Backpage San Fernando California

Backpage San Fernando California


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tel. (818) 898-1200       117 Macneil Street, San Fernando, CA 91340
Your response matters! Together we count, together we make a difference!  LEARN MORE
The City of San Fernando’s award-winning and nationally recognized arts-in-education program!    LEARN MORE
Find all the current Request for Proposals (RFPs), Request for Quotes (RFQs), Notice Inviting Bids (NIBs), and Notices of Intent (NOAs). LEARN MORE
What types of development do you envision in Downtown San Fernando? LEARN MORE
What do you think about the Cannabis Industry coming to our city?  LEARN MORE
Learn more about the “Measure A” Local Transaction and Sales Tax.  CLICK HERE
The City of San Fernando is proud to provide the community with alternative sustainable fuel options. Visit one of our five Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Stations or our Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) filling station!  LEARN MORE
Get valuable information on public health advisories and help keep your family and community safe.  LEARN MORE
Updated listing of many of the completed, current, upcoming, and ongoing projects throughout the City of San Fernando along with contact information for the department that oversees each project.   LEARN MORE
The City Manager distributes a monthly report as a quick recap/forecast of City business to increase information flow so that the City Council, Commissioners, the City Manager, Department Heads and City Employees are well-informed on current and upcoming City-related issues.  LEARN MORE
Several San Fernando residents have reported that they’ve received calls from individuals impersonating agencies such as the City of San Fernando, the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (DWP), the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), among others. Don’t be a victim of this scam! No legitimate agency will ask for your personal information, or payment over the phone. LEARN MORE
Fireworks are Illegal in the City of San Fernando! Violators may be fined up to $3,000.  We now have two methods to report fireworks in progress: 
Check out our latest and greatest -- View What's New

© San Fernando City 2015 | All Rights Reserved.
Case Rate 1 Number of cases per 100,000 residents
Death Rate 2 Number of deaths per 100,000 residents
Keep current on all press releases distributed by the City of San Fernando.  LEARN MORE
The City of San Fernando does not oppose the concept of a high-speed rail network for the state of California; however, it does oppose any proposed route through San Fernando. The San Fernando City Council continues to urge the California High-Speed Rail Authority (CHSRA) to consider alternative routes. LEARN MORE
Alert San Fernando uses both text and voice messages to keep residents informed about emergencies and important issues. LEARN MORE
(non-emergency line)
(818) 898-1267

San Fernando ( Калифорния ) 2021: все самое лучшее для туристов - Tripadvisor
San Fernando - California USA - YouTube
City of San Fernando
San Fernando , California | Colony Wikia | Fandom
Сан - Фернандо , Калифорния - San Fernando , California - Википедия
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Ebony In Love Gallery
Scottsdale Escorts
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