Backpage Therapeutic Massage Minneapolis

Backpage Therapeutic Massage Minneapolis


Лучшие оздоровительные центры и спа в Миннеаполис, Миннесота
Спа и оздоровительные центры Миннеаполис
4. Healthy Touch Massage and Wellness
11. Legitimate Kneads Therapeutic Massage
12. Massage Envy Spa Minneapolis Calhoun
18. Harmony House Therapeutic Massage
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Thank you for the amazing massage treatment this weekend! I was pain… free in my arms, wrists, and back at work today for the first time in weeks, and it was great. You are the best! Ещё
After such a great massage from you I have found that every time I g…et any new body ache I tend to proclaim "blah blah blah hurts, i need to go se Ellie!" Ещё for $15 OFF Massage Gift Certificates. Today! Small business Saturday! Get yourself some care for the holiday season:)
Lauren Anderson Just bought a gift!!! Yay!!! Massages for EVERYONE!!!
You guys! Small Business Saturday! I'm the smallest! $15 OFF ALL GIFT CERTIFICATES!!! Saturday only. For all of your favorite people! Including yourself:) Buy them on my website- just click on "buy gift certificates" and then you get MASSAGE. I think you're great, okay?
Located at Lake and Lyndale in Uptown.
Located at Lake and Lyndale in Uptown.
Hey! My 3:00 appointment cancelled today. Anyone wanna come and get a massage? Let me know asap:)
Are you super sore from being so super active this summer? Awesome! You should have a massage, I think:) Schedule online at
Need a gift for your Mama? Massage gift certificates!! Purchase online and I can email it right over to you!
$10 OFF...Valentines Special! Buy a gift certificate for your honey. Or, shoot, girl, buy one for yourself! Buy them online and I'll make sure it gets to you in time-- even if I have to bring it to you my darn self.
I still have some massage openings this week! Check out available appointment times here!!
Schedule online with Care Therapeutic Massage.
Schedule online with Care Therapeutic Massage.
Schedule online with Care Therapeutic Massage.
Christmas is hard. Come and get a massage in a warm, cozy room. None of your family will be there. $10 off regular prices through the new year:)
Provides therapeutic massage to people in all stages of life, disease, and wellness, promoting relief from pain and discomfort, helping each client achieve specific session goals and a greater sense of overall well being.
It's cold outside. You've shoveled twice this week. Your toes have gone numb. I'm guessing you could use a therapeutic massage. Just a thought. Doesn't that look warm and cozy? It is. It is warm and cozy. Make an appointment this week:)
What used to be "intuited" can now be seen. In vivo living fascial tissue is now viewable. It IS fiber optics baby! Used by permission of Jean-Cleaude Guimba...
What used to be "intuited" can now be seen. In vivo living fascial tissue is now viewable. It IS fiber optics baby! Used by permission of Jean-Cleaude Guimba...
What used to be "intuited" can now be seen. In vivo living fascial tissue is now viewable. It IS fiber optics baby! Used by permission of Jean-Cleaude Guimba...
The future is here, y'all. Cyber Monday deal! $20 off gift certificates! Today only! Purchase online.
Provides therapeutic massage to people in all stages of life, disease, and wellness, promoting relief from pain and discomfort, helping each client achieve specific session goals and a greater sense of overall well being.
Provides therapeutic massage to people in all stages of life, disease, and wellness, promoting relief from pain and discomfort, helping each client achieve specific session goals and a greater sense of overall well being.
Provides therapeutic massage to people in all stages of life, disease, and wellness, promoting relief from pain and discomfort, helping each client achieve specific session goals and a greater sense of overall well being.
I'm a VERY small business! It's just me. I couldn't be any smaller unless I was an adorable little mouse. Or a tiny kitten. But I'm not! I'm a whole human lady! Support me by buying gift certificates online! $20 off through monday!
Located in Uptown at Lake and Lyndale
Located in Uptown at Lake and Lyndale
Located in Uptown at Lake and Lyndale
Give yourself the gift of family members leaving your house for two hours and coming back in a better mood:) I have openings through the weekend!!
My mission is to provide smart and caring therapeutic massage to people in all stages of life, disease, and wellness, promoting relief from pain and discomfort, helping each client achieve specific session goals and a greater sense of overall well being.
My mission is to provide smart and caring therapeutic massage to people in all stages of life, disease, and wellness, promoting relief from pain and discomfort, helping each client achieve specific session goals and a greater sense of overall well being.
My mission is to provide smart and caring therapeutic massage to people in all stages of life, disease, and wellness, promoting relief from pain and discomfort, helping each client achieve specific session goals and a greater sense of overall well being.
Come see me today! I have openings this afternoon/evening. Work is hard. Get a massage. Book online.
You Guys! I have some massage openings this week- Book ONLINE!
$10 OFF all sessions and gift certificates until 2014. I have a heated table! And I'm a very nice lady!
Karin Ann Wish I lived in your area!!
Tonight I'm making bath salts! Not the crazy kind that makes you a scary zombie. The kind that relaxes achy muscles! In a bath! With lavender and other nice things:)
Hey you guys! I have some new available slots for massages! My table is cozy and heated. Let's make those achy shoulders feel better:) Book online at
I have a couple of openings for this Saturday or Monday! Come and see me! Book online at
My mission is to provide smart and caring therapeutic massage to people in all stages of life, disease, and wellness, promoting relief from pain and discomfort, helping each client achieve specific session goals and a greater sense of overall well being.
My mission is to provide smart and caring therapeutic massage to people in all stages of life, disease, and wellness, promoting relief from pain and discomfort, helping each client achieve specific session goals and a greater sense of overall well being.
My mission is to provide smart and caring therapeutic massage to people in all stages of life, disease, and wellness, promoting relief from pain and discomfort, helping each client achieve specific session goals and a greater sense of overall well being.

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