exact, but who’s counting). Good sex has never been a problem for us. As he said in his post, we’re extremely compatible sexually and that is such a huge plus. His entire post was very true. He mentioned ballbusting one night when we were talking about what we’re into and, by the look on his face, he really expected me to be weirded out. He looked completely nervous about even bringing it up. As soon as he explained what it was and started showing me videos, I was definitely intrigued. No, this was not something I was into before. I have never in my life fantasized about kicking a guy in the nuts simply for my own entertainment. That’s now how I work. I’m actually a very nice girl outside of the bedroom. Anyway, he seemed so into that I figured it would be fun to give it a try.

Guess what, men? I loved it!

Usually my favorite part about sex is being taken advantage of. I like to be spanked, I like to be called names, I love being tied up and made into a complete and total slave. However, when handed the reins, I definitely have a good time with it. Ballbusting is the most fun I’ve ever had in sex (next to having an orgasm) and since it was introduced to me, I get myself off thinking about it all the time. I think my favorite part of busting my boyfriend’s balls is seeing the look on his face when I’m really getting into it. I can tell exactly what he’s thinking and it’s usually a mixture of “Shit. What is she going to do next?” but more so “I want her to touch me again right now.” Seeing all those different emotions playing out on his face is such a turn on for me and it always makes me want to work a little harder. I never expected bb to be as fun for me as it is.

There are a lot of things I like doing to my man’s nuts. I bite, kick, squeeze, punch, slap and anything else he wants. My favorite techniques are holding the balls in my right hand while punching with my left and squeezing his balls until he’s begging me to stop. I play this game with him where I’ll have a ball in each hand and squeeze them until it looks like he can’t take anymore. When he’s wriggling around trying to get out of my grip I’ll start counting down from whatever number I feel like and squeeze even harder until I get down to zero. He goes pretty crazy for that one. I love the feeling of total control I get when I’m busting his balls. Anything he has to say doesn’t matter because his nuts are mine and I’ll do whatever the hell I want with them. One of the best moments was when we were both standing up; I was holding his shoulders and I kneed him in the balls so hard that he actually had to take a step back, put his hands on his knees and take a minute to recover. It was a little disappointing because my knee didn’t bring him all the way to the ground, but it was satisfying enough. I like seeing how the little things I do can make him just keel over. He’s a tall boy and I’m a relatively small girl, so it’s an amazing feeling knowing that just one kick from me could take him down.

I’m going to visit him at school this weekend and I think everyone on this entire forum knows we are going to have a preeeetty good time. You’ll all hear about it eventually. I do have a favor to ask, though. We’ve experimented with a couple things, like putting a tennis ball in a sock and swinging it at him, putting a hair tie around his nuts to make them stick out, me kicking him from behind, him laying down while I’m standing, etc. It’s all been fun, but I’m relatively new to all of this and I’m always game for new ideas. I’d be up for trying mostly anything (EXCEPT CUNTBUSTING. Please stop suggesting that I’m going to like it. I will not.) so I was just hoping to get some suggestions as to what I can do to him this weekend. I’ll be bringing sneakers with me

I think I’ve said enough. Mostly I just wanted to introduce myself.
And baby, I love you. Can’t wait to see you.

bleep master

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..just wow!

my girlfriend still feels weird about ballbusting..

she does it from time to time but is not really enjoying it..

consider yourself as l u c k y!


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Lucky guy indeed.

Try spanking his balls with a flip flop shoes, he's going to like it.


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Ok, I hae a few things you can try:

1: You can play a game where he gets to eat you out and you get to control how you are being eaten out by communicating with him. Trick is words. You have to communicate with signals....naturally through his balls! So if you are sitting on his face, you can previously assign different things to each ball. So squeeze left means one thing, right another, and both together another. Obviously harder you squeeze the more intense whatever he is supposed to do

2: You should try the "nutcracker". Have him sit on the floor. You'll need to ties his balls up, either together or individually. You walk up between his legs with your butt on his face, standing. You'd need to wear so
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