Ball Bust Story

Ball Bust Story


Ball Bust Story
You Can Track Your Kids Anywhere, Anytime — But Should You?
Well, We’ve Entered The Fortnite Era At My House
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I had four kids in seven years and right about now’s the time when that little stroke of brilliant timing (or lack thereof) is kicking me in the ass.
My youngest is 13 (I just watched him eat twice since dinner ended. No. Wait. He here comes again…) and my oldest will be 21 in a few weeks (he believes that anything in the ballpark of that number gives him the green light to crack open beers in his room. Then throw the empties under his bed. Yeah. I may be down to three kids soon. I digress…) Throw in a 15-year-old (who spends more time grooming himself than his five family members combined) and a free-your-mind, what’s-the-big-deal, 19-year-old college sophomore (who has yet to meet a house rule that “makes sense” to her) and you can see why I’ve gotten a bit testy this summer.
I’ve got a crew of kids coming and going at all hours, eating incessantly, and displaying less-than-favorable teenage behavior, all while leaving a trail of clothes-dishes-wrappers-towels-slop in their wake. It’s making me see a shade of red which far surpasses the sunburn on my side boob. Somewhere in the dog days of summer, when I have tripped over my final straw of strewn sneakers, my testiness turns into rage.
When my good nature is taken advantage of – I won’t sugarcoat, I get pissed. I start to reflect on the good life I provide for them. Then I think about all the cooking and cleaning I do, as if I’m running on some sort of masochistic hamster wheel. Then I begin to fixate on all the things they don’t do (if only that damn dog didn’t don his invisibility fur all summer maybe, just maybe they would know he’s here!). Then, finally, when I realize my simple house rules are broken to the point of parental ridicule, well then? I become incensed.
Psycho Mom used to make an appearance during times like these. She’d rant and rave and carry on like a crazy woman and take away electronics and ground any kid in her peripheral and maybe in time she’d regain control for a little while longer. These tactics still work for the teens; I’ve duly hidden my boys’ X-box until their summer reading is finished and one kid’s already lost his phone for the entire summer for being a dum-dum. But as kids become older sometimes the game rules have to change. If you’re raising your young adults like I am (see my 5 tips from an earlier post), your kids are already making financial contributions to your household. It’s hard to ground a kid who’s driving around in his own car that’s insured by his own dollars. Tricky indeed.
So now Ball-Buster Mom pops by instead to take over the disciplinary reins. Example:
My husband and I recently took our two youngest away for the weekend, leaving the two young adults at home to proceed with their employment obligations, take care of the invisible dog and well, act like responsible young adults. Left behind with them was a litany of clear (VERY clear) instructions and expectations.
I won’t bore you with the details, but let’s just say that within six seconds of entering my home upon our return, the young adults were busted.
Friends staying over without our knowledge, approval or consent? Check. Partying like it was 1999? (Despite your insistence to the contrary, that one little bottle cap under the toaster oven screams otherwise, so…again) Check.
So the guilty were charged accordingly. Since they both used my home like a hotel room, they were each made to ante up the cost of one: $125 a piece.
As a receipt for their weekend play, they were given full disclosure and sage advice: Should it ever happen again they’d likely be charged quadruple that amount and would find themselves on the needy side of some pretty hefty finances. Last I checked, those student loans had co-signers on them. Just sayin’.
She’s probably going to put it aside and use it to get to Long Island in September when her high school reunion takes place. Then she’ll tell everyone this story and yuk it up with all her old friends who did the exact same thing back in the day.
This article was originally published on 12.3.2012

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So, I'm the 34 year old single mum of a 15 year old boy. I have been having fun with his bits for several years now. I've kicked him, punched him, kneed him, elbowed him, squeezed his nuts and I've ever dropped something into his balls before!
I've had to wake him up because he's been late for school before, and he just sleeps in his boxers, especially in the summer. So I've walked into his room, pulled the blankets off him and given him a little punch to the nuts to wake him up! It's so funny watching his expressions when he's trying to work out why his balls are hurting!
I've hit him in the balls in public before too! We have been sitting in Costa Coffee before, and I've just plodded his balls with my foot a few times! It's great watching him trying to act naturally. Another time, we were in ASDA shopping, and I 'accidentally' hit my son in the balls when he was looking at the CDs! He was trying to comfort his aching nutsack and act naturally at the same time, which was super funny!
I've hit him before when he's got into trouble at school. One time, I just made him stand in front of me in the living room, spread his legs and I kicked him really hard three times in a row, and then kneed him once, as punishment. Another time, he was in big trouble at school, and I unbuttoned his shirt and took it off, then unzipped his trousers and pulled them down to his ankles. I left him standing in front of me in just his black socks and light blue boxers. I then grabbed his balls and pulled him into my bedroom, made him lay down on the bed on his back and spread his legs. I tied his hands above his head, and tied his legs to the bed. I then punched his balls several times, and I grabbed and squeezed them really hard! I then jumped up on the bed, and kicked him in the balls a couple of times, and then I put my foot on his balls, and squashed them between my foot and the bed. It was fantastic to see his reactions when his balls were being punished, and he promised never to get into trouble in school again, just because he knew I'd punish his ballsack.
I've told my friends about hitting his balls before. I've told them some of the stories, and one of my friends said she wanted to try it out! So we arranged for her to come over to my house on a schoolday, and when my son got home from school, we made him stand in front of us in the living room with his legs spread. I held my son's hands behind his back, and my friend kicked his balls three times in a row! He was still in full school uniform, and he dropped to the floor and clutched onto his balls. We then made him lay flat on his back and spread his legs. My friend and I then stomped on his balls twice each, although there was a lot of laughter involved too!
Another time, my son and I had been invited by one of my other friends to go to their house on a Sunday for lunch. She also had a teenage son, slightly younger than my own. He was 13.
After a short while of us arriving, we got the boys into the garden and we tied them up to the fence next to each other. They were both just wearing a t-shirt and shorts. My friend and I took turns kicking, punching and kneeing each of them in the balls, and we also grabbed and squeezed the boys' balls, and I put my foot on my son's balls, and grinded them between my foot and the fence. It was very good fun seeing both boys in so much pain because of their weak little balls!
That sounds amazing Sophia! I do this sort of thing to my brother all the time! It's just so funny when he makes those noises and facial expressions, and I just love hurting his little balls! I think if I have children in a few years time I'll teach my daughter to hit boys in the balls for fun, as well as for defence! Do you have any tips for having fun with a boys balls?!
Yes I'm sure you have lots of fun with you brother's bits! I love hurting my son's balls, and it's the reactions he makes which make it so fun for me. Just the other day, I made my son get naked and then I hit his balls loads of times, and made him lay on the ground and then grinded his balls into the ground! It was so much fun watching his reactions when I beat his balls up!
If I had a daughter I would definitely teach her how to hurt boys!!
Tips I'd have, are mainly just to enjoy hurting your brothers balls, and the rest will come naturally! But try not to use the same techniques all the time, and try and dive into the unknown and use some other techniques on his balls.
For example, I've attached a clothespin to the tip of my son's willy before, which was very painful for him, but very funny for me! I once also put a ring around his willy, which kept him hard for longer, and also pushed his balls down, which was perfect to allow me to squeeze them really hard!
Feel free to PM me with stories :-)
Yes I really enjoy hurting my brother's nuts too!
Attaching a clothespin to the tip of his $%!@ sounds like a really cool idea, and I'll have to try that with my brother soon! What sort of ring did you put round him, and how did you get it? I'll have to try it as it sounds really fun, and really painful for him! Have you ever hurt your son's $%!@ instead of his balls?!
The clothespin on the tip of his willy was really painful for him, but really funny for me! Yes I have hurt my son's willy rather than his balls before! I've smacked his willy with a wooden spoon, and made him get erect and then smacked the tip of his willy with a table tennis bat! The ring I put around his willy was a stainless steel thing I bought, and it fitted nicely around his willy and pushed his balls down a bit, which meant they were far easier to squeeze!! Do you punish your brother's bits when he gets into trouble? I punish my son's bits when he does, and I make sure both his willy and balls pay the price!

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Posted by admin | March 11th, 2014
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My favorite cousin shared his steely marbles with me whenever I was extra special nice to him, so I was nice to him all the time. We had a lot in common. Sonny and I were four years old, and we both had baby brothers. Mama and Aunt Bernice got together once a week to sit around the kitchen table to gossip, drink coffee, and giggle while Sonny and I played and the babies drooled all over each other in the playpen. It was during a visit to my aunt’s house that Sonny and I decided to play in the cellar.
Their cellar was different from the basement under Grandmother Peal’s house, which had concrete walls and floors. My aunt’s cellar had a floor and walls of dirt. It smelled like the deep hole that Dad dug when he had to bury a puppy that died. Even though it had been a sad experience, I’d loved the smell of the damp hole in the earth.
Under our bare feet were lots of little stones. We tossed them to see if we could hit a nearby pail when my cousin said, “If you dare me to, I can pee right on top of that big rock over there.”
“Can too,” he replied, and he proved it to me. I didn’t think it was such a big deal, but Sonny, all puffed up with pride, said, “Pick something else for me to hit.”
“That thing,” I said, pointing to a board farther away. He took careful aim and again hit his mark squarely on top. That time I was amazed. “Who taught you to do that?” I asked.
“Come over here and I’ll show you how I did it,” he offered.
“Okay,” and I got up close to get a better look. My cousin’s “pappy” looked pretty much the same as my little brother’s. After Sonny performed his next trick, he said, “Can you do that?”
“Sure I can. Just watch me hit that baby rock right there.” I pointed to a nearby pebble, pulled down my flour-sack panties, and squatted over the target. I couldn’t see where to aim, so he knelt down to guide me.
“Not that way. Move this way, over here. Yep, that’s good. Now go!”
I let it go and everything but my target got wet. We thought it was so funny that we fell down on the dirt laughing and then took turns seeing what it looked like when pee came out of each other’s pappies. That’s what we were doing when my aunt opened the cellar door and yelled down the stairs, “What are you kids doin’ down there?”
Sonny yelled back, “I’m watching Betty pee on some rocks.”
I wanted to get in on the credit. “Aunt Bernice, I’m showing Sonny how I pee.”
My aunt flew down the cellar steps so fast I thought she would fall. She grabbed my cousin’s arm and smacked his bottom all the way up to the kitchen where she continued whaling the daylights out of him. He howled so loud it scared me silly. I stood frozen with fear and confusion, thinking, “Why is she spanking him? Is she coming after me next?”
I didn’t know what to do, so I just stood there with my pants around my ankles, hoping Mama would rescue me. Then I heard my aunt and my mother yelling at each other. They sounded mad, so Sonny and I must’ve done something wrong like messing up the dirt.
Finally, Mama came down the steps real fast and said in a quiet voice, “Pull up your panties, Betty. We’re going home now.” She got her purse, lifted Bobby from the playpen, told me to get my coloring book and crayons, and we left without saying goodbye.
Once we were in the car and headed for home, I asked, “Why did Sonny get spanked?” She didn’t answer, so I patted her arm and tried again. “Mama, why was Aunt Bernice mad?”
My mother took a deep breath and said, “She was mad at me because I wouldn’t give you a spanking, too.”
“Why did she want us to get a spanking?”
She didn’t answer right away but finally, said, “Well, because Aunt Bernice thought you and Sonny were playing dirty.”
“But he couldn’t help getting dirty because it’s dirty in Aunt Bernice’s cellar.” I wanted to show her that I had been more careful than my cousin. “See…I’m still clean.”
Mama smiled at me and said, “You sure are.”
Excerpt from Home for the Friendless . Hardcover available from the author.

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Hi everyone, I hope I'm not too late to the party! I'm mum to Luke, age 12 and Sophie, age 3. We have lots of fun targeting Luke's balls with punches, knees, kicks, elbows, smacks, squeezes, hitting them with objects you name it! Luke's reactions are so funny when he gets hit in the balls by either of us! I'd love to share more stories with you soon if you'd like
I love how you abuse Elliot's balls, Jess! Poor boy getting beaten up by his big sister! And Lisa, I love how you and Olivia "take care" of Liam by using his poor balls! I've read your stories and I love them! It must have been so much fun sleeping with Liam that night, though I doubt any of you got much sleep haha!
As for me, I have a 15 year old son called Josh! I absolutely LOVE hurting his balls! I love how they feel in my hands or under my feet as they're getting crushed!
After he got home from school today I dared him to see how long he could take me standing on his balls! He lasted a good 10 minutes, which I was impressed with, but I slowly added more weight until his balls couldn't take it any more! He was in his boxers which was even better as I could feel his balls getting crushed!
Another time back in September, just after he'd gone back to school, I remember it was a warm day. I told him I wanted to have some fun, which involved using his balls as stress balls. He put up a fuss but eventually realised he had no choice in the matter! I squeezed, squished and twisted his balls, as well as crushing them between my hands and digging my finger nails into them! It was such good fun and his reactions were so hilarious and cute!
I have more stories to share if you're all interested :-)
Hey Kim! Here's something from me and my son, Josh! One day earlier this month, it was really hot! First thing in the morning Josh came downstairs to have some breakfast. He just had his socks and boxers on. As he was pouring the milk onto his wheatabix I knelt down next to him and just as he noticed me, I grabbed a hold of his balls and started squeezing hard! Haha his reactions were great! He dropped the milk bottle, grabbed my wrist, doubled over and started groaning! "Ahhhh my balls. Please let go of my balls. Ahhhh". I loved the feeling of his balls getting crushed in my hand! After a few minutes I let go of his balls and he grabbed them and fell to the floor and curled up in a ball moaning! I teased him saying "don't worry Joshie, your balls are going to be ok!". After nearly 10 minutes, he was able to get up and go upstairs to eat his breakfast haha!
Then another day, I was in the mood for some fun. I asked him to lay on the floor and spread his legs. He asked why and I just told him I wanted to try something out. He seemed confused. I walked up to him and walked onto his balls and stood on them for about 5 minutes! I alternated the pressure with each foot, and I could feel his balls getting crushed between my foot and the floor! It was so much fun and his reactions were great! "Oh mum, my balls, oh please my balls!" haha! He had thin shorts on so I could really feel his balls getting crushed!
I wonder what will happen to our boys and their junk! Haha!
I've got loads more stories I'll share with you soon!
Hi everyone! I too LOVE hurting my son's balls! He is 14 and I've been hitting him in the balls practically everyday since he was about 7. I hit him as punishment but mainly for fun! It's so much fun hitting his balls haha! My favourite method is kicking and squeezing his balls! I also like punching, kneeing, pinching, smacking, elbowing, squishing, stomping and standing on his balls! His balls must be in constant pain! Haha poor boy! I'd love to hear more stories from you girls, and I'd love to share more stories from me and my son!

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