Bad Dragon Flint Dildo

Bad Dragon Flint Dildo


Bad Dragon Flint Dildo

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Designed by Pablo Stanley, Developed with love by

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Lowest ever price: $ 55
Highest ever price: $ 65

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Flint is a huge sensation. Designed in collaboration with Turbine through Bad Dragon Labs as our first ever Staff Pick, this toy's every detail is made to please even the most discerning of tastes.

From his pronounced, rigid plates that line his thick shaft, to his tantalizing steampunk studs and simulated foreskin, this uncut wonder truly is one of the Bad Dragon's most stimulating toys. Flint is both filling and fulfilling thanks to his many physical traits, with truly impressive girth that delivers intensity on another scale entirely.

Perfectly angled for g-spot and p-spot stimulation and textured on all sides, you're in for an unforgettable ride. For even more fun, try adding a cumtube to this fan favorite for a slippery new experience.

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Even the small version of flint is extremely thick, so think that I can just barely wrap my hand around it. The texture is very pronounced and very nice when inserted. So good. Only thing is that I wish there was a suction cup!!!
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